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Checkmate 3: Playtime's Over

Page 5

by Tiece

  “But nothing,” she cut in again. “I’m keeping it real with myself even if you’re not keeping it real with yourself. This relationship is not going to work with you being in love with two women. You can’t have your cake and eat it too because all the damn cake is gone. Your greedy ass ate it too fast. You need to do some soul searching. I know we’ve been through this before but the truth of the matter is that you will never lay in my bed or stick your dick inside me again unless I’m the main chick. With that being said, you know your way out. Oh and leave the key on my kitchen counter.” Monty felt bad, but he knew that MiKayla was right.

  “So it’s like that?” He asked as if he was making sure that she was certain it was over.

  “Yep, pretty much,” she responded. “We’ll still do business together, but this… me and you are over.”

  “Well why did you come into my sister’s room today and show your ass if this was already planned?” He asked.

  “I don’t know, to be honest. I wish I had some kind of real explanation for you, but I don’t. It was just a spur of the moment thing, nothing thought out at all.”

  “Spur of the moment thing, huh?” Monty hated that shit with a passion because that incident put the icing on the cake. He knew that Candy would never forgive him for allowing MiKayla to disrespect her like that. “Okay so if you want it this way then I’ll leave,” he said removing her house key off of his key ring. “I’ll leave this right here.” He placed the key down on her end table.

  Monty stood up and walked to the door. He thought she would come behind him but she didn’t. She did glimpse at him, but she didn’t look too hard because he definitely had a way of making her reconsider everything she had just said. He took his time opening the door but still she never came to stop him. So he finally walked out not once looking back. He got inside his Tahoe and closed the door behind him.

  A thought of MiKayla’s beautiful face replayed in his mind. A part of him wanted to go back inside her house and beg for forgiveness, but another part of him knew that it was best to leave it be. He was saved again, because she could have been pregnant by him. Luckily she wasn’t and he had to thank God for that one.

  He backed out of the driveway and left MiKayla’s house. He honestly didn’t know if it was for good this time, but at least for right now this was how things were going to be.


  “So Baby did you know about this shit?”

  “Baby, I just found out about this myself.” Rico said.

  “But I bet you knew about Monty and that bitch still messing around.”

  “I ain’t got shit to do with that. Monty is a grown ass man. I can’t tell that man what to do.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” Mona said. “Y’all will take up for each other.”

  “Baby don’t stress yourself over this. You just had a baby. You should be talking about motherhood and trying to get as much rest as possible.”

  Candy looked over at her. She’d been quiet after having to reveal the events that had taken place that morning with her, Monty, and MiKayla.

  “He’s right Sis. You shouldn’t even be concerned with any of this. After she barged in her like that she left me no choice but to explain what had happened this morning, but please for now just let it go.”

  “I know Sis, but the bitch was about to make me ask her what was the problem.” She snapped.

  “Baby, what did I tell you?” Rico asked.

  “Listen to your Fiancé, Mo. He’s right.” Mona rolled her eyes at Rico. “Come on now. We’ll catch up after you’ve settled down next week.”

  “But, Candy it’s a lot for you to deal with and I know you’re gonna need someone to talk to.”

  “Well, if it gets that bad Mo I promise to pick up the phone and call you. Trust me, I’m fine.” Candy assured her, but inside she was truly hurting and trying to figure out how the hell she was gonna move on.

  “I think I’m gonna go on home Sis, but I promise to be back up here.”

  Rico’s phone rang and he looked down at the caller id. “It’s Monica.”

  “I knew she’d find a way to rain on our parade.” Mona interjected.

  “Bae, don’t act like that,” Rico commented then answered his phone. “Hey Monica, what’s up?”

  “Hey Rico I just called to tell you that I had to bring Aiden to emergency room because he keeps crying and is running a fever of 101 degrees.”

  “When did he get sick?” Rico asked. Mona just looked in his direction wondering what the hell kind of lie Monica could possibly have going on now.

  “It started this evening with him acting annoyed and messing with his ears. Then he started whining and crying. I felt his lil body and he felt warm so I checked his temp.”

  “What hospital are you in?” Rico asked. Oh Lord, thought Mona.

  “Trinity, but we’re in the emergency room area.” She responded.

  “Okay, I’ll be down there shortly.” Rico confirmed.

  “Okay, but if we’re not out front just ask for me,” she said.

  “I will,” Rico responded and they ended the call.

  Mona looked at Rico. “What the hell is going on with Miss Needy?”

  “She said that my boy is running a 101 degree fever. He’s messing with his ears, crying and shit.”

  “He probably has an ear infection. Poor baby,” Candy commented.

  “I’m sorry to hear that he’s truly sick, because I know that baby mama bitch of yours will lie in a minute to get you to come around. Nevertheless, I sure don’t want anything to be wrong with lil Aiden.” Mona felt a little bad because she was wrong about Monica for a change. “I hope he’s alright.”

  “Yeah me too,” Rico said. “I’ma head on down to the first floor and go around to the emergency room. That’s where they’re at.”

  “Okay baby, and call me so I’ll know how Aiden is doing.”

  “I will and I’m coming right back. I won’t be gone long.” He said walking around and kissing Caylin on the head. “Don’t be falling in love with my baby.” He teased Candy.

  “Too late buddy,” she grinned, laying Caylin up on her chest. “This lil girl has plenty of people to spoil her.” They laughed as Rico kissed Mona lightly on the lips. “Please don’t stress yourself out about shit that doesn’t concern you,” he whispered.

  “I won’t,” she said.

  “And Candy girl, make sure my fiancé doesn’t get upset over yawl’s girl talk. The doctors are trying to regulate her blood pressure.”

  “I totally understand Rico.” Candy said with a smile as he exited the room.

  “He is something else.” Candy stated. “But, I’m just gonna stay until he comes back.”

  “Okay, that sounds good to me,” Mona responded. “Now back to this bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, I hate that lil Aiden isn’t feeling well, but I declare his mama is always lurking somewhere close by. I’m telling you, I just don’t trust the bitch.”

  “I can totally agree with you on this. I’ve never liked Monica and still don’t. She is not a person to be trusted and I hate that Rico has gotten tied up with her.”

  “I’m hoping that he at least knows how she is and don’t let her come between us.” Mona said.

  “Girl Rico loves you. No one is gonna come between y’all. The dude asked you to marry him.” Candy reminded her.

  “You’re right,” she agreed. “But, don’t forget that Monty loves you and look at the dumb shit he pulled. I mean, this nigga has a baby on the way by a trick he hardly knows.”

  “Please don’t remind me. That shit pisses me off and the way she charged in here was like she wanted me to bust her head to the white meat. I’m gonna do some research on this bitch. I wanna know who she is and what she’s about.”

  “You know I’ll help you too. I wanna know what she’s up too and why she has my brother so gone.”

  “Please don’t say that he’s gone over her. Shit makes me wanna throw up.”

  “I’m sorry Sis.
Please don’t pay me no mind right now. I got too much on the brain.” Mona explained.

  “Okaaaaaaay… All jokes aside how has things been going with you and Monica?” Candy asked.

  “Things aren’t so bad. She actually called yesterday and wanted us to spend time with lil Aiden. I tell you I really do love that juicy pretty baby.” They grinned. “He is adorable and I can see a resemblance between him and Caylin already.”

  Candy looked in Caylin’s little face. “Why you’re playing, I can too.” She agreed.

  “It’s just that Monica is so unpredictable. You wanna take her kindness for something sincere, but honestly you can’t. I’m not sleeping on her ass. She is one that I’ll have to watch at all times.”

  “I can’t blame you for that.” Candy said. “I should have been watching Monty a little bit more, but fuck it if he wants to do something he’ll do it anyway.” She kissed Caylin. “You’re already hearing things that your lil ears aren’t supposed to know about yet.” They laughed as Catherine walked into the room.

  “What are you girls grinning about?” She asked.

  “Men,” Candy said standing up to give MJ a kiss on his lips.

  “I should have known.” Catherine said.

  “I thought Monty had him.” Candy asked.

  “He was sleep so I told him to leave him alone.”

  “Well, I’m sorry I left you out there so long. I was supposed to have been gone.” Candy said.

  “It’s okay because I had to leave anyway. MJ and I went to the house. I forgot his baby bag and he was having a fit for a bottle.”

  “Awww, Nana left my baby’s bag home.” Candy said in baby gibber. “Tell Nana don’t be leaving your food home, because you will act up some kinda bad.”

  “Honey who you telling,” Catherine said. “You know I know.” They laughed. “How is my little sweet Caylin?”

  “She’s good and just as sweet as she can be. She hadn’t opened her eyes yet. That’s what I’m waiting around on.” Candy commented.

  “I’ve only saw them once so you might be here for a while.” Mona grinned. MJ started whining and reaching for Candy.

  “He ain’t jealous is he y’all?” Catherine asked while laughing.

  “Oh yes he is with his fat butt.” Mona commented.

  Candy laughed and handed Caylin over to Mona. “Come on big boy.” She said reaching for MJ as Catherine handed him over. He laughed, deep dimples showing and all as she playfully kissed him on the cheek.

  “Candy aren’t you starting school soon?” Catherine asked.

  “Yes, my first day is February 13th. I’m so excited about going, because I really need to get myself together.”

  “I’m so happy for you and I will keep MJ every day for you if I have too.” Catherine said.

  “Thanks Mrs. Cat. We don’t know what we would do without you.” Candy smiled. “By the way, I’m going to see my mama in the morning.”

  “Tell Nancy that I said Hi and that I’ll come see her in about two weeks. You know I enjoyed our conversation over the phone this morning. I don’t know how they get cell phones in there but when there is a will God will make a way.”

  “I know and that was the same thing that I said.” Candy agreed. “She called me right before I left the house this morning. I didn’t talk to her long, but she said she’ll call back tonight.”

  “It’s just wonderful that you can just about talk to her whenever you get ready now.” Mona said.

  “I know, but I’m just hoping that they don’t find her cell phone. You know mom tells me don’t worry about it and I told her that she has become quite the little thug.” They laughed.

  “I mean yeah… even the way she talks now is a little too hip for the old Nancy. I’m like do it Nancy. She is so on another level and I love it.” Catherine said.

  “Yeah she uses words that I never thought she’d use and she loves to curse now.” Candy commented. “She would curse before but now she really puts on a show.” They laughed while Candy zipped up MJ’s jacket. She made sure that his Baby Gap wool skully was tight on his head and covered his ears. She handed him to Catherine and put her trench coat on and buttoned it up.

  “Oh his medicine is home on my dresser. Since I’m staying the night here you can run by there and just use the spare key under the rug and pick it up.”

  “Yeah, he needs that. Plus, it helps him sleep and I ain’t tryna be up all night with his lil fat butt.” She responded.

  “It did help me out last night because he only glimpsed at me when I changed his pamper and went right back to sleep.” Catherine explained.

  “That was good Mrs. Cat.” Candy said. “That lil stuffy nose of his had been keeping me woke all night.”

  “I know but he’s breathing better today. He doesn’t sound clogged up at all now.” Catherine said kissing MJ on the cheek.

  “Thank goodness, because I hate when my baby be sick.” She said. “Well, Sis I will see you in the morning before I go see Mama.”

  “Okay, and be careful out there. I saw on the news that the rain was headed our way.” Mona reported.

  “Yeah and it supposed to be pouring. Like ninety percent mixed with snowflakes,” Catherine added.

  “Don’t worry we’re all bunched up and cozy. I’m heading over to my house first anyway because Dee called and said she should be there by this evening. I hope she’s back because I miss her.” Candy said reaching for MJ . “Come on big boy.”

  Catherine kissed him on his cheeks. “Nana loves that baby,” she said.

  “We’ll be going now, but I’ll call you later Sis.”

  “Bye big head MJ.” Mona teased as they laughed. “You got somebody you can play with now.” Mona said. MJ yearned.

  “He’s sleepy I,” Candy said. “He don’t wanna play with you tonight since he sees you with another baby.”

  Catherine laughed. “He’ll get used to her.”

  “He betta or I’ma burn them lil fat thighs if he put his hands on her.” Mona said. Candy playfully rolled her eyes.

  “Leave my baby alone now.” She said kissing Mona on the jaw then kissing Caylin. “We’re outta here.” She walked over and kissed Catherine on the cheek.

  “Y’all please be careful,” Catherine said.

  “We will,” Candy responded while she and MJ exited the room.


  Rico held Aiden in his arms as he and Monica sat out in the waiting room waiting to be seen by a doctor. Aiden seemed sleepy but the whining from the pain in his ear stopped him from getting any rest.

  “I know this is bad timing with Mona upstairs and all. I would have gone to another hospital if I’d known she was having the baby here.”

  “Nah, don’t feel bad about it. Actually this made it easier for me to be able to come see my lil man and make sure I’m still here for my princess.” He said. Monica smiled but inside it hurt a little that Rico and Mona had had their baby. She wanted to come back to town to be with Rico in hopes that they could raise Aiden together, but reality quickly set in the moment she found out that Mona was not only with Rico, but pregnant with his baby.

  Rico looked down at Aiden. His lil eyes were puffy and his nose was running. “My lil man is sick.” He said making Aiden smile a little.

  “Well, I meant to tell you congrats on your daughter,” Monica said. “What’s her name?”

  “Caylin Amani,” Rico answered.

  “So now you have a son and a daughter. I guess you’re finished now?”

  “Nah, if my wife wants more kids then I’m down.”

  His wife, Monica thought. “Alright… look how you got Aiden. You could have you another one the same way.” She jokingly grinned.

  “Nah, I promise you that won’t happen again. I’m engaged and no matter how many times we get down I’ll be strapped up every time.”

  “So you mean to tell me that you wouldn’t want to feel this warm drizzle without a hat on your head ever again?” She teased. Rico grinned thinking t
o himself that Monica was really cute when she clowned around.

  “Quit being so nasty girl. We are in the hospital with our son.”

  She laughed. “You know you like it.”

  “Can’t say that I didn’t,” Rico teased.

  “Aiden Mack,” the nurse called out. Mona and Rico stood up. “Y’all come on back and let’s see what’s wrong with this handsome little one.” Rico walked ahead of Monica. From the outside people would think that they were a beautiful couple, but what they didn’t know was that his fiancé was upstairs and had just given birth to his daughter. Monica hated that shit with a passion, because she wanted Rico all to herself and by any means necessary.


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