The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)

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The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) Page 67

by Laurie Olerich

  Laughing uneasily, I ran my tongue over my lips and thought I could just taste Killian. His scent lingered on my fingers. What an amazing thing…And my headache was gone, too. Assuming it was a dream, Sean was smiling again and his face transformed into the glorious, beautiful Primani he was. Wide blue eyes glittered against the golden color of his skin. Dark stubble shadowed his jaw giving him that just-rolled-out-of-bed look that usually melted women everywhere. This smile, this rare, rare, smile, lit up his face and softened the hardened warrior that he wore so easily. My heart lifted just a bit. Maybe the sad and angry Sean was gone? Automatically, I reached over and touched his hand. He looked surprised but didn’t move.


  Gritting his teeth, he shrugged my hand aside as if he couldn’t bear to touch me. Instead of commenting, he pressed the play button and Metallica’s “The Unforgiven” blasted out of the speakers.

  The parking garage was nearly empty since most people were at work for the day. After easing the Camaro into the reserved slot, Sean lovingly rubbed the steering wheel before removing the keys. Shaking my head, I got out and grabbed my bag. A slight movement caught the corner of my eye and I paused to watch as a shadow slipped behind the wheel of a parked BMW on the other side of the garage. Pretending to dig in my purse for something, I watched suspiciously. The engine roared to life sending echoes throughout the space. Instantly alert, Sean shoved me into the wall as the driver careened towards us. Standing in the lane, he waited as the driver approached and held up his hand. Was he crazy? I yelled at him to move and he shook his head at me.

  Unaccountably, the car slowed and drifted to a stop in front of him. The driver’s face was slack with sleep and he slowly slid down in the seat. What the heck? I was stunned and watched with my mouth hanging open as Sean calmly searched the car. He stuffed some baggies into his pocket and shoved a handgun into his backpack. He finished the search in about two minutes while I leaned against the wall and did nothing useful. Finally, he tapped the hood with his knuckles and strode towards the elevator. To my continued astonishment, the driver woke up and shook his head in confusion.

  Dragging me into the elevator behind him, Sean said, “It’s a useful talent.”


  “Nothing to do with us; he’s just a regular idiot with an unlicensed gun and a bagful of Oxy. He’ll be pissed when he realizes his stash is gone.”

  A familiar voice called out to me as we entered the lobby. “Miss Thomas! Welcome back!”

  Jacob Martinelli was one of the concierge attendants. He was in his late twenties with liquid brown eyes and a shock of thick black hair that was tamed only with copious amounts of hair gel. He’d once confided that he wanted to shave it into a Mohawk but he’d lose this job. I’d laughed and complimented him on his good sense. With his usual friendliness, he started to move around the concierge counter but took a good look at Sean’s expression and stayed where he was.

  Taking pity on him, I detoured to his desk and greeted him with a genuine smile. “I see you’ve still got your job, Jacob. It’s nice to see you again.” Leaning a little closer, I lowered my voice, “Anything unusual going on?” I winked broadly to emphasize my meaning.

  Grinning conspiratorially, he nodded. “Funny you should ask! Rumor has it that a whole bunch of stiffs have been snatched off their slabs. Got the whole city on edge.”

  “Huh? That’s crazy, isn’t it?” I flashed my dimples and squeezed his hand in thanks. “Will you let me know right away if you hear anything else?”

  “Absolutely, Mica, I mean, Miss Thomas.” He checked that his boss hadn’t heard his breach of protocol and grinned back.

  Sean’s finger jabbed the elevator button a little harder than necessary and I peered over at him. What was his problem now? Geez! The penthouse was on the 18th floor and the ride was eternal in the old elevator.

  Tick tock, the silence stretched.

  “A friend of yours?” he finally asked mildly. He sounded calmer but his fingers were tapping the side of his leg.

  “Well, sort of. We got to know each the last time I was here, before I was kidnapped and killed. He’s got friends in some interesting places.”

  He made a sarcastic sound and crossed his arms. Rolling my eyes at this weird show of jealousy, I followed him into the black and white marble foyer. The little niche by the door was still empty. Making a mental note to ask Alex about the golden cherub, I opened the door and strolled inside like I owned the place. Sean’s eyebrows went straight up at my new boldness but he didn’t comment. Giving the front rooms a sweeping glance, I was disappointed to find them empty. A note rested on the marble island in the kitchen. It was addressed to me. The elegant handwriting was a surprise and I traced my name with a fingernail before unfolding the heavy paper.

  Your angry eyes destroy with their fire,

  Will you carve me to pieces?

  To lie scattered in the ashes of our friendship.

  Am I always to remain,


  Dec. It could only be him. What have I done? Carefully avoiding Sean’s curious gaze, I folded the letter and tucked it into my back pocket. Hurrying towards the rooftop garden, I threw open the French doors and leaned over the brick wall to look down at the city. Turning away from the noise below, I leaned against the wall and drew his handsome face into my mind.

  Innocent blue eyes…deadly blue eyes…

  He was my protector, my friend, my brother…

  It was time to forgive him.

  Throwing my arms up, I called, “Declan! Come back!” And I waited with arms open but eyes closed against disappointment.

  The slightest shift in pressure and he was there, in my arms, hugging me like I would vanish if he let me go. I don’t know how long we stood clinging to each other in the hot summer sun. He was too thin, lanky, and I ran my hands down his lean back with tears glittering on my lashes. I sensed the pain he carried in his heart and the frustration that crippled him. He was frantic over Dani’s disappearance. He was devastated over my silence. He was torn between Sean and Killian. We were all tearing him to pieces and he’d never say a word. That wasn’t his way.

  He would hold it inside until it ate him alive.

  He was always the sunny one. He was the one bright spot that sparkled like a single star in the blackest nights. This sad and angry Dec was a stranger to me.

  The sun had gone out like an eclipse.

  I squeezed him harder like that would somehow make him feel better. I wanted to mother him. I wanted to heal him. I wanted him to be happy again.

  He pulled back from me and knelt formally on one knee, with his head bowed in misery. “Will you let me burn?”

  My throat tightened at the strain in his voice and I sat down abruptly and pulled him down with me.

  “I’m sorry, Dec. I’m so sorry.”

  Looking into his sad eyes, I threaded my fingers in his hair and smoothed it as his mother probably did 2,000 years ago. His eyes widened a bit when he felt the warmth of my saol flow from my fingertips. I shushed him and massaged the tight muscle at his temples and then worked my way down his jaw and around the tender skin of his eyes.

  “Let me help you for a change. Close your eyes, baby, just let go,” I ordered softly as I leaned my forehead against his. ”Don’t be sad.”

  Concentrating on easing his pain, I watched his startled blue eyes soften and shift to the stormy sea as he finally relaxed under my fingers. His careening emotions finally calmed and settled. His anger drifted away, replaced by his natural courage and resolve. He would find Dani and save her. He would tell Killian he was pissed about his sleeping with me. He was relieved to make peace with me.

  He felt whole again.

  I smiled as he surrendered next to me. His breathing slowed even more as I carefully pushed my power into him. My own breathing slowed and I relaxed for just a minute…

  “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!”

  The sun was gone and it was very dark. Where
did the time go?

  Laughing for the first time in ages, Dec rolled to his feet and offered me a hand. Not letting me go, he tugged me with him to the wall that overlooked the city below. It was beautiful. The city lights sparkled like man-made stars. Here and there blue and red lights flashed as the police stayed on their toes. Sean had once said Manhattan was full of demons…a wicked city, a city of chaos. The screeching of a car alarm echoed in the night and below us a baby cried.

  Wicked it may be, but I loved Manhattan!

  “You’re so far away from me. Where do you go inside that pretty head of yours?” He asked as he leaned down to shield me from the wind. His lean body was warm and he smelled of the trees, green and fresh. I secretly believed Dec was a wood elf…too tall to be a nymph like me.

  Snuggling against his side, I sighed contentedly. It was so good to have him back. “I have to say this out loud. I need to say it out loud, so don’t interrupt me and don’t cut me off.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. You know that.”

  “Still, I’m saying it.” I took a deep breath and continued, “You once made a vow to me. You said, “You are my sister now and I will always have your back.” Do you remember that?” Without waiting for him to respond, I asked, “Do you have my back? Are there more secrets, Dec? Do you know where Sean was all that time?

  Grimacing uncomfortably, he inhaled through his teeth and looked down into my eyes. Trying to gauge my mood, he took his time before answering me. Finally, he said precisely, “He was lost, darlin’. I don’t know where, but I know he couldn’t get back. I don’t know anything else.” He pushed my hair out of my eyes and added thoughtfully, “It’s a mystery, isn’t it, though? Can I ask you a question now?”

  “I suppose. Go ahead.”

  “What’s going on with you and Killian? You’re different now. I can sense your powers are stronger, but you’re more fragile emotionally. Is it him? Is he hurting you?”

  It was my turn to feel awkward and I blushed before answering honestly. “A lot happened when you and Sean were off decimating demons on the Eastern Seaboard. Let’s just say, I had my share of inner and outer demons to vanquish. They damaged me. Killian came to me when I needed him most and he’s…healed me.”

  “You’re not telling me everything, are you?”

  Smiling ruefully, I agreed. “Some things are too painful to talk about. But Dec, never worry about Killian hurting me. He grounds me; he takes away the chaos and that’s a good thing. Let’s just kiss and make up. I need to see Killian.” I leaned up and kissed his scratchy cheek and he kissed my nose.

  Arm in arm, we went back inside to an empty house.

  “Geez, doesn’t anyone stick around this place?” I grouched.

  The clock said it was nearly midnight and the place was empty. Suddenly lonely for Killian, I made excuses and went to find my old room. After washing up but still hot, I crawled naked into the cool sheets. Staring at the shadows dancing across the ceiling, I said a prayer of thanks to God. He’d been good to me, all things considered. After all, I was surrounded by angels and fiercely loved by the most perfect being outside of Heaven.

  Now, if we could just get rid of these pesky zombies…

  A warm hand cupped my mouth sometime in the wee hours of the night. My eyes flew open to bump into the long lashes framing the brilliant blue eyes staring into mine from a nose length away. Without a word, the hand slipped into my hair and warm lips took its place. With eyes wide open, I inhaled his scent and deepened the kiss.

  “I’ve missed you…” I murmured kissing the soft skin of his chest as he fitted me tightly against his side. Like a key into a lock…The palest glimmer of dawn lit the room as I drifted off to sleep.

  The faint tolling of church bells gradually penetrated the heavy veil of sleep that wrapped itself so seductively around me. Unwilling to leave my dream, I buried my head under the sheet and drifted off again. In my dream, the church was a great cathedral with soaring arches that reached the heavens and enormous stained glass windows that bent the light into rainbows across my eyes. The tolling bells were melancholy in the misty light near the gardens. Wisteria grew lush and wild along the stone path. I wandered barefoot through the scattering mist, intent on nothing, expecting nothing more.

  Pausing to bring the purple blooms to my nose, I inhaled the fragrance and closed my eyes.

  The garden smelled of him.

  Strangely comforted, I tucked the flower behind one ear and wandered into the tiny clearing where he stood waiting for me. The years had not been kind. The rain had pitted his face and it was pocked with bits of green moss. After all these years, he stood in the rain, waiting.

  Waiting in his tomb…waiting to be freed.

  One day…when he’d served his time. I paused beneath his feet and bowed my head in respect. Once a mighty warrior, he had slipped off his path. The tears surprised me and I reached up to wipe them from the roughness of his cheek.

  Only his eyes followed me…only his eyes betrayed his sorrow…

  And still he waited.

  “You look like hell. Didn’t you sleep at all?”

  “Not much, no.” I glanced automatically at Killian and blushed.

  “Leave her be, Sean. She’s got enough to deal with. You’re not helping,” Killian said mildly with an undertone of steel.

  “Whatever, man. Let’s get started. I’m ready to kill something.”

  Rolling his eyes at Sean, Dec threw me an apple from his spot at the kitchen island. He managed to devour his in three neat bites. Wow. After demolishing the poor apple, he tucked into a plate of grilled chicken and vegetables. The garlicky smell assaulted my stomach which growled like an angry bear in response. Since the kitchen was clean, I’d guess room service. Forgetting Sean’s sniping, I made a beeline for the covered plates and found a grilled breast and a handful of zucchini and mushrooms.

  “You left me the crappy veggies again. You know I hate zucchini. Thanks,” I grumped playfully at Dec.

  “Don’t look at me! I just got up too.” He waved a chicken leg at the other two who shrugged unconcerned.

  Glancing up at him, I was chagrined again by how thin he looked. His cheeks were too hollow as if he’d lost 20 pounds. I put my chicken on his plate, kissed the top of his head, and fetched him a huge glass of milk. He started to protest and I hushed him and gulped down my own milk. It wouldn’t kill me to miss a meal. It wasn’t like I needed the extra food anyway…not now…

  “Are you all right?” Killian’s whisper startled me and I jumped more violently than necessary. Deftly catching my flying hand, he gently steadied me to the interested stares of both Sean and Dec. With his body shielding me, he placed a warm hand protectively over my belly and leaned closer to my ear. “Do you want me to take you away from here? Just say the word and we’ll bolt.”

  Eyes suddenly misty, I coughed to cover the rush of emotion. Trying to stay casual in front of our audience, I looked up into his serious face and knew he meant it. We’d put the zombies on hold if that’s what I needed. He held my eyes and nodded. Instinctively craving connection to him, I linked my fingers in his as they lay across my stomach. It was a promise of sorts. It said someday, someday I would have that perfect little baby from my dream.

  I will give you a child, Princess. I promise you that.

  His eyes grew softer as he waited for me to understand. Finally, he gave my hand a squeeze letting his fingers linger on the rune until it glowed.

  Chapter 26: Apocalypse Now

  NIGHTFALL WAS NEARLY COMPLETE as we made our way down the busy city streets heading towards Lower Manhattan. People streamed by caught up in a current of humanity. Busy, busy people had places to go. They had lives to live and bills to pay. Did they have any idea of the horror that lurked just beneath the pavement? Did anyone know how close they were to death?

  Couldn’t they sense it?

  Pulling my leather jacket closer to my side, I tensed with anticipation and not a little fear. The
wind was blowing in fits of anger as Mother Nature planned another stormy night. When we crossed the street at Broadway and 21st, the wind hit me hard enough to rock me into Killian’s side. Clearly unaffected by the wind himself, he used this as an excuse to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me close against his side. This public show of affection was unlike him and I peered up at him.

  “How’s your intuition tonight, babe?” he asked tightly, eyes scanning the sidewalks for any hint of trouble.

  I knew without looking that the ruby-handled knife burned against his calf. Totally synced with it, Killian followed it like a GPS in his head. We zigzagged from street to street as it located our prey. He was practically twitching with readiness, muscles tensed and ready to spring.

  I said candidly, “I have a bad feeling about this. It’s never as easy as it should be, you know that. Raphael and Michael both warned me there would be more pain and suffering ahead. I don’t think they were talking about a miscarriage. Something tells me we’re not going to get off lightly tonight. Do you have anything you want to say to me before we get there?”

  Barking a surprised laugh, he leaned down and said, “You win, Princess. I love you and I want you beside me. No matter what happens tonight, I’ll find you.”

  Without missing a step, he pulled me around a corner and kissed me as if the world would end in flames right then. Ignited by his power, my blood raced through my veins so fast it thrummed like a plucked guitar string. I had to pull back before I spontaneously combusted.

  With fingers digging into my shoulders, he captured my mouth again, growling low in his throat, “Don’t fight it; let it take you.”

  The more he kissed me the faster my blood raced and my own power stirred in response. Feeling light and powerful, I clenched my fingers in his shirt to keep from floating away. And still the thrumming grew louder, the notes low and clear as a bell.


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