Love Like Crazy

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Love Like Crazy Page 27

by Crystal B. Bright

  When he appealed to her during their meeting with Sanaa to not sign the contract, she had listened. He seemed so passionate about her not making a critical mistake. Then when he punched out that big guard, it made her look at him differently. Now sitting across from Kat, she only saw him bringing her to an orgasm, too.

  “So what’s the deal? I really want to work with you.” Kat epitomized her name by curling her legs up on the couch.

  “I would love that, too. It’s just I don’t know if this is the life I want.”

  “What? Are you kidding? Money, travel, men.” Kat raised her eyebrows. “Girl, I still look at that video of you and Laz.”

  Hearing that didn’t sound like the compliment Kat had intended. Avery tried smiling through the comment, but her stomach lurched.

  Kat scooted closer to Avery. “Tell me something, just between the two of us.”

  “Oh, okay. Sure.”

  “What’s he like? Laz Kyson. I imagine his dick is huge.” Kat licked her lips.

  Avery’s stomach unknotted. “What do you mean? I thought you two had done something. You said—”

  “Pfft.” Kat waved her hand to Avery. “I just said that to piss him off because I knew he couldn’t say anything about it. Gag order.” She winked. “So? Spill it. And are you two an item or do I have a chance?”

  “A chance? Are you serious?” Avery watched Kat’s face go somber.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I turned my back on Laz because I questioned his integrity.” Avery hoped Kat took that to mean his business acumen and not on an intimate level. “You made it seem like he slept with you.”

  “So?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Why would that bother you?” Her eyes widened. “You did fuck him, didn’t you?”

  Avery picked up her purse and stood. “I’m going to go.”

  Kat’s smile melted. “What? Are you a prude or something? Too good to talk about sex?”

  Avery nodded. “I am. I’m also glad I didn’t sign that contract.” She headed to the door. “If working with you and working under Section Eight mean I can never trust anyone, I would rather clean toilets for the rest of my life. You’re a piece of work. I hope someone does to you what you did to Laz and me.”

  Kat bolted to her feet. “He did do that to me. I tried to fuck him, and he recorded the whole thing and showed it to the head of Universe, my manager, and my attorney. He humiliated me.” She stomped her feet. “He deserved to be embarrassed and penniless. I hate him.”

  Avery never struck anyone in her life, but at that moment, she wanted to slap Kat so hard. “Have a good life.”

  “Leave. You won’t make it in this business.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll have my education to fall back on.” Avery opened the door but turned back to Kat. “Thanks for the opportunity.”

  Avery wanted to yell at the woman for making her doubt Laz. No, she had herself to blame for that. She should have trusted him. Now she had to figure out a way to get him back. Would he even take her phone call?

  Chapter 21

  Laz waited outside the back door of the studio he knew Chantel and Truman Woodley would be emerging from after they did their performance and interview. One great thing about being in New York had to be the access to a lot of the talk shows and news programs filmed there. With the help of some old connections who tipped him off on the Woodleys’ whereabouts, he kept himself poised close to a stretch black limousine but out of obvious view.

  When the door burst open, his heart raced. He saw two big men come out first before Truman walked out with Chantel following behind him. Chantel no longer looked like that diva in long, slinky ball gowns and high heels. With her brown hair in soft waves and her long, flowered dress, she looked like the perfect earth mother.

  “Chantel! Truman!” Laz approached the car.

  Truman looked over, but Chantel kept her head down and continued to the car.

  One of the big men approached Laz. “No autographs today.”

  “Wait. I need to talk to Chantel.” Laz continued forward. “Chantel, I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Laz Kyson. I worked at Universe.”

  At that admission, she finally stopped and looked over at him. She started to walk toward him with Truman by her side.

  By that point, the guard secured Laz by his shoulders as he faced him. Laz looked around the man with a long ponytail to make eye contact with Chantel. He had to make the appeal to her.

  “I saw you that night of that show.” Laz wouldn’t go into great detail. He knew it had to have been a low, dark moment of her life. “I also went to bat for you with Zinner when you came to Universe.”

  “Mr. Kyson, I would suggest you go back to Universe.” Chantel shook her head. “There’s nothing for me there.”

  “Or me.” Laz waited until she regained eye contact with him again. “I quit working there a couple of months ago.”

  “Why are you here then?” Truman positioned his body in front of Chantel. “We’ve all moved on with our lives.”

  “I know. It’s one of your moves I wanted to talk to you about.” Laz pushed the guard’s hands off his shoulders. “I know of a great artist who would be perfect for your label.”

  “Not looking.” Truman turned and wrapped his arm around Chantel’s waist, surprisingly thin considering she had given birth to twins not too long ago.

  “Avery is amazing. You don’t want to pass her up.”

  Chantel pushed passed Truman. “Wait. Did you say Avery?”

  The guard stood next to Laz as he moved a bit closer to the Woodleys. Laz nodded. “Yes. She’s an incredible singer and songwriter.”

  “I know, if it’s the same woman from that viral video.” Chantel held Truman’s arm.

  “Probably the same woman. She sang that Bob Dylan song.”

  Truman smiled. “Now you have my attention since you attributed the song to Bob Dylan and not Bryan Ferry or Adele.”

  “And you know this singer?” Chantel moved closer to Truman.

  Laz nodded. “And you do, too. Or maybe you do. She and her father clean your office building.”

  Chantel covered her mouth. “Are you kidding me?”

  “It’s where I found her. I tried telling you about her but I couldn’t get a meeting.” Laz held his hand up. “I get it. It’s the reason I had to meet you this way.”

  “Why are you going out of your way for her? Are you two dating?” Chantel asked.

  Laz shook his head. “I’m not that lucky. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life.” He clasped his hands together. “I always regretted not fighting hard enough to get you the money you deserved from Universe. And I really regret staying at Universe after you left. I got comfortable. I got complacent, until that wasn’t good enough for me anymore, and I couldn’t take the b.s. there.”

  Since he couldn’t mention the situation with Kat, he wouldn’t bring it up.

  “It’s okay.” Chantel backed up. “I’m exactly where I need to be. Controlling my art gives me freedom.”

  Laz saw her retreating. He couldn’t let her go. “I’m sure it does. I would love for you to give that kind of love and freedom to Avery. She’s special. She’s very special. I have one of her songs here.” He reached into his pocket, which made the guard nervous, understandably so.

  For all the guard knew, Laz could have been reaching for a gun. He pulled out his phone.

  “I don’t represent her. I offered to represent her as her manager. She never signed the contract.” Laz had to learn to be okay with that.

  “So you don’t have a financial stake in her. Why are you here on her behalf?” Chantel leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder.

  “I love her. Like with you, though, I didn’t fight hard enough. She had shared with me that Charisma was her dream label. Instead, I went to a label I felt
was a sure thing. But the place was not the right fit.” Laz shook his head. “I hope she didn’t sign with them. If she didn’t, I need to make my pitch for her for Charisma.”

  Chantel and Truman stared at Laz like they had to make their assessment. Laz placed his heart on the line. If nothing else, even if he couldn’t get Avery back in his life, he would do what he could to help her realize her dream.

  “Oh my God! It’s Shauna Stellar!” The scream at the end of the alley echoed between the walls.

  “Come on. Get into the car with us. We can talk about this new talent.” Chantel went to the backseat door and got inside along with Truman and Laz.

  Laz had gotten this far. He would have to do more for Avery. He owed her that. He loved her enough to put himself on the line.

  * * * *

  Avery looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted her graduation cap on her head in the conference center bathroom. After today, she would put in applications to get a real job. Yep. She would integrate herself into the workforce and be happy about it.

  “There’s my smarty pants!” Graciela pinched Avery’s ass cheek.

  When Avery squealed and turned around, her friend embraced her.

  “I’m so proud of you.” Graciela kissed her cheek. “I knew you could do it.”

  “I’m glad someone did. I wasn’t sure sometimes.” Avery wiped fake sweat from her brow.

  “Hey, Avery.” Jessie came from behind Graciela and hugged her. “Looking good.”

  “You, too. Still driving all the women wild?” Avery nudged her arm against his.

  “Maybe one.” He gave a quick glance to Graciela, who did her best not to return the stare. “I’m going to find us some seats. I’ll see you in there.” He took Avery’s hand and kissed the back of it. “Congratulations, again.”

  “Thanks.” Avery waved at him as he walked off. When she knew he wouldn’t be able to hear her, she turned to Graciela. “He’s in love with you.”

  Graciela sighed. “I know. And you know what the bad part about all that is?”

  Avery shrugged.

  “I think I love him, too.” Graciela hung her head down. “Girl, help me.”

  Avery laughed. “I’m the last person you should ask for help. Remember, I’m the one who let a good one go when a skank made me believe her lies.” She quickly burned every Kat CD she had and secretly wished that Kat felt the pain. “But I’m happy for you as long as you’re happy.”

  “I don’t know what I am. But I guess we’ll see.” Graciela looked behind Avery. “I’ll see you marching soon. You have company.”

  Hazel came up behind Avery as soon as Graciela walked away. “You look great.” She smiled and put her hands on Avery’s shoulders as she stood behind her. “Are you ready?”

  Avery plastered a smile on her face before she turned around. “I am. Are you proud of me?”

  Hazel smiled while fighting back tears. “Of course, dear. I knew you would get to this point eventually.”

  Avery held her mother’s hand as they walked out of the bathroom. Avery’s father waited in the bustling atrium area, wringing his hands.

  She approached her father and hugged him. “Thanks for everything.”

  Clinton hugged her back. “You did all the work. I’m just glad you did all of this on your own.”

  “I couldn’t have done this without your support. You employed me.” Avery let her father go. “I’m forever grateful.”

  Clinton looked at Avery but remained silent for a while. Then he turned to his wife. “Honey, go in and get us our seats. I need to talk to Avery for a minute.

  Hazel kissed Clinton and Avery before walking away.

  Clinton turned to his daughter. “I’m very proud of you.”

  Hearing those words finally from her father allowed Avery to exhale. “Thanks, Dad. That’s all I ever wanted.”

  “That’s not true. There’s something else you want.” Clinton held Avery’s hands. “You want to sing professionally.”

  Avery dropped her gaze and shook her head. “Stupid dreams now. I’ve learned my lesson after my trip to New York. I’m grounded now.”

  “But are you happy?”

  That question stopped Avery cold. “Sure. I’m getting my degree soon. I’ll get a great-paying job. I’ll be a responsible grownup.” She laughed.

  Clinton remained quiet. He studied Avery.

  “Dad, don’t make this weird. I’m good.” She noticed the other students lining up to march inside of the convention center room.

  “I’m not trying to make this strange for you. I just noticed in the last few weeks how the light in your eyes has gone out since you made your decision not to pursue your dream. I don’t want to see you get disappointed like your mother had been.” He removed his hat and held it. “I don’t want you living your life wishing you could have done more. Singing gave you life. I want you to live.”

  “I don’t need to sing to get my life.” Avery started to go to the lineup but Clinton held her arm.

  “You don’t need to sing. You have to sing. You should sing.” He hugged her again. “I really hope you rediscover your passion again. If you get a second chance, take it.”

  “Fine, Dad.” She kissed his cheek. “Go and sit with Mom. All of this will be over soon.”

  Clinton nodded and went into the large room while Avery got in line with the other students.

  “Did you hear who was doing the commencement speech?” Avery overheard one of the students around her asking another.

  “Comedian or politician?” the other student asked.

  “Neither. Chantel Woodley. Can you believe that?”

  Avery couldn’t believe it. Although she wanted to work for this woman at one time, she would at least absorb her words of wisdom about working in the real world.

  After marching into the crowded room and assuming her seat, the graduation proceedings started with various speeches from the university deans and president. Then they introduced their commencement speaker. True to the rumors, Chantel Woodley walked out on the stage.

  She looked so different from her glamorous image. Even in her cap and gown, she still looked gorgeous. Chantel had the life she had wanted.

  “Good afternoon, students, faculty, family, and friends of Old Dominion University. Welcome to the spring graduation ceremonies.” Chantel smiled after her opening.

  Avery applauded along with the rest of the audience.

  Chantel gave a very moving speech about perseverance and facing adversity, both she did publicly.

  “Please always remember that inner strength shows through every success. And there is always an opportunity for forgiveness and second chances. With that said, I have a friend who would like to close out this ceremony.” Chantel stood off to the side.

  Avery peered over to the side of stage and stopped breathing when she saw Laz Kyson crossing the stage to the podium.

  “Thank you, Chantel.” Laz kissed her cheek. “And thank you for letting me share this stage. This is something I normally would not do because performing in public scares the hell out of me.”

  Laughter filled the large conference center room.

  “As I have been told by my family and friends, if I want to get anywhere in life and in love, I need to learn to let go and open my heart.” He took a deep breath. “I want to do something for someone special, graduating student Avery Shields. She told me that in doing a performance, the audience is on my side. I really hope she’s right about that.”

  Someone pushed a small keyboard out on stage along with a chair. Laz sat behind the keyboard and started playing a tune that Avery didn’t recognize. When he started singing, she exhaled and had to put her hand to her chest as he sang her song “Love Like Crazy.”

  Avery couldn’t believe he remembered all the words to it and created a melody behind it. What re
ally stunned her had to be the fact that he sang in public, something he said he would never do. He pushed himself out of his comfort zone and sounded great doing so.

  Avery stood and moved out to the open aisle area to watch him. She crept closer to the stage until he got to the end of the song where he belted out a long note that she never thought about for the song but that worked perfectly. At the end, she ran up on stage and wrapped her arms around him while he sat on the chair.

  “That was beautiful.” She kissed him. “I can’t believe you did this. I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you.”

  “I should have told you about the situation.” Laz smoothed her hair back from her face.

  “I understood why you didn’t. I’m sorry I didn’t sign your contract. I should have.”

  Laz shook his head. “It’s okay.”

  “No. I didn’t trust myself and I projected. But know this. I didn’t sign with Section Eight, and I’m not going to sing with Kat. I’ve missed you so much.” She kissed him again.

  “I love you. I would do anything for you.” Laz held her around her waist. “As a matter of fact.” He stood and got down on one knee. “Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  The crowd screamed and applauded.

  Avery nodded. “Yes. I would love to be your wife.”

  “Good. I already asked your parents for permission first.” He slid the ring on her finger.

  The president of the university went to the microphone. “So that we can get this graduation going, let’s award Ms. Shields her diploma now.” He handed the rolled paper wrapped in blue ribbon to her.

  At that point, Laz led her off the stage to a back hallway area. There Chantel joined them.

  “Congratulations.” Chantel hugged Avery.

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe you’re here and you’re talking to me.” Avery held on to her idol until Chantel had to pull back first. She looked at Laz. “So you really did know her?”

  Laz shook his head. “No. I had to track her and her husband down. I begged for an opportunity for you.”

  “For me?” Avery turned to Chantel.


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