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Augustus and Lady Maude

Page 9

by AnonYMous

  So it seems to me. But the story is not quite at an end. Marit was to be at the disposal of the Signore last night and Mr. Bowler was then to leave us. It seems that he had already made certain arrangements for her. One day the world will know what they are. At present, her family is informed that Marit's education is to be extended by an excursion of a few months in the Near East! I think you guess my meaning, do you not? Shortly before Mr. Bowler left here, a carriage arrived at the door with a pair of the most strapping brutes as coachmen. I heard raised voices from Marit's room, the girl herself shrill above the others. Then there was silence. Down the stairs came the two strapping fellows with Mr. Bowler following. One of them had a sack over his shoulder, its contents mewling and wriggling with vain energy. I do believe you might have recognised the fellow who carried it! At the door, Mr. Bowler watched them put the sack in the boot of the vehicle and lock the lid. He did not, I think, realise that I was standing in the vestibule where I could see and hear him. “See that you deliver her quickly to Pasha Ahmed,” he said to one of the two coachmen. “Believe me, the reward he will give you may be enough to set up the pair of you for life. Leave the straps and the gag in place until you have her safely on the ship at Livorno. The diplomatic passports from the Signore will ensure that you have no difficulty with the Italian officials. Moreover, the captain of the customs post has been well paid to prevent trouble.”

  With that he nodded and the carriage drove off. It will not altogether surprise you, dear cousin, to learn that I have seen nothing of Marit since that moment! I do not complain, of course, for I greatly enjoy imagining what lies in store for the young beauty at her destination! I eel quite certain that she will soon be made to acquaint herself in the most intimate manner with Julie and Sian. A little compulsion will work wonders in overcoming any false reticence.

  Mr. Bowler meantime travels towards England. I look forward so much to hearing from him that your own health and moral equilibrium are quite restored. If you should feel the need of a mentor and guide in certain matters, dear Gussie, you may depend upon him. He is devoted to our family and its welfare-as he ought to be when you consider what has been done for him. A magistrate and soon to be a Member of Parliament! Yet he is a man of great good-nature and works for mere love. If then you should feel any more “strange inclinations” towards sluts and tarts of the shopgirl kind, I beg you will seek his advice. He will cure you of mooning romance for the young whores by methods more agreeable-and a sight cheaper-than those of Dr. Raspail! I may take a short trip to the Levant myself, ere long. If so, my love, you shall hear every detail from your adoring cousin, Maude Anonymous Augustus and Lady Maude XVI. Augustus to Lady Maude Wight, 12 July a.m. My Dearest, I have emerged triumphant from all the ordeals and trials of the past week or two. When Julie was abducted under my very gaze, I was half distracted for at least forty-eight hours and my nerves in a state which I hesitate to describe. Nothing would console me then. Yet now I see it was all for the best and am glad that Julie as well as Sian has been taken to a place where she may receive her reward! I see that you were right after all. The little bitch was merely leading me on to make a fool of myself. She would have left me disgraced as well as penniless. I regret only, my dear, that I did not heed your advice from the first. Perhaps it surprises you to see me write in this way. The careless impetuous boy, you say to yourself. How can he have undergone a change of heart so rapidly? The answer is simple, my dear Maude. I know that I never really loved Julie. It was an intense but passing infatuation, as you supposed. I know it the more certainly because now I have fallen truly in love for the first time in my life.

  Who is she? Who is to be your very own cousin by marriage? Listen and congratulate me on my choice. She is no easy trollop but a girl who returns hard and disdainful looks to a man's adoration. I am sure she must be a pattern of virtue, to judge by her reactions. Her name is Maggie and she has the most adorable flaxen hair which she wears loose to her shoulders, like a little girl, although she must be twenty-two or twenty-three-years old. Under the fringe of her hair, there is a hard and resolute look to her blue eyes and the fair-skinned oval of her face. I know you will approve my choice when I tell you that she is one of the Bowler girls. I do not mean by that to say that she is a member of our friend's immediate family but rather that she is employed by him in his emporia, which must surely be a guarantee of her respectability. I can scarcely calculate how many happy hours I have spent watching Maggie at her toils as she lays out the polished saddles and horse furniture in an elegant display. For such a task she is naturally accoutred in the close denim fit of riding-jeans, which enables one to admire her somewhat stocky thighs and slightly broadened bum-cheeks. The soft lilt of her voice is a match for her coltish figure and though I grant you she appears a little more vulgarly attired than a fine lady might, this is only the result of Mag's occupation. I beg you, dear Maude. Write and tell me that you approve my choice. You shall see Maggie yourself as soon as you return to England. I know you will soon adore her as I do.

  Though I have not yet had the chance of an intimate conversation with her to plead my case, I am in no doubt. My ardour will surely carry the day. Be sure that when I am successful, you shall be the first to hear of it. Your happiest of cousins, Augustus 120 Anonymous Augustus and Lady Maude XVII. Lady Maude to Mr. Bowler Lago di Garda, 14 July By Express My dear Friend, I write to you in great urgency and some distress, begging you to be of service to me in the crisis which threatens all our happiness. The subject of my concern is that unfortunate young man, my cousin. When his attachment to that little tart Julie was broken off, I quite hoped that Lord Augustus was cured of infatuations with grisettes of their kind. Alas! How I was mistaken! I have received from him this morning a letter which makes plain that the wretched little Julie has been replaced in his affections by a sturdy young wench, a blonde by the name of Maggie or “Mag.” I would not, even so, trespass on your time and charity if the matter ended there. No, my friend, this time it is true love and marriage is talked of. He must be stopped at all costs! His letter informs me, moreover, that Maggie is one of your own work-girls. It is for that reason that I now beg your assistance. The method of rescue to be employed must be left to your own excellent judgment and natural ingenuity. It would not do to dismiss the girl from her employment, for then she will fall straight into his hands. Means must be found to eradicate his infatuation and that will be more easily accomplished while she remains in your absolute power. I cannot tell you how much I regret imposing on you in this affair. I only hope that you will believe me when I assure you that whatever efforts are possible on behalf of our family shall not go unrewarded. What it is in my own power to do for you, I shall of course do. If it would amuse you to be visitor and trustee of the Greystones Reformatory for young women-offering many curious opportunities to a man of disciplinary zeal-I will speak to the board of guardians at once. My uncle, you know, holds supreme power there. If it would please you to be returned as Member of Parliament for the county, I can assure you of the Tory nomination at the next election, as a matter of family gratitude.

  My uncle would consider it a privilege to present you at court and make you known to that royal duke who is so close a friend of his.

  He has sufficient influence at the Horse Guards to ensure that, for the future, the Commissariat Department shall equip our mounted regiments with no saddles but those from your own emporia. All this and more shall be done for you, my dear friend, if I have the power of breath left in me. And yet I know you well enough to realise that you are not a man motivated by reward in such things. We have cause enough already to be grateful to you. Therefore it is to your affection and sense of duty that I appeal. If you can, help me to save my cousin from this insolent trollop who now makes her designs upon him. I put it to you plainly as that. Whatever assistance you may require shall be provided. If you need “evidence” of a crime in order to put Maggie in a prison cell, my steward will provide it. If you wish her committed to a refor
matory, my uncle has the power. I leave the details to your own good sense, assuring you that for such assistance and for future tokens of our gratitude, you may rely upon those who truly love my imprudent cousin. So, my dear friend, I take my leave of you for the moment, confident that you are the man to save us all. Your true friend Maude, Lady Anonymous Augustus and Lady Maude XVIII. Mr. Bowler to Lady Maude Bowler Hall, 20 July My Lady, Mr.

  Bowler with his humble duty to your ladyship presents his best respects and begs to inform you of how matters now stand with regard to Lord Augustus. Immediately upon receipt of your ladyship's letter, I began an investigation into the alarming circumstances of Lord Augustus's new infatuation. Alas, it was too true. All was as he proclaimed it in his letter to you. I can assure you that I felt as concerned for the young gentleman as your ladyship must have been.

  Indeed, I was no less resolved than you to save such a noble youth from the fate which threatened him. At first I hoped that we were mistaken as to his earnestness over the slut Maggie, whom I have employed since she was sixteen. This freak of his lordship's which drives him to romantic infatuation with shopgirls and housemaids is a most distressing development. Yet even among such types, he could not have chose worse. Maggie is already twenty-two years old. There is a hardness in the pale oval of her face and blue eyes. Indeed her features-the nose and the chin-are a little crude in their prominence.

  The fringe of her lank blond hair does little to soften this, nor does the straight curtain of it which she wears loose to her shoulders.

  If you could see Maggie at her chores in the tight fit of working-jeans and singlet, you would find her an impudent bitch in the manner of her display. She is quite well-built but she lacks some length in her legs and this gives her a rather stocky appearance. I grant you there is a firmness and nicely muscled quality to her body-her breasts are well-moulded, her hips a little broad but not flabby, a suitably feminine weight and rondeur in the curves of Maggie's bottom-cheeks. Such then is the shopgirl Venus upon whom the young gentleman had pinned his hopes of bliss. I only wish your ladyship could have seen Maggie-the hardened young slut!-at work. It was a sight which drew your cousin's mute admiration day after day.

  Maggie is one of several girls in my service, like Ange and Alison, Pat and Jacqueline, who are made to clean and arrange the premises. Like them on such occasions, you would never see Maggie dressed otherwise than in her pale blue pants of tight cotton and a working-blouse or singlet. Like Miss Jones, she may be admired through the plate-glass as she dusts and polishes. You may be sure, by the way, that Maggie eggs on those who pause to admire her by a mixture of vulgar provocation and hard-faced contempt. Imagine the effect upon poor Lord Augustus! He arrived just as the young blonde was on all fours, polishing the waxed floor where the saddles are set out for display. Our friend was brought to a halt by the sight of the broad and firm cheeks of Maggie's arse so fully displayed in the tight jeans-seat. For several minutes he admired the view longingly as she backed towards him while her cloth worked vigorously on the surface.

  Not only the blond saddle-dresser's backside but even a suggestion of soft pussy-flesh between the rear of her thighs was shown by the snug fit of the cotton pants. In no time at all, your cousin was in love with the young whore! I assure your ladyship that I witnessed this for myself. When Maggie stood up and went to dust the window-glass, he stared at her in an agony of desire. How did she reward him? With the lank blond hair and fringe framing the pale oval of her face, she stared through him as if he did not exist! I was outraged on his behalf. You hardened little slut, Mag, I thought! You shall suffer for this! Does such a girl think herself too fine or too beautiful to yield to the inspection of a young gentleman? The crude firmness of her nose and chin, the coldness of her blue-eyed stare would soon give the lie to that. Ah, you think that perhaps Maggie is a virtuous girl, her sensibility too delicate to endure the rough gaze of a man? That is still more ridiculous. No, Mag enjoyed leading on her dupes by taunting them with a view of what she would then deny them. Having returned Augustus's admiration with a stare of such contempt, Maggie turned and knelt with her back to him.

  She knew what she was doing, believe me, and was well aware of the effect it would have on the poor young gentleman. She sat on her heels for a moment and then-an old trick of hers-pretended that there was dust under one of the saddles on the floor. To look at this she lifted her hips from her heels and went down on her forearms until her head was lying on the floor. Imagine the view she offered to Augustus and to the world at large! With her head down and her rump high, the tight denim seat offered Maggie's spread-cheeked rear view to the young admirer. Her full broad buttocks were drawn hard apart and her pussy's softness moulded by the cloth between her legs. Maggie wears panties under the tight denim and the outline of them was as clear as if she had been without any other clothing. To see her then, you would have thought that the young blond shopgirl was bracing herself to fart in derision at Augustus with enough force to shatter the plate glass.

  The effect on him was pitiful to see, for he seemed to stagger and tremble with desire. The only consolation was that the other gentlemen who passed by and saw Maggie in this lewd posture were visibly moved to more vindictive thoughts! Indeed, the lewd young bitch seemed to invite the worst they could do to her by offering herself to the world this way. I confess I had such thoughts myself. Even before receiving your ladyship's letter I was determined to have Maggie strapped bare-bottomed over a stable bench or a trestle and make her taste the keen cuts of leather across her sturdy rump.

  For the time being I was too preoccupied by matters of business to give the young whore my attention. Indeed, a further week passed by.

  In that time, the weather growing warmer, Maggie was put into a summer working-costume. She wore a sleeveless scarlet blouse, the tawny blond hair spread loose on her back. Her tight denim pants were now of yachting white and seemed to emphasise the stockiness of her thighs as well as giving a fatter look to the cheeks of Maggie's twenty-three-year-old bottom. How the poor young gentleman admired Mag at her work as she knelt and bent. It is hard to speak of such matters with the delicacy one might prefer. Had Lord Augustus merely wished to ease his stiffness with the hard-faced young bitch, I would have urged him on. Indeed I would have had Maggie held down and stripped for him to do so. He might have rogered her soundly between the legs and then an ample spending of seed up Maggie's arse would have avoided showing another of her tribe into the world. I am sure the Celtic lilt of Mag's voice would have broken into squeals and cries. Whether of excitement or anguish I cannot say! Then your ladyship's letter arrived and I was outraged by the wickedness of this common strumpet. Maggie had done no less than ensnare a young gentleman of good family. By provoking him and despising him at the same time, she had Lord Augustus almost at her mercy in the toils of infatuation. Knowing me as you do, your ladyship will believe that I had no wish beyond serving your interest and that of those who are near and dear to you. How should I cure the young lord of his romantic delusion? And how should I make Maggie taste such retribution as she would never forget? I thought for several hours and so devised a scheme to accomplish both these things simultaneously. It was only necessary for Lord Augustus to see the girl for what she is!

  Did we not cure the young gentleman of his lamentable obsession with the little bitch Julie? Why, then, should we despair of effecting the same remedy with a bold young wench like Maggie? I had invited Lord Augustus to inspect the new plantation which I have laid out upon my estate. It extends along the higher ground of Snow Hill and consists of timber which grows quick and may be felled easy. An acquaintance in the War Office assures me that when there is next a European conflict, a fortune may be made out of wood for ammunition boxes. This will answer ideally and the first planting should be ready in good time for any future hostilities. On the morning in question, I left a message for his lordship at the house, informing him that my gamekeeper, Jewkes, had found evidence of poachers on the estate. I
n consequence, I had ridden out ahead to the plantation but had left instructions for a mount to be saddled up and waiting as soon as his lordship reached the mounting-block. I will now tell you what it was that Lord Augustus saw in the stable-yard yesterday morning. An hour or so earlier, those who had watched Maggie at her shopwork would have seen her summoned from it and led to a waiting vehicle which transported her to the estate on my orders. The young blonde was dressed as usual in the blouse and tight denim of her working costume. At first she thought the grooms were having a romp with her when they set her down in my stable-yard and seized her by the arms. Young Mag likes a rough and tumble with the boys and has even engaged in such sports with a young shopman before the eyes of the entire world. On this occasion, however, the grooms tussled with her until they had her standing between the shafts of a little garden carriage with her back to the driver's seat. The vehicle is little more than a toy. It occupies the driver alone and is designed to be pulled by a single two-legged filly. Imagine the fun which might be had if the rump between the shafts belonged to Jane Truman, or Tracey Hope. To accomplish this, two stout wooden bars have been riveted across the shafts, so that the girl standing with her back to the driver may be made to bend forward over the first bar-which supports her belly-while her wrists and leather collar are attached to rings set in the forward bar! Do you now begin to see what it was that I had in mind for our young blonde-our young pony-girl, as I might call her? My head groom is the most reliable fellow and he times these matters to perfection. The other two men naturally whispered into Maggie's ears the truth of the ordeal that she was about to suffer. Her lank fair hair flew as she twisted and squirmed in their arms. Those stocky young thighs writhed and her broad young hips surged. Fortunately they were easily able to twist her arms up behind her back, which forced her to bend forward to ease the racking ache.


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