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Page 23

by D. B. Reynolds

  “Emma,” he repeated intently.

  Emma moaned, then licked her lips slowly. Her eyes opened and met his directly. “Do it,” she whispered.

  Duncan gave a hard thrust of his cock. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Please, Duncan.” She turned her head to one side, baring her neck, stretching it taut in invitation.

  Duncan hissed, his eyelids drooping heavily as lust-fueled hunger roared along every nerve and into every muscle. He bent his head to her neck, his mouth going unerringly to the thick swell of her jugular. Using only his lips, he sucked hard on the vein, plumping it further, drawing it into his mouth without breaking the skin. Emma gasped, and he smiled. He rubbed the blunt surface of his fangs along her neck, gliding them back and forth, teasing her. Emma’s fingers dug into his biceps and her already pounding heart began to race. A sudden tremor of excitement tightened her inner muscles, rippling along his cock, still sheathed deep inside her.

  He lifted his head and sank his fangs into her vein, groaning at the rush of thick, sweet blood, fragrant with arousal, as rich as honey. Emma’s hands moved from his shoulders to grip his nape, holding his mouth against her. She cried out in surprise as the euphoric in his bite hit her bloodstream, as if she was stunned by her own body’s response. The ripple of muscle along his shaft quickened, and Duncan began thrusting harder, faster, driven as much by Emma’s need as by his own. Her beautiful violet eyes opened and she stared up at him.

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered, and then she was pushed over the edge as her hot, little body clenched, grabbing his cock so tightly he could barely move. Emma screamed as the orgasm rolled over them both, as his own groans mixed with her cries of pleasure, and he shot his release deep inside her womb.

  Duncan lay on top of her, breathing hard, knowing he should move. He was heavy, and for all her height, Emma was delicate. But he couldn’t find the strength to lift himself. He lay there a few moments longer, Emma’s arms still holding him, her ankles still locked over his ass. Finally, he reached back and lifted one of her legs. Her thighs fell open as if there was no strength left in her muscles. Duncan smiled and shifted to one side, taking her with him so she lay against his chest, in the curve of his arm.

  They stayed that way for a long time, silent, breathing, their hearts slowly returning to normal.

  “You okay, Emmaline?” he asked, rubbing his chin over her fragrant hair.

  “Okay?” Emma murmured lazily. “Okay doesn’t even come close. Blissed out, maybe.” She lifted her head enough to lick his nipple. “Tell me something,” she said. “Am I allowed to bite you, too?” Her teeth closed over his nipple, emphasizing her words.

  Duncan growled, reaching down to squeeze her ass in warning. “Just remember, my fangs are sharper, and you’re very tasty.”

  “Hmm. Well, I’m not complaining. As long as I get to bite back.”

  Duncan shuddered with pleasure. “Feel free, darlin’. I’m all yours.” He realized as he said the words that it was true. Emma Duquet had somehow managed to do what no woman had since his wife had died nearly two hundred years ago. She’d gotten inside his heart.

  Emma gave his nipple another playful lick, then sat up and, humming softly, straddled his hips. The wet heat of her sex teased the base of his cock as she rocked back and forth above him, her hands braced on his chest, her breasts swaying tantalizingly out of reach. He leaned up and caught one in his mouth, sucking hard before she swayed away from him again.

  “You’re pushing your luck,” he warned, his gaze heavy as he watched her.

  “Sauce for the goose,” she murmured.

  Duncan frowned briefly, but decided he didn’t care what she meant. All he cared about was getting his mouth on those beautiful breasts and his dick inside her one more time.

  “Come here,” he said, gripping her hips.

  “Nuh uh,” Emma replied, continuing to rock, but leaning back so he couldn’t reach her breasts.


  “Yes?” she said sweetly.

  In a single move, he flipped her over and under him, driving himself deep inside her, exactly where he wanted to be. Emma gasped in surprise and then groaned as he began to move, grinding against her clit every time he plunged into her tight pussy.

  “I did warn you,” he murmured, then lowered his head and bit the tip of one swollen nipple, letting his fangs scrape against the soft skin of her breast until blood welled. He licked the blood away, and Emma shivered with a pleasure that matched his own as he tasted her sweet blood on his tongue. He began to thrust harder, wanting to feel her hot and tight as she came around his cock one more time, to establish once and for all that she was his and no other’s. Her stomach muscles trembled as the orgasm began to rip through her, the convulsions shivering down through her womb to race along the slick walls surrounding his shaft. Her sex tightened around him, alternately squeezing and releasing his cock as he continued to slide in and out of her, grinding against her swollen clit.

  Emma cried his name when she came this time, her nails drawing blood along his back, her legs crushing the breath from his body. Duncan felt his own release building as his sac tightened and his balls grew heavy. Suddenly, Emma bit his shoulder hard enough to draw blood, and with a shout he crashed over the edge as the orgasm took him.

  Duncan didn’t think he could move. A hundred and fifty years of making love to some of the most beautiful women in the world, and for the first time he actually felt drained. Not that he’d have any trouble getting it up again if Emma was so inclined. He lifted his head and gazed down at her, brushing a lock of hair away from her sweaty cheek. He smiled and figured she wouldn’t be demanding a repeat performance for a while at least. Moving carefully, he slid to one side, pulling her with him. She sighed and nestled against his body, her head on his shoulder.

  A powerful surge of protectiveness flooded his senses and he had to fight to keep his muscles loose and relaxed so she wouldn’t notice. The urgency to mate, to make her his, had eased now that he’d taken her body and blood. She might not know it yet, but Emma Duquet belonged to him. No other vampire would dare touch her, or they would face his wrath. And his wrath would be a terrible thing when it came to Emma.

  * * * *

  The ringing of his cell phone stirred Duncan to alertness sometime later. Emma had fallen asleep and he hadn’t wanted to disturb her, so he’d held her while she slept and let his mind continue working over the many details demanding his attention these days. Everything from the continuing construction, to the question of Lacey’s killers, to the all important issue of Emma’s safety. If it was up to him, she wouldn’t leave the residence until he knew that all of those responsible for Lacey’s death had been dealt with and were no longer a threat. His preferred mode of ensuring her safety was the most permanent one, although rationally he understood it would raise a few flags if several elected officials died all at once. So he’d kill the worst of them and ensure the others left town. For now.

  Emma stirred at the sound of the phone, her eyes fluttering open slowly. She stiffened, probably realizing she wasn’t in her own bed. And then, to his great pleasure, she relaxed against him. It did something to his heart to know that waking next to him made her feel secure enough to relax.

  “It’s probably Miguel,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “I should talk to him.”

  Emma sat up, then leaned over to give him a thorough kiss, her naked breasts swaying close enough that he cupped one in his hand, smiling when her nipple immediately hardened in response. She hummed with pleasure and pushed against his hand before pulling away. “Tell Miguel he has lousy timing,” she said, then slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

  Duncan watched her shapely ass until she closed the door, then padded out to the other room to retrieve his phone from the desk. He didn’t actually have to answer to know it was Miguel calling him. The connection between a Sire and his vampire child was very strong, especially when the Sire was as powerful as Duncan.
  “Miguel,” he said, answering the phone.

  “Sire,” Miguel said cautiously. “I don’t mean to interrupt—”

  “You’re not,” he assured his lieutenant. If it had truly been an interruption, Duncan wouldn’t have answered at all.

  “My lord, the guard we had on Ms. Duquet today tells me she spent a great deal of time with Violet Slayton.”

  “So I understand,” Duncan said. “Emma and I will join you in the computer room shortly.”

  “Thank you, Sire.”

  Duncan disconnected, smiling at Miguel’s discretion. What he’d told Emma about the room being soundproofed was true. None of his vampires would have heard what was going on. But that didn’t mean their brains stopped working. Even without their blood link to him, they would have detected the strong emotions being generated. When one added that link into the mix, they knew very well what Duncan had been up to this evening.

  Emma emerged from the bathroom, her beautiful breasts and everything else on full display. She glanced up to see Duncan watching her hungrily.

  “Stop that,” she chided him. “Or we’ll never get out of this room.”

  “Would that be a bad thing?”

  Emma laughed. “Eventually you’d get tired of me.”

  Duncan crossed to her in two long strides, sliding his arm around her waist and pulling her firmly against his body. “Never,” he whispered in between nibbling kisses to her ear and throat. Emma wrapped her arms around him with a hungry little cry of her own, and tilted her head against his shoulder, giving him full access to her neck. She shivered when he bit the lobe of her ear, and her nipples poked his chest.

  “You’re a very bad man, Duncan,” she whispered, her breath hot against his skin.

  “I’m not a man at all, Emma. And while some may consider me bad, I’m very good at what I do.”

  “And what’s that?” she asked, kissing his shoulder before pulling away to give him a curious look.

  “I take care of the people who matter to me, and especially those I consider mine.” He kissed her soft mouth. “And you, Emmaline, are most definitely mine.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I don’t want her badgered,” Emma said for what felt like the hundredth time. She was sitting in the makeshift computer room along with Duncan and several of his vampires, including Phoebe. The chair was hard and uncomfortable, the room was cold, and she was bone tired. She’d been up most of the previous night, had worked a full day today, driven out to Violet Slayton’s home and back again, and then spent a vigorous couple of hours with Duncan—not that she’d give back one minute of her time with Duncan no matter how little sleep she had. But it was beginning to look as though she wouldn’t get much sleep tonight either. That was the problem in working with vampires. They were fresh and raring to go, just getting started on their day, so to speak, while she wanted nothing more than to sleep for about eight hours straight.

  Except that they were discussing their approach to Violet Slayton, which was something Emma cared a great deal about. She was not going to let them badger the poor woman into telling them what she knew, no matter the stakes.

  “Emma,” Duncan said patiently. “She’s probably our best source for getting the identity of the men involved in Lacey’s death.”

  “She doesn’t remember anything.”

  “But she will,” Duncan insisted, also for the hundredth time. “The very fact that she’s as spooked as you say she is, that she knows something happened and is having nightmares about it, tells me that whoever messed with her head did a piss poor job of it. I can fix that and get what we need at the same time. You say you care about her, then let me repair the damage they’ve done to her mind.”

  Emma regarded Duncan steadily. He was leaning back against the table across from hers, long legs stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He looked his usual cool and studly self in black jeans and t-shirt, his hair pulled back in a neat tail. And she was pretty sure he could lie his ass off and she’d never know the difference if he didn’t want her to. But she trusted him. God knew he was wicked in bed, but he was also a good man out of it.

  “All right,” she agreed. “But no one else, Duncan. If you all show up en masse, she’ll freak out and we’ll never get a word out of her.”

  “Agreed,” he said, nodding.

  “And I go with you.” When Duncan frowned, she added, “I don’t think she’ll see you otherwise.”

  “All right, then,” he said reluctantly. “But you said she didn’t want to meet at her home.”

  “Right. So we’ll have figure out someplace neutral. Not here,” she said immediately. “For all we know, this is one of the places Victor and his buddies assaulted her.”

  “Miguel,” Duncan said, shifting his gaze to his lieutenant. “We’ll need someplace private, but not so isolated that she feels threatened. And none of Victor’s properties. We can’t know which ones he used.”

  “You can do it at our house,” Phoebe offered from her seat next to Emma. “It’s close to where Slayton lives, and we have plenty of privacy. Plus with Ted living there, it has a messy, lived-in feel to it,” she added dryly.

  “Are you sure, Pheebs?” Duncan asked, frowning.

  “Absolutely. Our offices are on the same property, so we have people in and out all the time, but I’ll make sure you have the place to yourself for this.”

  He nodded. “Thank you, then. Miguel, we’ll do it tomorrow night. You can check out the property tonight. Do whatever you need to do to feel secure about the setup. Emma and I will pick up Violet—”

  “No,” Emma interrupted. “I’ll pick up Violet alone and take her to the house. Once we’re there, you can join us. She won’t want a stranger in her house, Duncan,” she insisted when he looked as if he’d argue. “You can have someone tail me if that makes you feel better, but I’ll bring her to Phoebe’s house alone. I’ll need the address and everything so I can map it out ahead of time.”

  “We’ll program the GPS for you,” Duncan said. “You’ll be driving one of our SUVs. They’re safer.”

  Emma nodded, privately hoping she’d get one of the big V8 SUVs, not some smaller, punier version. Maybe if she asked nicely. Behind Duncan, Baldwin was giving her a thumb’s up, and she fought back a grin. Duncan narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously, but she gave him an innocent smile, which she was sure didn’t fool him for one minute.

  “Very well,” Duncan said, clearly calling an end to the meeting. “Louis, you and the others keep working. Miguel, you and I need to talk to Alaric. He’s waiting for us in the new wing. Emma, a moment of your time, please.”

  Uh oh, Emma thought. Busted.

  She followed him down the hall, barely making it through the door of his office before he had her up against the wall and was kissing her. She reacted without thinking, going up on her toes and rubbing her breasts against his chest, kissing him back for all she was worth. He growled and crushed her lips beneath his mouth, his fangs fully in evidence as he bit down hard enough to draw a small taste of her blood.

  Emma gasped and bit him back, tasting the thick honey that was his vampire blood a moment before it hit her bloodstream and sent a jolt of lust spearing right between her legs. She moaned into his mouth, hooked her leg over his hip and began grinding herself shamelessly against him, needing to release the heat building there like a volcano about to blow.

  Duncan swore softly, ripped her jeans open and shoved his hand down into her panties, hissing when his fingers slid into the already wet folds between her legs. “You’re so damn hot,” he whispered and plunged two fingers up into her hungry pussy, tipping her over into a searing orgasm that slammed her into the wall and left her shuddering and clinging to his shoulders while small jolts of pleasure fired along her nerves at random.

  Duncan carried her to the bedroom and threw her on the bed, his gaze liquid fire against her skin as he stripped away first her pants and then his, not even bothering with the rest of th
eir clothes before he lifted her legs over his shoulders and plunged deep inside her with a single, strong thrust, his sleekly muscled arms braced to either side of her.

  Emma wanted to stroke him, to glide her palms over the smooth muscles of those powerful shoulders, that firm chest with its light dusting of golden blond hair. He was so beautiful stretched out above her, his cock filling her so completely as he pumped in and out, her body closing eagerly around him with every thrust. She brushed a hand over her nipple—swollen with desire, aching for attention—and gasped at how very good it felt. Duncan’s gaze riveted immediately on her breasts, and Emma smiled, caressing them, squeezing them together, rolling her nipples between her fingers and pinching them hard enough that they grew flushed with blood.

  He snarled, his gaze flashing up to hers and back to her breasts as he began to pump harder. Emma cried out, feeling the pressure growing between her legs, the first tremors of climax tightening her belly and sending shivers of pleasure coursing along her inner walls with every thrust of Duncan’s cock. She closed her eyes against the overwhelming flood of sensation, rubbing her hand down her abdomen and over her mound to her clit which was begging for release.

  Realizing what she was doing, her eyes flashed open in guilt and she looked up to see Duncan watching her hungrily. “Do it,” he demanded. “Come for me, Emma.”

  Embarrassment heated her already flushed face, but she began to fondle herself, feeling the weight of his stare with every stroke of her fingers. The lips of her sex were swollen and puffy as she rode the tight nub between them, her vagina stretched tight around the thickness of Duncan’s cock.

  “Look at me, Emma.”

  She looked up at him, and he began to pump even faster, his powerful arms holding her in place as he fucked her, as she began to rub her clit harder, desperate now for release. It hit without warning, going from a thrilling ripple to a full blown tidal wave of incredible sensation that roared through her, jumbling her senses until she could only scream and hope she wouldn’t explode from the raw power of it. Some part of her registered Duncan’s triumphant shout as his release flooded inside her, filling her with heat before he collapsed on top of her and scooped her into his arms.


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