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Checkmate 3: Playtime's Over

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by Tiece

  CheckMate 3

  Play Times Over



  Monty walked inside his office and sat behind the desk. He sighed with mixed feelings controlling his thoughts. He didn’t know whether he was coming or going. This thing with MiKayla had him tripping. He hated to leave out the house so early knowing that Candy had gotten up to cook him breakfast, but he had to pass on it. He just couldn’t bear the thought of having to look in her face knowing that what he was hiding would surely destroy them.

  He’d held his composure during his birthday dinner all day while they celebrated the New Year with a bang, but he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out.

  Thoughts of wanting to speak with MiKayla gnawed at him, but he couldn’t make himself call her. She hadn’t messaged him or called so he figured that she was still mad about the way that he handled the news about her being pregnant. He knew that sooner than later they had to talk because there were some very important decisions to make. However, he had to carefully think out his next move or things could end up worse than what it already was.

  Monty could hear the lobby doors opening downstairs. He wasn’t expecting any clients so it had to be either Rico or Maurice since the office was officially closed the day after New Years. He sat silently for a moment listening as Rico finally appeared in his doorway. They both looked at each other and chuckled.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Monty asked. “You know we’re not open today.”

  “Damn, that was the same thing I was about to ask you. You couldn’t sit home either, huh?”

  Monty looked over at him and sighed. “I got too much shit on my mind, man. I don’t know how the hell I controlled myself yesterday.”

  Rico grinned. “I’d have to say that those Tequila shots helped you with that. Man, you were taking them bitches back to back.”

  Monty shook his head. “You were the one who said if all else fails get drunk and let’s just say that all else failed.”

  “I did say that, but I didn’t say get wasted.” They laughed.

  Monty frowned a bit while holding his stomach. “I’m feeling it this morning too.”

  “You look like it.” Rico confirmed as his thoughts reverted to yesterday’s events. “Have you thought about what you’re going to do about MiKayla being pregnant? If she keeps the baby you will eventually have to tell Candy.”

  “My mind is racing with thoughts. I don’t know how to begin to unravel them. For the first time in my life I’m confused as hell. How do I tell the woman I love that I have another woman pregnant? This thing between us was supposed be over months ago.” Monty looked over at Rico. “I thought you were the only one that would be foolish enough to get yourself caught up like that, not me.”

  Rico shook his head. “Damn man, you just gon’ treat your boy like that?”

  Monty grinned. “Nah Bruh, my bad.”

  “Now you see how that shit feels don’t you?” Rico asked.

  “Yeah I do and it’s not a good feeling. You know what’s so strange about this though?”

  Rico looked at him. “What’s that Bruh?”

  “I love MiKayla too?” Monty confessed.

  “Huh,” Rico responded. “Did you say that you love MiKayla too?”

  “Yeah I did, because I do love her. I can’t say that I’m in love with her, but I do love her and would be mad as hell if I knew she was fucking around with another dude.”

  “Damn, you got it bad then.” He responded while turning his attention to his ringing cell phone.

  “Hello.” He answered.

  “Can you talk?” Monica asked.

  “Yeah,” he looked over at Monty who was off in his own thoughts. “I can talk. What’s up?” He said getting up. He covered the mouth piece of the phone.

  “Aye, Bruh, I’ma take this call, but if you need me I’ll be in my office.”

  “Thanks Bruh, but I’m good.” Monty stated.


  Rico walked down the stairs and into his office. “What’s up Baby Mama?” He asked with a grin on his face.

  “Nothing much, Baby Daddy,” Monica responded. “I just wanted to know if you were having second thoughts about the other night.”

  “Naaah,” He paused. “I ain’t having second thoughts, but I don’t want no shit outta you.”

  “What do you mean?” She asked.

  “Don’t play on my intelligence Monica. You’re not stupid by a long shot and playing the game dirty is what you live for.”

  Monica sighed deeply. “I’m not like that anymore. I keep trying to tell you that.”

  “Okay so let’s think about this for one moment. You’ve done a lot of cutthroat shit. I can’t just forget that overnight or ever for that matter.” Monica felt bad as she silently listened. “I don’t blame you for the other night, because I came over to your place to fuck. I just can’t help but to feel like it will come back to bite me in the ass.”

  “Rico, you’re Aiden’s father and I wouldn’t want to hurt you like that again. I respect the man that you are turning out to be, but I can’t help that I have feelings for you too. No, I’m not going to come between you and Mona. I can smile in her face and have thoughts about fucking you behind her back.” She grinned.

  He couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. “I bet you can.”

  “I’m serious. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me. I told you when we first spoke over the phone that I want you to see who the real Monica Hunter is and I meant that. I’m a laid back person and I can be rather funny at times.”

  He smiled. “I know,” he said thinking about her earlier comment.

  “And I have a heart, believe it or not.”

  “Monica, I can see that you’re a very caring person. I’ve been watching the way you are when I’m around you. You certainly don’t half step when taking care of our son and I’m appreciative that he has a mom like you. I also must admit that I enjoy your humor quite a bit.” He stated causing Monica to smile. “So, what’s up? I know that ain’t all you called me for.”

  “I just had to call and make sure that things were good between us.” She said.

  “Like I said earlier, it’s a part of me that’s still a little skeptical, but since you insist on being good then I’ll have to take your word for it.” He responded.

  Monica parted her lips to say something, but hesitated a bit unsure of his response. “Um, do you have a little time to come over?” She asked. “If you don’t I can catch you later. Plus, I would totally understand.”

  “I got some business to handle this morning,” he said. “It’s just not the best of timing, but I’ll catch you later.”

  Monica felt sad, but played it off. “Like I said, I totally understand and we’ll chat later.”

  “A’ight, cool,” Rico stated and hung up the phone. He sat for a moment then got up to go take Mona some breakfast since she was still asleep when he left the house. He wanted nothing more than to feel Monica’s warm and juicy insides, but he’d rather be in the driver seat this time around.

  He yelled upstairs to Monty. “Aye man, I’m outta here. I’m taking my baby some breakfast.”

  Monty was quiet, but then responded. “A’ight, I’ll probably stick around here for a while.”

  “Do you want anything while I’m out?” Rico asked.

  “Nah, Bruh just go take care of my sister.” He responded. Rico opened the lobby doors to walk out just as Candy was walking in. She had a plate wrapped in aluminum foil in her hand.

  “Hey Rico, what’s up?” She asked as they stood in the door.

  “Ain’t nothing, Candy. How are things going with you?”

  “It’s going great.
I just stopped by to bring my baby some breakfast since he was in a rush this morning.”

  “That’s sweet.” He responded. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. I want to surprise him.” She said while stepping inside the building as Rico stepped out.

  He smiled. “I’m actually headed to pick my baby up some breakfast.”

  Candy smiled. “Aww, tell her I said hey and I’ll be over to see her later.”

  “I will.” Rico said as Candy closed the office doors behind her and he walked in the direction of his car. She then headed into the restroom to make sure that she was looking cute for her boo.

  Rico sat in his car and wondered if he should call Monty, just to give him a heads up that Candy was there, but just as he dialed the number his mother intercepted by calling him.


  Monty sat in his office contemplating what he’d say to MiKayla when they spoke. He thought about Candy and how he’d have to break the news to her. He was sick. Thinking about continuing this charade wasn’t going to work. Candy would definitely be able to sense that something was wrong with him and demand the truth. He felt defeated already and knew that telling the truth now rather than later would be better for all of them. He picked up his Blackberry and called MiKayla.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “What’s up babe? What are you doing?” He asked.

  “I’m just eating ice cream and watching Friday.” She responded. He could hear in her voice that she wasn’t mad at him anymore and that made him feel a little better about the situation.

  “I’d like to apologize about the way I acted yesterday. I should have been a little more considerate and I’m sorry.” He said.

  “I understand that I caught you off guard and I only wish that the timing was better.” She responded. “I didn’t plan on this though, and I don’t want you to think that I did.”

  “I’m not thinking much of anything right now or then again maybe too much of everything.” He cleared his throat. “I am honestly still at a loss of words. I just wasn’t expecting this.”

  “I can understand.” MiKayla responded.

  He spun his chair around, looking out the window behind him. The wind was blowing and the atmosphere gave off a misty feel with gray clouds coating the sky. “Well, can I come over, because we need to talk?”

  “You know I don’t care about you coming over. Just call first because that nosey sister of mine is stopping by and I don’t want her in my business.

  Monty laughed a little. “Okay baby, but it’ll at least be an hour.” He looked up thinking he’d heard a noise, but shrugged it off.

  “Aye, before we hang up, did you tell her that you were pregnant yet?” He asked.

  “Nah, I decided against it, at least until I go to my doctor’s visit.” She responded.

  “Okay I understand.”

  “I’ll see you later,” MiKayla said. “Don’t forget to call me first so I can make sure that she’s gone or getting ready to leave.”

  Monty grinned. “I won’t babe. I’ll see you in a lil bit.” He said and hung up the phone. He sat there mulling over the outcome and how he’d handle this. Talking to MiKayla instead of arguing was the best way he felt the situation could be resolved, even though he already knew that she was not going to agree to having an abortion.

  As he turned his computer off, he heard the lobby doors open. He didn’t hear anyone downstairs so he stood up and walked over to his door. He didn’t see anybody from his view and figured that Rico must’ve just left.

  His thoughts quickly went back to MiKayla.

  Maybe I should go on over there right quick before Deb gets there. Nah, I’ll wait. He decided to sit back down, laying his head on his desk.

  Ten minutes or so had passed and it seemed like hours to him. He wanted to call Candy, but the sound of her voice only made him feel worse. So he picked up his phone and called MiKayla again.

  “Aye tell your sister to stay home, because I’m on the way over.” He said.

  “She just called anyway and said she’ll come tomorrow, because company had just arrived to her house.”

  “Good, I’ll see you in a few.” He got up and grabbed his Sean John leather coat. He made sure his system was shut down and quickly headed down the stairs.


  Candy sat inside her car out in the parking lot around the corner from Bank’s Realty. She attempted to leave, but had made a pit stop as her eyes filled with water. The conversation she’d overheard rang in her head.

  Who in the hell was he talkin’ too? Calling this chick baby… She sighed from thought after thought. Pregnant, I just know I didn’t hear him say pregnant. She sat already feeling the disappointment. No matter what he would say from this point on would be a lie and she knew it. She felt it.

  “Why the hell didn’t you walk in there and demand to know who he was talking with?” She hit the steering wheel feeling betrayed yet again as she questioned herself. She sat in her car not knowing what to do. Going back to the office would have been easy but she knew that there would be some furniture moving if Monty looked her in the eye one more time and lied.

  She put the car in drive and decided to go home to think things through before she went in on him. As she eased out of the parking lot, Monty drove by. Her heart dropped, but instinct kicked in and she immediately trailed behind him while keeping a low profile.

  Where is he going? She thought. She followed closely but staying out of his sight then she could see him turning into a neighborhood not far from where he worked. So she pulled over to the side of the road to wait. There was only one way in the neighborhood and one way out and if he stayed longer than ten minutes then she would drive through the neighborhood and find him.

  Eight minutes had passed and she couldn’t wait any longer. It had been eating at her to sit there that long. She put the car in drive and drove through the neighborhood. It didn’t take her long to spot Monty’s navy blue Tahoe glistening with the 26’ inch rims. His vehicle was parked next to another familiar looking vehicle that caught her attention but her heart was pounding so hard until the thought blew right past her.

  She decided that she’d park on the side of the road across from the house that Monty was at while she debated calling him. After dialing his number and quickly hanging up, she decided to just get out and knock on the door. She didn’t have anything to lose at this point. Monty was up to no good and she was going to find out with whom.

  She stepped out of the car, her hands shaking like crazy. She got to the door and froze because she remembered where she saw the car at. It was the same car in the parking lot the day she caught Monty at the office with MiKayla. Her heart seemed to skip a beat while she struggled to catch her breath. She was hurt standing there, her knees were about to buckle to the ground. She didn’t know what to do. Adrenaline began to pump through her veins and somehow she managed to knock on the door, followed by ringing the doorbell, then knocking harder on the door again.

  Monty looked over at MiKayla. “I thought your sister changed her mind about coming over.”

  MiKayla stood up to go to the door. “She did unless her company left as fast as they came.”

  “Aren’t you gonna put some clothes on?” He asked.

  She laughed. “Hell, my sister has seen me in less clothing than boy shorts and a tee shirt.” As she got closer to the front door the doorbell rang again and the knocks got harder and louder.

  “I’m coming!” She yelled opening up the door.

  Candy stood there speechless. All that knocking and ringing and now nothing; she felt overwhelmed and ashamed while staring face to face with the archenemy. She didn’t know what to do. It was like an outer body experience and she was on the other side watching herself stand at another woman’s door looking like a fool. She couldn’t even move her lips, but inside she was screaming to the top of her lungs.

  MiKayla stood there half naked in a tank top
and boy shorts with a disheartened expression. She could clearly see the devastation in Candy’s face, but she was just as shocked to see to her standing there. Since it seemed that no one was going to say anything after a lifetime had gone by, MiKayla decided to break the ice.

  “Monty, someone is here to see you.” She called out not taking her eyes off of Candy.

  Monty got up off the sofa. “Who is it?” He asked thinking that it had to be Rico, because he was the only one that knew about him and MiKayla and where she lived. He couldn’t see Candy right away because MiKayla was blocking his view, but as he got closer and MiKayla backed away from the door his heart sank down in the bottom of his shoes. The look on his face was priceless as he stood there face to face with Candy.


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