Checkmate 3: Playtime's Over

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Checkmate 3: Playtime's Over Page 7

by Tiece

  “You telling me,” he responded. “Pussy that makes a nigga wanna kill somebody over it should be illegal.” Karen laughed.

  “You know this shit was just as good to you too nigga.”

  “Naw the hell! Its good but it ain’t that fucking good.” They laughed.

  Karen got a little serious for the moment. “Hey I do want you to know that I never meant for that shit to go down between you and Bruce. If I had known-”

  Rico cut in. “I know that you didn’t have anything to do with it. I knew it had to be a set up from the start. I always thought it was something off key about your girl, but I didn’t think it was that serious.”

  “Hell me either. I knew that she had a little jealous streak in her but I looked over it because we’d been girls since forever.” Karen shook her head. “That bitch got me though and because of her I will never trust another bitch like that no more.”

  Rico sipped from his vodka and cranberry juice. “Hell, who could blame you?” He looked at Karen and smiled. “Your hair looks good.”

  “Thanks,” she blushed.

  “I’m surprised you cut it that short. You remind me of Fantasia with that style.”

  “You’re just looking at my lips.” She grinned.

  “Yeah, those too,” he said.

  “I know because I’ve had a few people say that my short cut and my thick sexy lips definitely remind them of her. I ain’t mad at that.”

  Rico grinned. “Hell, me either. Stand up and le’me see if that ass is like hers too.”

  “You know my ass is so much thicker. Don’t act like you don’t know.” She teased.

  “Oh trust me, I know.” He grinned drinking the last of his drink.

  “I would like to see you tonight, but I actually have a date already.” She grinned.

  “Oh so it’s like that?”

  “Yeah, it’s like that.” She stood and straightened up her off shoulder gray sweater. It loosely fit her hanging right below her butt. The black skinny leg jeans she wore were tight fitted and Rico could clearly see her butt sticking out from underneath her sweater. Her high heel gray rider boots gave her a little height and Rico was turned on by her optimism.

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” he said.

  “No need, babe. Finish your drinks.” She said while putting on her black leather coat.

  “I was leaving anyway.” Rico responded. “I think I’ve had enough.” He stood up and grabbed his jacket. Karen walked ahead of him.

  “You know if I wasn’t already meeting my new guy friend tonight then I would have to take you down through there and back.” She said.

  “If I wanted you to ditch your plans for tonight you know you would so don’t play me.” Rico said as he walked Karen to her black four door BMW 535I Sedan. Karen laughed. “I see somebody is being good to you.” He said looking at her car.

  “That someone is the reason why I’m not getting with you tonight.” She said. He laughed because he never asked to get with her, but her confidence in feeling like he would have had him intrigued.

  “You’ll find you one with bread won’t you?” He asked, opening the driver door for her.

  “You know how I do,” she commented. Rico swiftly walked up on her. The faint feel of his breath felt warm against her skin as he leaned in rubbing his nose lightly on the back of her neck. He inhaled the sweet smell of Pure Seduction oil. She smelled sweet enough to eat. She felt wanted and it made her tingle inside.

  “You know you wanna see me don’t you?” He whispered. She trembled knowing how bad she wanted him. “Don’t you?” He asked again.

  “Yes, I wanna see you, but…” She reluctantly sighed trying not to let him break her down. She knew she was only playing hard to get, but playing hard to get was getting incredibly harder by the minute.

  “But nothing,” Rico commented. The smell of his Chanel cologne was getting to her.

  “Boy, you stood me up the last time anyway.” She playfully said. He grinned in her ear.

  “I told you I’m sorry about that.” Sorry coming from a man always seemed so sincere, but from her past experiences it was just a pleasant sound of bullshit in her ears.

  “Rico,” she whispered. “This would have gotten you somewhere any other time, but not tonight.” She tried to turn and sit down in her car but Rico wrapped his arms around her waist. The feeling of her soft ass rubbing against his dick was a nice tease. She took in a deep breath from the warm kiss he placed on her neck.

  “Okay I’ma let you have that tonight.” He quickly said. “But the next time.”

  She turned and placed her fingers on his lips. “Shhhh…” She teased back and turned to get inside her car. “You know we’d gotten quite close back when we were messing around. I’m still the same person. Hit me up if you ever need a non-judgmental friend.” She said. Nothing else was said between the two of them. He smiled shutting the door up for her and slowly walked away.

  In his mind he knew that she would have given in, but it was a part of him that was glad that she didn’t. He knew how Karen felt about him, but he didn’t feel the same way. All he wanted to do was fuck. Just like with Monica. Even though she was hella cool and was the mother of his child all he wanted to do was fuck her too.

  Mona had his heart and she was the one who he wanted to be with. He couldn’t understand how he could love Mona so much, but would still cheat on her. It was something that was just in his nature. He could clearly see why Monty was the way he was. Hell, they couldn’t help it.

  As he sat in his car he decided that he would go back to the hospital instead of finding trouble so when Mona awakened he would be there for her.


  Candy pulled up to the Metro State Prison and parked in an empty visitor spot. Her heart was still heavy from catching Monty over to MiKayla’s house. The thought of them having sex and now being connected with a baby was overwhelming. She remembered having a crush on a Monty ever since she could first remember seeing him and all her life she had plans of someday making him her man. Now that she’d made her dreams come true it was ending just as fast as it began. She knew the only way she could get over this was to suck it up and let it go. She had heard over the years that if you love something set it free and if it returned it was yours and if it didn’t; it never was. Hell, she thought she had set him free back when she moved to Atlanta, but evidently the quote had no truth to it because it wasn’t even a year later and his ass was gone again.

  She sighed listening to the lyrics of Walk Away by Paula Deanda. The thought of another woman making Monty happy wasn’t something she would have ever felt she had to worry about. She didn’t feel that no one would ever be able to make him feel like she did. She knew that her love was genuine.

  Who’s gonna love him like me? She thought.

  She looked in the rear view mirror at her face. Her eyes looked a little puffy but Dee had a trick for that. She applied a dark shade of mineral based Sheer Cover foundation on Candy’s face with a duo concealer under her eyes to cover the traces of heartache. She also dressed her eyelids with a touch of light green eye shadow which complimented Candy’s Anne Taylor light green, cowl neck, long sleeve sweater.

  “Mama shouldn’t be able to tell that something is wrong with me.” She said batting her eyes in the mirror. She reached inside her black leather Gucci purse feeling for her cherry Korres lip gloss she had bought out of Sephora. While rubbing on the silky lip gloss and looking in the mirror at herself she could see the tears trying to form.

  Where is this coming from? She thought. She knew exactly where it was coming from, but somehow she had to suppress the wrenching thoughts that just wouldn’t leave.

  “Get it together Candy”. She coached herself. “Hell, you got a son with this man. You’re gonna have to get over it sooner or later and the sooner the better.”

  I’m gonna have to find a way of talking to him without allowing my feelings to get in the way. She thought while getting out of the car. She look
ed down at her black, stretch, skinny leg jeans. She brushed off a spot of white powder from the donut she’d eaten on the way. She tugged gently on her UGG Classic tall light green boots making sure that they were closest to her knees.

  A gentle breeze was blowing and a little snow was stuck to the ground. It really wasn’t as cold as it looked, but she made sure that she was covered up. Now wasn’t the time for her to get sick. She took her cell phone and turned it off while popping the trunk on her car. She placed her purse in the back of it and patted her pockets to make sure that she had a small bit of cash on her along with her ID.

  She walked toward the gate’s entrance trying to feel happy about seeing her mom, but the seductive thoughts of how Monty fucked her that night was taking over. Getting him out of her mind was proving to be easier said than done and hopefully talking to her mom would shed a little light on her situation.


  Monty was at the office early. He didn’t get any sleep after his love session with Candy. All he could do was think about her. She was heavily weighing on his mind, but he knew it was nothing more he could do to get her back. He had to give her time and maybe one day she’d come around.

  Maurice walked by and tapped on Monty’s door. “What’s up my man?” He asked.

  “What’s going on Maurice?” Monty spoke. “I’m just chilling and ready to get in work mode.”

  “I feel you. That’s why I’m here early. I have some property I need to check out.”

  “I’m going out later myself. It’s an office space over on Washington Road down by the Master’s that I’m gonna go look at.” Monty stated.

  “Yeah, I had forgotten about that. The property being sold by Winter’s Realty right? The mama daughter duo,” he said.

  “Yes I’m meeting with, Susan, the infamous daughter of Elaine Winters.”

  “Susan Winters,” Maurice said. He smiled at just the sound of her name rolling off of his tongue. She is a bad ass!”

  Monty laughed. “So what’s the deal with her?”

  “What’s not the deal with her is the question.” Maurice commented. “She will only deal with Brokers. She doesn’t care to meet with the person who is buying the property. She just wants it sold.”

  “I wonder why that is?” Monty asked.

  “I honestly don’t know. You know it’s hard to say. Her mom, on the other hand, doesn’t mind who she meets to make a sale.”

  “I guess that’s why they’re now the number one Realtor Company in Augusta.” Monty responded. “And now our competition,” he added.

  “Well, I’ve met her mom, Elaine, and she’s cool as a fan. She attended the New Years Eve party last year that Davidson Realty sponsored. She is just as beautiful as her daughter and quite comical if you ask me.”

  “I’ve only saw pictures of them on their website and from what I can see they are both sexy as hell.” Monty commented.

  “I haven’t personally met Susan, but I know quite a few men who were trying to snatch her up.”

  “You say that like she’s hard to get.” Monty said.

  “The only thing I know is that she was once linked to Barry Davidson.” Maurice stated.

  “That’s Barry Davidson the third, right?” Monty asked. He’d done more than his research in getting to know who was who and he knew that Barry Davidson was the grandson to the senior himself that owned Davidson’s Reality. Davidson Realty was the second most profitable realty company in the area and that also made them his competition.

  “Yeah, that’s him. The young millionaire is doing his thing in this business.”

  “I’ve heard,” Monty said already aware that he and Barry Davidson III were around the same age and that people would already be watching closely to see how these two would square off. “So anyway, what happened to them? I mean, why are they not together anymore?”

  “Barry got too many women to just be with one.” Maurice said. “Susan is a beautiful woman, but that doesn’t stop a man from cheating if that’s what he wants to do. Just ask me, I know.” He said thinking of his past relationships and not being faithful.

  “Well, I guess you can ask me too,” Monty said thinking of Candy and how wrong he’d done her.

  “You may as well get ready because this industry talks and just like Barry broke Susan’s heart and they knew about it; they’ll be digging in your personal business too.” Monty grinned at his comment. “Face it man, you’re gonna turn out to be a celebrity in this business. You’re young and starting out as a Broker with his own company. People are already talking about you and wondering what your next move is going to be.”

  Monty grinned. “That shit is funny, dude. I didn’t think I was that important on someone’s list of people to talk about in this business.”

  “You can’t be serious. You’re a twenty-four year old man who stepped in the game unexpectedly. We hadn’t even heard of you until we heard about your company opening. Man you just don’t know; you started a lot of buzz around town. People started Google searching you.” Maurice grinned.

  Monty felt good about this, because he wanted to make a name for himself as long as it was good.

  “To be honest, I was surprised to hear that you’d gotten in there so quickly with Susan.” Maurice said.

  “Her assistant was the one who called to set this meeting up. The man that supposed to be buying the property is undecided and Susan thinks that I can seal the deal. I’m not sure how she figured that when we don’t even know each other but you know I’m on it. I love a challenge; especially one that involves money. I’ll have this shit sold today.” They laughed.

  “It’s nothing like making a quick six digit lick.”

  “Tell me about it,” Monty commented.


  Monty drove over to 127 Hartford Lane where he was about to set up and make a substantial amount of money. All he had to do was speak with Susan to see where things stood with the sale of the building. He would find out more about the potential buyer from her. He had only an hour difference in between meeting Susan then the buyer. He didn’t know how well the meeting would be with Susan but being a charmer was in his blood. He knew it would work out to his satisfaction no matter which way it went.

  He thought about Candy and wanted to at least explain to her that MiKayla wasn’t pregnant. There were no thoughts that she would immediately take him back, but he did know that this information would somehow make her feel a little better.

  He dialed her number, but she didn’t answer. He left her a message when the voicemail prompted him to.

  “Uh hey Babe, I need to talk with you about something important. Call me back when you get this message.” He ended the call. His thoughts kept finding their way back to Candy no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on something else. He knew he had to get his head back in the game because this wasn’t him.

  He pulled into the parking lot of the building that he was going to be doing the negotiating on. Already he could see Susan’s white BMW 760Li parked in front of the building.

  “Clean and Classy,” he said pulling up behind her. The back of her tag read Spoiled4. He grinned while turning his ignition off and getting out of his Tahoe.

  Spoiled, huh? He thought to himself. He walked up to the building and opened the door. “Susan,” he called out.

  “I’m in here,” the light sweet voice responded. Monty followed the voice around to the open space of the building. Susan was standing behind the bar. Monty walked closer to her as she stood there smiling.

  “Hello, I’m Susan Winters.” She said with a big smile.

  “Hi I’m Monty Banks,” he responded reaching out to shake her hand. The feel of her hand against his was smooth to the touch.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said. “Oh excuse my manners; I would offer to fix you a drink but the bar is a little dry today.” She teased. He grinned.

  She has a sense of humor and she’s beautiful, he thought. Cool…

  “Maybe later I can t
ake you out on a friendly business meeting and drinks will be on me.” He said. She blushed at his soft proposal.

  “Cool,” she responded. He admired her light and fluent southern accent. She walked from behind the bar approving of his style. She quickly peeped out a hint of his Sean John buttoned down, evergreen shirt that was showing underneath his v-neck, smoke gray Sean John sweater. He had on the Sean John smoke gray slacks and a pair of Polo Ralph Lauren ‘Lander’ Boat shoes. He was dressed for business but in a casual way.

  She smiled flinging her medium length dark brown hair from over her right eye. “You look nice,” she said still looking him over.

  “Thanks and so do you,” he responded while admiring her deep brown eyes and her petite shapely figure. She had a resemblance to Jessica Alba; an innocent and sweet appearance that was charming. She wore a nice black blazer over a tight fitted black Blac Label sweater dress that was a few inches higher than her knees. She had on a pair of matching black pumps with the red bottom and held onto a small leather Gucci handbag under her arm. He couldn’t understand how Barry could fuck up with such a sweet woman, but then again how could he?


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