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Love Like Crazy

Page 11

by Crystal B. Bright

  “This isn’t an open mic night, is it?” Avery had her back to the audience as soon as Laz got her to the stage area.

  “No. But we have fifteen minutes to make this work.”

  Avery shook her head. “Don’t bother.” She started to leave the stage area. “Amateur hour.”

  Laz netted her around her waist with his arm. “Hey, I made something happen here out of nothing. No, this wasn’t ideal. But we have something. You have an opportunity to sing. Don’t get caught up in details. And don’t get scared.”

  Her panting breath did scare him.

  “Breathe. Calm down. You’re an incredible talent. You’re going to kill it.” He peered over at the bar area. “You can only do one song.” Then he looked down at his watch. “And we don’t have a lot of time. What song are you going to do?”

  Avery looked deep in thought before she acknowledged him. “Stand aside. I got this.”

  “Wait. Let me first introduce you.” Laz approached the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, the staff here at Honey’s has graciously allowed my friend here a unique opportunity to sing a song for you before the show resumes.”

  No one in the audience looked up or even paid him any attention.

  “Okay, so without further ado, here’s Avery, um, Avery.” One-named stars did well.

  Avery had a unique enough name to carry it off. Laz just wished he knew her plan. He stepped back from the microphone to allow her to step forward.

  Then he rushed to the side to get to the piano. His breathing came out as heavy pants as he braced his hands on top of the tablecloth covering the instrument. Before he could remove the tablecloth, he heard the most angelic sound ever. Without any instruments backing her, Avery started singing Bob Dylan’s “To Make You Feel My Love.”

  He became mesmerized in the song and the simple and easy way she performed it. As he watched her, he realized he had a unique opportunity on his hands. Abandoning the piano, he got out his phone and started recording her.

  Avery kept her eyes closed for most of the song. Rookie move. He would have to show her the video and discuss her stage persona, like a wrestling coach talking to one of his students.

  The more Avery sang, the more Laz felt every hair on his body stand up. He looked out in the audience. The people who hadn’t paid him any attention before, now couldn’t take their stares off Avery. Everyone stopped talking. No one drank. Even the bartender stopped serving customers while Avery sang.

  Laz smiled and had to keep from giggling like some schoolgirl when he saw what he had recognized from the very beginning. Avery had a gift. She had magic in her pipes. It would be a shame for her not to use it. No way would he get anyone else to represent her.

  At the end of her song, the audience roared its approval by giving her a standing ovation. Avery opened her eyes and looked shocked by the reaction. She laughed but had tears running down her cheeks.

  Laz stopped recording and stood next to her on the stage. In her ear, he whispered, “You did it. You were incredible.”

  Out of nowhere, he planted an innocent kiss on her temple before ushering her off stage. When he did, he noticed a few female patrons who also dabbed away tears.

  By the time he got her back to the table, her drink sat waiting for her.

  “That was insane.” Avery covered her mouth. “I’ve had people react that way at karaoke, but nothing like this. I felt free.”

  “Did you feel like you belonged up there?”

  That would be the crucial question.

  Before she could answer, the bartender put her hand on Laz’s shoulder to get his attention.

  “You didn’t tell me you were bringing in a lethal weapon.” She smiled. Then she put her hand out to Avery. “Dot.”

  “Avery. Thanks for letting me sing.”

  “Anytime. That’s why I came over here. Our regular open mic is on Sunday nights. You’re more than welcome to come back then, too. And if you want a regular spot, let me know. Pay is based on draw and drinks sold. Do well, bring in a lot of customers, you could do okay.” She pulled out a business card and started to hand it to Avery when Laz snagged it out of her hand.

  “Thanks. I’m Laz Kyson, her manager. I’ll let you know.” He nodded.

  As soon as the bartender walked away, Avery snatched the card from Laz’s hand. “Until I sign anything with you, I’ll handle my own business.”

  Damn. He had arranged this whole impromptu performance. Didn’t she see that he had her best interest at heart? The fact that she didn’t allow him to take over so easily actually intrigued him. Laz had been used to people, especially women, doing what he wanted.

  “So if I bring you a contract, you’ll give me back that card and let me make decisions for you?” He stared at her to gauge her reaction.

  Avery looked a little pensive before she answered. “It depends.”

  Laz sighed. “I’ve been in this business for a long time. I know how to navigate through the industry a little better than you. You’re going to have to trust me.”

  “And you’re going to have to listen to me and understand my needs.”

  If Laz could do that, he would have had a girlfriend and, maybe, his job at Universe.

  After slipping the card into her purse, Avery fidgeted in her chair and spun her coffee mug around so much that the contents splashed on to the table.

  “That was fun. I want to do that again.” Avery stood.

  Laz laughed as he held her hand and guided her back down to her seat. “Not our night. Not really. We’ll have other moments. But this one was huge.” He nodded. “Drink your coffee and enjoy the night.”

  He had to make big plans for Avery. If he plotted this right, she could hit from this one performance and have companies lining up to sign her. That would be the dream.

  After a couple of hours, Laz drove Avery back to her apartment. From the way she smiled the entire trip back, a welcome change from how they started the evening, he could tell she still felt pumped about her performance.

  “You did a fine job on stage. Did I tell you that?” Laz pulled into her apartment complex.

  Avery nodded. “You did. But it’s awesome to hear. They wanted to book me. Me!” She put her hand to her chest. “That’s insane.”

  He pulled up to her apartment building. “Like me, they recognize talent.” He got out of the car.

  Like before, he went around to her side to open her door. This time, she let him. He walked her up to the door.

  “Thank you for getting me to do this and for pushing me. I was ready to hightail it out there, but luckily, you wouldn’t let me.” She smiled.

  “I recognize not only your incredible voice, but your drive. You want this. I can tell.”

  Avery unlocked her door and opened it. “I want a lot of things.” She peered up at him. “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug.

  Laz held her. He liked feeling the softness of her body. He had to stop himself from sliding his hands down to her ample backside. Gentleman. Professional. He had to remember those two things.

  “I can come in and finish helping you with your schoolwork.” He rubbed his hands up and down her back.

  In response, she massaged his shoulders. Immediately, in his mind, he thought about having sex with this incredible woman and feeling her holding on to his shoulders while positioned between her thighs. If he thought about this now, he knew he would need to go soon.

  When Avery pulled back from him, she stopped when she got face-to-face with him. She inched her face forward. Laz should have recoiled back like he did earlier that night, kept up that professionalism. In response, he eased his head down. As soon as her lips brushed his, he released a long, low moan.

  What the hell was he doing? He just posed the argument in his head to be professional, to not cross the line. With Avery
, it didn’t feel like this kiss didn’t make sense.

  He pressed his lips against hers and cradled the back of her head with his hand. Damn, she felt good.

  Laz felt bold enough to slide his tongue into her mouth. He braced for her to push him away. Avery sucked on it and pulled on his shoulders as she stumbled back into her apartment. He didn’t stop kissing her when her back hit a wall.

  His whole body throbbed, but mainly below his belt. To keep from going too far, he gripped her waist, but he still pulled her forward, brushing his crotch against her stomach. When she moaned, his pulse quickened.

  She broke from the kiss first. “If you want to stay here, you can.” She tried catching her breath as she spoke to him. “There’s a couch.”

  Laz had a feeling that after that kiss, he wouldn’t be staying on the couch. Every part of his body wanted her and wanted to take her to bed. He had already crossed the line by kissing her. He didn’t need to further ruin the start of a potentially great working relationship.

  “I have a lot of work to do and I don’t want to keep you awake…by working.” Laz backed up and suddenly felt so cold. “You have my number. Call me tomorrow or I can just come over.” When she didn’t say anything, he filled in the blanks. “I’ll come over.” He held on to the doorknob as he closed the door. “Good night.”


  Chapter 8

  Stupid, stupid, stupid! Avery shouldn’t have kissed Laz, apparent from the way he bolted from her. She, for sure, shouldn’t have asked him to spend the night. Her old impulsive self returned in a blink of an eye. Yet with Laz, it felt different.

  Yes, kissing him had been hasty. Her feelings, though, stemmed from a deeper connection. They spoke the same language when they talked music. As she imagined, his lips felt amazing on hers.

  If only she didn’t feel the intense bond to him, especially after she sang. If only she didn’t feel the need to express her gratitude physically.

  No, the reason for the kiss came from more than a simple thank you. She wanted this man. Even with the brief but intense kiss, she could tell Laz would be a passionate lover. As soon as he slid his tongue in her mouth and tightened his hold on her waist, she wanted more. Her heart pounded recalling the moment.

  His cooler head prevailed when he didn’t take her up on the offer to stay in her apartment last night. That didn’t stop her imagination—and her vibrator—from running wild last night.

  Maybe with her fantasies and body now satisfied, she can get down to business. That meant focusing on school. She chalked up her impulsive kiss to the excitement of performing. Nothing else. If only Avery could convince her jittery belly of that.

  It didn’t help that Laz had sent her a text message with a copy of her performance after leaving her last night. Avery must have watched it a hundred times before finally falling asleep. Hearing herself sing didn’t excite her. The enthusiastic response from the crowd curled her toes. She could hear that applause for the rest of her life and be happy.

  A knock sounded at her door. Avery glanced at the clock on the wall. She could always count on her parents’ Sunday morning arrival. Convincing her to go to church had become more of a sport to them than a sincere goal.

  Still in her sleeping shorts and loose T-shirt, she bounded down the stairs. She knew as soon as they saw her in her pajamas with her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun that they would get the message, again, give her a lecture, and leave her alone. That didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy their weekly visits.

  Avery unlocked and opened her door. “Good morning.”

  Seeing Laz on the other side had her wanting to slam the door in his face. She had forgotten that he mentioned he would come by to see her. For that reason alone, she should have showered, shaved her legs and more, and worn something a little better than an old Bart Simpson shirt and baggy shorts.

  “Good morning to you, too.” Laz looked so good in his jeans and white T-shirt that showed off his tanned skin. “May I come in for a moment?” He stayed planted in front of her door until she spoke.

  “Um, yeah. Sure.” She took a step to the side to allow him to come into her apartment again. “Excuse my appearance. I just woke up.” A lie but it would have to do under the circumstances.

  “I would have called you first, but I assumed you would be awake.” He followed her up the steps.

  She realized very quickly that he could probably see up the legs of her shorts and had a bird’s-eye view of her panties. Could this day get any worse?

  “Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Tea?” She winced when she realized she sounded just like she used to when she waited tables.

  “No. I’m fine.” He glanced at her couch. “May I sit?”

  “Of course.” Avery waited until Laz sat down before she found a spot at the other end of the couch from him.

  “Before we talk about anything else, I need to say something.” Laz sat up taller and made sure to make eye contact with her.

  The blue eyes reduced her to a pool of jelly, but she stiffened up her back to show confidence.

  “You are a very talented woman, and I’m not talking about your kissing skills, which…” Laz trailed off like he had to corral himself.

  Avery smiled. No matter how long she lived, she would never get tired of hearing that, especially coming from Laz, which seemed strange. She shouldn’t want praise from a stranger. The warmth in his eyes and his strong convictions that kind of matched her father’s, Avery started to not see Laz as a stranger. Unfortunately, she didn’t see him as a manager either. She pictured him in another crucial role, which might not help her singing career.

  Laz took a deep breath before he continued. “But I can’t represent you.” He quickly stood up. “I’m sorry.”

  Before he turned, Avery, still stunned from his quick declaration, grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Wait. What did you say?”

  “You were right the entire time. I’m not the right person to represent you and I’m sorry for wasting your time.” He wouldn’t even look her in the eyes.

  Laz kept his gaze either above her head or aimed down to the floor.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m not accepting that. For days, you’ve been on me about my talent. Now all the sudden, I’m not good enough for you anymore?”

  “I never said that.” He finally connected his gaze to hers. “You’re an exceptional singer. With some work, you’ll be an even better performer.” He put his hand to his chest. “I’m not the one who should be getting you to that next level.”

  When he started to leave again, Avery did like he had done when he first saw her in the men’s bathroom, and she blocked his path. “I have never thought about myself seriously as making it in the business until you came along. I never thought I was talented enough or had enough drive or even pretty enough.”

  At her last statement, Laz looked like he wanted to reach out and touch her. He restrained the desire and kept his arm down to his side.

  “You made me think of myself differently. Fine. So I’m drinking the Kool-Aid now. I’m buying what you’re selling. Now you want to up and go? Why?” Her breathing came out hard.

  If this man didn’t tell her what she needed to know soon, she would faint from lack of oxygen.

  “What happened between us last night when we got back to your place should have never occurred.” His face became somber. “You’re new to the business. I don’t want you thinking that everyone you deal with is out to sleep with you.” He gritted his teeth for a moment before he continued. “I did not pursue you because I wanted something physical. I don’t involve myself in relationships with people I work with, particularly clients. I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable. That wasn’t my intention.”

  Avery’s heartbeat slowed down. She kind of hoped he enjoyed the kiss, the connection. She felt it. Didn’t he?

“That was very nice to say. I appreciate your honesty.” She nodded.

  “Good.” He wiped imaginary sweat from his brow and laughed. “I didn’t think you would understand. I thought this would be awkward.”

  “It probably still will be.” She made sure he reconnected his gaze to hers before she spoke. “I liked the kiss. Even though it’s not what I should want, especially with what I have going on right now, if it happens again, I wouldn’t stop it.”

  “You wouldn’t have to. I would, that’s if I stayed. But I’m not.” To punctuate his point, he shook his head and even crossed his arms like he needed the barrier.

  Damn if he didn’t appear sexy saying the most honorable and unsexy thing in the world.

  “So you didn’t like kissing me?” Avery crowded his space by moving in closer to him.

  “I didn’t say that.” Laz shook his head.

  “There’s a lot you’re not saying for a man who hasn’t stopped trying to sell me on this idea since meeting me. So if given the chance, you would kiss me again?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “I didn’t say that either.”

  She got close enough to him to feel the heat coming from his body. “And if I kissed you, would you push me away?”

  Laz exhaled through his nose and dropped his gaze. “A physical relationship is not what you should want out of your manager.”

  Avery nodded. “You’re right.” She stared at him. “Out of the right man, it’s exactly what I want.”

  He looked a bit stunned and speechless. His mouth hung open as he stared at hers. Without thinking, she licked her lips. She didn’t realize the effect she had until he growled.

  “I came here to finally give you what you’ve been wanting.” When Avery’s eyes widened, he continued with his statement. “Your freedom. You said so yourself. Ever since I came into your life, bad things have happened.” He waved his hand in between their bodies. “Us working together would be a bad thing. You deserve way better.”

  “I don’t accept that.” She held on to his thick forearm and pulled him back into her living room. “For the first time in years, I saw myself doing more than scrubbing floors, taking orders, or singing in karaoke bars. You did all that in a few days.”


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