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The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)

Page 10

by Laurie Olerich

  “Mica, is that you?” Dec was striding towards us with an angry scowl clouding his normally sunny face.

  Now what?

  In my struggle to get out of the wobbly chair, I nearly knocked us into the sand. Stefan helped me up, stiffened, eyes shooting warily beyond Dec. I groaned out loud. Of course he wasn’t alone. Killian was with him. I casually looked around for the one I wanted to see.

  Killian said, “He’s not here. Don’t bother looking.”

  His tone set my teeth on edge. “I can see that. What do you want?”

  “Oh, now it’s attitude? Nice. We actually came to make sure you were okay.” He looked down his nose at Stefan, and added, “But I see you’re handling yourself just fine.”

  Dec still looked angry, and said, “Can I talk to you alone for a minute?” He glanced at Stefan and added, “Sorry, dude.”

  “Sure. I’ll be right back,” I told Stefan.

  We moved a few feet away before Dec stopped me. He looked over his shoulder with another frown. Killian was speaking to Stefan. To the average person, it probably seemed like they were just hanging out. But Stefan’s face was tense, his eyes narrowed. He was pissed, but he’d be crazy to try anything with Killian.

  “So what do you want, Dec?”

  “I wanted to make sure you are really okay. Do you need anything? Have you had any more trouble with Flynn?”

  Something in his voice made my skin prickle. He was warning me… and he was honestly worried… It was impossible to stay frosty with him, so I relaxed and responded with less sarcasm.

  “Dec, you’re sweet. But I don’t need you to worry about me. I’m a big girl now, and I can take care of myself. I’m ready for him if he comes after me again.” I even flexed my biceps for him.

  He didn’t look convinced. “I think you should know I’ve heard rumors… it sounds like he’s planning something, uh, nasty, for you. I’m sorry to have to tell you that, but I couldn’t leave it to chance.” He rolled his eyes at Killian.

  “Oh, and let me guess. Killian wanted to leave it to chance? Is that why you were so mad when you got here? Were you arguing about telling me?”

  He hesitated. “No, I was angry seeing you with that… that guy over there. How could you do that?”

  “Do what? Move on now that Sean has blown me off? Find someone else to hang out with? Someone who wants to be with me? Oh, yeah, I guess I should just sit around and wait for him to come around. Sorry, Dec, I liked Sean, really. But he’s blown me off, remember? This isn’t what I wanted.” My voice caught at the end.

  “You don’t understand what’s going on, and I can’t tell you anything else. Please, just know that Sean would be here if he could.”

  Oh, yeah, right. Like today? It was too much. I snapped, “Really? Well, that’s news to me. Where is he?”

  “I can’t say, and here comes Killian. He’s going to kill me if I say anything else.”

  Killian came up, and announced, “Time to go, Dec. The others are waiting for us.” He looked over his shoulder at Stefan, and added, “Be careful. Everything has a point of no return, and you could get caught in something you can’t handle.”

  Dec kissed my cheek, his lips brushing my ear. “Bye, Mica. We’ll be here if you need us. Just call my name.” He winked and left me standing there with an irritated Swiss hottie.

  The mood was dead so we went back to the rest of the party. We sat together, but my mind was someplace else. My thoughts drifted back to the night I spent with Sean. He had opened up about a lot of things, but what did I really know about him? He was a mystery still. And Dec? Sweet boy… Another mystery was he. My fingers stroked my cheek where he had kissed me. The spot had been tingling since he left.

  A few weeks later, I was playing pool at The Angry Lizard. Ricki and Kevin were there, but it was mostly empty. It was a funky place to hang out in. I liked the weird lizards on the logo, and the owner didn’t mind teenagers. He didn’t watch us like we were going to start breaking the place apart like some other restaurant owners did. He was ex-Air Force and had opened this place up when he lost his job at the Pentagon.

  After a few hours, I needed some fresh air. I told Kevin I was going outside. The restaurant had a little enclosed patio on the side so I went out and plopped my butt in a chair. The streetlight didn’t quite reach the patio, and the outside lights hadn’t been turned on. Probably I should go back inside.

  I started for the door just as he crossed the sidewalk. I reached for my purse, and the blood drained from my face. Shit! I left the stun gun inside with Ricki. Damn it! With my back pressed to the wall, I moved towards the door. I had my fingers on the handle when J.J. walked through and blocked it. I was trapped.

  “Where’re going, baby? Aren’t you happy to see me?” Scott sneered with a smarmy tone that made my skin crawl.

  “What do you want? You know you’re not allowed this close to me. What’s the matter? You ready to go back to jail? Missing your boyfriend?” Oh yeah, when in danger, be a smart ass. This is always a good plan!

  J.J. snickered and reached out to grab me. Jerking my arm out of range, I swung around, kicking him squarely in the chest, sending him flying backwards through the open doorway. Scott charged me and snatched at my arm. I aimed a roundhouse kick at his crotch, but he turned at the last second so I caught him in the thigh instead. He grunted at the impact, but didn’t go down. He swung a fist into my cheek that sent me swaying and nearly falling to my knees. I planted my feet and shook my head to clear it. A voice inside my head was screaming at me to yell for help, but I couldn’t seem to get the words out.

  Chuckling softly, Scott circled me with his eyes locked onto mine. The madness I saw made my stomach clench. Like watching a rabid dog, I kept my eyes glued to his every movement. I need help. I need help. The thought tumbled through my mind, but I was frozen in place until Dec’s face swam in my memory. He said to call his name. Would it work? It was worth a shot.

  Feeling stupid, but desperate, I whispered, “Declan? Help!”

  Scott made a sound, not quite a laugh, and moved in for the kill. J.J. was pissed and closing in on me too. A truck squealed to a stop in the side driveway. Someone opened its back door, shouting at Scott to hurry the fuck up. Oh, my God. No, no, no! This was very, very bad. It was crystal clear. Scott didn’t plan to attack me again and leave me here. He and his friends were going to take me someplace private. Someplace they could play with their new toy before they broke it and threw it in the landfill. Cold sweat poured down my back. If I got into that truck, I would never get away. I would be helpless, and no one would see me again. Well that wasn’t going to happen without mass casualties.

  My adrenaline was running on high, and I was going on autopilot. I kept them at bay for about 30 seconds, but I was outnumbered, and they were both much stronger than me. They were slowly backing me into a corner when J.J. shoved me hard from the side, sending me flying against the wall. The pain took my breath away. Dazed, I lost focus for a second just as Scott’s fist connected with my temple. As my knees buckled, someone suddenly caught me under the arms. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Out of nowhere, Dec had showed.

  Sean and Killian also appeared. They took about a second to size up the situation before attacking. Both of their eyes were burning like a hot blue flame. Scott and J.J. backed away. The truck roared off.

  “What the hell? What’s wrong with you freaks?” Scott demanded.

  Without a word, Sean and Killian attacked with a ferocity that sent warning bells clanging in my head again. Where did they learn to fight like that? It was freakin’ amazing. Terrifying, but amazing. Scott and J.J. tried to put up a fight at first, but were so outmatched it was almost sad. Sean and Killian swatted aside any punches they threw while pummeling them into bloody wrecks. Realizing they were about to die, they tried to run away. In a split second, Sean and Killian had both men pressed against the wall. Killian held J.J. off his feet by his neck. J.J.’s eyes bulged in terror. He made strangling noises whil
e frantically kicking his legs.

  Killian stared coldly, and said, “Give me one reason to let you live.”

  J.J. started babbling, and Killian squeezed his throat harder. “Shut up.”

  Sean had Scott pinned to the wall with his forearm against his throat. The lines of his face were rock hard, eyes still burning. He didn’t look completely human. Scott was panicking. His mouth was open in a scream, but no sound came out. He was looking around wildly for help, but there was no one to help him. He appealed to me. I gave him the finger.

  Sean said, “I’m getting tired of kicking your ass. You just don’t learn.” Then he pressed down on Scott’s throat.

  Sean’s words faded into silence. I was losing consciousness, struggling to stay awake. Dec cradled me in his arms, murmuring something in a language I didn’t understand. Face bright with rage, body shaking, he watched the fight with frightening intensity. He was so pissed his eyes were glowing. What the hell is that? I tried to wriggle away, but he squeezed me tighter. He looked dangerous, and I was more than a little freaked out.

  “What’s the matter? I’ve got you. Those guys can’t hurt you now.”

  I pointed at his face, and said, “It’s not them I’m worried about.”

  He blinked, and his eyes were perfectly normal again. “Better?”

  “Uh, yeah, what…”

  “It’s no big deal, just the lights in the alley. Don’t worry about it.” He smoothed my hair away from my face and smiled crookedly at me.

  The dimples must’ve distracted me because I forgot what we were talking about. As the adrenaline wore off, pain took its place. My ribs hurt. My shoulder hurt. My hand hurt. My face was numb though. I must be going into shock. Someone should warm me up. In response, Dec seemed to get warmer around me until I was cocooned in his body heat. He stroked my hair, murmuring in a strange language. I tried to ask what was going on, but he put his finger against my lips and shushed me.

  I came to in my bed surrounded by several angry men. Sean was arguing with Killian. Killian was pointing at me, whispering furiously. Dec stood next to my head with his arms crossed, still as a statue. They were all talking with an older guy who I’d never seen before, but who seemed kind of familiar. Who was he? The others treated him with some deference. Maybe he was one of their dads? He graced me with a warm smile the second he noticed my eyes were open.

  “Mica’s awake now. Very good. How are you feeling?” He came to the bed, squatting to study me with grave blue eyes.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Raphael. I’m here to help you. Do you mind if I take a look at your face? You have a good bruise coming up, and I want to see if you have any broken bones.” He seemed nice enough.

  I appealed to Dec for reassurance. He squeezed my fingers, smiling faintly. “It’s okay, darlin’; he knows what he’s doing.”

  Sean considered us from narrowed eyes. He still hadn’t said anything to me. I wanted to curl up against him and feel safe again. But now was not the time or place.

  The man named Raphael sat down on the edge of the bed and took my face in one of his hands. His gentle fingers were very warm. Probably I looked horrible. It seemed like my face was always black and blue or yellow and green. Why did I always get hit in the face?

  He chuckled, and said, “Hold still for a minute. This won’t hurt at all.” He closed his eyes. Running his fingers over my face, he traced the bones around my eyes and cheeks then stroked along my jawbone. My skin warmed and tingled at his touch, and I felt my face again. The numbness was gone. Gazing at him in awe and a little fear, I raised my hand to touch my cheek.

  “Did you heal me? How is that possible?” I winced as my rib protested the movement.

  “Here, let me see that.” He laid his hand across my rib cage, and I felt the same flow of warmth, and then the pain was gone. He definitely healed me.

  “I’m afraid this will have to be our little secret, Mica. I’m not allowed to talk about this, and I’m asking you to keep this to yourself. Many people could get hurt if word got around. I’m going to leave now. You and I will meet again, but for now, I believe young Sean would like a word with you.”

  Dec gave me a pat on the head like I gave the dog. He grinned crookedly, and said, “Try to stay out of trouble, and call me any time you need help. I’ll always be there. It’s what I do.” He waved Killian out of the door, and they were gone. The silence was preternaturally loud.

  Sean stared out of the window with his back to me. He held himself rigid, and I ached to touch him to release the tension. What was eating at him? He’d looked miserable since he showed up tonight. I studied the lines of his body, the curve of his skull, and swallowed the lump in my throat. When I closed my eyes, the memory of his touch, his taste, flooded my senses, sending my heart into happy skitters. It was no use. I still loved him. Just seeing him made me want to throw my arms around him and beg him to stay. The silence grew uncomfortable until I finally wrapped my arms around his back. There was an instant shock at the contact, but I refused to let go.

  “You can shut off your force field; I don’t bite.”

  He jumped, and then started to laugh, the sound rich and welcome. He laughed until he had tears in his eyes. I hate being left out of a private joke. What was so funny? I must have looked irritated because he finally went from laughing to chuckling to a heartbreaking grin.

  “All done? Do you want to tell me what the joke is?”

  “No. I. Do. Not.” He said each word distinctly, grin gone in a flash. Serious Sean was back.

  “Well, then…”

  “Mica, you’re driving me crazy. Why can’t you stay out of trouble? You’re just one girl! This should be easy! But you have a constant stream of boys trying to seduce you, and a psychopath determined to rape you and cut you to pieces. You’re reckless with no regard for your own life! Do you think you can just run around taking risks without consequences?”

  He gripped my shoulders, pulling me against his chest, tipping my chin back. He stopped shouting, but the quiet anger in his voice was worse. “I can’t keep up with you! I can’t keep you safe. I can’t stand to be around you. I can’t stand to be away from you. You’re a complication I don’t need and can’t afford.”

  Stung, I cried, “What do you want from me?”

  “I wish I knew.” He crushed his mouth over mine.

  He kissed me in frustration and anger; his mouth hard and demanding, taking everything, giving nothing back. Moaning in protest, I tried to squirm away, but he refused to let me go. Bending me backwards, he gripped me so tightly his fingertips dug into my skin, but his mouth gentled. His tongue swept over my bruised lips, soothing the slight twinge of pain before slipping inside to mate with mine. The familiar current slammed through me, making me dizzy for him. Tiny lights danced behind my eyes; my knees went weak; my body sang for his. I was light and weightless and whole again. Our breaths mingled as we clung together; all thought vanished until there was nothing but raw instinct. I arched against him. He was more than ready too. But instead of stripping my clothes off, he dragged his mouth away and ran his fingers through his hair in obvious frustration. The loss of his touch was nearly painful; my brain swam with chemicals and confusion, my heart ached, my lungs desperately reached for air.

  “I’m sorry, love.”

  “What’s the matter, Sean? It’s okay.” I was on fire and didn’t want to wait any longer. I was in love with him, and there would never be anyone else for me. There was a click in my head when he kissed me. He was the one.

  We were still standing by the window so I pulled down the shades. No sense in giving the neighbors a show. He eyeballed the door like he was about to run away, so I put my arms around him again and pressed my face against his chest. I stood there listening to his breathing. It was ragged like my own. My heart pounded in my chest. I drew a deep breath to slow it down. Surely he could hear it too. He hugged me closer and sighed. I tensed. I knew that sound. He was about to leave--again. Oh,
no you don’t! I eased up on my tiptoes to press my lips against the side of his neck. I could feel the blood flowing through him, and I kissed him where the pulse throbbed.

  “Stay?” I whispered.

  In answer, he walked us over to the bed with a resigned expression. The light bulb went off in my head. Ah ha! Two could play this game. A hint of a sad smile crossed his mouth as he lowered his mouth to mine. I started to feel it--the strange drowsiness. Not today, Sean. I bit his lip and held it between my teeth. Surprised, he tried to jerk back but couldn’t move without losing flesh. I smiled in victory.

  I put my hand over his mouth, and said, “Don’t you dare.”

  He blinked at me.

  “Oh, yeah, I know about that. I don’t know how you do it, but I know you’ve been making me fall asleep. Now that I think about it, you’ve done it a few times. It’s cheating, you know. And you should be ashamed of yourself.” I was feeling righteous.

  His expression was a cross between shock, horror, and amusement. His sense of humor finally won out, and he burst into laughter for the second time tonight. I was speechless.

  “You’re too smart for your own good!” His chuckles petered off into a weighty silence. He lifted my fingers and kissed them hard. “You’re right. I am ashamed. But not for the reasons you think. I’m not cheating; I’m trying to protect you. I can’t seduce you; it wouldn’t be right. I’m ashamed because I can’t keep my hands off of you. My control is slipping, and I’m putting other people in danger by allowing this to go on. I can’t stay here with you, and you deserve to have someone who can build a life with you. I’m not that person.” His eyes glittered like ice. He stood up to go.

  We would see about that. I wasn’t buying it. He could fight all he wanted, but something told me it was just a matter of time. He would come around. He wouldn’t be able to stop this attraction between us. It felt destined.


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