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Conquest: Rise of the Fifth Horseman (The Fifth Horseman Series Book 1)

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by Richard M. Mulder

  “So... since I’m in the area, I was hoping I could ask you out.” he suggested sheepishly, “Just like old times.”

  “Well… umm…” she paused, “That’s going to be a bit difficult, seeing as how Allan just proposed tonight.”

  “Wait… what?” he stammered, “You didn’t yes, did you?”

  “Of course not.” she scoffed, “Accepting an arrangement like that would only be at my commander’s direction.”

  “Then how about dinner tomorrow night? Just like old times.”

  “I’m afraid I’ll have to pass.”

  “I’m confused.” his eyebrows furrowed, “You told him no, correct?”

  “I told him I’d have to think about it.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” he scoffed, “You and I both know it won’t go anywhere.”

  She had no words. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t get attached to Allan, but her heart had different plans.

  “You don’t actually plan on accepting his proposal, do you?”

  “Well, I… uhh…”

  “You can’t be serious.” he stammered, “What about us?”

  “That was a long time ago. I’ve moved on.”

  A look of dismay crossed his face, “But you promised!”

  “I know I did.” she sighed, “And I’m sorry.”

  “What’s gonna happen if he finds out who you really are?” he seethed.

  “Well I…” she stammered as she entered the final algorithm she needed, “I hadn’t really thought about that.”

  “Let me tell you what will happen.” he spoke adamantly, “If he stumbles across even the tiniest piece of your true background, you will get reassigned and you will never see your boyfriend again.”

  She let those words simmer in her mind as the van screeched to a halt. She slid the door open just a crack and recognized her surroundings. She could hear police sirens in the distance.

  “Jason, let’s focus.” she grabbed the headset to speak clearly, “I need you to listen to me carefully. The police are almost here.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I’ve disabled the magnetic lock on the door to your right. Leave Timur’s office and go to the end of the hallway.” she instructed, “I have overridden the security protocols and have sent an elevator to meet you. Take this elevator to level C of the parking garage, and I will meet you there.”

  “Roger that.” he saluted.

  “And most importantly, don’t get caught.”

  Chapter Four: Strange Dreams

  And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to prevent the darkness of the Leviathan from taking its desired hold upon the earth…

  – Methuselah 3:4 –

  Allan Young awoke with a loud gasp of breath. Cold sweat glistened from his forehead and the silver light emanating from his wide eyes slowly dimmed. The nightmare had been so real. Staring at his hands, he clenched them tightly together to fight off the swarming visions from the night.

  Laying his head in his hands, he took several deep breaths. Multiple nights in a row he had woken up from similar overwhelming dreams. The only thing he could sensibly attribute them to was stress.

  Sitting on his dresser was a picture of Lily. He sighed heavily and tipped the photo face-down. His thoughts turned to the big event last night when he got down on one knee in the middle of their favorite restaurant and proposed marriage to her.

  What went wrong?

  Every single scenario he had envisioned over the past few weeks couldn’t have prepared him for last night’s disaster. A pain throbbed from his core as he stared at the empty sheets next to him, and his mind couldn’t help but imagine running his fingers through her gorgeous red hair. He took several deep breaths in an attempt to fill the emptiness he felt inside.

  He squinted as the digits ‘5:16’ glowed from the clock atop his dressers and fumbled for the aspirin in his nightstand. With a large swig of the leftover stale wine, he downed four pills and tossed the empty bottle aside. His head continued to throb as he got out of bed and switched off the alarm that had been set for 6:00 AM. He stretched high into the air and knocked an empty pizza box onto the floor. He was tempted to call in today, but considering his precarious situation at work he knew it would be extremely unwise.

  Stripping off his undershirt, he kicked aside several empty cans of beer and entered the bathroom. He absently applied shaving cream to his face even though it was still smooth from the night before.

  His mind was preoccupied by the disturbing dreams he had been having lately. Each one was different in nature, but all of them had a reoccurring theme. Trapped inside the head of one person or another, a dark voice directed and controlled all of his actions. Every time he woke it felt like he had just returned from some type of out-of-body experience. The dark voice seemed to echo in his mind as if from an old memory…

  Allan studied himself in the mirror as he cupped his hands under the faucet and he rinsed the remains of shaving cream from his face. He felt very unnerved. These strange dreams were beginning to get the better of him. He worried that they were even affecting him at work.

  As Allan made the trip to his office at Beckster & Lewis Law Firm, he followed his standard routine by playing the previous evening’s messages over his car speakers via Bluetooth. He always silenced his phone after five o’clock each evening as he left the office in order to maintain a separation between his work life and personal life. There were seven messages in all.

  The first message was from his secretary, “...and you have a meeting with Mr. Jenner this morning at 8:00 AM, followed by your meeting with Mr. Demyan at 9:00 AM to sign the securities contract...”

  Everything hinges on that contract getting signed today. Nothing else matters.

  The next message began, “Allan, it’s Jeff. What ever happened to your promise that you would finish filing the Jerry case today? I’m very disappointed in you. Meet me upstairs in my office tomorrow morning. We need to have a chat.”

  How did I forget that again?

  Allan moaned as a sinking feeling hit the pit of his stomach. He made a mental note to add this task to the top of his priority list. He gripped the steering wheel tighter as he waited second-in line at the excruciatingly long stoplight. He didn’t hesitate to slam on his horn when the car ahead of him continued to sit for a few seconds after the light turned green.

  The next message began, “Ha! I knew you’d flake out again! Jeff just handed me the Jerry case. Sucker!”

  “Arrg!” Allan slammed his fist on his horn at the taxi driver who had just cut him off.

  Of course he gave it to Brad! He’s been gunning for my promotion ever since he got here. That partnership is rightfully mine!

  The next message began, “This is a message for Mr. Allan Young. My name is Greg, and I’m calling from the Pre-Legal Department of Asset Portfolio Solutions in regards to a personal business matter of yours that requires your immediate attention. Please contact me as soon as possible at 1-800-293-7600. This is an attempt to collect a debt by a debt collector, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Allan scoffed as he slammed on the gas pedal and flew through a red light, “It’s in their Pre-Legal Department already? I’m only three months behind!”

  The next message, “Hey Allan, it’s Megan. I just heard about the Jerry case. Is everything okay at home? You seem to be slipping from your game.” she paused and cooed, “Do you need to talk? Maybe we can meet for lunch today? You know I’m always here for you.”

  Allan smirked at the thought.

  She’s such a little flirt. Maybe I should…

  He stared incredulously at the two cars ahead of him that were driving slowly in tandem. He slammed on his horn multiple times until one of them pulled off onto the shoulder. He screeched past them, and felt slightly guilty when he realized the driver must
be in his late sixties.

  The next message, “This is a message for Mr. Allan Young. My name is Jennifer, and I’m calling from the Loss Mitigation Department of Suburban Home Loans in regards to an important personal business matter of yours. I can be reached directly at (773) 429-8143. This is an attempt to collect a debt…”

  “Not the mortgage too!” Allan slammed on his breaks as another taxi driver cut him off.

  I thought the bank would clear that check. I’ve gotta get that contract signed today!

  As the last message began to play, Allan stared intently at his phone, willing it to make more sense. The voice on the other end shouldn’t have been there.

  “…I know we haven’t spoken in a long time, but I need your help. I’ve stumbled across some disturbing information…”

  He shook his head in disbelief as he recognized the voice of his long-forsaken best friend. He hadn’t spoken to Jason in over ten years, nor had he any intention of gaining contact with him ever again. Though he and Jason had practically been brothers during their many years together at Harvard University, only a few weeks before graduation they suffered a nasty falling-out over the same girl. They hadn’t spoken to each other since.

  Allan jolted from the sound of a loud horn from behind. He had gotten so distracted by the disturbing message that he hadn’t noticed when the light turned green.

  The automated system continued to play, “...To hear the message header information, press five...” Intrigued, he pressed the number 5 on his keypad. “...Message from phone number (630) 543-2534, received today, August third at 4:46 AM.”

  Why would Jason try to call me after all these years, let alone at such an early hour?

  Troubled, Allan stewed over his options. Buckingham Fountain wasn’t very far from his office. He was dreading the idea of facing Jeff’s wrath anyway, so taking a slight detour through Grant Park might be a good way to de-stress before he had to stand before the chopping block.

  This had better be important.

  Chapter Five: Internal Confession

  And God knew that His time was limited, so God created man in his own image after the manner of flesh; male and female created he them. He didst infuse part of His divinity into man that His legacy might live on in another form…

  – Methuselah 5:7 –

  Lily Thatcher yawned in the early dawn light and threw on a bathrobe. She had gotten in late after extracting Jason from MGE Headquarters. Her mind wandered as she thought about how she should answer Allan’s proposal, and she felt a flutter of excitement followed by a pang of guilt. She wanted more than anything to be able to say yes, but she would need permission first from her commanding officer. She cringed as she tried to imagine how she would approach the issue. No matter how many scenarios she tried to play out in her mind, she knew he wouldn’t be happy about the arrangement.

  Entering the study just off of the living room of her apartment, she sat down at her desk. She reached under it and flipped open a small panel where she placed her index finger on a scanner. With a beep, the wall before her slid to the left with a whirr and revealed a large screen. With a click, a keyboard unfolded and extended toward her.

  She entered her credentials, and the symbol for the National Security Agency appeared on the screen. She waited in queue as other stragglers completed their morning reports. After several minutes, the screen flashed and her commanding officer appeared.

  “Agent Wilson.” he acknowledged, referring to her real name and title.

  “Commander Arlington.” she nodded, “I reprogrammed Allan’s phone yesterday as you instructed.”

  “Good.” he nodded, “His GFID Nano-chips just fried again early this morning.”

  “Again?” she stammered, “How many times has it been this month?”

  “Too many.” he sighed heavily, “I just don’t understand it. We were monitoring his vital signs this morning and the Nano-chips reported a state of anxiety. Right before he woke up we tracked a huge surge of energy just before all six Nano-chips fried simultaneously. You have to get this problem under control. We’re quickly running out of excuses to inject him!”

  “I’m sorry commander, but I don’t understand it either.” she cringed as she thought about the likely reason why Allan had woken up in a state of anxiety, “I’ll make sure he gets scheduled an appointment for a ‘forgotten’ vaccination. What about Timur though?”

  She could hear him clicking away at his keyboard, “No, his are fine. For now.”

  “When is Allan’s meeting with Timur?”

  “Still at 9:00 AM, as we planned.”

  “Let’s make sure that nothing gets in the way of their meeting. It’s crucial that we monitor any exchange they might have. We need to find out how they are disabling our tracking devices.”

  “Yes, sir.” she agreed.

  His eyebrow then furrowed, “Agent Miller told me about your encounter last night.”

  “Yes.” she nodded, “I was able to extract Jason without difficulty.”

  “I was referring to Allan’s proposal.”

  She fidgeted only slightly, “You don’t need to worry about me. My emotions are in check.”

  He eyed her suspiciously, “Did you accept?”

  “No sir. I deflected the question until I received further instructions.”

  “Good.” he nodded, “Now go back and accept.”


  “We think he’s testing you. He may be on to who you are. If he thinks you’re one of us, he may question your commitment to the relationship.”

  “How far do you want me to go?” she pressed.

  “As far as it takes.” he explained, “Try for a later engagement, obviously. But for now, go back and tell him that you had a rough day at work and you are sorry. Maybe plan a make-up dinner date or something. Propose back to him.”

  “Yes sir.” she forced herself not to smile.

  “We anticipate that this case should be wrapped up in the next few months.”

  Lily was confused, “But sir? What about the wedding?”

  His eyebrows furrowed, “There won’t be one, of course.”

  Her stomach fell and her mind went blank. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

  Commander Arlington raised his eyebrows as he observed her reaction, “Is there a problem, Agent Wilson?”

  “No, no…” she stammered, “Of… of course not.”

  He eyed her suspiciously, “Have you developed romantic feelings for your subject?”

  “No sir.” she shook her head adamantly, “You hired me for my acting skills, remember?”

  He studied her for a few minutes before responding, “Good, because you should consider him as the potential threat that he is. Now, once we wrap up this case I have a special mission that I’ve been considering for you.”

  “What kind of mission?”

  “It would involve you leading a task force, but it would require your relocation across state lines.” he explained, “So obviously I can’t endorse a wedding that would restrict you to Chicago.”

  “I understand your concerns, sir.” she saluted, “But my loyalties are with the Agency. If you feel the need to reassign me, please do. I don’t want you to have any reservations.”

  Commander Arlington studied her for a few more minutes before he let out a sigh. He returned her salute, and the screen flashed the NSA symbol.

  She looked away from the screen, and the implications of this conversation finally met her at full force. She was ecstatic about the idea of leading a task force, but at the same time she didn’t expect how hard the guilt would hit her when she found herself alone. This assignment had been a particularly difficult one. Though her training had taught her never to get attached to a subject, she could feel her heart aching with guilt. She knew she had truly fallen in love with Allan, a fact that she could never reveal to her commander.

  A tear rolled down her cheek unexpectedly as she signed out of the console. She wiped her ch
eek as the keyboard folded itself and the wall whirred back into place. Memories flooded her mind from the past three years of their lives together, fused with emotional pain. Allan not only loved her, but he trusted her. Sometimes she feared that he trusted her too much.

  She wanted nothing more than to imagine that her life with Allan over the past three years had been influenced by fate and that they would live happily ever after, but she knew better.

  There were so many lies she had told him; too many obstacles they would have to overcome if she ever told him the truth. She wished she could take it all back, that she never had taken the assignment in the first place… but she was in far too deep now.

  Chapter Six: Attorney-Client Privilege

  When the Leviathan discovered divinity within man, it became desirous to subdue them: for no creature had ever been endowed with such power or glory. But God blessed the earth insomuch that the Leviathan was unable to penetrate the firmament…

  – Methuselah 5:8 –

  Allan pulled up to the guard tower in front of the parking terrace in his obsidian Ferrari F430 Spider. As the gate lifted, Allan revved his engine a few times. The guard delightfully held this thumbs up in approval as Allan screeched past.

  Allan smirked to himself as he circled up the ramp to the upper levels of the structure. After climbing out of his car, he ran his hand along the sleek contours and curves in admiration. She was his pride and joy, and his greatest fear was that he might miss a payment and risk her repossession.

  Though it had taken several years to develop, today Allan would finally nail down his biggest securities contract with Mr. Demyan. The residual income to follow would get him back on track and he could give Lily the kind of life she deserved, assuming of course she accepted his pending proposal. With all the massive debts he owed, he needed this contract desperately to get him out of this rut.

  It’s not like I’m lying to her. There are just some things she’s better off not knowing.


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