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Love Like Crazy

Page 14

by Crystal B. Bright

  “Chantel Woodley,” Laz said, quickly correcting her.

  “I’m very old school. I was there for her first CD. I remember saving up my money and begging my parents to take me to the store to get it. I wore it out playing it so much that I’ve had to buy at least two back-up copies. I still listen to it to this day. Now her voice is flawless.” Just talking about the Princess of Love Ballads had Avery’s heart skipping its own beat.

  She practically worshipped Shauna, or Chantel. Chantel started off dirt poor like Avery. From hard work, she made a great name for herself. Avery envisioned a career path like that. Of course, Avery made her musical start about ten years too late. By Avery’s age now, Chantel had had her nervous breakdown along with diamond-selling hits.

  “I felt the same way about her when I fought for her to remain at Universe.” Laz shook his head. “My boss wouldn’t listen to me or her. They let her go.”

  Avery let that story process in her head. When Chantel needed an advocate, Laz had been there for her, but it still didn’t help. Would it be the same for Avery? When the going got tough, would he simply give up?

  “That’s the other label I would want to go to. Universe puts out a lot of great female singers. They were the first to sign Chantel. And they have Kat, who—”

  “No.” Laz shook his head. “That’s not the right label for you. You can do better. Trust me.”

  “But they have star power and plenty of cash to—”

  “No. You’re not going to them. Over my dead body.” He pulled his hand away from hers to put it on the steering wheel.

  She took the move to mean he would pull his support for her if she pushed this. His reaction seemed deep rooted in something that went beyond how the company did business. From the way his jaw flexed, he hated the organization.

  “What’s wrong with Universe?” She had to know why her future manager limited her options.

  Laz pulled into Honey’s parking lot and parked at the back row. When he turned the car off, he turned his full body to her to answer the question. “Universe does have plenty of money. With that money, they’ll use it to control you. They’ll make you sing songs you may not like. You write your own songs.”

  Hesitant to speak, Avery nodded.

  “Keep them to yourself. If the songs are good, they may want to let someone like Kat sing them, and they’ll let you do covers.” He reached his hand up and stroked his fingertips down the side of her face. “You’re beautiful.”

  His touch raised the hairs on her body. She sighed and trembled at the same time.

  “They would make you put on a pile of makeup and outfits that showed off your body. I have a feeling you wouldn’t like that. I know your parents wouldn’t like to see their baby girl in fishnets and bright red lipstick.” Laz cradled her chin. “You’re too good to sink down to their level. I have a better plan for you. Do you trust me?”

  Staring into his eyes, even in the darkened parking lot, she saw Laz’s soul. He meant every word he’d said. She nodded in agreement.

  “Good.” He unhooked his seatbelt. “Now, what song are you doing? You never told me.”

  Avery found she liked teasing Laz. “You’ll see when we get inside.”

  She heard him growling as he opened her car door and escorted her up to the building. As soon as he opened the door, Avery wanted to run away. For one, the person singing on stage could not find the right pitch even if it landed on top of his head. Second, her fear and nervousness returned.

  Like she had done it a million times before, she grabbed Laz’s hand as she scanned the place, looking for an empty table. She spotted one in the back toward the center.

  Laz must have seen it, too. He walked her to it and sat down.

  “Avery and her manager.” Dot bounded to the duo. She rested her fisted hands on the tabletop as she bounced her attention from one to the other. “I was really hoping you were going to come back.”

  “Wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Avery hoped no one heard her voice trembling. From the way Laz looked at her after she spoke and how Dot’s smile started to fade, she had a feeling they had caught it.

  “I’ll send a waitress over so you can get something to eat or drink. If you knock it out of the park tonight like you did last night, your food and beverages will be on me.” Dot’s big smile returned.

  “Speaking of waitress, are you looking for any?” Avery sat up taller.

  “She’s kidding.” Laz laughed to support his claim.

  “No, I’m not. I just lost my waitressing job.” She would leave out the fact that Laz caused her to get fired. “I’m looking for other work.”

  “And by that, she means the steady gig you were talking about last night, not a waitressing spot.” Laz grabbed Avery’s hand and pressed it down on the table like he wanted to quiet her.

  No. She still had a life and bills.

  “I mean both. Until this singing thing takes off, I need to find a job. I go to school in the daytime, but my early evenings are free. I work as a janitor overnight.”

  The more she spoke, the more Laz squeezed her hand.

  “As a matter of fact, I am shorthanded. After you do your song, come see me.” Dot winked and walked over to the bar area.

  “I wished you wouldn’t have done that.” Laz released her hand.

  “Why? You know I need the work.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s called paying your dues.”

  “You are too good to be waitressing again.”

  “But I’m okay cleaning toilets, right?” She cocked her head.

  “No.” He looked at her. “I’m saying you shouldn’t be doing any of that anymore.”

  “So you want me to be a homeless singer?” She chuckled.

  “No. I want you to realize your worth. You are exceptional.” Laz stared at her.

  Avery couldn’t stop looking at him until she heard someone clearing their throat. The sound got her attention.

  A waitress stood on the other side of the table from them. “Welcome to Honey’s. Would you like something to drink or eat?” She pointed to menus at the center of the table.

  “Chamomile tea.” Laz rubbed his forehead.

  “I’ll have a caramel latte, please.” Avery would need something to perk her up.

  Right now Laz had her wound up in both a good way and scary way. He saw her like no one had ever envisioned her. With him, she felt perfect.

  Like Graciela had said, he had to be too good to be true. She hadn’t encountered a man like him before. At some point, the other shoe would have to drop. For her, it always did.

  “Still not going to tell me your song?” Laz rested his hand on the back of her chair.

  Avery felt the heat permeating from his skin. To experience more, she leaned against the back of the chair. “Will you be recording me?”

  “Of course.”

  The waitress returned with their drinks. Avery pursed her lips and blew her breath over the steamy beverage before taking a needed sip.

  “Good. If I see a kind face in the audience, it’ll help me with keeping my eyes open.” She set her drink down, but kept her hands wrapped around the mug.

  “That’s it?” He shrugged.

  “I gave you a big hint about the song.” She tried not smiling before taking a second sip, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “What did I tell you about surprises?” He raised his eyebrow. “By the way, I noticed you didn’t take the video down like I had asked. I checked it out. It’s gotten fifty thousand views so far.”

  Avery stared at him without speaking to get his impression for the response. She knew he didn’t like her loading the video.

  He shrugged. “For an unknown, that’s excellent.” Then he sipped his tea.

  Avery’s mouth hung open. “Are you serious? Fifty thousand people listened to me sing? Th
at’s amazing.”

  “That still doesn’t mean that I approve of what you did.”

  “But it looks like it wasn’t a bad thing either. This could work in our favor.” She patted the back of his hand and hoped he would get on board with her.

  “Aren’t you afraid that your parents are going to see that video and call you on it?”

  Avery had considered that situation. She smiled. “I doubt they’ll see it. For one thing, my parents aren’t big into YouTube unless they’re searching for gospel videos. Also, I loaded the video under a different account.”

  “I did notice that. A Very Good Day. Clever.” He snickered. “But I did notice one problem with your video.”

  Her eyebrows drew together. “What’s that?”

  “You cited me as your manager in the description.” His lids appeared heavy.

  In the dim light of the place, the expression made him look even sexier.

  “Is there something wrong with that?” She sat up taller and leaned in closer to him.

  “Until you sign the contract, I’m not really your manager yet, now am I?” He patted his jacket pocket. “I do have a copy of it.”

  “After this. My second performance might not excite you.”

  Laz rested his hand close to hers on the table. “I sincerely doubt that. Everything about you…” As soon as he looked into her eyes, he lost his thoughts.

  Avery exhaled and slid her hand back away from his before picking up her mug. “Things are rolling along.”

  He held up his mug. “Let’s hope for success.”

  She picked up her mug and clinked it against his. “Cheers.”

  When Avery’s turn came up for her to sing, the wild birds of prey returned to her stomach. She leaned over to Laz. “Tell me something. Anything. I’m ready to run out the door right now.”

  Laz held her hand. “You can do this. You’re talented. You’re brave. I’m here for you. You keep your eyes on me.”

  She smiled when he said that. “I had planned on doing that.” She winked and stood. “Record me, okay?”

  Laz took out his phone. “On it.”

  Avery sauntered to the stage. When she got behind the microphone, she tapped it a couple of times to make sure it worked. When she heard the thumping sounds through the speakers, she nodded.

  “Hi.” Her voice squeaked. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Hi. My name is Avery Sh—”

  From the back of the room, she heard Laz coughing loud enough that she got the hint.

  “Avery.” She took the queue to keep it simple. “Tonight I’m going to sing Roberta Flack’s ‘The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.’ That’s been a favorite of mine for years.”

  Recorded music started behind her and it startled her. Avery jumped and missed her spot to start singing.

  She waved her hand in the air. “Will you cut the music? I’ll do it without.” She didn’t like the diva move, but she had practiced this at her apartment after Laz left. She knew exactly what to do.

  Avery started singing and feeling each word. It didn’t take her long to realize she had closed her eyes. So she quickly opened them. Through the dark, she found Laz. She spotted his hypnotic eyes. The strength in his stare forced her to keep her eyes open. She didn’t want to miss a moment of having him hear every word.

  The longer she sang, the more her knees knocked together. At one point, she thought she would forget the words, which for a singer, would have been death, especially a singer ballsy enough to sing without a musical accompaniment.

  At the end of the song, Avery felt wrung out. Her auxiliary power came from the uproarious shouts and screams from the diners in the restaurant. A few people stood. Laz, who had been standing the entire time, beamed from ear to ear.

  Avery leaned into the microphone. “Thank you.”

  She rushed back to the table where Laz embraced her so hard she felt breathless in the very best way. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and held on to him for dear life.

  “I’m so glad you left that as a surprise.” Laz rubbed his hand up and down her back. “That was a hell of a song to sing.” He kissed her forehead.

  “And I sang it to you,” she whispered in his ear.

  “I heard every note. I couldn’t stop looking in your eyes.” His warm breath feathered over her face when he whispered in her ear.

  At one point, it felt like his lips brushed the shell of her ear. Her insides already felt like lava while she sang the song to him. The longer he held her and the more she felt his heart beating against her chest, the more her resolve melted.

  She didn’t feel impulsive. Touching him, tasting him, having him felt natural, like the next logical step.

  “I’m ready to go home now.” Avery’s heart drummed just as hard in her chest.

  Laz set her down. “Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? You want some water?” He scanned around the place like he wanted to locate a waitress.

  “I feel fine.” She held Laz’s hand. When he brought his attention back to her, she reiterated her statement. “I’m ready for us to go.”

  Laz didn’t question her. She didn’t even bother to stop to talk to Dot about the job or potential singing gigs. Avery wanted to get back to her apartment. Now.

  Laz placed money on the table and held Avery’s hand as they marched out of the place. As soon as they got in the car, they raced home in silence.

  Avery felt both euphoric and still a bit scared. She glanced over at Laz, who kept his stare on the road until he reached Avery’s apartment complex. Instead of putting the car in park and walking her to her door, he parked it and turned off the car. Then he opened her car door and escorted her to her apartment.

  Even their trek to her door remained quiet. As soon as she unlocked her door, she finally heard Laz.

  “You drive me crazy with your voice.” He chuckled until he made eye contact. “And you looked beautiful up there.” He leaned forward and nuzzled his nose against her neck. “And you smell delicious.”

  Avery closed her eyes and enjoyed his touch. She stroked the back of his head before he pulled back from her.

  “I should go back to my hotel room.” He had his hands braced on the doorframe. “I should tell you good night and go. I shouldn’t be thinking what I’m thinking about right now.” He stared at her. “Tell me good night. Tell me to go.”

  Avery peered up at him. “I can’t. I want you.” She licked her lips before finally shaking her head. “I want you to stay.”

  Chapter 10

  Laz released the doorframe, backed up for a second before charging toward Avery. “Shit.”

  He pressed his lips against hers so hard she now needed him for air. He broke from the kiss long enough to close and lock the door behind him.

  When Avery started to walk up the stairs, he stopped her and scooped his hands under her backside so that she had to wrap her legs around him. He carried her up the stairs so fast that she didn’t recall the trek.

  At the top landing, Laz pressed Avery against a wall. Even as he smothered her in kisses, she worked on taking off his jacket. Then she worked on his shirt. She had to restrain herself from pulling it open and making his buttons fly all over the place.

  “Bedroom.” Avery nibbled on Laz’s ear.

  Although she wanted him right there and then, the protection she needed for them both awaited her in that room.

  As soon as she gained footing, Avery held Laz’s hand and walked toward the place where she would experience feeling free again, free of responsibilities, free of judgment, free to be herself. She stopped when she felt a tug on her hand. When she looked back, she found Laz looking conflicted.

  The bulge in his pants showed he wanted her, but his stare down to the floor let her know his head remained in business. For that reason, she desired him even more.

I know.” She moved in closer to him and put her hand to the side of his face.

  “I don’t do—”

  “I know.” She nodded.

  “I pride myself on being—”

  “Professional.” She kissed his cheek. “Tonight, let’s forget about the manager and the singer.” She pulled back and didn’t speak until she gained eye contact with him again. “It’s Avery and Lazarus, okay? It’s just us.” She waved her hand between their bodies. “I want you.” She finished undoing the buttons on his shirt.

  “Protection.” Laz nearly growled the word.

  Avery smiled. “Bedroom. Now.”

  While she walked backward toward her room, he followed her as he undid the buttons on his cuffs. He removed his shirt, revealing the chest she had admired before. Avery couldn’t help but reach out and touch him, run her fingertips over his taut flesh. While she circled one of his pebbled nipples with her fingers, she latched on to his other with her mouth. Her tongue circled it. She liked feeling it get a bit harder the more she manipulated him.

  He reacted the way she thought he would, the way she wanted him to respond. He growled first before pulling back from her and smothering her in a soul-releasing kiss. When he cradled the back of her head, she felt protected, wanted, needed. Plus, she liked that this man saw her as a sexy woman, not a conquest or an experience. She, for damn sure, viewed Laz as a man. Could he be her man, though?

  Avery felt Laz moving from side to side. When she stopped teasing him for a moment to look down, she noticed that he had toed off his shoes. Not content to let him undress himself, she put herself to work undoing his jeans.

  That action prompted him to pull the tie on her dress. As soon as she undid the button fly and pulled down the zipper, she let him go long enough so he could remove her dress completely.

  Laz scanned her body. “Beautiful.” He nodded before reaching behind her with one hand and undoing the clasp of her bra.

  The man had skills. Avery curved her shoulders forward to slip the undergarment down. Then she waited a beat before making eye contact with Laz again. She had to blink when she caught him staring back at her and not keeping his full attention on her naked breasts.


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