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Page 3

by Bruce McLachlan

  The woman sagged, defeated, sobbing uncontrollably at this crime committed upon her.

  ‘There, it’s okay, slave, someone will remove this later,’


  purred the seneschal with a soothing tone, stroking the damp blonde hair of the woman as she wept freely. ‘But for now we’re going to leave you to think awhile. Before we go however, we’re going to set you up with a little toy or two, to help influence you in your deliberations,’

  stated the seneschal with a wicked smile, and drew Kira in by her leash before leading her around and between the woman’s splayed legs.

  ‘Slave, lubricate the new recruit with your tongue,’

  she commanded, drawing Kira in with the chain links, pressing her face to the naked sex of the lupine.

  Without further need of command Kira buried her lips to those of the woman, letting her tongue spill through and taste deeply of the lupine. Savouring the tang of the woman she began to lap at her warm clitoris, bringing both protests and shudders of delight from her partner.

  The woman was outraged that another woman, especially a vampire, was having her thus, but the pleasure of it was a heavy weight against fully reviling it.

  Kira teased her with skill, suckling and nipping, using all the tricks she recalled the queen having used on her when she was still mortal, and such tactics gained superlative results.

  Changing briefly to the rear of the woman Kira let her tongue trail through the shaven valley, kissing the puckered opening as it clenched and fought her passage.

  With a forceful plunge Kira opened the sphincter and stole her entry, causing the prisoner to quiver, plagued by the strange sensation, unsure of how to respond to it.

  After driving in and fulfilling her task there, Kira left this opening and returned to the cunnilingus, offering as much compensation to the woman as she could. She was suffering in her capture, but she could at least taste some pleasures before her training continued. Kira revelled in 26

  the feel of the hot-blooded female on her cold organ, spreading heat through her mouth as she worked.

  Opening another section of wall the seneschal brought out a metal frame. The apparatus connected between the leg struts, slotting into a locking slot and reaching below Corin’s suspended hindquarters. ‘That will do, slave,’

  stated Kira’s owner, pushing her away to make room for the new array.

  Two adjustable poles presented strange metal plugs on their tips, and by moving these into position the articulated arms were able to thrust their polished silver rods into moist openings, sheathing as deep as they could.

  The metal had been deliberately allowed to stay cold, the shock of its intrusion testing whether or not she could get free of them as she jolted and tried to get away.

  Tightening the joints, and satisfied that they were immobile, the seneschal locked them down and continued with her work. A generator box was lifted from the storage compartment, a thick cable being dropped behind it as it was brought over and set in an awaiting cradle.

  The dense coil fed into the machine and then, via another set, accessed the plugs when the seneschal slotted the sockets into the fixtures at their base.

  Kneeling before the generator she started to turn the various dials, establishing certain settings as she addressed her prisoner. ‘Have you ever experienced electrics?’ she asked, making the woman stiffen in horror at the word, believing her loins about to be abused by the most diabolic assault. ‘Most people think of torture when they think of electrics. But that is only the most crude and barbaric of uses. Through certain signals and frequencies we can stimulate your nerves, flex and control your muscles. Like this…’ she stated, and flicked a switch.


  The machine gave a sibilant hum and started to apply voltage nips to the woman’s tracts, and instead of a howling wail of agony she snorted and gasped, her head lolling back, her eyes glazing over as her belly spasmed with the pleasure.

  ‘More intense than any vibrator, any tongue or any penis you can imagine once we find the settings that are just right for you,’ the seneschal smiled, flicking a setting over to something new, and extending her grin as Corin danced even more fervently.

  The seneschal knew her subject well, and was quickly developing the most intense modes for the woman, keeping them slow so that she was kept locked in ecstasy but unable to build towards a climactic finish.

  Kira licked her lips, the taste of the woman still strong across her palate. It was a glorious torment, one that Kira could well foresee shattering the woman within surprisingly little time.

  ‘But this is nothing compared to what you could acquire once you have been properly trained, little Corin,’ she stated, continuing her work, developing the modes of control based on her expert knowledge of a slave’s responses. ‘This palace will show you things never before experienced by mortal flesh, release from all burdens save the weight of your own desire. But you will learn that first hand soon enough. You see, I am just here to prepare you a little, to see to your comfort before your training begins in earnest.’

  Kira was currently just being aroused by her slavery and punishment, watching others and unable to feel such things because of her chastity belt. But she to had been teased by its vibrations and deserted at the brink of release, the frustrations making her insane with hunger.

  This manufactured havoc on Corin seemed much worse, 28

  and she could foresee the woman being swiftly rendered compliant by such insidious methods.

  ‘Her majesty is currently handling affairs of state, but once she is finished she’ll be coming to start your training, slave,’ she whispered softly, employing a threatening gravity. ‘She is far more cruel and dedicated than anything you have faced before. She’ll break you, slave, and she’ll do it with such delicious torture. You’ll want to die, but there’s no hope of that with her. Your only option is to surrender quickly, dedicate yourself to being obedient to her, and not only that, but enjoying it as well. Because if you don’t… oh, you’ll regret it, slave.’

  Kira knew why she was saying such things, it was to have the lupine scared, and have her dedicated to giving in as quickly as possible. The seneschal was playing her old game of spoiling the slave the queen had taken an interest in. By having Corin enter complete submissive obedience quickly because of some fear of lethal torture, then the queen’s interest would fade and leave Cassandra to have the imperious overlord of this realm all to herself again.

  The woman would not question the bluff, and would fear the consequences too much not to do as the seneschal said. It was a clever ploy, and in the long run it would be better for Corin, too.

  But first, she had enough to contend with. To be offered such exquisite bliss and deprived of the final reward was more diabolic than Kira’s own frustrating training, and Kira both envied and pitied the poor slave.

  ‘Now, I shall be leaving you here, so think well on your fate, slave. Pain or pleasure, the choice is yours,’

  she stated, and taking Kira by the lead, she pulled her from the sight and out of the room.

  The last thing Kira saw was the woman shuddering in 29

  her bonds, squirming as she was beset by the thrusting devotions of the plugs as they controlled her, manipulating her flesh to keep her filled with a storm of rhapsody.

  The curtain of steel that was the door closed and locked, leaving Corin to her lonely ordeal.

  Taken back down the passages, Kira was led like a faithful hound to the personal quarters of the seneschal.

  The woman’s mood was grim, her temper dark. The sight of Corin, straining in bondage, proud and defiant yet filled with sorrow, was something she knew would tantalise the queen, and the fact that another slave had stolen the regal vampiress from her again was making the seneschal livid.

  Kira wished she could soothe her, to try and take her mind off such things, for it disturbed her to see her beloved owner wracked by such turmoil. But what could she do? She was a pet, and would be t
ormented for speaking, abused for acting without permission. She could only watch and hope.

  Entering the lounge the woman closed the door and sighed with exasperation before walking to the kitchen.

  Throwing open the door to the refrigerator she looked over the selected bags of vitality on offer.

  Reaching down she started to fish through the depths, muttering incompressible words under her breath, her rage intense and consuming. As she leant over the short skirt stretched across her rear, lifting its hem, granting Kira the subtlest wink of her shaven sex. The stockings reached almost to it, the rubber tight around her thighs.

  Against all reason, burning from her own frustrations of denial and seeing her owner so upset, she shifted forward and nuzzled between the thighs, flipping her tongue forward and straight onto the woman’s clitoris.


  The woman straightened with a scowl that faltered and faded as Kira started to diligently tickle the tender morsel.

  Her hands clamped to the sides of the fridge, squeezing the bag she had selected. The seneschal’s legs shuddered beneath her as Kira delved deeper, using every strategy she could, everything the queen had taught her and what she had seen work so well on Corin.

  ‘Oooh, bad pup,’ the seneschal murmured, her fury evaporating.

  Kira kept her eyes wide, intending not to miss any of this close examination of the owner she so adored but who had only ever despised her as another rival for the queen’s attention.

  ‘ Bad pup, ooh so naughty,’ she groaned, her head lolling back, her mouth dropping open as she sighed and clenched more forcefully to the metal fridge, making it shiver and start to dent inward with the pressure of her inhuman strength.

  The taste of the seneschal was like nectar, and Kira let the flavour wash through her. It was the feeling of servicing the person she adored so much, a person of power and cruelty who had presented her to the most rigorous ordeals, who had set her in this uniform and kept her as a lowly beast. Obsession seemed somehow inadequate to describe her feelings towards the sublime female; it went beyond that.

  ‘Yes, oh yes, that’s it, pup,’ she purred, feeling Kira give a few playful nips before returning to a steady flitting kiss. ‘Such a skilful tongue,’ she said through clenched teeth. ‘I hadn’t realised you were so well educated, my little pet.’

  A gloved hand reached across Kira’s head, holding it, keeping Kira straining forward into the humid zone under the skirt, kissing and licking, the woman wet with desire.


  The sight of the seneschal, arched back, her shirt tight across her, her rear hovering before Kira’s eyes, wreathed in latex, the smell of it as strong as the scent of her sex, it was the most intoxicating thing Kira had ever seen.

  Such an angelic vision drove her on to new heights of achievement in her cunnilingus, making the seneschal shake and moan with pleasure.

  ‘Slaves!’ the woman roared, her words making Kira flinch with their urgent severity, and a moment later a pair of maids burst through the door, still carrying their cleaning brushes and brooms. Both were sealed within a comprehensive catsuit that hid hands, heeled feet and head. Apertures for their mouths were loaded with ball gags, their visors were mirrored, and small white aprons encircled their rubber corseted waists. Unable to affirm their subservience with words they dropped to their knees before her, their hidden eyes no doubt wide at the shocking sight of the puppy attending their owner.

  ‘Get this slave out of that uniform!’ she barked, making them scuttle forward and start to remove the latex bonds from Kira’s form.

  Continuing her attentions, she kept her act unbroken, afraid that if she stopped the woman would change her mind and re-condemn her, and add numerous other punishments for her snatching of such liberties. She had not cared what the seneschal might do to her when she first reached in to try and appease her, but now Kira had been taken aback by the woman’s response and she saw a way out for herself where previously there had been none.

  This could be a turning point in her slavery, an elevation to a new and more fulfilling caste, maybe even the removal of the chastity belt. The very thought of such freedom had her fixating her every thought on how to 32

  please the seneschal, the light at the end of the tunnel reaching her gaze, which until now had been firmly lost within the gloom of embittered slavery.

  The gloves and stockings were dragged free, her flesh sighing with relief at finally being set loose of the stifling layers. If she had been mortal, or even a ghoul, she would probably be a mass of pruned flesh by now, soaked with sweat.

  The leotard opened up and she was forced to break contact to allow it to be removed. The leash was unclipped and the hood and tight garment slipped from her body.

  ‘Wait,’ snapped the seneschal, putting her hand to Kira’s forehead, stopping her from returning to continue.

  A pang of concern swept through the slave, worried that she had broken the mood and was now going to be chastised for it.

  The seneschal snatched the leash from a maid and clapped it back into place on Kira’s bared collar. With a yank she pulled, making the edges sting Kira’s throat and bring her back to her feet.

  The seneschal looked deep into Kira’s eyes, trying to read whether her slave was genuine in this matter or not, wondering if it was just a ploy to exploit and appease her owner. The only thing on Kira’s mind was adoration of her tyrant, and she hoped that this was all the woman beheld. This seneschal was centuries old, she could see truth in the minutiae of others, things even the most practised mortal liar could not hide.

  The seneschal reeled her in and embraced her, placing her lips to those of Kira, letting her tongue emerge and meet that of her slave. The exchange deepened and flared with new passion, the two letting their hands wander and explore the flesh of the other, groping so that they 33

  might know every detail of their partner as completely as they knew their own.

  Kira felt the gloved digits of the seneschal moving up and down her back, before cupping her buttocks, squeezing each cheek, then her breasts, appraising the sculptured physique of her property.

  Kira in turn let her hands wander. At first she was cautious and slow, unsure of whether she would be permitted to do this, her fingers brushing lightly against the tight latex skirt of the woman, feeling the impermeable polished sheet.

  A hand grabbed her wrist and steered it up to a breast, leaving it there, giving Kira permission to act. The stark shirt was not all she wore, and Kira could feel a gloss bra beneath the material, covering the delicious breasts she had worshipped from afar for so long, and had dreamed of touching like this.

  Once Kira had savoured the sensation long enough the seneschal grabbed the flaps of the shirt and yanked, sending buttons dancing across the tiled floor of the kitchen. Stripping it off she revealed her pale torso, the bra being one with buckled straps flinging over her shoulders, its plunging design revealing her breasts almost in their entirety along with her deep and glorious cleavage. A silver necklace bore a small key; her only jewellery save her perpetual collar.

  Tugging off her gloves she placed a hand into Kira’s hair, raising it to her crown and using it to pull her face into the offered valley. Nuzzling between the pale soft mounts, Kira kissed lovingly and smelt the subtle perfume of her skin.

  The necklace was ripped off and the key started to fumble at her belt, trying to seek the release slot. Kira sobbed with delight as she felt the locks spring open, 34

  casting the accursed device of sexual incarceration from her. The dildos slithered free with a clench and strain of her sphincters, and the rigid band clanged on the floor to be joined a moment later by the waistband.

  Thus Kira was left solely in her collar and set of cuffs, jewellery she was far less hateful of.

  The seneschal flung her cap aside, the whirling hat being caught by one of the maids, the two of them now kneeling to one side, watching with hunger as the affair continued to inflame upon itself.

ipping off her skirt, it fell about the seneschal’s ankles, and lifting one foot from it she used the other to throw it away, leaving her only in her stockings, collar, bra and tall boots.

  Dragging down with the leash she brought Kira back to her knees, her hands clasping the ankles of her owner’s leather boots as she looked up with awe into the face of her beautiful tyrant.

  Grabbing the back of a chair the seneschal pulled it out from the table and sat on it, splaying her legs and inviting Kira in.

  With an innocent smile Kira lowered and traced her fingers along the latex thighs, feeling the flesh tightly submerged beneath. Her face settled at the knee and licked along, the rubber spreading its spicy tang through her mouth as she painted a wet line before crossing onto skin. Slotting between the closing thighs, the woman grasped with the limbs, holding Kira tight between them.

  As Kira adored the woman with a playful tongue, one of the seneschal’s hands ran through Kira’s hair. The other reached beneath her bra and began to play her nipples, the gloss rippling with the play of digits beneath it. The seneschal’s head was drooped back, gasping as Kira continued to delve deep, using her tongue in 35

  imitation of a phallus before returning to flit and kiss, suckle and nip.

  ‘Give me that, slave!’ she ordered, pointing to one of the maids, and then to the dropped bag of vitality. The maid shuffled forward, her body shaking with desire, the erotic display driving her mad with need as she handed over the store. Opening the nozzle the seneschal leant back and tipped it, squeezing it gently to let a thin trickle emerge onto her cleavage. The dark lines of stolen life started to wind down her skin, following the gradient towards her loins, Kira’s eyes wide at the sight heading down towards her.

  The thin rivers connected and started to gather speed as more was dribbled onto her. The lines cleared her navel, forming a small pool there before travelling on to Kira’s lips, a lethargic waterfall of pilfered life.


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