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Checkmate 3: Playtime's Over

Page 10

by Tiece

  “I can’t wait,” Mona said. “Dee, if you don’t get your butt over here and give me a hug I know something.”

  Dee grinned and walked over. “Hey Mommy,” she said hugging Mona around her back. “I missed you girls.”

  “Aww and we missed you too. I’m so glad you’re back.” Mona took a quick glimpse around. “Where is your cousin?”

  “She’s coming. She said that she had to soak a little bit and to apologize for her being late. MJ and I decided to leave without her.” She said.

  “And where’s my fat man?” Mona asked while making her way into the dining area.

  “His lil fat butt has already fallen asleep. Miss Cat laid him on the bed inside the guest room.” Dee explained.

  “I love this cake y’all.” Mona said. The cake had white icing with two pink and white beautiful booties on top of it for Caylin. The words read Welcome Home Caylin and Mommy… Mona started to feel emotional as the tears began to fall. Catherine rubbed on her back. Mona was a little too choked to speak at first as she held her head down and wiped her tears.

  Monty came walking through the door, late, and the first person’s face he looked in was his mama’s. He could read her lips.

  Where have you been?

  He smiled at her then immediately walked up to Mona. “For once I’m proud of you big head girl.” Mona smiled and hugged him. She didn’t see him at first, but his presence was needed at that moment. Joe walked over and Monty eased out the way so he could warmly hug her too.

  “Congratulations,” he whispered then stood back by Catherine’s side.

  “Thanks Joe,” she said then turning to address everyone else. “I should have known something was up but y’all got me this time. The stop over to Mama Mack’s house seemed strange only because of the reason, but what was even stranger was her pulling up in the driveway behind us right after we’d just left her.” Everyone laughed.

  She batted her eyes trying not to cry again. Watching Rico stand over by Caylin, who was still snuggled in her car seat, gave her a dreamlike feeling. She was really a mother and engaged to the most thoughtful man in the world. She looked around at the people who were always there for her no matter what and she smiled. Only one person was missing, but she never doubted that she would show when Candy came walking through the door.

  “It’s me,” she said appearing around the corner wearing a green Juicy Couture cargo tracksuit with the hoodie. She sported the green and white shell toe Addidas that matched perfectly.

  “And on time,” Mona said with a smile. “Bring your late butt over here.”

  Candy grinned and walked over to Mona, giving her a hug. “Sorry I’m late.” She whispered.

  “As long as you’re here is what matters,” Mona whispered back. “Now as I was saying before my dear Sissy walked in late.” She grinned. “I would like to thank each one of you for being here for me in one way or another. It definitely has made an impression that will last for a lifetime. I have the love and respect from a caring man and father to my daughter. He is thoughtful and I truly know that he loves me. To my mother, who is my everything, I love you and to Mama Mack I already know that you’re gonna be a lifesaver.” Everyone laughed. “To Candy and Dee; two of the realest chicks I know. We gon’ party like it’s 1999 when I get well!” Rico frowned.

  “That’s right Rico, don’t be looking like that.” Candy said as laughter filled the room.

  “And to my brother; I know that no matter what you got my back and even though you make me sick I love you so much.”

  Monty grinned. “Okay Miss Grammy Award winner,” he teased.

  “Yeah, she had a speech and all didn’t she,” Candy said before she knew it, looking in Monty’s direction. They stared at each other for moment listening to the faint laughter from everyone around them. It seemed as if time had stopped and they were the only ones in the room. Monty had to snap back. Candy’s stunning appearance had him gone for minute.

  “Yeah, I was waiting for her thank God next.” Monty responded just to keep the tension clear.

  “Oh yeah,” Mona said as if she’d left someone off her of her list.

  “You done started something, bruh.” Rico said.

  “I would like to thank GOD because he is the reason for my being here and my daughter as well. Oh and thank you Joe for making Mama happy,” she quickly added. “Now I’m finished.”

  “Well I hope so,” Candy mocked making Dee laugh some more.

  “Food is in the kitchen and it was prepared by Miss Cat and Mama.” Rico said. “So dig in and take some leftovers because we aren’t gonna eat all that food.”

  “Yes, please take some to go.” Mona agreed.

  Dee headed straight for the paper plates. “You don’t have to tell me that twice.”

  “Me either, Cuz.” Candy responded and followed her into the kitchen. Catherine was already in there fixing her and Joe something to eat.

  “Miss Cat, my fat baby must be sleep?” Candy asked as Monty walked in and stood behind her.

  “Yeah girl… He didn’t waste any time downing that bottle and as quickly as he drank his milk he was falling asleep.”

  “That sounds like our lil man,” Monty cautiously responded.

  “Yep, it does.” Catherine said as she and Joe exited the kitchen with their plates in their hands.

  Monty looked Candy over with a smile on his face. “You look good in anything that you put on.” He said. “And you smell so good.” She smiled not once thinking of traveling down a harsh memory lane.

  “It’s called Pink by Ed Hardy. I’m almost sure that this guy by the name of Monty Banks bought it for me.”

  “Oh yeah,” he said as if questioning her.

  “Yeah,” she responded while now fixing her food.

  “Aren’t you gonna fix me a plate?” He teased.

  “Nah, I’m not that woman anymore.” She stated. Monty knew what she meant, but he was hoping that the night would be tension free.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it.” He remarked. She searched the cabinet for some aluminum foil. “Are you leaving already?”

  She looked at him. His presence was very strong in the room with her and she knew that it was very easy for her to get sucked back in. She stared into his small tight eyes. He looked as if he’d been burning for hours, but it was the sexiest look of all times. His fitted Atlanta logo navy cap was pulled down very close to his eyes, but it didn’t stop him from staring through her soul. All he had to do was find that vulnerable place she was keeping locked away and use his key to unlock the doors to get in. She loved him with every being of her body, but she didn’t want him to know that it was even that serious. If he knew then he could surely break her. She was determined not to let that happen again.

  She found the foil and tore off a piece of it to wrap her plate up. She kept her back turned to Monty because it was hard as hell to look at such a fine, good looking brother and not give in to anything he asked of her.

  He leaned down close to her ear. “I miss you like crazy and I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I know that sorry isn’t gonna cut it this time, but please believe me when I say that I mean it from the bottom of my heart.” Candy was feeling the urge to fall weak, but she held her ground.

  “Is that it, Monty?” She asked. “Are you done with your sweet nothings?”

  Monty was disappointed. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy. “Yeah, I’m finished.” He responded.

  “Cool,” Candy said as Mona walked into the kitchen to join them.

  “Candy Gurl are you leaving already?” Mona asked.

  “Yeah Sis,” she said. “I’m sleepy. You know I didn’t get much rest last night after waking up so early to go see mama.” Monty just looked at her. He knew another reason why she didn’t get much sleep, but his lips were sealed. It was obvious that she wasn’t talking about it either.

  “I feel ya, Sis. Go get you some rest. Mama is keeping MJ tonight anyway.” Mona said.

  “She told me
when I called her earlier today. At least I get to lie down and calm my spirits in peace.” She looked at Monty and quickly turned her head. He had the most handsome face to her. How could she possibly sit around him like that? It was much too much and so she decided to leave. “Sis, and baby daddy,” she said. “I’m outta here. Tell Dee I’ll meet her back at the house.”

  “I will and drive safe.” Mona said. She knew that Candy was helpless and getting out of the house from around Monty was the best thing for her to do. Monty started to walk her out.

  “No, I’m good,” Candy assured him.

  “Yeah, she good big head,” Mona said helping Candy escape. “Didn’t mama just call you?” She asked, but knew that she didn’t hear shit.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Monty said. The sad look in his eyes hurt Candy, but she knew that feeling sorry for him wouldn’t do either of them any good.

  “Okay,” she said and hurriedly walked out of the side garage door.

  The cold night air seemed to be biting and she was trying to get to her car fast as hell. She had parked by the curbstone and had a small hill to go down before she hit the road where her car was parked. Her Addidas gripped the driveway as she made her way down it. She carefully held her plate so that she wouldn’t drop it and no sooner than she could make it down the hill and onto the road, a small hole tripped her and she fell to the ground twisting her ankle.

  “Damn,” she said. Her plate fell out of her hand but it was wrapped good and nothing fell out of it. “How the hell did that happen?” She asked looking around. She was embarrassed, but felt good about no one seeing her.

  “I think you tripped over that hole.” Brendon said as he appeared to be standing over her out of nowhere.

  “Wow,” she said trying to straighten her foot out. Her ankle was hurting too bad for her to feel embarrassed now.

  “Le’me help you up,” he said reaching down for her hand. His deep, but gentle tone calmed her spirits and she reached up allowing him to embrace her hand. He held her small hand in his and lifted her up off of the ground. She pretended that she was alright, but her ankle was killing her.

  “Are you alright?” He asked. The street light shined just enough for her to get a good look at him and he was definitely getting a good look at her.

  “Sure, I’m fine.” She responded with a smile while dusting her backside off.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” He said picking up her plate off of the ground. It was something about her sexy smile that made him take interest.

  “Do you still want this?” He asked.

  “Hell yeah… It’s wrapped up tight so I know nothing got in it.” They looked at each other and laughed. His handsome face looked familiar, but she didn’t think much of it at the moment.

  He handed her the plate. “Are you leaving?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’m a little tired. I had a long night and a short morning if you know what I mean.” She responded with a smile.

  “I believe I do. Well,” he paused a bit. “Maybe I’ll see you around.”

  Hopefully, Candy quickly thought. I wonder who this sexy thang is. She wondered.

  “Uh-huh, maybe we will see each other again,” she commented and with that, she walked off. She attempted to put a little pressure on her foot, but it hurt. Brendon could tell that she was hurt, but she managed to keep it moving like a soldier.

  She hit the unlock button on her black BMW 750. Brendon smiled because she looked jazzy and drove a nice ass ride. That was a plus in his book. She opened her driver car door and looked back at him with a smile.

  “Thanks for helping me.” She said.

  “Anytime beautiful,” Brendon responded. She blushed from his comment. He was sexy and on point. He wore his fitted logo cap pulled down just like Monty wore his most of the time. Something about his presence seemed mysterious which was worth looking into. She knew that he was going into Rico’s house so one of her girl’s would have more information for her the next morning.

  Brendon wasn’t the least bit worried because he felt the same way she did. She was coming out of Rico’s house so he could get whatever information he wanted to get on her at some point in time.

  As she sat in her car letting it warm up her eyes met with his again as he stood to the front door looking back at her smiling.

  Damn, he is really something else, she thought. He only looked away when the door opened. Rico greeted Candy’s mystery man with a handshake and a hug.

  Could that be one of Rico’s friends? She questioned herself, but as he walked inside the house behind Rico, she pulled off. She had never had thoughts of any other man other than Monty. He was someone who truly had her heart entirely, but that could possibly change. Her thoughts reflected on her mystery man gently pulling her up off of the ground.

  Oh what a night. She thought.

  “Damn Candy, you coulda got his name.” She spoke to herself. “Don’t worry, I’ll have it before noon tomorrow.” The confidence she felt was through the roof and she could take those thoughts home and sleep peacefully with the mystery man on her mind.

  As soon as Brendon appeared from around Rico’s back Catherine squinted her small eyes and shrieked out with excitement.

  “Bren is that you?” She asked.

  “Yep, it’s me Aunt Cat.” They met each other and hugged tight. Catherine wrapped her arms around her nephew.

  “You could have called and we would have been looking out for you.” She said looking him over to make sure that he was in one piece. He reminded her so much of Monty. The only differences were that he was a little taller and lighter skinned. His narrow hazel eyes were the exact replica of Lynn’s and he had jet black curly hair unlike Monty who loved being clean cut and waved out.

  Monty smiled at him because he was happy that he made it. “What’s up Cuz,” Monty said walking over and slightly hugging Brendon.

  “Ain’t nothing, Cuz.” He responded. Mona walked out of Caylin’s bedroom where she had laid her down inside her pink bassinet.

  Rico smiled. It was good to have one of the boys back in the circle.

  “Ma, please tell me that this ain’t Bren.” Mona said while looking Brendon up and down.

  “Hm-hmm… that’s him. Can you believe he finally made it here after all this time?” Catherine asked. Mona walked over to him and hugged him. She was just as happy to see him.

  “Man, it’s good to see you.” She said. “Why didn’t you bring your sister with you? I woulda been overjoyed to see her.”

  “She tied up in love right now so nothing is pulling her away from Houston; not no time soon.” They laughed.

  “I know the feeling,” Mona responded winking at Rico. He blushed inside. “Look at him Ma with his Mohawk.”

  “I see all that pretty hair on his head. They make those Mohawks fresher nowadays.” She said. “I definitely like it on you.”

  “Thanks Auntie,” Brendon said. “I’m just trying something different for the time being.”

  “Well it definitely fits you,” Dee said. She’d been watching him from afar and once she had found out enough about him it was time for her to ease her way in.

  Brendon looked over at her. She was cute, he thought. She had her hair cut like Fantasia and it was beautiful on her. He smiled at her.

  “Thank you,” he responded.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m Dee, a friend of the family.”

  “And I guess you know now that I’m Brendon, but you can call me Bren for short.” He said.

  “Okay Bren,” Dee said smiling from ear to ear at this handsome ass man standing in front of her. “It’s nice to meet you.” She reached out for his hand to shake. Brendon responded by shaking her hand softly but he didn’t feel any sparks nor was he looking for any. She was indeed sexy, but he’d had his run with plenty of fine women before. He wanted something different. He needed something different.

  “Nice to meet you too,” he said. “Where is the baby?” He asked turning his attention away from De

  “I just laid her down, but you can go in the room and see her.” Mona said.

  “Nah, I’ma let her sleep and I think I’m gonna take it in for the night.” He said.

  “You taking it in for the night better be over to my house,” Catherine demanded.

  “I’m headed there now,” Brendon said. He knew that after talking with Monty he had to cancel his reservations at the Ramada because Catherine wasn’t going to have it.

  “I’m actually headed home myself.” Monty said. “You can follow me.”


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