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Checkmate 3: Playtime's Over

Page 12

by Tiece

  “I don’t now,” Brendon commented. “We called it off like six months ago. Don’t get me wrong she was my ride or die chick, but it didn’t work.”

  “What happened?” Monty asked.

  “She figured that because she stuck with me through everything including the cheating that I should marry her after being together for a couple of years.” Brendon shook his head. “I wasn’t and still ain’t ready for marriage. Even though I was with her and I did love her, but committing to her that deep didn’t feel right due to the circumstances and how we even connected.”

  “Damn,” Monty responded.

  “And she was what any man would love in a woman. She was funny, thick as hell in all the right places, very cute and was down for whatever.” He grinned as memories of their love sessions clouded his mind. “I mean whatever!” They laughed. “She left me once she saw that I wasn’t going to ask her to marry me. I can’t get mad at her though. If she wanted more then I’m sure it’s plenty nigga’s out there that would give her just that.”

  “What’s this chick’s name?” Monty asked.

  “Trina,” Brendon responded. Monty shook his head and smiled as if just the name Trina was enticing and he could visually see her. “Yeah, she’s everything you’re picturing.” They laughed.

  Monty stood up. “I need to go shower. We got some things to do this morning. I don’t need to go to work smelling like Endo.” They laughed.

  “Yeah I need to do the same thing.” Brendon commented.

  “The good thing about working for yourself is that you don’t have to worry about piss test.” Monty added.

  “You’re right about that shit.” Brendon agreed.

  Monty heard MJ crying. “My boy is calling me,” He said. “And mama is gone so I gotta go get him.”

  “I’ll be in there in a minute.” Brendan said. He rested his head back as the cool breeze chilled his body. The thoughts of Candy had him in a trance.

  Monty went in the room and picked up MJ. “What’s wrong with Daddy’s baby?” He asked. “I need to call your mama. I got some things I need to do this morning.” He took his phone out of his pocket and called Candy.


  Candy stood in the mirror brushing her teeth and looked over at her phone as it rang. The caller ID read Baby Daddy. She quickly rinsed her mouth and answered the phone.

  “What’s up big head?” She answered.

  “Hey lil lady,” Monty said. “I need for you to come over and get MJ because Mama left the house early. I have some business I need to attend to this morning.”

  “Okay, no problem. I was just getting up anyway. Give me about forty-five minutes or less.” Candy stated.

  “That sounds good,” Monty responded. “We’ll see you then.”

  “Okay,” she said and they ended their call.

  She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and slipped on a brown Coogi sweater dress along with her black tights and her knee high brown rider boots.

  She still couldn’t shake her mystery man as she walked into the kitchen to fix her some orange juice. She noticed Dee’s note on the refrigerator. From the note she immediately figured that the door opening was Dee leaving. She pulled it down to read it.

  Hey Cuz, I left with Maurice this morning. He misses me Girl When I come back I have got to tell you about this guy who showed up at Rico’s house right after you left. He is one sexy ass brother. He seemed reserved, but I’ma have to holla at him one way or the other. Love ya, Dee.

  Candy smiled but then frowned because immediately she knew that Dee was referring to her mystery man.

  “Noooo, Dee,” she said. “I can’t let you have that one.” She smiled because she knew that she and Dee would never fall out over a guy. Plus, Dee would totally understand that she met him first.

  She forgot all about fixing her orange juice as she grabbed her purse, exiting the house.


  Brendon walked into the entertainment room where Monty was sitting holding MJ. He smiled because it was good to see his cousin being a good father to his kid and making positive moves in his life.

  “You have a handsome lil fella there.” Brendon said.

  “Thanks, he looks just like his daddy too.” He held MJ up in the air while making him laugh. MJ’s deep dimples made Brendon instantly think a little deeper about Candy.

  “He got some lady killer dimples I see.” Brendon said.

  “Yeah he gets them from his mama.” Monty said. Brendon got quiet.

  “So what happened with you and his mama?” He asked trying to make sure that Candy wasn’t Monty’s girl.

  “She caught me over to another female’s house and since I’d been fucking up in the past she broke up with me.” Monty said. “I can’t lie, I miss her and I want her back, but she’s not having it this time. I guess it’s too much for her and I must accept it.”

  “Damn, don’t you hate when that shit happen?” Brendon commented.

  “Hell yeah and I’m paying for it now.” Monty said.

  “What’s her name?”

  “Her name is Candy and she’s a down ass chick. I shoulda been good to her man. She was my ride or die chick. I could honestly see myself marrying her one day.”

  Brendon sat with his mouth partly open. He was shocked, but it all started to make sense.

  “She’s a bad one, Cuz. She has the sexiest body ever and her dimples are a killer. She’s a dark skinned chick and she’s beautiful. You had just missed her last night at the party. She left because she just doesn’t like being around me like that right now.”

  Brendon was frozen for a moment. Damn! I can’t believe I’m sitting here fantasizing over Cuz’s baby mama. He thought.

  “What does she drive, because I saw a chick leaving in a nice ass BMW 750 when I was pulling up?” Brendon said trying to play it off.

  “That was her then. That was my son’s mother.” Monty sniffed MJ’s pamper. “Boy you don’ shitted.” Brendon laughed at the way Monty was frowning. “I’ll be back because I can’t take this shit.” They laughed and Monty got up and walked in the back to change MJ’s pamper.

  “Damn, I need to call her.” Brendon whispered. He felt bad that he was feeling Monty’s baby mama and from his understanding she wouldn’t know that he was Monty’s cousin because neither of them mentioned his name; not one time.” He began dialing her number, but before he could finish the doorbell rung. Still holding his phone he walked to the door and opened it. Candy did a double take. Brendon just smiled at her. She was stunned for a minute and had to catch her breath.

  “What the hell is going on here?” She whispered while walking in.

  “It’s a long story Boo, but I promise you that I just realized who you were a few minutes ago. Cuz was talking about you and I realized that you were his baby’s mother. I was just about to call you before you hit the doorbell.”

  “Wow, so but I thought that Rico was your peeps?” She asked. “What are you doing here?”

  “Rico is my peeps, but not my kin peeps. Monty is my first cousin.” He said as Monty entered the entertainment room.

  “What’s up lil lady?” Monty said holding MJ. Candy was still surprised to see her mystery man standing there in Catherine’s house with Monty.

  “Hey big head,” she said directing her attention to Monty.

  “So you’ve met my cousin?” He asked.

  “Huh?” Candy asked.

  Brendon interrupted. “Nah, I just let her in. He figured that he’d better introduce himself. “My bad, I’m Brendon,” he said.

  “Brendooooon,” she repeated out loud. She started remembering that he was coming to town around this time. “Damn, I should have known. You and Monty favor.” She was a bit embarrassed by the whole thing.

  “How many times have we been told that back in the days?” Brendon asked with a smile.

  “Too many,” Monty grinned.

  “Oh, I’m sorry my name is Candy and I’m this little one’s mother.” Sh
e said reaching for MJ. “Nice to meet you,” she said holding her hand out for a handshake. Brendon gently shook it. The touch of their hands had both of them feeling some type of way inside. Neither could tell exactly what the feeling was. The feeling then became awkward because they were really feeling each other. And, neither of them knew what to do next, but cutting things short right now was about the best thing to do for the both of them.

  “I just changed his pamper. Le’me go grab his baby bag.” Monty said not realizing that anything was going on between the two.

  “I’ll go with you,” Candy said. She didn’t want to be alone with Brendon because he did something to her and she couldn’t trust herself around him. She followed Monty down the hall and Brendon sat on the sofa. He put his hand over his face.

  Damn! He thought.

  Monty walked in his room with Candy right on his heels. She felt nervous for some reason.

  “You know I totally forgot that your cousin was coming here.” She said making small talk.

  “Yeah, he’s buying some property this morning. He’s opening up a bar over on Washington Road.”

  “Oh so he’s here to stay?” Candy asked.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he is.” Monty responded. Candy began putting on MJ’s jacket.

  “You can sit on the bed if that makes it easier for you.” He said.

  “Nah, I think I better stand.” She said with a smile. She put MJ’s black not quite fitted Atlanta logo cap on his head then she put his jacket hoodie over his cap. “We’re gonna get on outta here.” She said, because she didn’t trust herself around Monty either. He walked up on her. The smell of his old school Issey Miyake was driving her crazy.

  “I miss you, baby.” He whispered in her ear just as Brendon walked by heading to his room.

  “Not now Monty. I got to go.” She said grabbing MJ’s bag and hastily walking out of his bedroom. Monty just stood there. He knew it was really going to take some time before he could get her back. Candy didn’t even look for Brendon. She just exited the house and buckled MJ down in the backseat as fast as she could. Getting away from Catherine’s house was about the most important thing she had on her mind at the time. “Damn!” She said, hitting her steering wheel once inside the vehicle. Her thoughts went back to Brendon.

  This shit is crazy. I wonder what he must be thinking.


  Brendon lay across his bed. Small world, he thought. “Damn!” He said.

  “Are you alright, Cuz?” Monty asked since he’d made his way down the hall to Brendon’s room.

  “Oh yeah, Cuz. I was just thinking about some things. Are you ready to go sign them papers, because I am.” He said getting up. “I need to get my head in the game. I’ll have a business to run shortly.”

  “Yep, you’re right about that.” Monty agreed. “So, let’s get on over to the office and this will be over and done with before you know it.” Brendon got up and followed Monty out the door. They each got inside their own rides. Monty pulled out first with Brendon following him. Even though Brendon was about to seal the biggest deal of his life; he’d trade it all in if he could seal a deal with Candy. She still had his thoughts occupied and he wasn’t letting that feeling go for nothing right now. He just had to figure some things out first.


  Monica hurried to her door after hearing the doorbell ring. She peeked through the peep hole and it was one her best friends standing there with a gift basket. She opened the door up.

  “Symone!” She shrieked. “I’ve missed you!” She and Symone hugged each other.

  “Girl, I’ve missed you.” She said following Monica into her living room.

  “Sit down girl. We have so much catching up to do.” Monica said. Symone sat down on the red suede recliner chair. She bobbed her head to The Dream, Playin’ in her hair.

  “You and your music,” Symone commented.

  “You know I love my music,” Monica said.

  “Where is the baby? You know I can’t wait to see him.”

  “Girl, his daddy’s mama has him for the day, but he’ll be home later. I can’t wait for you to see him. He is my pride and joy.”

  “I know he is. His pictures are adorable. I just smiled when I opened up the envelope and saw them. If he is as precious as he looks on those pictures then I might have to take him back with me.” They laughed. “So who is his daddy and are you two an item?”

  “Boy, you don’t waste any time do you?” Monica asked. “How about I pour us a glass of champagne and then we can talk about this.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Symone said. Monica got up and walked over to her wine cooler fridge and opened the door up taking out a bottle of Martini and Rossi.

  “Remember this?” Monica asked holding up the champagne bottle.

  “How could I forget it? We used to actually get fucked up off of that in college.”

  “Now that I’m thinking back we had no choice but to be fucked up if we drank a whole bottle of it, BY OURSELVES!” They burst out laughing.

  “Those were the days,” Symone said.

  “Yep, they were and you met the man who eventually married you back then.”

  “And he still spoils me rotten ‘til this day.” Symone smiled taking her glass of champagne from Monica. “Thanks girl, this is sure to take me back.” She grinned. Monica sat down on the red suede sofa with her glass of champagne.

  “Now back to my baby’s daddy. We’re not together, but I can’t lie I want us to be.” Monica said.

  “Well what’s the problem? It used to be a time when Monica Hunter could have any man she wanted.” Symone commented.

  “Long story short, he’s in a relationship.” Monica added.

  “And, since when have that stopped you?” Symone asked.

  “I have to play this one really careful because he’s engaged to this chick and she just had a baby like three days ago, a little girl.”

  Symone got quiet for a moment then went in. “Is he faithful; meaning can you still sleep with him?” She asked making Monica grin.

  “We just had sex yesterday.”

  “Okay then, you can still get him if you want him.” Symone stated.

  “Yeah, but I truly need to play this right or it could blow up in my face,” Monica commented.

  “He must be serious?” Symone questioned.

  “Hell yeah he’s serious.” Monica responded. “Since when have you ever known me to not have one that’s serious?”

  “I guess I haven’t.” They laughed.

  “I need to see my Mo Money since I’ll be here for the next month.” Monica looked over at Symone strangely. For some reason saying that she wanted to get with Monty made her feel uneasy. “Come to think about it, what happened with y’all. Did you ever meet up with him back then?”

  “Are you ready for this?” Monica asked.

  “Ready for what?” Symone questioned.

  “Monty or shall I say Mo Money turned out to be my high school sweetheart.”

  “Shut the fuckin’ front door bitch!” Symone shouted.

  “Oh yeah Sista, you heard me.” Monica gloated.

  “What the fuck?” Symone was shocked.

  “We didn’t even know until we met up for the first time.” Monica explained.

  “Wow!” Symone whispered.

  “Wow is damn right.” Monica said. “I was in love with this nigga back in high school and when I saw him again it was like love all over again, but only for me. He wasn’t or didn’t feel the same way about me anymore and I guess it didn’t help that I called him over to pay for sex.”

  “Damn!” Symone blurted.

  “Yep,” Monica said. “Same thing I was thinking. Anywho, he had this other girl pregnant who he was in love with. Did I say in love with?”

  “Yeah you said in love with.” Symone retorted.

  “Well, I ended up getting pregnant too. I was at first hoping that Aiden was his, but in my heart I knew it was Rico’s.”

Okaaaay, so tell me who this Rico dude is.” Symone questioned.

  “He’s Monty’s best friend.” Monica answered.

  “Bitch, don’t give me too much in one day!” Symone yelled. “How the hell did that happen?”

  “I was basically pissed with Monty because he wasn’t paying me the attention I felt I deserved from him because of this lil chick in his life. So, I ended up inviting Rico over just to feel him out; you know maybe get some information or something, but…” She paused.


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