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Happy Accident (Silver Cove Book 3)

Page 12

by Jill Sanders

  “I thought that was you,” Craig Tyler said, moving closer to her. “I didn’t know you were back in town.”

  Mr. Tyler was one of the Silver Cove school district’s longest employed teachers. He’d been her sixth-grade gym teacher. His wife, Robin, had been her English teacher during tenth grade. Kayla remembered that she had barely passed the woman’s class, even though it had been one of the easiest that year. She thought maybe Mrs. Tyler had it out for her, but since a lot of other students had almost failed, she figured the woman was just a terrible teacher.

  “Hello, Mr. Tyler.” She smiled at the man. “Yes, I’ve been back for a few weeks now.”

  “That’s wonderful. You’re looking really good. Are you back for good?” His eyes moved over her like he was seeing her for the first time.

  “For now.” She glanced over her shoulder as the line moved forward.

  “Who is this handsome young man?” he asked after a moment of silence.

  “My son, Connor James.”

  “CJ,” Connor added, tucking his body slightly behind hers.

  “Well, hello, CJ,” Mr. Tyler added. “I think it’s your turn.” He nodded to the front. “It was nice running into you,” he said as he moved closer. “Maybe we could catch up sometime?”

  “Um, I’m not…”

  “Miss?” the clerk called to her. “Can I help you?”

  “It was nice running into you too.” Kayla turned around and moved up to order Connor’s sprinkled donuts and an apple fritter for herself.

  When they made it back to Holley Hall, Crystal was sitting on the front patio, waiting for them.

  “I’m sorry,” Kayla smiled. “We decided to head to the bakery for donuts.”

  “Splinkled kind.”

  “Oh, sprinkles?” Crystal smiled and picked her son up easily. “Sprinkles are as magical as fairy dust.”

  Her son chuckled. “Why come?”

  “Well… I’ll tell you. But first, we’re going to get cleaned up and head to the library. They’re having reading time in a few minutes. Would you like to play with other kids your age?”

  Connor’s eyes turned to her and she could see the uncertainty behind them.

  She took her son’s hand in hers. “Honey, you’ll have so much fun at the library, you’ll forget all about me.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, biting his bottom lip, a move she knew she did herself when she was thinking about something deep.

  She smiled easily. “Yes, Crystal will be there with you the entire time.”

  Her son’s eyes moved to Crystal, who smiled and nodded. “There’s this little boy, Thomas. He’s your age and he has a cast on his arm, just like you.”

  “Did he fall too?”

  “Yes, he fell off a swing.” Crystal shifted and started walking. “Oh…”—she stopped before leaving the room— “I forgot to tell you that I had a talk with Joe. He’s agreed to hold off until the books are back in order.”

  “He has?” she asked. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but she hadn’t expected the man to just agree.

  “Yes, he’s very concerned about the missing money, too.”

  “That’s good,” she said absently before she walked out the front door.

  When she parked in front of her mother’s house, Rowan’s truck was already in the drive. She followed his voice to the back patio and was shocked at how much work he’d gotten done by himself.

  The closed back patio was where her mother stored excess furniture. The twenty-by-twenty room was filled with old end tables, chairs, and even an old TV that looked like it was from the fifties.

  She had cleared all the trash away the day before, but now the room was cleared of all clutter and excess furniture.

  “Wow!” She set down the bag of donuts she’d bought for Rowan as she looked around. “You’ve gotten a lot done already.”

  “Are those donuts?” He ignored her and walked over to take up the bag. “For me?” When she nodded and smiled, he opened the bag and stuck his nose in and took a big whiff. “Sprinkles.” He groaned as he pulled out a donut and bit into it. The face and sounds he made almost matched those of Connor when he’d bitten into his donut earlier.

  She couldn’t help but laugh.

  It took less than an hour to finish up out back. After, he helped her move all the extra items to the garage, and they spent some time organizing the mess out there.

  “You’ve got enough for a serious garage sale,” he said when they were done moving things around.

  “I know. I was waiting until we pulled everything else out of the house.”

  “When do you think that will be?” he asked as they made their way towards the house again.

  “Well, JT’s not here to help, and I’m going to be taking two days off.” She smiled over at him. “I’m hoping within the next two weeks.”

  “There’s still that much to be done inside?”

  She hadn’t let him step foot inside yet. She was still too embarrassed.

  “We have three rooms done downstairs. There’s still the sitting room and den and the rooms upstairs.” She sighed. “And the bathrooms.” She held in a cringe.

  “Is there something else I can help with?” he asked, glancing around.

  “You wouldn’t know someone who paints houses and fixes roofs, would you?”

  “You want the entire house painted or just touched up?”

  “I’m not sure. How can you tell?”

  He shrugged. “Let’s take a look.” He reached for her hand.

  They walked around the place together and determined that all the trim needed a fresh coat, but the meat of the house just needed a good touch-up job.

  “I’ll bring my ladder next weekend and a few friends. We’ll have it all done in just a few days.”

  “I couldn’t ask you to—”

  “Kayla, you’re not asking. I’m offering.” He pulled her closer and she moved into his arms freely. “Besides, the sooner you get this place fixed up, the sooner you can focus on other things.”

  “Such as?” she asked, her arms wrapping around his shoulder.

  “This,” he said, leaning down and kissing her until her toes began to feel numb.

  When she walked into Serenity’s that evening, she didn’t think anything could dampen her mood. She’d had another amazing day.

  She and Rowan had gone back to the big house for lunch with Crystal and Connor. Kayla had convinced Rowan to take the rest of the day off and spend it playing with her son, since there wasn’t anything more he could do outside.

  Then she’d returned and helped her mother inside until they had another room completely cleaned.

  Sundays at the store were just as busy as Fridays, but the store closed an hour earlier than other nights, so she was able to make it home before Connor’s bedtime.

  Rowan helped her bathe her son and played battleship with him as she washed his hair and tried to keep his cast dry.

  Connor wanted Rowan to pick out his pj’s and read him a book, instead of her. Her heart did a little sad flip as she watched the two of them together.

  She leaned down and tucked the blankets around him and kissed him goodnight, then allowed Rowan to take her hand and walk with her to the large bench once more.

  Instead of talking, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  He couldn’t control himself much longer around her. She’d completely charmed him. Seeing her interact with her son only heightened his feelings for her.

  He’d had a small talk with Connor about how brave he’d been defending his mother.

  Connor didn’t seem to know or remember who the bad man had been who had pushed his mother. He wondered if Kayla had kept the fact that it had been his father to herself.

  He didn’t care if Connor ever knew who his loser of a father was. Still, the boy’s medical files were due to arrive soon and he was going to make a point to find out all he could about Kayla’s ex-boyfriend, Chad.

  He nudged
her down into the seat and basically attacked her. He didn’t give her a chance to speak. Instead, he covered those soft lips of hers and took what he wanted.

  He pushed her gently until she lay underneath him on the wide cushioned window seat.

  His hands ran over her arms, enjoying the softness of her skin as she moaned and made soft sounds he enjoyed.

  When a large pillow fell on his head, he pushed it aside, then hoisted her up and repositioned them so that they lay fully on the soft cushions.

  “This is nice,” she said. “This seat.” Her voice sounded dreamy.

  “My dad and I built it a while back. It’s nice and soft.” His hands moved down her arms and wrapped around her hips. “And just big enough for two people.”

  She smiled up at him. “Yes, I can see that.” She glanced around. “It’s also in a very open and public place in the house.”

  “Which I happen to know is currently empty.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  “Your aunt is upstairs.” She narrowed her eyes.

  “And she knows better than to come downstairs.” He leaned down and kissed her until he felt her relax against him.

  When he moved his hand to her knee, she bent her leg until her skirt fell away so he could feel the softness of her leg.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” he moaned. He rained kisses along her neck.

  “Same here,” she said breathlessly. “I can’t believe how nice this feels. To be touched and kissed again.”

  He stopped and looked down at her. “How long has it been?”

  She sighed and shifted under him slightly. “A little more than three years.”

  His eyebrows shot up.

  “You didn’t think I was going to let…” She shook her head. “Never mind.”

  Her cheeks heated, and he leaned down to take her lips again.

  “Rowan, I want…” she said as his mouth moved farther down her neck.

  “Me too.” He nudged the frail material aside and found her underneath, exposed for his taking. Her nipple puckered when he ran the tip of his tongue over it and teased her. Then he moved over and did the same to her other breast.

  Her hips jerked under his, causing his erection to press into her stomach. This time it was him who groaned.

  “Easy,” he warned.

  “No, I don’t want to take it easy,” she said softly against his lips.

  His hands moved up her thigh, pushing the skirts of the sundress up until he felt the soft silk of her panties underneath.

  When he pushed the material aside, he found that she was softer than the silk that had been covering her.

  “My God,” he whispered. “Tell me you want this as much as I do.”

  “Yes,” she replied.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders when he dipped a finger into her. Her shoulders came off the soft cushions, and he watched her burst for him with just a few quick flicks of his fingers.

  “My God!” he growled out, “I could watch that every day of my life.”

  “Rowan.” His name came out as a soft whisper. “Let me…” She reached for him, but he covered her lips with his.

  “Later, sweetheart. For now, show me again.” He moved his fingers and had her biting her bottom lip with pleasure once more. Dipping his head, he took her nipple into his mouth as he used his fingers to please her. When he felt her building again, he nudged her legs wider and slid his mouth down to lap at her until she jerked under his tongue.

  Chapter 12

  “I can’t believe we just did that… here…” Kayla glanced at the massive window they were lying in front of. There were no blinds or window coverings over the wide opening. Heat flooded her body when she thought about the possibility of someone seeing what they had just done.

  She glanced down and saw Rowan looking down at her exposed breasts like he was starving. Then she realized that he was still fully clothed and frowned.

  She reached for him, only to have him shake his head.

  “No, tomorrow. I’m okay for tonight. I want you, for the first time, in my bed.” He sighed and closed his eyes. “But, don’t be mistaken, I enjoyed this as much as you did.”

  She laughed. “I doubt that.”

  His eyes opened and met hers and she got a funny feeling deep down in her gut when she realized he was telling her the truth.

  They were silent as he fixed her sundress. He helped her sit up, then leaned in and brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

  “Do you know how much I’m looking forward to tomorrow?” he said.

  “Me too.” She sighed as he pulled her up to stand.

  He pulled her closer until they were looking eye to eye. “Not just for this.” He leaned down and placed a soft slow kiss on her lips. “I haven’t been on a date in… too long.” He smiled.


  “I plan on enjoying the full day, so I’ll see you for breakfast?”

  “Are you sure you want to spend the entire day with me? I’m not as exciting as—”

  His finger over her lips stopped her.

  “Kayla, I’ll see you in the morning.” He kissed her once more before turning and heading down the stairs.

  When the front door shut, she sunk back into the soft seat and ran over everything they had just done.

  She’d only been with Chad a few times before he’d shown her his true colors. Before him, there had been only two others. None of those experiences compared to what Rowan had just done to her.

  Crawling into the big bed, she wondered if she would get any sleep that night. How could she? Her body was still vibrating from Rowan’s hands.

  Her mind and body finally settled and she was just dozing off when she heard Connor cry out.

  Rushing in, she woke her son from the nightmare he’d been trapped in.

  She held him while he cried in her arms about a bad man hurting his mommy. Tears fell from her own eyes, as well.

  She’d been selfish.

  She’d promised herself she’d never get them in the situation she’d put them in before. Not that Rowan would ever hurt Connor. But she’d promised that her son would be the only man in her life and here she was, planning on spending the entire day with Rowan while her son went off with his aunt.

  She picked up Connor, who was now fast asleep in her arms, and carried him to her bed. They snuggled down as her mind spun in different directions.

  When she woke, her eyes stung and she knew the headache she had wouldn’t go away soon.

  She dressed in a newer pair of jeans, a cream-colored blouse, and her tennis shoes.

  She spent some time packing Connor’s clothes for the overnight trip to the resort with Crystal, making sure to pack some of his favorite toys.

  “What if I don’t like it there?” he asked as they carried the bag down the stairs.

  “Then Crystal will bring you home.” She leaned down and kissed him as she set the bag by the front door.

  “Promise?” he asked.

  “I promise,” Crystal said from the top of the stairs. She smiled as she walked down them quickly. “Sweetie, you’re going to have so much fun, you won’t want to come back.”

  The woman bent down and picked up her son, then turned towards her and frowned slightly.

  “You look like you could use a hot breakfast,” Crystal added. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” Kayla pasted a smile on. “Just dealt with nightmares last night.” She nodded to Connor.

  “Oh no.” Crystal hugged Connor a little tighter. “Poor baby. Both of you. I’ll make some chamomile tea.”

  Kayla followed her into the kitchen and stopped when she saw Rowan setting a plate on the table. He’d laid out a large spread of food.

  “What’s all this?” Crystal asked as she set Connor down in his chair.

  “Breakfast.” Rowan’s eyes were glued to hers, and she realized the moment he noticed the lack of sleep.

  He walked over and pulled out a chair for her. When she sat, he leaned in.
  “You okay?” he whispered.

  She nodded. “Connor had bad dreams,” she added, knowing it was only half the truth.

  Rowan’s eyes moved to Connor. “Heard you had some bad dreams last night, kiddo.”

  Connor looked up at him and nodded, then glanced over at her. “Mommy was hurt.”

  Rowan walked over and sat next to him.

  “Did you know that you can change your dreams? It’s like a super power.”

  “Really?” Connor’s eyes got big.

  “Sure, all you have to do is say the magic words.”

  “What’s the magic words?” Connor asked.

  “JoJo beans,” both Rowan and Crystal said at the same time as they both smiled. Crystal had set a cup of tea in front of her and sat down next to her.

  Kayla tilted her head as her son repeated the words.

  “Why JoJo beans?” she asked when Rowan started dishing up the breakfast quiche he’d made.

  “Because they’re the magic kind of beans,” Rowan supplied, with a glance towards his aunt. “There was a story we grew up hearing from my grandfather about a young boy named JoJo.” Rowan put a spoonful of quiche on Connor’s plate and handed him a spoon. “JoJo was a farmer’s son who was plagued with bad dreams every night. His parents couldn’t figure out what to do to help him sleep.” He dished his own plate up and told his story between bites. “So, one day, his mother walked out to JoJo’s garden and plucked two of the largest beans. She carried them to the local milkmaid, who soaked them in her finest goat milk for two nights. Then the mother dried them in the sun for two days and gave them to JoJo, telling him that they were magic beans and all he had to do was eat them before he went to bed and if a bad dream came along, all he had to do was think of those beans and they would disappear.”

  “What happened?” Connor asked quietly. Her son had yet to touch his food, since he was so entertained with the story.

  “JoJo didn’t have any more bad dreams,” Crystal added. “My father was quite the story teller.” She smiled.

  “He sounds wonderful.” Kayla tapped her son’s plate and he started eating. She could tell he was thinking about the story because his little eyebrows were squashed together.


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