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Cutlass Sharpened

Page 41

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “Aye. This I believe to be true. I didn’t know everything or that yer people had done this, but I was able to pick up just six of these interconnected symbols. Warrior. Sand. Blue. Star. Sleep. And lastly Awaken… the rest was gibberish. Ye were found in a stasis that has never been humanly conceived and sealed for tens of thousands of years. Ye wield a genuine Star-saber, multi-tool and malleable armor. Ye can learn at near instant rates. Ye have the densest bones and can move at inhuman speeds in gravity that would kill nearly everyone else. But how can ye read it when there is no reference?”

  Oliver scratched his head. “I don’t really know. It’s like when I read and process information, but this was different… it was like I saw images inside my mind working together… like I watched a short movie I could explain as it went along.”

  “Papa! What about me?!” Renee could not hold back such an outburst any longer. “If what we heard is true then what am I? His mate for eternity?! What am I? A Solarian clone?”

  “Don’t ye dare assume that.” Jake turned full attention to her and spoke. “Ye listen good, Lass, ye are not a clone. Ye are me very flesh and blood as well as yer Ma, Isabella’s. Ye were born just like the rest of us. Ye are of my loins, but ye are more than any human too.”

  “I need…”

  Renee went to flee, but she found herself glued down by her father power. “Do not act as if this is news to ye and run from me. Ye already know yer DNA strands aren’t human and I’ve known ye hunted Beasts not long after ye learned to walk. This was the main reason why I said we should have supper and invited Sparky and Rose because not only do I trust them to keep what I’m about to say secret, yer bond with Sparky won’t allow ye to lie to him.

  “Before I gave parental consent to allow ye to have the chip implant, I made sure I could access yer files at any time I wanted. I know about ye mapping out yer own genes… so ye know damn well Isabella and I are yer parents, but what ye must understand is a fact few know about Solarians.

  “Nearly every fossil uncovered is between pairs and most of the time it is between man and woman. Always in pairs unless a child is discovered. We couldn’t find out bone density because minerals were replaced by rock, but in each of those cases the female was often found with markings indicating they stabbed themselves directly through the heart beside their men who suffered different injuries that were always fatal.

  “It was theorized by yer Ma that Solarian mates need one another. A symbiotic connection. Just as we humans pair up, but as each man died, their women took their own lives and it had nothing to do with their customs. Oliver’s translation proved yer mother correct. They bond as deeply as ye and Sparky have, if not more.” Renee and Sparky looked to each other. “Add her theory to mine about the six words I managed to decipher and yer Ma also knew that if there was one warrior, he needed someone strong and someone very much like himself.”

  The bearded captain took a deep breath. “Isabella then came up with an idea that what if all the splicing diagrams on the Geo Record were something more and worked to try the inconceivable by everyone. She spent thirty years on it and as ye know she was the foremost geneticist in splicing. Yer Ma then brought her results to me and we decided it was at long last we have a daughter of our own after being married for six and a half centuries. It was long past time fer us.

  “She found a way to take pieces from every splicing sequence on the Geo Record to modify her own ovum. I’ll tell ye later what for. We made love many times till she finally got pregnant with ye… but there was one side effect.” Renee fought back the tears about to drown her. “Because yer mother made you a Solarian… ye required a lot of energy… energy she in turned craved. Isabella desired Beasts and though it nourished ye in the womb, it gradually weakened her till ye were born. Without yer Solarian ability to negate Beast poison she died.” The tears broke free and Jake pulled Renee into his chest and let her cry loudly and beat on his chest.

  “Why?! Why couldn’t you saaave her!” She wailed. “I killed my own mothhheeer!!!” her tears soaked into his chest.

  Renee did this for minutes till she was spent. When her sobs lowered she heard her father’s choked tone say “Ye didn’t kill her. Ye saved her and because she had wanted a daughter for so long and yer ma knew it would have killed her anyway. Solarian or not, yer mother had been infected by the Keptl five years earlier and was only prolonging her own life through aggressive treatments, but it had reached up in her brain by the time we conceived ye. Isabelle knew she was going to leave me, Lass. But before it happened, she left me with a piece of her to keep me going to find out what happened to our predecessors.” Renee leaned back as soon as big, fat tears not her own hit her neck and she leaned back to see her father crying for the first time she had ever seen in the one steady rock in her whole chaotic life. “Aye, Isabella didn’t want just a normal daughter, but one who would surpass us both and be the woman of the warrior, if we could ever find him out here. It’s why I’ve been distant the past fifteen years of yer life. It’s why I’ve been searching this entire galaxy’s every blue star in Andromeda for him.”

  Eyes turned on Oliver as his eyes were only on Renee and he showed empathy.

  “I checked many different stars that were once blue at the time of the Geo Record’s creation and to everyone else our travels have been random. Aye, I wanted to meet a live Solarian me whole life, but also I wanted ye to see if he was the one meant from ye. I’ve been monitoring ye yer whole life. As a third party I can impartially tell ye a truth. It’s just that yer sexual maturity was different than what I imagined. Believe me when I say that Sparky didn’t drive the wedge between other men after I killed the little bastard. Ye actually reached sexual prime six months after the incident is why ye haven’t had a single sexual relationship in a decade. Yer biology made you see human males as inferior to yer future children’s needs. Ye pushed suitors away and made yerself unapproachable because yer cycle will only allow someone as the ideal match to be yer mate. Add to it ye are a class twelve with few able to be yer peer and it made it near impossible to find someone worthy.” Jake wiped his cheek. “Listen good. Aye, you’re Solarian, but also me daughter. And now that ye’ve chosen Oliver, the bond is sealed. Like Creelin, ye found your match, yer life mate. I just wanted to see earlier if he could make me see if he was as I imagined. He surpassed my expectation.

  “If what Isabella’s theory and Oliver’s translation is true then ye cannot lose him or it is likely ye will give up on the will to live. And the way he moves around ye tells me his loyalty is the same. So stop forcing yerself to act human. Eat what fills ye up. I’ve already got a school of Piranha aboard and quarantined specifically for ye and Oliver.”

  “Papa, why have you kept this from me all my life? Had I known Ma was dying I would not have hated myself from taking her from you for so long.”

  “I did it to keep ye safe.” A large knuckle caressed her wet cheeks. “I even had ye spliced as a baby because you were up and running around the day after ye were born. Solarians sexually mature a bit slower, but physically they are our superior. I had to correct yer ligaments and stunt a part of your brain because ye were learning too fast. I had to make ye as normal as I could or risk having ye kidnapped and experimented on.”

  “You did what?”

  “When you feel ready I’ll disengage the block to let you learn as fast as Oliver and let you reconstruct yer ligaments as they were meant.”

  “This is a lot to take in, Papa.” She admitted in barely a whisper.

  “I know, dear one. How I longed to speak true. I just need one more thing to say and then ye can go. In the near future I’m going to need ye and Oliver to help me uncover more about the Solarians. And I’m going to tell the crew as they already suspect Oliver is more than human anyway. I need ye to help me figure out what made Solarians extinct… or endangered as there are two of ye now. Can ye do that for me?”

  “Do Jessica and Stephanie know?” she asked instead.

Not everything, but my little sister and sister-in-law knew about the Keptl infestation. Not of yer heritage. If ye want, ye can tell her.”

  “No, Papa. What I want to do is crawl in bed and cry. You tell her… and Papa?”


  “You’ll always be my papa. After hearing this I see why you’ve kept it a secret. You did it for me. You’ve done all this for me, not research.” She got up and kissed his temple. “Thank you, Papa, for finally telling me the truth. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Love ye, Lass.” Jake hugged her tightly. “Oh, and yer mice came in. May I ask what for?”

  Renee showed off her bracelet. “This is a woman’s Multi-tool the Creelin Netul had Oliver make for me. Watch.” Her sexy white dress transformed to loose pants, flats and a blouse.

  “Talk to me when ye’re ready.” Jake said after one bushy eyebrow lifted.

  Sparky and Rose placed the mugs down after finishing it off and got up. Renee needed physical contact and held Oliver’s hand, needing it more than ever. Rose gently licked Renee’s other hand to think “When you need us, we will be ready.” She nodded and scratched beneath Rose’s chin where it was softest.

  “Jake do you mind if I can take some more of that mead.” Oliver asked.

  “Enjoy it, Lad. Me treat.” Captain Dorgen put the barrel’s oak lid back on and levitated it over so Oliver could carry it under his left arm.

  The captain was left behind and the four made it back to the elevator on the bridge in total silence. They all filed in. Sparky rubbed his snout over Renee’s jaw as he sensed her turmoil and anguish choking her very life. He said nothing as she needed it, but his touch helped soothe the ache.

  The door opened near the med bay and they all got off to separate into pairs.

  Renee crawled into bed naked as she always had and curled up in fetal position. Oliver sat the cask down by the dresser, got naked too and climbed in behind her to cuddle. It broke his heart to listen to her cry so silently. He had no words to express to take her pain away. It took everything he had not to let her emotions run their course so he suffered right along with her. She seemed so tiny curled up in his chest.

  Many hours later, when the tears would no longer come she uncoiled her aching body and rolled around, her eyes haunted. “Oh, Oliver, I didn’t realize how hard this must be for you.”

  “The only thing hard is seeing you sad. I would rather you kick me in the balls all day long than to see you like this.”

  “Aren’t you shocked to be a Solarian?”

  “I don’t care about that. The only thing I do care for is your happiness. The rest can wait.”

  “My simple reasoning man.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close. Her ear listening to his steady beating heart that soothed. “Tell me what you’ve though about. I need to hear your voice.”

  “I can distract you.” He knew her enough that that is what she asked for. “I’ve thought about the left behind message. About your mother’s bravery and your father’s strength to be alone all this time and not share it to anyone. The person who left the message on the Geo Record said he committed treason to speak of me.

  “If I was their greatest warrior, what did I do that made them take all of my memories? Why did they seal me away for tens of thousands of years? Was it my choice? Was I chosen or punished? If I was the greatest warrior, why didn’t I fight back then against the enemy all other Solarians fought to defend? It’s true I fit the description I read about. I do carry their weapons. I’m faster than every human and my bones are far more dense. Why was I blanked? Was it to make me not so different to another race? To be more compliant? If I was the strongest, they weakened me. If Solarians have the extra helixes and I was the strongest, they took all of mine and left me bare. If I can destroy worlds, I must have done something unforgivable to be thrown into the belly of an extinct volcano. Did I have a family? Friends? Who could have stopped me if I was the greatest warrior?

  “Then I start thinking of you. My feelings for you are unlike any relation I’ve ever read about. I cannot think straight if you left me. This connection we share is more than either of us can explain. We are drawn. Then I think about what Jake and the Geo Record say will happen to you if I perish and it makes me hunger for Beasts… to make me so strong it will keep us together. Then there is the feeling that we will mate forever… and it’s still not be long enough for me. I also believe what was written is true. When I smell you over other women, I just know you can survive bearing my children and that any other will die. Others cannot make me attracted to them.”

  “That sure is quite a bit to consider and I can see it clearly now. I did know most fossils found were often in pairs, but now I can imagine why the women were usually found dead and curled up with their men. I know that though we’ve barely begin to know each other I can’t shake the feeling I would do the same. I can’t see life having any meaning with you always by my side.” Renee leaned back, eyes finding a little more moisture from somewhere. “With you I finally feel I belong somewhere. Sparky has made me feel the same way, but I don’t know if I would kill myself if he dies as I feel I would if it happened to you.

  “But I did find one thing rather interesting.”

  Her lovely smile prompted him to chuckle. “Let me guess. You’re remembering the part where Solarian women lead the men?”

  Brilliant white teeth made a smile that reached the eyes. “Yup. It’s good that our ancestors knew women are the true rulers of the universe so don’t forget it. You need to listen and obey your woman and keep me safe… especially since after we really find out what is going on, I plan to get pregnant.”

  “Pregnant? What brought this up?” he brushed her cheek.

  “Well I never wanted any little ankle biters before you got me in a constant need to have my legs wrapped around you. Rose was right, she usually is.” Renee remembered the Drake’s words. “Well I’m so suddenly dependant on you that ever since Vanessa had her baby I’ve wanted to have one of my own. To want you to get me pregnant and start my own family. Before you came along I did love babies, but I never wanted one with anyone for some reason. Papa is usually right too. I didn’t see any man sexually till I found you. But I’m nowhere near ready to unfreeze my cycles to have a child. Maybe in a couple years.”

  “I understand.”

  “But we didn’t know that the Geo Record’s message was a warning. No one told us. What makes me mad though is the writer’s cold words that said he hoped you never awaken. I’m glad Papa didn’t realize it because he would have believed it and left you back there. There might not have been an emergency, but I’m glad we found you. No one deserves what was done to you.”

  “Red, we must also consider that if we do have children, who could they fall in love with? If we are indeed the last, we need to think about them. Most likely I’ll pass on the immortality and psionic chromosomes to them unlike your own methods when giving it to children.”

  “Already considered that. I’ll ask Papa for Ma’s gestation of me. If he hid it then I’ll make sure our pregnancy allows for duplication. If Ma’s eggs were altered then so can other women, but we can use an artificial womb to give any baby all it needs without risking a mother’s life. If Ma craved Beast brain then that is what we’ll find out, through me if I must. I’ll design detailed reports to make sure any children we have won’t end up alone since we will mate for life.” Renee sat up and smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are you going?” He wondered as she crawled over him.

  “To fix what I broke.” Renee left naked and returned with her newly remaid injector being loaded with a yellowish solution. She administered it to his thigh and sat the gun beside his sword on the nightstand.

  Down low the fire began gushing through his veins and the numb sensation of his dick washed away and he smiled as the flaccid snake began to writhe. Renee climbed into bed and knelt between his legs to take hold in both of her slender, cold and soft hands. His hot
member engorged at her touch. “Olly, I need you to fuck me like never before. All the talk of kids, having them with you is turning me on and I need to temporarily forget other heavy thoughts.”

  Before she could change her mind he flipped her over and didn’t wait to drive himself into her tight core of bliss. Her heels dug into the bed as she moaned out loud when it was a bit painful getting so stretched without a little extra stimulation, but it quickly turned into fiery need as she grabbed his narrow hips that charged and slammed up into her, driving him so deep she saw spots. Lightning flew up her spine, creating puckered bumps all over her body and making her nipples ache from how quickly they hardened. He pulled out all but the tip before snapping back in and having her scream. His mouth claimed hers and she eagerly took his rough treatment, needing it to forget all except sensation.

  The coil of tension had never wound so tightly to break so fast. In four mighty thrusts her body was in the spasms of orgasm, but her gush of wetness made him slide more easily and his thrusts made her remain in that state for several minutes till his imminent need of release drove him up into the entrance of her womb and enter just enough that the tip unloaded direct into her womb.

  Still imbedded, Renee rode the waves of release till she regained control and flipped him on his back so her blazing green eyes lit up the dark bedroom. Her hips began to gyrate and she made long bounces that had her grin as his gaze fell upon her jiggling breasts. Her hips drove him inside, keeping her needs for him strong. When she cried out and soaked his hips with her own clear cream she leaned forward and lifted her chest, wanting to give her nipples to him. He didn’t so much as blink before suckling and nipping at them as his teeth grazed the sensitive flesh. But he sure could multitask and his hips powered from below.

  “I’m going to be dripping your cum all day, Olly.” Renee said as he was brushing his teeth.

  “Not a surprise since we barely took a break all night long. You didn’t sleep.”


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