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Love & Deception (Agents in Love - Book 1)

Page 34

by Chantel Rhondeau

  She planned to take Ryan down with her.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Nick reached the store with barely minutes to spare. He’d lost the feds along the way, but knew they tracked him, so he rushed into the building without searching for their SUV. If he didn’t act as though he were being followed, perhaps whoever watched him wouldn’t realize it was a possibility.

  He raced inside and pushed to the front of the line, ignoring complaints from angry patrons. “You have something for me,” he said to the guy behind the counter. “I need it. Now.”

  The man lifted his lip in a sneer, obviously unimpressed by Nick’s urgency. “He said you’d have cash for me.”

  Nick knew if that were the case, Paul would have mentioned it, but he took his wallet out and threw several twenties onto the counter.

  “And I’m supposed to keep your other phone.”

  Paul said he wanted him to get rid of it, but Nick wondered if the boss really wanted him to give it to this thug. Paul had no way of knowing what was programmed into that phone or what kind of information Nick stored on it. Luckily, the FBI insisted Nick erase the safe number. There was nothing else important on it, except for some restaurant contacts.

  He pulled it from his pocket and tossed it down. He checked the watch, grateful the tracking device actually functioned as well, or he’d have problems explaining that. Paul was due to call any second.

  The man gathered the money and the cell and ducked below the counter, coming up with a brown box. Ringing sounded from inside it. Nick snatched it from the man, backing from the counter and struggling to rip into the cardboard package.

  Three rings in, he finally freed the phone and punched the send button on the older model. “I’m here.”

  “Walk outside and stand in front of your vehicle. My guy will be along in a few minutes.”

  “Not until I talk to Carlie.” Nick hoped whatever payoff Paul got from this job was enough to force him to keep Nick happy. If Paul refused a conversation with Carlie, Nick had no choice but to follow instructions and find him. The FBI agents made that clear.

  “Carlie’s tied up,” Paul said, confirming Nick’s fears. “My client wanted some time with her.”

  “Disturb them,” he ordered. “I’m not moving from this spot until I hear her voice.”

  Paul sighed. “You were a lot more fun when I called the shots.”

  Nick didn’t know if Paul truly felt like Nick had control, or if the man tried to placate him, but it didn’t matter. “Put her on the phone, now.”

  There was the sound of knocking and then a door creaked open. “Excuse me,” Paul said. “The princess has to take a phone call.”

  “We’re busy,” a man’s gruff voice responded.

  “Not if you want the bracelet.”

  There was a moment of silence. “Nick? I’m okay.” Carlie sounded upset, and he wondered how okay she was.

  “What color was the dress I bought you?” It was still possible they recorded her voice. He had to verify it was really her.

  “Blue. Well, teal really. That was the best night of my life.”

  “Mine, too.”

  “Even though I’m just a target?”

  “Carlie! That’s not—”

  “Enough,” Paul said. “She’s fine. Get your ass outside and wait for my man. He’ll take you to the next meeting place.”

  Nick exited the store and stopped in front of the rental car. “Where am I heading?” Any information he could give Jenessa and the men could only help prepare them.

  Paul huffed. “You don’t need to know that. You were my best agent, but you stabbed me in the back. I tried so hard to keep you in the dark so you could keep working for me, and this is where it ends up. Don’t try and double cross me again, Nick. I’m done playing nice guy with you.”

  “How will this work, exactly?” Nick asked. “I’m not giving you the bracelet unless you give me Carlie. You do realize that?”

  “When you get to the meeting place, call this number. It’s the only one in the phone. I’ll bring Carlie to you, and we’ll make the exchange. If you follow my orders, you can take her and walk away. Try something tricky, you’re both dead.”

  Empty air came over the phone and Nick stuffed it in his pocket. He had to wonder now if bringing the feds in was a good idea. Not that he expected Paul to honor his promise of letting them go free, but he was sure to bring a lot of firepower to the rendezvous area. Nick didn’t want to be responsible for getting the FBI agents killed.

  On the pretense of smoothing his hair, he talked directly into the watchband. “Another man is driving me to a meeting point where Paul said we’ll exchange Carlie for the bracelet. Expect him to have a lot of guns there. Be careful.”

  A muscular man approached Nick’s car from the gas pumps. He wore ripped up Levi’s and a blue muscle shirt. A hawk tattoo graced his right arm and a tribal band circled the other. Dark sunglasses obscured his face.

  “Put your keys inside your car,” the man said. “Get the item the boss needs. We’re taking my truck.”

  Uncomfortable, Nick pulled back his suit jacket slightly, showing the man his gun. “I don’t know what the boss told you about me, but you have no chance of outdrawing me and living if you decide to steal the jewelry and dump me somewhere.”

  The man pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. “I’m not the criminal here, you are. I don’t kill people unless I have to, but Paul warned me you weren’t above that.” He spit on the ground. “Nothing worse than a bad agent. You disgust me.”

  Disgusted or not, Paul must have warned him about Nick’s skills. Grabbing his bag from inside the car, Nick left the keys in the visor. He hoped if Muscle Man checked his bag before driving away, he wouldn’t realize the bracelet inside wasn’t the correct one. Nick wasn’t stupid enough to bring it along. The man could just kill him and take it if he did.

  After following his captor to a truck, he climbed in and fastened his seat belt.

  “For the record,” Nick said, “I’m not a criminal. I always thought Paul was a good guy, too, but a real leader doesn’t kidnap an innocent woman or kill people for monetary gain. You don’t know the man you’re working for.”

  Muscle Man grunted and put the key in the ignition. “He said you’d tell me that. Shut your mouth the rest of the trip, unless you want to find out which of us is really better with a gun.”


  As soon as Paul left the room, Carlie struggled against the zip tie binding her hands. Pain flared along her left arm, though she bit down on the inside of her lip and didn’t cry out.

  “Good girl,” Ryan said. “I knew you’d cooperate and tell Nick everything was fine. I’ll have my men hold off on the killings. Pity, too. They were looking forward to one woman they have captive. Maybe I’ll let them have their way with her anyway. I try to be a good leader.”

  “You’re sick.” She pulled her right hand further inside the opening of the zip tie.

  Ryan must have taken her grimace of pain for distaste of his words, because he laughed. “I really don’t think the guards here should be deprived either. That one at the door told me how much he wants a few minutes alone with you.”

  As Carlie’s hand slipped closer to the top of the binding, Shelley didn’t call out a warning or stop her from freeing herself. Either she was still in shock at Ryan’s monstrous personality or she decided to do the right thing.

  “I can tell by the eager look on your face you like the idea of the guard,” Ryan said. “Since you’re still my wife and property, I think I’ll give him alone time with you before sending you back to your cell. As long as you’re alive when good ol’ Nick gets here, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been violated.”

  Fear clutched Carlie and it was all she could do to not fight the bindings harder and draw attention to her actions. If Shelley really wasn’t on her side and just didn’t notice, Carlie couldn’t blow this. The thought of being trapped in the room with Stephen nearly brought her
to tears. She knew what Stephen was capable of and what he wanted.

  Ryan gave him permission to rape her. She was sure Stephen would love combining rape with his love of beating a woman. She glanced over her shoulder, praying she’d see some indication from Shelley that she’d help her avoid that.

  Shelley stared at Ryan, seeming horrified, but also not making any move to come to Carlie’s rescue. Apparently, she didn’t realize Carlie worked to free herself. Looked like she had to save herself...somehow.

  Ryan glanced at Shelley and jerked his head to the doorway. “You can leave. If the guard can’t handle her bound and waiting for him, he’s got a problem.”

  Taking a deep breath, Carlie went back to work on the bindings while Shelley walked to the door.

  She turned, just before opening it and met Carlie’s eyes. “I’m so sorry. I really didn’t know.”

  “And yet,” Carlie replied, “you’ll let Stephen rape me. I misjudged you. You really do belong with this group of criminals, Shelley. I’m sorry I ever considered you a friend.”

  That provoked a laugh from Ryan. “You’ve gotten feistier than that sad, pudgy girl from college. Short hair, trim body, and an attitude.” He shook his head. “You look good, Stephanie. Never thought I’d think that.”

  Knowing that Ryan wasn’t trained in karate, in fact had no fighting skills, Carlie wondered if she could convince him to stay for a little fun. Once she got her hands free, she’d be able to take him down. With him under her power, she’d have a lot more leverage to get herself out of here.

  “I’m a lot different than I was before, Ryan. Why don’t you stay? I’ve learned a few things since our marriage.”

  “As interesting as this new confidence is, you always were a lousy lay. I doubt that’s changed.” He walked to the door, whistling to himself as he and Shelley exited. “Hey, stud.” He turned to Stephen. “You’re on. Have a good time. Don’t kill her, but as long as she can talk, I’m okay with whatever you do.”

  Over Ryan’s shoulder, Shelley stared at Carlie, obviously blinking back tears, but not doing anything to stop the men around her.

  Looked like she was on her own. Carlie fought against the tie, crying out with pain as the hard plastic scraped her skin. She couldn’t quite get it over the bulge of her thumb, and panic set it when Stephen walked into the room.

  He shut the door and faced her, cracking his knuckles. “I knew I’d get my way with you eventually. Sex and a beating, all with your hands tied. My idea of a great time.” He ran his tongue across his lips. “You aren’t breaking my balls, Carlie, but we will enjoy them.”

  Chapter Forty-Six

  “I’m not enjoying your balls. You wish.” Carlie whimpered as a particularly vigorous jerk on her hand shot pain all the way up her arm.

  Stephen obviously thought the whimper was for him and chuckled, running his fingers through his sandy hair. “You’ve been trying to fight this since we met. You don’t have to pretend to be a nice girl anymore, love. This could be enjoyable. I don’t have specific orders to hurt you, after all, and can do whatever I want. Why don’t you hop on the edge of the table here? Cooperate. Make me feel nice.”

  She narrowed her eyes, a thrill of victory running through her as she squeezed her thumb toward her pinky and the hard plastic fell across the knuckle. Jerking her hand back and forth, she didn’t care if Stephen realized she tried to free herself. “I don’t need my hands free to break your balls.”

  He rushed to her, gripping the front of her shirt and pulling her upright. “Guess I have to beat you into submission first. That’s okay with me.”

  He slammed her back against the wall, sending shockwaves of pain skittering up Carlie’s arms and into her shoulders. Too many hits like that and even if she got free, she wouldn’t have any feeling in her fingers to execute attacks.

  Carlie tried to clear her mind. Nick trained her well. She could fend Stephen off, even with her hands bound.

  He gripped her neck in a vice-like grasp and slammed her head into the wall. “How exciting.” Stephen ran his tongue down her face. “Remind you of the last time we were together, love? I’ve spent every night dreaming of what would have happened if Nick hadn’t interrupted us.”

  He loosened his hand and Carlie took a deep breath. All the defenses against choking assumed she’d be able to strike her attacker. She’d have to improvise.

  “Not worried about your balls being broken because they’re so small?” She asked, smiling sweetly. “A real man wouldn’t have to abuse a woman to get off.”

  He pressed his hand against her windpipe a little tighter. “Not smart, bitch.”

  So much for all the annoying ‘love’ talk. “Bite me.” She smirked. “I don’t care what you think.”

  Even though Stephen scared her, she hoped rage would make him lose focus. If he started reacting, not thinking, she might be able to outsmart him.

  “Bite you? Oh, I’ll bite you.” He loosened his hold again, shoving her head sideways and biting her neck full force, his teeth deeply piercing her skin.

  Carlie struggled, still pulling at the zip tie. Even though her neck hurt horribly, she had to throw him off track. “Wow, Stephen. That feels good. I didn’t know you could be so exciting.”

  He looked up, his face mere inches from hers. “ that?”

  The bite throbbed, but she smiled. “It thrills me,” she whispered huskily. “Now, what can those lips do against mine?” Anxiety filled her at what she was about to do, but it was the only weapon she had available.

  Stephen grinned and leaned into her, lips puckered.

  Lurching forward suddenly with as much force as she could, Carlie smashed the top of her forehead into his nose, jerking on her zip tie again.

  Stephen crashed to the floor just as her hands popped loose. She raced for the doorway, not knowing if she knocked him out. If not, he’d be so angry that her chances were better with the man in the hallway than in here.

  She reached the door and tugged on the handle, but it didn’t budge. Fear clutched her and she turned to face Stephen, pressing her back into the door.

  He stood, blood trickling down his face. He shook his head, as though to clear it. “That was a mistake. No matter how nice I am, you want to fight. There’s nowhere to run, love.” He grinned. “Let’s have some fun.”


  Nick sat nervously watching the desert and cactus speed past as Muscle Man drove in stony silence next to him. They were far from Phoenix and traveled on remote back roads. Though he’d tried to watch the side mirror without being noticed, Nick hadn’t spotted any vehicle behind them. He could only hope the tracking device worked properly and the feds were on the way.

  He swung wildly between thinking they would help, and fearing they would get Carlie killed. At least Carlie was alive. She sounded okay, though stressed, on the phone. He knew she might be angry at his deception, but if he could just get her safely away from Paul, nothing else mattered.

  He loved her. Perhaps they could work things out and be together, or maybe she’d hate him and tell him to get out of her life forever. Either way, he had to save her or he knew what his future held. Nothing good.

  “How much longer?” he asked.

  Muscle Man grunted. “We’ll get there when we get there.”

  Nick went back to counting cacti. At least Carlie had training to protect herself. He had to take solace from that. She was better off now than when they first met. Everything would be okay.

  Nick leaned his head against the seat, biting back a curse. Carlie was in grave danger and unfortunately, he still didn’t believe in fairytales.


  Carlie screamed as Stephen punched her face again. He had her trapped against the floor, pinning her arms to her sides while sitting on her chest. He periodically rubbed his groin against her, just as he had in karate class the last time they sparred.

  “Your screams are arousing,” he laughed, punching her again before nuzzling into her neck. “Y
our husband’s a real standup guy, letting me have time with you.”

  Carlie screamed again, struggling to free her hands like Nick taught her, but Stephen’s strength was wearing her down.

  Out in the hall someone shouted, and Stephen lost focus for a moment when he glanced at the doorway.

  Not wasting the opportunity, Carlie twisted with all the force she could muster, managing to free her left arm. Ignoring the zaps of nerve pain, she drove her elbow into his crotch.

  As he let out his own scream of pain, the door burst open and Shelley rushed in. “Get off her, you asshole!” She launched across the room, piling into Stephen, driving him off Carlie and into the wall. She gave him a chop to his neck and then another kick between the legs.

  Screaming, Stephen rolled into a ball, clutching his groin.

  Shelley held her hand out to Carlie. “Hurry. We have to run. I took care of the guard in the hall, but there’s more where he came from.”

  Carlie accepted her help in standing, pain throbbing in her head to rival the ache in her arms. “Why are you helping me?”

  Wrapping her in a fierce hug, Shelley let out a soft sob. “Please forgive me. They showed me pictures and changed my mind. I was sure you were innocent after Stephen’s first attack, but Paul...” She stepped back, shaking her head. “You are like a sister to me, and I’m getting you out of here. I really didn’t know about Ryan.”

  “I believe you.” Carlie glanced to where Stephen still rolled on the ground, moaning in pain. “What’s our plan?”

  Shelley walked to the open doorway. “Let’s drag this guy inside and lock them in. That’ll give us a little more time. We’re on the fourth floor, and we have to sneak down. I don’t know what all goes on here, but there are a lot of guards.”

  Relief flooded through Carlie. Even though they weren’t free yet, chances of that were greatly improved. While she wasn’t sure she wanted to forgive Shelley so easily, Shelley thought she was doing the right thing all these months and investigating a terrorist—the same thing Nick thought. It was their boss who lied and made them lie to Carlie. Either way, Shelley was her only hope to get free from this grim situation.


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