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The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)

Page 99

by Laurie Olerich

  Dec swallowed and turned away. Finally, someone embarrassed the smartass! It was about time.

  “Are we done?” Sean asked. The mark wasn’t stinging now and he really wanted to put his jeans back on before there were any more comments from his pain-in-the-butt team.

  “Yes, Sean, I am finished. The mark will allow me to track you and keep your team updated. I’ll be able to send my thoughts to you and vice versa. You can get it wet or whatever. Do try not to get hit with a fireball though. That could damage it.”

  Dec snorted, “Yeah, and so much more.”

  Even Killian chuckled at that.

  Everybody’s a comedian…

  A knock at the door interrupted them. Mica was waiting. Sean got dressed again and called her to come in.

  “Why are you so pale?” she asked as soon as she approached him. “What are you guys doing in here?” Her nose twitched like she was sniffing out their lies.

  Damn woman didn’t miss a thing. “I’m not pale; it’s the light.”

  Dec snorted his water through his nose. Gasping and choking, he turned pink and struggled to breathe. Sean folded his arms and looked down his nose.

  Sooo not going to save him…

  Like a magnet to her steel, Killian moved to Mica and pulled a heavy chair around so she could sit down. Ever since they found out about the baby, Killian was freaked out about her losing it. Sean understood his worry. If it was his girl, he’d be stressing too. Wait a minute; she was his girl and he was stressing too…He mentally shook his head. I’m an idiot, he thought with a sigh. They should sign up for Jerry Springer or freakin’ Oprah. They were a seriously jacked up group. Whatever. Mica was a part of him even if they weren’t meant to be a couple. She still rocked and he’d do anything to keep her safe.

  Including murder.

  Her blue jean eyes were narrowed in concentration as she studied each of their faces. She knew they were up to something. Sean grinned at her suspicion and decided to put her out of her misery.

  “It’s not a secret, darlin’. Raphael marked me so he can track me when I leave today.”

  She flinched and wrapped her arms around her waist, tightening her sweater like a shield. Looking up at Killian, she asked, “Is it like the demon marks? Like what Da…uh, the demon did to me?”

  She didn’t like to use his name. She was absolutely terrified Dagin would hear her and show up to party. Smart girl--he just might. That particular demon had a knack for being in the wrong place at the right time. Killian put his arm around her and murmured something in her ear. She relaxed the iron grip on the poor sweater, but still looked anxious.

  Raphael spoke up. “It’s quite similar, child. The demon marks a human to gain access into their mind or body. They use it as a back door of sorts. They can place thoughts or dreams into the person’s head, usually to get them to invite the demon inside. They can also use it to possess the person if it stays undetected long enough. Of course, an angel’s mark is not used to harm. I will use it to track Sean’s presence and to send him instructions telepathically when he’s unconscious, drugged, or otherwise unwilling, or unable, to hear me. Sean can use it to communicate directly with me as well.”

  “Could you use it to make him do something against his will? Or stop him from doing something wrong?”

  The angel shook his head. “No, Mica. Sean, or anyone, is allowed free will by God. It would be against our teachings to attempt to control someone’s free will.”

  Sean grimaced and said, “Can’t say the same for the hell spawn I’ll be living with. If I end up trying to cut your head off at some point, try to remember it’s not me!” He kissed the top of her head in a pre-apology.

  “Whoa! This place is a dump! Would anyone really believe this is our safe house?” Mica’s whispered question made Sean grin in the dim light of the grungy living room.

  Yeah, the place was a dump. It was barely furnished with cast off crap from a charity center. The couch smelled like cat piss. The single lamp burned with a dull glow as if its bulb was tired of living.

  “Demons live in worse. They won’t know the difference.”

  “Won’t Jordan?”

  Good point. “Maybe. Probably not though. He knows we usually try to keep a low profile and blend in. This is a low-end neighborhood. Not too crowded; not a lot of nosy neighbors. Logically, this is a good place to put a safe house. I think he’ll believe it if he tries to verify my story. Since we have to leave you and Dec with a real safe house, this will have to do.” He paused and took her fingers in his for a minute. Her hands were cold and stiff.

  “Mica,” he began and stopped.

  What could he really say to her? I’m sorry I have to kill you.

  This wasn’t going to be easy for either of them. Her nerves were jumping all over the place already and he felt guilty just thinking about what he had to do now. He’d already hurt her enough to last ten lifetimes...he didn’t like doing it again.

  The plan was solid. His boys had run through it with him a hundred times and they were sure it would work. Sean wasn’t worried about himself; hell, he could handle anything the soul suckers could throw at him. He’d been in tougher spots. He’d be fine. He was wiggin’ over leaving Mica alone with only Dec for protection. Not that his boy Dec wasn’t a good fighter; he was. It seemed like one bodyguard wasn’t enough. If Jordan sniffed out their lie, Mica would be his first target. Since no one knew how Mica’s powers could affect the growing baby, they had all agreed that she wouldn’t use her active powers while she was pregnant. They’d also agreed that no one would teleport her in case it rearranged the baby’s molecules. Yeah, too risky. No one wanted the little dude to come out with his body parts in the wrong places.

  Except for her Sig, Mica would be defenseless for the next eight months. If Jordan came calling, Dec would need backup.

  Despite his worried thoughts, his fingers tingled with the beginnings of readiness. It was time to rock and get the fuck out of here. Sean’s blood thrummed a little faster through his muscles as his body psyched itself up for the role of his lifetime.

  Bringing her fingers to his lips, he gave them a chaste kiss and rubbed some warmth into them. With eyes heating with the power of his saol, he looked deeply into hers and said, “Are you ready for this?” She shivered and he wanted to wrap his arms around her. That wasn’t his job now though.

  “As I’ll ever be. This’ll be fun. Don’t worry about hurting my feelings. Just go with it. I kinda like Evil Sean!” She tried to smile but it fell short. Instead, her lip trembled and she bit it.

  “This is going to work. I know it will. Have some faith in me, okay? I’m coming back. I have to.”

  “I know. Promise me you’ll be careful?” She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him one last time. Her lean body felt too good pressed against him and he let himself enjoy her touch. Yeah, he still loved her. He was a dumbass, but he couldn’t help it.

  He groaned inside and hugged her back. She was warm and soft and completely trusting. He rubbed his hand over her back. She was making this really, really, hard for him. How could he do this? It was the perfect cover, but he was sure that it meant he was totally evil deep down. He just hoped his karma wouldn’t take another hit…

  “I’m always careful, love. You remember what to do? It’s time.”

  Nodding once, she stepped away and switched into her role. She curled her lip at him and put on her most haughty expression. She winked and stuck her tongue out at him.

  With a wave of his hand, he removed the protection that enveloped the house. It was now open to prying eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, he rounded on her with rage whitening his face. “You’re going to marry Killian? How could you do that to me after all I’ve been through?”

  “To you? You’re not serious? Did you think I would marry you when I can have him?” Her voice dripped with disdain and she looked him up and down and dismissed him. “You’re not half the man he is. Look at you! Weak, pathetic,
unstable. Your disappearance was the best thing that ever happened to us. You should’ve stayed gone and saved us all the trouble of dragging your dumb ass out of the Stone Garden.” She punctuated the insult with a low laugh and turned away from him.

  “You faithless little bitch! You swore you loved me and then you hooked up with Killian the second my back was turned! How long did you plan that? You couldn’t wait for me?” He swung her around to face him, eyes burning into her face. “It’s your fucking fault I ended up in the Stone Garden to begin with! You strung me along...used me until you got what you wanted!”

  So close to exploding into full-scale soldier-mode, he had to reel back some of the energy slamming through him.

  Acting, acting, he reminded himself mentally. Don’t set her on fire!

  She smirked into his face. “Oh my, are we switching to Evil Sean now? Your act is so old.” Her voice turned to sing-song as she mimicked him, “Oh, I’m so evil! Oh, I’m so confused! Whatever shall I do?”

  “For God’s sake, grow a pair. Good, evil…whatever! Make a friggin’ decision so we can move on with our lives. Your morality crisis is getting on my nerves, and frankly, we’re all sick of you.”

  Moving lightning fast, he grabbed her wrist and snarled low in his throat, “You got it, babe.” Yanking her closer, he growled, “So I’m asking myself a question. Just how much evil do you want from me? Hmm? When do I get to cut loose?”

  She tried to back away but he held her in an iron grip. Her face paled as she got a close look at him. He grinned showing his canines and pushed her against the wall behind him. Pinning her in place, he sneered, “What? No answer to that? Let me tell you what I think. I think I sacrificed my happy ass for centuries helping you stupid, worthless, faithless humans. And for what? You’re worse than fucking demons. Killing, raping, destroying each other. You don’t deserve to live.”

  He lifted one large hand and placed it against the side of her face, cupping it almost gently. Caressing her cheek with one thumb, he purred against her ear, “And you’re the worst of them. Aren’t you? Lying, plotting, unfaithful bitch. I would’ve sacrificed everything for you and you ruined it.”

  A heartbeat passed and he said nothing.

  Another heartbeat and he let the corners of his mouth lift slowly as she realized what he was doing.

  Her eyes went huge and she tried to turn her head away from the pressure of his hand, but she was frozen in place. His thumb continued tracing gentle circles against her skin but his hand seemed to squeeze her skull. The pressure built and she freaked.

  Staring hard into her eyes, Sean focused on her brain and watched as she panicked like a cornered rat. Her eyes darted back and forth desperately looking for rescue. Her heart pounded against him, its rhythm frantic, out of control.

  Her blood pumped faster. He could hear it rushing through her veins.

  “That’s it, bitch. Let your blood pump. The faster it goes, the quicker your brain will explode.” His voice was soft and lazy as he watched her face turn an interesting shade of red.

  “Rot in hell!” she managed to snarl before a guttural moan escaped her lips.

  Her fingernails clawed into his hand gouging ribbons of skin as she tried to move him. He didn’t feel the pain, didn’t care what she did.

  She had to die.

  There was no other way.

  Blood bubbled from her ear and slowly dribbled down her jaw. Intrigued, he leaned forward and lapped at it with his tongue.

  “So that’s what it tastes like? Sweet.”

  She was crying and screaming as the arteries tightened and burst inside her skull.

  Licking her again, he murmured, “Keep yelling, sweetheart. You’re just turning me on. I can’t believe I’ve missed out on this all this time. I’m going to enjoy letting myself go.”

  His hand gripped her tighter and she went silent, eyes dilated with mindless fear now.

  His feral grin disappeared and he studied her clinically. Blood was oozing from her nose and dripped over her chin.

  Any second now…

  He leaned closer and kissed her brutally just as she lost consciousness and went limp in his hands. Caught up in the moment, he kissed her again and then let her slide to the floor.

  He gave her one last look of disgust and wiped the blood off his mouth with the corner of his shirt. Just as he turned to go, Killian materialized and stopped dead, his face draining to chalk as he took in Mica’s still body and wide staring eyes.

  “What did you do?” he whispered hoarsely.

  “She provoked me.”

  With a roar of rage, he lunged at Sean and the two of them slammed into the wall. The wall cracked and Sean’s head bounced so hard his teeth cracked. Killian hit him hard in the gut and he gasped for oxygen while spots danced in his vision.

  That hurt. Ow.

  Sean jumped away from Killian and gave him the finger before vanishing.

  The frigid night air slapped him in the face when he rematerialized on the shore. The air felt good as it cooled his flaming body. Breathing shallowly, he stood still and took inventory. His ribs hurt like hell and he couldn’t draw a full breath. Freakin’ Killian broke a rib or two. Shit. Man, he never could leash his power. Didn’t know the meaning of taking it down a notch. He’d hit Sean with the full force of his strength. His left hand was dripping blood and the scratches stung like a mother. He hissed in a breath when the cold air hit it, sending a new wave of throbbing through his fingers. Mica had scratched the hell out of him.

  Her face floated in front of him; eyes wide and staring, lips glossy with blood.

  Ah, Mica. Damn, girl.

  This just wasn’t right.

  Guilt threatened to swallow him up. He ran his tongue over his lip and tasted blood. Her blood. The image of licking her blood horrified him and he leaned over and hurled.

  Jesus. That shit better be convincing. He spit into the grass and shook his head. I’m a bastard. I’m too good at being evil to be faking this. A chill ran through him and he recognized the touch of evil as it caressed him in the darkness.

  That didn’t take long.

  Resisting the urge to puke again, he wiped his mouth and rolled his shoulders. Okay then, time for the next act.

  But first, he needed some alone time.

  The Irish safe house was right where he’d left it, and still open to him. He swiped the alarm pad with his palm and went inside. It had only been months, but it felt deserted already. The air was stale and dusty. Hey, house, I’m back. The house lit up as soon as he walked in and warmth seeped from the floor. It was happy for company. A bit later, Sean took a shower. He stood with his head against the glass wall and closed his eyes. With steaming water pouring over his taut muscles, he forced himself to relax. The faces of his family floated through his mind and he let them hang for a minute before gently shoving them away. He had to forget them.

  His survival depended on it.

  There was no doubt that Jordan would test him. He’d want proof of Sean’s loyalty. Sean had no one other than his Primani family and Mica. And Aisling. His Primani brothers could take care of themselves. Mica was now dead, and therefore, not available for him to torture and kill. And Aisling…well, she was lost. He wasn’t worried about demons going after her since he had no way to find her. They wouldn’t be able to connect the dots.

  He turned around and let the water run down his chest. His shoulders relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief. Saying goodbye one last time, he neatly tucked the memories into the deepest corner of his brain and mentally locked them inside. He’d call Raphael and only Raphael if he needed something. Even Jordan wasn’t stupid enough to send a demon, or a hundred, after the archangel.

  Sean sprawled naked across the bed and stared at the ceiling. He went over the plan again and again before finally turning his brain off and crashing hard.

  The next morning, he sat up with a start and held his knife in front of him. What had woken him up? A sound? A touch? He blinked into th
e pale light of dawn and held his breath as the specter shimmered and disappeared. A sharp odor washed over him and he swore under his breath.

  How had they found him here?

  With his location known, he shrugged and got up. It didn’t change things. He’d just call Jordan sooner than he’d planned. That crazy, fallen angel could wait until he was ready though. Taking his time, Sean took a shower and got dressed in his commando gear. He didn’t bother to shave, knowing that the black growth made him look meaner and more dangerous. His hair had grown out to curl up over his collar. He hated it long; it made him look pretty. Like a girl. But he needed it to grow out and be shaggy. He would fit in better if he looked more uncivilized. The military hair cut was too conservative, too proper. It would have to go for a while. He brushed his teeth and shoved the brush into a pocket in his pants. Evil he may be, but that was no reason to compromise on dental health. He grinned at the mirror, pearly whites gleaming back at him.

  After enjoying a last cup of coffee and a frozen waffle, he readied himself. Mentally he was set. Family pics were tucked away. His alibi was solid. He still had some of Mica’s blood on his shirt--just in case. He tucked his Sig and his knives into their sheaths and slung his backpack over one shoulder. He’d tossed in a change of clothes--no idea if they had washing machines in Hell. He hated wearing bloody clothes; it was just nasty. After resetting the protection spell over the house, he set the physical alarm and stepped outside.

  Raphael? It’s go time.

  Out loud, he yelled, “Yo, Jordan! I need a ride.”

  Chapter 19: The Waiting is the Hardest Part

  THE MIST CLOSED AROUND ME just as I slipped into the dark copse of trees. My steps were soundless as I went deeper into the darkness. Hushed, waiting, the very air vibrated with the energy of the unseen. Eyes followed me without blinking, expressions watchful, calculating. Expectant silence surrounded me. Who were they? What did they want with me? I shivered and ran my fingers over the goose bumps on my arms. I walked until I could move no further. The forest simply ended in front of me.


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