IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance

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IRISH: a Bad Boy Fighter Romance Page 17

by Olivia Hawthorne

  I didn’t know how men fekking cheated. Even in this condition and with Lennon’s lowered sex drive, she filled me mind with her image until there was no room for any other woman.

  Now that was true love te me.

  “I know,” Lennon said and shifted on the hard little plastic chair. The rehab center had air conditioning but there were too many people packing into the little conference room and I could see me kitten starting to sweat. “I just can’t seem to catch my breath.”

  “It’s hot in here,” I said and put my hand on her back. She was soaked through her maternity dress already. I grabbed the program and began to fan her face, helping her cool down.

  “Oh god, thanks,” she said and closed her eyes, tilting her head back and exposing her beautiful white neck. Fek how I wanted to kiss her there, nibble her perfect skin and strip her naked.

  I contained myself and kept fanning her until she smiled and grabbed my wrist. “Thank you,” she said. “You’re too good to us.”

  She pulled my hand towards her and placed it on her stomach. I didn’t know what she was getting at until I felt the wee babe rippled under her skin like a little fish under my hand.

  “Ah, there he is,” I said with a wide grin.

  “Or she,” Lennon replied with her brow arched.

  We’d decided to be completely surprised and had opted out of the ultrasound. I teased Lennon mercilessly about wanting me little fighter, but truth te god’s ear I didna care. Boy or girl I was just overcome with love for me child and me wife.

  “Oh there’s Katie,” Lennon said and the crowd shifted around us, we all looked towards the front where the twelve successful rehab members were standing. “She looks really great.”

  “She does,” I said but I still worried about me little sister. She still looked too skinny and too wide eyed. She’d slipped up again since we’d brought her here and I worried that the change in scenery was too much for her.

  She needed a job. Or a good boyfriend. Something to keep her on her toes and away from the crap that had taken her from me.

  I hoped becoming an aunt to the wee babe would help break her free from the drugs. Maybe coming back into the family would give her the strength to stay clean this time.

  The ceremony was over quickly and Lennon practically ran us over with her race to the bathroom. She mentioned something about the baby bouncing on her bladder and I chuckled at her adorable little waddle.

  God I loved that woman.

  “What do you think, brother?” Katie asked me as we waited for Lennon.

  “About what?”

  “Can I do it this time?”

  “Ye know ye can,” I smiled and put my arm around her thin shoulders. “I feel like I let ye down once before but I’m sticking with ye as long as ye need this time, Katie dear.”

  “Thank you, Knox,” she said and gave me a sad smile. “I truly thought ye’d given up on me ye know. That’s what hurt more than any of the whoring or drugs they made me do.”

  “Never,” I replied and kissed the top of her head. “I never would and I won’t now. Lennon loves ye too, ye know. She’ll never turn her back.”

  Lennon joined us at last and we went for lunch at Katie’s favorite restaurant to celebrate her success.

  It was lovely seeing my wife and my sister laughing and talking about me as a young lad. I didn’t mind Katie giving up all my secrets, that’s what Lennon was for.

  Later on we got Katie settled into her little apartment a short drive from our house, I paid for it but felt it was important for her to find work for herself at some point. Maybe go to school or something, we’d figure it out.

  On the drive home Lennon fell asleep. I’d bought us a Mercedes SUV, something a little more family friendly than my sports cars. It still rankled me somewhat, but at least it wasn’t a minivan.

  I pulled into the garage and watched me girl for a moment. The lights shone on her thick black curls and her smooth white skin glowed with those pregnancy hormones everybody talks about. Her long lashes fanned out on her cheek and I could see her breasts straining the buttons on the blouse she’d worn.

  I couldn’t help myself. I reached over and gave the top button a sharp tug. It popped off in my hand and her breasts heaved slightly. Lennon murmured softly under her breath, so I pulled the next one off. I continued down her shirt until it was hanging open and her lacy bra was barely containing her perfect body.

  She’d really filled out with the pregnancy and all I could think about was takin one of them into my mouth and sucking until she woke up and wanted to go.

  I leaned towards her and heard a small gasp as her eyes opened and she caught me there like that.

  “What are you doing, Knox?” she asked with a bemused tone.

  “I can’t stand it, kitten,” I told her, looking up with lust filled eyes. “I want te taste ye so bad tonight.”

  “So bad that you ruined my new shirt?” she laughed and pulled me towards her.

  I covered her mouth in mine and kissed her in the front of our car in the garage. The staff was probably gone for the day or had retreated to their private quarters, so I knew I could sneak Lennon up with her tits hanging out.

  “Come on,” I said with urgency firing my voice. “Let’s get ye upstairs so I can fek you right and proper.”

  “I’m as big as a whale,” she complained and let me help her out of the seat on her side.

  “Then I’ve got a thing fer whales,” I grinned and held her hand in mine.

  We left the garage and rushed through the house. I draped my jacket over her in case we did run into somebody. I’d hate to have to fire somebody just because they’d seen me wife’s gorgeous tits.

  I practically tore the door off the frame when we got to our room, I was so filled with need for Lennon it consumed me.

  “Hold on,” Lennon said as we walked into the bedroom. “I need to get out of this bra and skirt or I’m going to freaking scream.”

  “I can help ye with that,” I laughed and helped her shrug free from her blouse, bra, skirt and panties. She was even more glorious without any clothes on, the sight of her belly swollen with our first baby made me feel like a true king.

  It didn’t matter how many men I beat down or how many times I defended my world title, Lennon was the one thing in the world that made me feel like I could conquer the universe. As long as she was by my side, I could fekking do anything.

  “I can’t believe you want to have sex with this,” she said bashfully and motioned down her luscious body.

  “I can’t believe ye don’t see how fekking beautiful ye are, kitten,” I told her and kissed her.

  Every time I kissed Lennon it felt like the first time. Her lips were always so sweet, her tongue so willing to submit under mine and her breathy moans always got me harder than anything else.

  I didn’t ever see an end to our love, in fact every time we touched, our love grew stronger.

  Chapter Fifty Two


  I felt like a watermelon with swollen ankles, but Knox didn’t see anything but his little sexy kitten. That made me feel sexy in spite of still being sweaty from Katie’s celebration.

  I knew everybody talked about the pregnant woman glow and I’d even seen it on Melody’s face when she’d been pregnant, but damn I didn’t have it.

  I had more of the pregnant woman shiny sweaty acne face. Figures, that would be my luck.

  I watched him strip his clothes off and once again reveled in the glory that was his perfect body. I didn’t think he had an ounce of body fat, his was a sharp contrast to my own body, all angular and bulging muscle as opposed to the hugeness I had become.

  But there in the bedroom I didn’t feel sweaty and bloated, Knox made me feel like the most desirable woman on the planet and that was saying something about the man I’d married.

  I loved being Lennon O’Connor even more every time he looked at me like that.

  “Open yourself for me, kitten,” Knox said and stoo
d over me at the end of the bed. I wiggled backwards onto it and felt my breath catch in my throat as he followed me with that look in his eyes.

  “I’m so…big,” I wailed and tried to stretch my body to offer him a glimpse of my legs or breasts, or…anything other than that damn huge belly.

  I wasn’t even due for another three weeks, how big was I going to get?

  “You’re fekking perfect,” he told me and moved between my thighs. I let myself fall back onto the pillows and let him push his way towards his goal.

  He was relentless in his desire, but he always managed to coax me out of my ungainly shell and forget myself while he brought pleasure to me.

  “Oh Knox,” I sighed and closed my eyes. I dug my fingers into the blankets and let myself drift while he licked and fingered me away to oblivion.

  He made the sexiest sounds when he went down on me, I know it seems like an odd thing to get excited about, but his little noises of pleasure were part of the entire thing. He made me feel like I was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted…and that helped strip away my layers of discomfort.

  The way he touched me drove me crazy too, his tongue persistent and forceful and his fingers rigid and thrusting.

  “Oh god,” I moaned and writhed, moved my hips and tried to look down to see him between my thighs.

  But I’d forgotten about my belly, so that’s all I saw. I would have laughed if I hadn’t been so close to coming.

  He responded to my groans by gripping my thigh in his huge hand and working his tongue and fingers faster and harder.

  I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I bucked towards him, rolled my head on the pillows and screamed, “Knox,” in one huge breath.

  He slowed after my body stopped quivering and clenching around his. I sighed and grinned, let the bliss wash through every cell in my body and opened my eyes again slowly.

  Knox kissed his way up my thigh, along my massive belly and all the way to my neck where he sucked and nuzzled my sensitive flesh, making the hair stand up on my arms.

  “I love ye,” he told me and kissed me again.

  “I love you too,” I replied and rolled to face him. “I love you so much it doesn’t even seem possible at times, you know?”

  “It’s always possible to me, kitten,” he said with a lopsided grin. “I never thought I’d find somebody I could share everything with though. I never thought I’d marry a woman who knew me heart through and through and who I trusted with every ounce of me being.”

  A stab of regret pierced my heart when he said that. I still hadn’t said anything about Sabrina all these months and it was still my greatest regret.

  I don’t know what came over me, but I took a deep breath and said, “I do need to talk to you about something.”

  He opened his eyes and looked at me, scanning my face. “What is it?”

  I didn’t know how to start, how to explain everything, so I just dove right into it in typical Lennon fashion. “I was the one who turned Sabrina in.”

  I felt tears stinging my eyes and I squeezed them shut, trying to keep them from spilling over.

  I tensed up and waited for Knox to realize I’d lied to him and done the very thing he’d promised her wouldn’t happen.

  He was silent for a moment or two so I opened one eye and peeked through.

  I found him looking at me with a quizzical look and a wide grin on his face.

  “That’s it?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “What do you mean that’s it? I called and reported where she was. After you promised her you wouldn’t do anything to prevent her safe passage.”

  “Oh kitten, the look on your face was preparing me for the worst. Like Jake was the wee baby’s father and he’d be coming out with Jake’s face.”

  “No!” I exclaimed. “God no, I’d never sleep with anyone else. But this isn’t exactly a nice thing, I’m the reason your ex wife landed in prison.”

  “Better you than me,” he laughed and kissed her nose. “I told her that I wouldn’t do anything but I never mentioned you. Hell, I half expected you to call her in. It’s what any sane woman would do to protect her territory and I’m proud of ye for being so strong.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked and felt relief drain from my body. “I’ve been so worried about keeping this from you all this time.”

  “I’m sorry kitten, I wish you knew you didn’t have to hold that back from me,” he replied and the sincerity in his voice and eyes made me almost start crying again, but from relief.

  “Well I guess I made it a bigger deal in my head than it really was,” I said and put my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and folded me into him, sending a wave of love and security washing over me.

  “That ye did,” he told me. “I do feel safer knowing she’s locked away. I hate to think what she’d do if she came after the baby.”

  “Oh she’d end up dead and buried if she tried to touch our family,” I said in a low tone that even shocked me with the ferocity.”

  “Fek ye get me hard when ye talk like that,” Knox said and pulled at me, indicating he wanted me on top.

  “I’ll crush you,” I laughed and fought him gently, half heartedly.

  “Then I’ll die a happy man,” he laughed and pulled me onto him so I straddled his hard body. “Now get up here on my dick and ride me, my fierce little queen. My warrior.”

  I settled my belly against him and pulled my hips up so I could let the head of his cock slip along my slit and find my entrance, wet and waiting.

  His face grew serious and he grabbed my hips, locked his gaze on mine and thrust upwards.

  I gasped and cried out, my flesh so sensitive from his earlier attention that I felt close to exploding just from that one movement, the motion of his cock sliding along my flexing inner walls.

  I bit my lip to concentrate on not coming, I wanted to enjoy this, to really feel every long, throbbing inch of him inside of me.

  “You’re so quiet, kitten,” he said, his voice thick and raspy, belying his own slow build to explosion. “Tell me how you like it. Tell me how it feels.”

  “It feels amazing,” I said and gasped as he thrust upwards again. “It’s so good, Knox. It’s like you were made for me, our bodies fit so well together.”

  He growled and thrust faster, harder, and I had to hang onto his bulging biceps to keep my balance.

  “I’m going to come,” he said, his voice harsh and deep and so god damned sexy. “Come with me, kitten. Come for me.”

  As if on command my body responded. I cried out and dug my fingernails into his arms, felt him drilling his cock deeper inside of me until he stopped.

  His shaft throbbed his release and I felt his hot, thick cum deep inside of me. I sobbed his name and arched backwards, my long hair brushing down my back as my body received him and broke free from its own coiled tension.

  I came hard and clenched him so tight I heard his sharp intake of breath.

  He slowed his movements and I sat back up, looked down at him and felt the love that was burning in his eyes radiate around me.

  I loved him so much it felt like my heart was too big for my body, like it would explode one day and flutter free to be with him forever.

  I took one long last breath and collapsed beside him, with my back to him so I could rest my belly on the bed.

  “Ah, kitten, you are magnificent, even when ye crush me,” he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  I loved spooning, I loved how Knox always made me feel warm and safe.

  “If you talk about being crushed one more time I might have to give you night time diaper duty,” I laughed.

  “I won’t mind at all,” he replied and I knew he was the kind of man who wouldn’t.

  I felt him slide his hands to my stomach and he fell asleep like that, cradling our baby and holding me in his arms and in his heart.

  Chapter Fifty Three


  One of the things I loved most about Lenno
n was how deeply good she was. It shone from her like a beacon and I worried that her goodness might draw dark hearted people towards her, which is why it was especially good that I was in her life.

  I could protect her because I could recognize those people when they showed up.

  I used to be one of them, I used to be friends with them.

  But her goodness shone through the most when she told me about Sabrina.


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