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The Bear's Healing Touch

Page 11

by Bianca D'Arc

  Last night had been amazing, and for the foreseeable future, at least, she’d be staying at Sven’s place. She had to smile when she thought of it. He’d turned out to be a man of hidden talents. She felt herself blushing as she thought about some of the naughtier hidden talents he’d shown her last night. The evening had certainly been…educational.

  “Are you involved with the polar bear now, Sirena?” Beth’s accusing voice came to Sirena from the doorway.

  She’d been so lost in thought Sirena hadn’t heard her friend’s approach. Beth entered the small room, followed by the rest of the hunting party. Jetty, Grace, Janice and Marla filed in, the last one shutting the door behind them.

  “What is this? Some kind of ambush?” Sirena asked, only half joking.

  Beth looked angry, while the others looked sort of mildly amused. Sirena wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but one thing was clear—her friends were ganging up on her for some reason, and she suspected the reason was over six feet tall and in his office a short distance away at the moment.

  “Call it an intervention,” Beth replied stiffly.

  She wasn’t the easiest personality to get along with, but under the waves, they’d been able to coexist peacefully. Sirena wasn’t sure that would hold true while on land. This, in fact, might be the first big test as to whether Sirena could deal with Beth’s suspicious nature out of the ocean. The woman had issues. Many unresolved issues that Sirena didn’t know all that much about, sadly.

  “You can’t lead our hunting party while you’re cavorting around with a polar bear,” Beth stated baldly.

  “Says who?” Sirena countered, looking at each one of her friends in turn.

  Jetty plopped down onto the empty bed and folded her arms. “Don’t look at me. I like the bears.”

  “Me too,” Grace agreed, sitting down next to Jetty. Both women were mated to bear shifters and were very happy.

  Beth shook her head at the seated women. “I expected as much from you two. You’ve gone native since coming ashore, but we’re mer. We don’t belong with land shifters.”

  “I repeat: Says who?” Sirena said again.

  Beth sputtered for a moment. “It— It goes against nature—” she began, but Jetty cut her off.

  “Honey, my mating is solid. Goddess-blessed. You can’t get more natural than that. You’re the one who’s misinformed here, Beth. You should get your facts straight before you start throwing around accusations.”

  “Goddess-blessed?” Beth sounded outraged. “How can you even say that? How do you know?”

  “Beth,” Grace said in a softer tone, “if you were mated, you’d understand.”

  “Oh, don’t pull that on me. I won’t get tangled up with one of those hairy beasts just to test your theory. I think you’re all delusional!”

  Jetty just shook her head. “We’re not asking you to bed a bear shifter. You wouldn’t understand unless you somehow happened to find your perfect mate. Like we did.” Jetty nudged Grace with her elbow.

  “Finding your mate is something special,” Grace picked up the thread of her friend’s words. “If you’re ever blessed to discover your mate, you’ll understand how wrong you are to say that some of us don’t belong with some of the bears. It was meant to be, or Jetty and I wouldn’t be sitting here, smugly happy that we’ve found our other halves.” Grace smiled, turning her gaze to Sirena. “Like I think maybe Sirena has too.”

  “So what do you say, Sirena?” Jetty prompted. “Is Sven your mate?”

  Sirena’s jaw dropped open, and she was searching for an answer when the door opened abruptly. There was Sven, framed in the doorway, his gaze going quickly over the scene in the small room.

  “Is this a private party or can anyone join?” he asked, the growl of the bear audible in his voice. He didn’t wait for an answer, but moved into the room, taking up all the remaining space, until he was able to station himself at Sirena’s side. His arm came around her waist as he nuzzled close to whisper in her ear. “Are you all right?”

  She patted his hand. “It’s okay. We were just talking.”

  “Actually, we were just discussing the future of our hunting party,” Beth said in a frosty tone. “Nothing to concern you, bear.”

  Sven’s muscles tensed, and she clutched at his arm to keep him from going after Beth. Not that she really thought he would get violent in such a confined space, but she didn’t know him as well as she would in say…fifty or sixty years, so she wasn’t taking any chances.

  “Everything to do with Sirena is my concern, Beth,” he said, that growl in his voice growing deeper, turning Sirena on at a most inappropriate time.

  “Why’s that?” Jetty asked him with a broad grin on her face.

  “Because she’s my mate,” Sven answered simply, flooring Sirena with his public declaration.

  “That’s all I needed to hear,” Jetty said, smiling from ear to ear as she jumped off the bed and headed for the door, sweeping her arms out to guide the others out before her. “Come on, ladies, it’s time to leave these two alone for a bit.”

  Grace followed Jetty, turning back only once to smile at Sirena and whisper. “Congratulations, you two!”

  Beth kept looking back, but Jetty tugged her out of the room rather forcefully, before she could say anything else. It was clear Beth was going to be a problem, but for now, her friends would deal with it while Sirena dealt with the new man in her life. Her mate.

  He’d never said that before. Then again, neither had she. Oh, she’d been thinking about it a bit, but hadn’t really dared dream he was experiencing the same things she was feeling. Maybe she should have had more faith in the Goddess who seemed to have brought them together.

  Sirena turned to face Sven, putting herself more firmly into his embrace. “So. Mates, huh?” she challenged him with a smile on her face and a tilt of her head.

  “Mates,” he confirmed. “If you’ll have me.”

  Was that uncertainty on his handsome face?

  “I think I can put up with you, if you’ll put up with me needing to traipse off into the ocean every once in a while.” She put both hands on his chest, loving the warmth of him. “It won’t be for long, and I promise not to leave you flat with no explanations, but every once in a while, the mer side needs to get back in touch with the ocean depths for a few days. Every few years or so.”

  “Years?” Sven looked surprised. “I can live with a few days every few years. I can live with whatever you need to do to keep both sides of your nature in good shape, Sirena. Your happiness is my number one goal now that I’ve found you. My bear side will want to watch over you and protect you. He’ll want to swim with you, if you’ll let him, and here in the cove, we can do that just about whenever we want. Just don’t send him—us—me—away. I love you, Sirena.”

  He dipped his head, and she met him halfway in a kiss that spoke of love and longing, acceptance and coming home. When they finally came up for air, she smiled at him, her heart beating in time with his.

  “I love you too.”

  “Let’s blow this popsicle stand,” he muttered, making her laugh at the odd expression as he swept her up into his arms. “We’ve got better things to be doing, in more private places.”

  He didn’t wait for her to answer through her laughter. He just walked out of the clinic, still holding her in his arms. He was in such a rush they actually passed her friends in the parking lot. Grace and Jetty whistled. and some of the others offered teasing advice and catcalls as Sven stormed across the parking lot and up the mostly hidden path to his home. Sirena giggled like a schoolgirl all the way, her heart lighter than it had been since childhood.

  Sven had brought the magic back to her life. The joy. The spontaneous happiness. He was incredible—and perfect for her. The Goddess did, indeed, know what She was doing when She had paired them up.

  They made love slower this time. The urgency of the night before had waned in the morning light, allowing them to enjoy each other in a more leis
urely way. Sven was amazingly tender and thoughtful, and Sirena was swept up in the storm of passion he created. He was the whirlwind, and she clung to him, knowing he would take her places she otherwise would never have imagined.

  Everything was fresh and new with Sven. Everything was…perfect.

  “I still can’t quite believe you’re my mate,” she whispered to him in the lull between bouts of the most incredible lovemaking she’d ever experienced.

  He leaned up on one elbow to look down at her as she rested at his side in the beach-like bedroom she loved. He was frowning, and she was sorry she’d put that look on his face at a time that should only be filled with wonder and smiles.

  “You’re not sure about us?” he asked, all too serious.

  “No, I’m sure.” She was quick to reassure him. “I’m just…flabbergasted, I guess. I thought I was going to live my life alone. I’d given up on love everlasting and perfect mates. I thought it was all a fairytale that only came true for other people. I can’t believe you’re here, with me. It feels like a dream.” She reached up and cupped his cheek, seeking the solidity of him, reassuring herself she really wasn’t dreaming. “The best possible dream.”

  “A dream made reality,” he said, turning his face in her palm to place a kiss there, his good humor restored.

  When he turned back, he met her gaze as her hand dropped, the blue of his eyes was lovely to behold, though she’d never say that to him in exactly those words. She’d come up with something more manly and dignified to describe the aquatic blueness of his gaze if the need ever arose.

  “I’d all but given up too. I mean, I know we started this town as a way to gather shifters together, in hopes that some of us could find mates and settle down, but I honestly thought that was for the other guys. I figured I’d grow old here, among friends, where I’m needed, but that I’d be alone. I thought maybe I’d use my medical degree to help take care of my friends and their families while I remained a bachelor. I just didn’t think there was a woman out there for me.”

  “You were looking in the wrong species. There wasn’t a female bear shifter out there for you. You had to wait for the mer to rise from the sea. Just like I did.” She nodded in affirmation of her own little pet theory. “Until everything came together here in the cove—my people and your people and the magic that draws us and binds us—it wasn’t possible. But I believe now that it was all meant to be.” She tilted her head, thinking. “Although I guess I’ll ask Mrs. Legine what she thinks when I get a chance. She’s a priestess, after all. Maybe she’d know. Or perhaps your friend, Gus.”

  “They’re both spooky, that’s for sure. You know, I heard Mrs. L is already badgering poor Mellie about her potions?”

  “Potions?” It seemed so odd to be talking about witches and potions, priestesses and magic here on land with her polar bear-shifter lover.

  “You’ve met Mellie and Urse, the strega sisters. Well, Urse is the one who cast the spells that protect the cove. That’s her thing. She spell-casts. But her sister does potions, and she’s been working on something big for a while now. She’s waiting for just the right formula, or recipe, or whatever you’d call it, and the right time. Something to do with the cycles of the moon, I think.”

  “You’re kidding. Really?” She’d never dealt with magic users of any kind, so this was all new territory to her.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if Mellie can expand on her sister’s protections, and Mrs. L seems determined to help, from all accounts. Plus, John has already called for some other specialist help. He’s got contacts all over, and he’s called in a few favors on this since it’s such a big problem affecting so many. Not just shifters, but sea life in general. And after Mrs. L’s discoveries and revelations, it’s more important than ever to shut the leviathan down once and for all.”

  Sirena thought about that. The threat of the leviathan producing offspring that were at home, so to speak, in this realm was very real and extremely troubling. She’d seen that thing in action. She’d been the chew toy of one of its smaller fellows and had nearly died. She couldn’t even imagine what the ocean would be like with creatures like that everywhere. It wouldn’t be safe for mer, or any sort of magical being. And the leviathan ate regular fish too. As massive as it was, it ate a lot.

  Already they’d noticed the impact its presence had on their hunting. If there were more leviathans out there, the fish populations would be decimated. She could easily see the creature attacking human vessels. Fishermen wouldn’t be safe. Eventually, the humans would learn there was something going on in the oceans, and from there, it wouldn’t be hard to see the secret of magic and magical beings like shifters and vampires coming out.

  She truly feared what would happen if the humans figured out Others had been living among them. The backlash could be catastrophic. Even with all their magic, magical folk were outnumbered many times over, and humans had strength in numbers. If her kind were hunted by humans on land while leviathans overran the seas, no corner of the Earth would be safe.

  Sirena rolled toward him, and Sven laid back, making room for her to cuddle against his side. She put her arm over his chest, needing to feel the solidity of him. He made her feel safe, even with such dire thoughts crossing her mind.

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen with my hunting party. Three of us are mated now, and hunters are usually single. Plus, Beth seems to have a problem.” Sirena didn’t want to think about her friend’s rotten attitude when there were bigger fish to chase, but it was a consideration. “The thing is, Sven…” She wasn’t sure how this was going to go down, but she hoped he’d understand. “I’m a hunter. Regardless of what happened to me with the leviathan, I’m one of the best. That’s why I was put in charge of the hunting party. We’ve been the top providers for our pod for years, and we teach the others how to work as a unit. I’m one of the leaders of my pod, and I can’t sit on the sidelines when we’re all in danger.”

  Sven hugged her closer for a moment and kissed the top of her head. Her cheek was against his chest, her ear pressed to the reassuring beat of his heart.

  “I don’t expect you to give up your position with your people, sweetheart. The only thing I ask is that you not put yourself at unnecessary risk and that, when possible, we hunt together. After all, I was a Special Forces soldier for longer than you’ve probably been alive. I know a thing or two about combat. I may be a doctor, and you’ve only ever seen me putting folks back together, but I’m also a bear. I know all there is to know about tearing things apart too.”

  She liked the edge of ferocity in his voice. She liked the growl in his chest. He was reminding her that, though he was gentle with her, he could be even scarier than she realized. Somehow, that made her feel better. Safer. As if nothing could hurt them—as long as they were together.

  She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “I think I can live with that.” She thought again about her friends. “Besides, I don’t think my hunting party is going to survive all this upheaval intact. Maybe it’s time to reformulate the squad. Jetty used to be my second, but she’s already told me she’s retiring for now. She’s enjoying being newly mated and wants to spend time with her husband. Grace will probably say the same once she works up the courage to talk to me about it.”

  “So that leaves you two mermaids down,” Sven observed.

  “Three, probably, with Beth mad at me and somehow prejudiced against bears. I have no idea where that came from. She’s usually very quiet and steadfast.”

  Sven shook his head, smiling. “It’s always the quiet ones.”

  Sirena pushed at his shoulder playfully. “I think she’s just mixed up. Probably a little scared about all the changes. I don’t think she’s the kind of person who handles change well. She’ll settle down in time.”

  “Settle down? That’s a funny choice of words. Do you want her to find a nice bear shifter to mate with?” Sven asked, pointing out something she must’ve been thinking subconsciously.

u know? I guess I do. I want all my friends to find a mate, and the happiness I have.” She kissed his chest gently, her eyes misting with emotion. “I wasn’t sure I’d ever find a man to spend my life with. When I saw Jetty and Grace, I was happy for them, but a bit jealous too, if I’m being honest. Now that I have you, I feel…complete…for the first time in a very long time. I want all my friends—even Beth—to find what I have. They deserve happiness too.”

  “I can see why you were chosen to lead the hunting party. You love your people, like any good leader should.” Sven sat up, lifting her with him so that he could take her into his arms and place a loving kiss on her lips.

  They didn’t speak again for some time. Instead, they communicated by touch and sensation. Sven’s talented hands brought her to a state where she was just about going out of her mind with want. Then, he joined their bodies together, taking them on the journey to the stars and back, while he held her secure in his embrace.

  Sven’s touch had healed her in so many ways, and he continued to show her new delights and temptations. Sirena saw a future spread before her filled with love and passion, tenderness and healing for her body as well as her soul. Her man was a complex mixture of savage bear instincts and a gentle human heart that wanted to help those in pain.

  She’d come to him injured and near death, and he’d saved her and given her a new chance at life. He’d also given her a love she never could have imagined and had given up hoping to find. It had all happened so fast, but that’s how it was when you found your destiny—or so the legends said.

  Sirena knew there would be tough times and battles ahead, but she also felt that, with Sven by her side, she could face whatever came. They were a team now, and heaven help anything or anyone that stood against them.



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