IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance

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IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance Page 16

by Olivia Hawthorne

  Melody had been there a while, and I was starting to get nervous. She seemed to have popped so much recently, even in the short time we’d been back. I knew her due date was in a week or so, but she really did look ready to explode.

  “Mel?” I asked and tapped at the door. “You’re freaking me out, girl. Are you okay?”

  “Oh Lennon, I can’t get Jake,” she moaned from the other side.

  “Did you call him?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she wailed. “I need him. Bad.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked, feeling my concern go from mild to volcanic in the span of a couple sentences.

  “My water broke,” she said and grunted, “I think I’m having contractions.”

  “Oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked in a panic. “Come on, open the door and I’ll help you.”

  “I made a big mess on your floor,” she said, sounding miserable.

  “It’s just a floor, it will clean up,” I said, “please, open the door.”

  I heard the lock click and the door swung open part way. I pushed on it and peered around the edge. Melody was sitting on the toilet with the seat down, her pants were soaked, and there was a huge puddle on the rug at her feet. She started to cry.

  “Let’s get you to the hospital and I’ll call Knox. They can meet us there,” I told her and helped her up.

  I managed to get a big towel wrapped around her hips to hide her embarrassment, helped her to the front door and into the town car that was waiting by the time we got there. Sylvie had caught on to the situation and had jumped into action as usual.

  I managed to get Knox on the way to the hospital, by the sound of his voice I knew he would get Jake there…maybe even before us.

  They checked Melody in and as I was wheeling her towards to elevator to head up to the maternity wing, I heard Knox yelling for me.

  “Hold up, kitten,” he said, “I got the dad.”

  I turned Melody around in the chair and Jake dropped to his knees in front of her. “I’m here, baby,” he said. “I made it.”

  “Oh thank god,” Melody replied with tears in her eyes. “Now I can have this little guy.”

  “Thank you,” Jake said and took the wheelchair from me. He wheeled her onto the elevator and they were gone towards the biggest day of their life.

  “I can’t believe she’s having the baby,” I said, suddenly feeling wistful and more than a little bit envious.

  “Let’s git ye home and work on one of our own,” Knox said in a low, growly voice. He grabbed me and kissed my neck, making me laugh and twist in his arms.

  “Okay” I replied breathlessly and he pulled me close, acknowledging my acceptance of his demand.

  How could I say no to him? Was it even possible for my body to deny him anything? This kind of love was so overpowering that I didn’t think it was.

  The moment we arrived at the house, he threw me over his shoulder and ran up the stairs so fast I was sure he’d drop me.

  I was breathless from laughing and shrieking by the time we got to our room.

  Our room. I still couldn’t believe it was mine as much as it was his. He’d never done anything to make me feel less than one hundred percent welcome.

  What was his, was mine.

  And what was mine, was his.

  Including my body.

  “Ye got too much on,” he said in a thick voice. He grabbed the collar of my blouse and pulled it apart, popping buttons off as they landed on the floor and clattered away.

  “That’s Chanel,” I gasped and watched my delicate silk top get torn to shreds.

  “I’ll buy ye twenty of them if ye want,” he replied and tore at my skirt, “I need ye naked, kitten, or I’m gonna fekking burst.”

  I responded by tearing at his clothing, but it was work out gear so it didn’t exactly rip like I’d intended. He rolled it off his muscled limbs and laughed as I tried to be as fierce as he.

  “Let me look at ye,” he said and stood back to admire my body. A couple months ago if a man had raked his hot gaze along my naked self with that look of hunger in his eyes, I would have been desperate to cover up.

  Not with Knox though, I joined him and let myself drink in the sight of his glorious body. He was so lean and muscled that his arms and abs rippled with each movement.

  I let my eyes drop to his cock standing proud and hard, throbbing for me. That was the greatest source of power for me now, the ability to make him hard with a single look or touch.

  “God, yer fekking beautiful, kitten,” he exhaled with a harsh breath. He rushed me and picked me up, I squealed and wiggled in his arms as he threw me onto the bed and hovered over me.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I laughed and moved up a little on the luxurious comforter.

  He dove between my thighs and spread me wide. He went down to lick and suck me into sheer and utter joy.

  And for a moment, when we were together, the world fell away and we were just two people in love joining our bodies in a state of ecstasy.

  Chapter Forty Nine


  “Shit, Knox, your tie is crooked,” Jake said with a laugh.

  “And ye got baby puke on yers,” I replied with a grin.

  It was the big day, I was finally marrying me kitten after what felt like years of waiting. In reality it had taken us a few months to get here, but every moment of waiting had been worth it.

  I’d signed the contract for sponsorship, breaking the previous record for earnings from a single deal. I’d become the single richest fighter in the world, and had already given half of it to Lennon. She just didn’t know it yet.

  I hadn’t wanted a pre-nuptial agreement; in fact I’d had my lawyers draw up a document that made her half owner of the Knox O’Connor brand.

  Everything I had was hers.

  I let Jake redo the tie on my tuxedo and wiped the baby spit off his. We stood in front of the mirror and looked each other over.

  “Ye almost look respectable,” I told him with a grin.

  “Almost. And you don’t look so much like a street thug,” he laughed.

  I shouldn’t, we’d had the tuxes tailor made by some designer that Lennon had insisted on. The same guy who handled one of her favorite hip-hop singer’s wedding. The bloke married to the reality TV star with the big arse. I never could remember their names, but I watched because Lennon loved their shows.

  “How much longer?” I asked, adjusting my tie again, just a little to the left.

  “Forty minutes. I’m going to go check on Melody and the baby. You stay put so you don’t accidentally run into your bride,” Jake said leaving me alone in the hotel room so he could help Melody with their son, Jacob Junior.

  Lennon and I had rented out the entire hotel in one of the little beachfront resort towns along the coast of Maine. I’d suggested somewhere in Mexico, but her face had blanched white and the idea was off the table.

  It was best to let her make all these decisions though; it kept us both happier. Mostly because I didn’t care and she cared too much…I loved her for it.

  I heard a tapping at the door and said, “Come in, it’s open!”

  The door swung inward and Lennon burst through in a rush of white silk and lace.

  “Kitten, isn’t this bad luck?” I asked in shock at her stricken face.

  “Knox, I need to tell you something right now,” she said in a breathless voice and fell into me arms. She smelled like heaven, as light and airy as the delicate fabric of her gown.

  “What’s goin on, kitten?” I asked and hooked my finger under her chin to tilt her face to me. “Tell me.”

  “Okay, let me think,” she said taking a couple huge deep breaths. “So I haven’t been feeling well but I put it up to nerves about the wedding. I threw up earlier though.”

  “Oh shite, ye got the flu?” I asked gently.

  “No,” she replied. “But I asked Melody to go into town and get me something. And it’s positive.”

�What is?” I asked her slowly like she was daft.

  “This!” she cried out and handed me a wad of toilet paper wrapped around a white stick.

  “What is this?” I asked suspiciously. She seemed so off I had no idea where she was taking me.

  “Oh, don’t touch it because I peed on it.”

  “Okay,” I said and took it from her hand. I peeled back the paper and looked long and hard before it occurred to me what it was. “Two blue lines mean…”

  “It means I’m pregnant,” Lennon said joyfully. “I’m having a baby!”

  “We’re havin a baby,” I said, setting the pregnancy test down on the table beside me. “My god, kitten, ye just made me the happiest god damned man alive.”

  “I thought you’d be excited,” she said, “Daddy.”

  I kissed her, crushing my lips on hers and felt a surge of desire race through me. My cock threatened to tear through my pants as I held her close and kissed her deep.

  I pulled back suddenly and said, “Shite, kitten. I should be more careful. I don’t wanna hurt ye and the wee one.”

  “I’m pregnant, not dying,” she said and grabbed the lapels of my tuxedo. “And I’m so freaking horny right now I’m going to die if I don’t get a good fuck, Knox. So let’s get going, we don’t have much time.”

  “Are ye sure it won’t hurt ye? Or the baby?” I asked as she dragged me towards the bed.

  “I’m sure I’ll hurt you if you don’t hurry up,” she laughed and fell backwards in a cloud of wedding gown and lacey garters.

  I unzipped my pants and managed to navigate my way between her white shapely thighs. She shuddered as I teased her hot slit with the head of my cock.

  “Come on,” she begged and tugged me towards her. She wrapped her long legs around my hips and dragged me forwards.

  “What are ye wantin, kitten?” I asked with a smirk.

  “I want…no…fuck…I need you, Knox. I need you to fuck me hard, I need it so bad I’m going to lose my mind if you don’t slide that cock inside of me and pound me fast and deep right now,” she moaned and arched herself up, opening herself to me.

  “As you wish, my wife,” I growled and grasped her hips. I plunged forward and slid myself inside her velvet heat until I bottomed out and she cried in joy.

  “I love you,” she groaned and writhed as I picked up speed.

  “I love ye too,” I growled, thrusting harder and harder until I felt her body tighten like a bow waiting to be released.

  And at once she released, her pussy clenching and her body thrashing beneath me as I joined her in our mutual bliss. The last time I would fill her cunt as my fiancée, for in less than an hour she would be my bride.

  And my partner in life.

  Chapter Fifty


  I barely remembered saying our vows, and I was so happy to have the wedding photos otherwise I might have forgotten what my dress even looked like.

  I’d been walking on a cloud that day from the news of my pregnancy and my insatiable hormones combined. Luckily Knox had, as always, been ready to go. I’d worried that him seeing me in my wedding dress would bring bad luck, but after that pounding I knew there was nothing but goodness in our future.

  We hadn’t had time for much of a honeymoon. As promised I’d taken him back to my hometown and shown him the little place I’d grown up in.

  We hadn’t run into too many people I knew, but everywhere we’d gone Knox had been asked for autographs and photos. I was getting pretty good with being on the sidelines…and taking pictures for Knox’s fans.

  It had been about a month since the wedding and other than my insatiable hormones, my body hadn’t changed too much. Melody kept laughing at me and warning me that it would change soon enough.

  Jessica and Charlotte had managed to get together and were planning a baby shower for me. At least I though they were, it was supposed to be a surprise but Jessica had accidentally CC’ed me on a planning email. It had amazed me and made me cry to see how many people had been on that list, former coworkers, George and his wife, Katie of course.

  I loved having friends, and I loved having people care for me in my life. It wasn’t something I was used to, but I was getting there slowly.

  I was getting ready to go to pick Katie up and head out for a little shopping as promised. Knox was training but I thought she could use a girl’s day and some time away from the rehab program.

  She was doing amazingly well, it seemed as soon as she had her brother in her life again she changed her life around completely.

  She was waiting for me in front of the clinic, she’d filled out and she resembled Knox even more than ever.

  “Wow, you look great,” I said as the driver opened the door for her.

  “So do you,” she replied. “Any news on whether I’m having a niece or a nephew yet?”

  “Not yet, but everybody seems to think it’s going to be a boy,” I replied with a laugh.

  “What do you think? My mom always said a woman knew what she was having before she gave birth through her dreams,” Katie replied with a smile.

  “Oh god, I’m having a grilled cheese sandwich then,” I snorted. “That’s all I’m dreaming of…grilled cheese and milk.”

  “Maybe it is a boy then,” she replied. “I think there’s an old wives tale that says sweet cravings mean a girl, savory cravings mean a boy.”

  “I guess we’ll all find out soon enough,” I replied with a little smile, putting my hand on my stomach as if looking for any sign that there was a baby in there.

  Katie and I had a fantastic day. We needed it to get to know each other even more and I’d felt good being able to pay for anything she wanted.

  Once she realized it was Knox’s money she’d loosened up a little. I supposed it was strange to think of me as family yet, but we’d get there. I had a feeling the baby would help that.

  I dropped her off and told the driver to swing by the gym to pick up Knox. He jumped in as soon as we got there, his smile huge and his face sweaty.

  “Ah, kitten, I fekking missed ye today,” he said and pulled me onto his lap.

  “You’re all wet,” I protested, wondering if sweat would stain my new jacket. His hand moved a little lower and suddenly I didn’t care.

  “So are ye,” he said in a thick voice as his hands moved past my waistband and lower still. “Yer soaked for me. Yer body craves its King.”

  “I always am,” I replied and twisted so I could face him and kiss him.

  Knox O’Connor was still an arrogant prick most of the time. He left the toilet seat up and dropped his sweaty clothes everywhere he felt like. He was demanding and aggressive…and rarely took no for an answer.

  But he was mine. And I was his. And he was generous and loving, loyal and fucked me like a demon. He made me feel secure and loved and safe from harm.

  And that was worth a thousand other men in my opinion.

  “See? Ye don’t care if I’m sweaty, kitten,” he growled and nipped the flesh at my neck, just under my ear. “Yer body’s in tune with mine, ye want me to slide me thick cock inside ye, don’t ye?”

  I sighed heavily and shuddered as his finger moved against my clit, sending snakes of pleasure chasing each other up and down my spine.

  “I do,” I exhaled. “I want you always, Knox. Always and forever.”

  “Then that’s exactly what ye’ll get, kitten,” he replied and pulled me down for a kiss.


  Chapter Fifty One


  “Ye look beautiful, kitten, stop pulling at yer skirt. Yer gonna ruin it,” I said and watched Lennon shift uncomfortable in her seat yet again. I leaned close to her and said, “I want te be the one ruining it later when I tear it off ye.”

  Lennon blushed and smiled but still seemed uncomfortable.

  We were at Katie’s official graduation from the rehab program and Lennon was nearing the end of her pregnancy. She was huge, I ain’t gonna lie, but she was fekking gorg
eous. I realized I didn’t care how much she weighed, her beauty was from within and I still wanted te get in her as much as I could.

  These days it wasn’t often enough. She felt big and ungainly and I could tell her feet hurt and her self esteem had taken a beating. So I made do with giving her foot rubs and slipping inside of her when she’d allow it.


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