Book Read Free

Shock Warning

Page 2

by Michael Walsh

  It was always your friend, and never your enemy, because what worse enemy could a man in his line of work have than a friend?

  This line was designed so that, if the incoming call passed all the security checks, the ring would continue to loop until it was answered. It didn’t matter that the person on the other end of the line would have rung off; the instant he picked up the secure instrument, he would automatically be connected, via a series of secure cutouts, with the person who had called. That way, the security checks ran in both directions, and both parties could be sure they really were speaking to each other.

  He picked up the line and waited. No beeps and blips, just utter silence . . . until, finally, a voice:

  “Is that you?”

  “Who else?”

  “You’re wanted.”

  “Bullshit. Try to kill me and you’re in a world of hurt. I know where all the bodies are buried.”

  “You should. You put most of them there.”

  “And there’s at least three more to go if you fuck with me.”

  “This is supposed to be a friendly call.”

  “Then start acting like it.”

  “Okay, I have three words for you.”

  “They’d better be good. Because if they’re not, I have three words for you.”

  “Skorzeny. Maryam. Devlin.”

  For a moment, he had nothing to say. “Have I got your attention now?” said the voice, the voice he knew so well.


  The answer surprised him. “The La Brea Tar Pits, tomorrow, one o’clock . . . not in them, don’t worry. Look for the wooly mammoth and await your contact.”

  “Does he come armed or unarmed?”

  “He’s a she. Jacinta. Act like a gentlemen.”

  “And then what?”

  “You’ll know what to do.”

  “How? A miracle?”

  The line went dead.

  He stood there, still naked except for a towel around his waist, his hair dripping.

  “Dad? Dad?”

  Nothing. Emptiness, as usual.

  He poured himself a short whiskey. It was a short step onto the terrace. To the south, he had a panoramic view of downtown. Nobody cared that he wasn’t wearing any clothes. This was L.A. Nobody wore clothes in L.A., not really, just costumes.

  The Bruckner symphony he’d been listening to was still playing. The Fourth, all horns and majesty and a slow death march and a vision of the afterlife and just enough harmonic wild cards to keep a listener on his toes as he contemplated the face of—

  He raised his glass in a toast to the desert city by the ocean—water water everywhere and not a drop to drink—to Hollywood, and to the wide world beyond. The Hollywood Sign, from which poor Peg Entwhistle had thrown herself in revenge against its utter indifference, was behind him and off to his right, out of sight, which was where it belonged. Danny could see it from his house on Hobart Street in Los Feliz, could look up at it, just off to the west of the Griffith Park Observatory, the original rebel without a cause, white, gleaming, illuminated—a beacon in the L.A. darkness, reaching out to the heavens—redemption, if not quite salvation.

  Not like the pagan Hollywood Sign, which appealed to the basest instincts of every kid who got off the bus, every hack screenwriter, every hooker-in-waiting, the waitrons of the past, present, and future: buy here, buy now, but buy, buy, buy.

  If he had his way, the sign would not read HOLLYWOOD. Instead, it would read: FUCK YOU, SUCKER.

  “Here’s looking at you, kid,” he said.

  In the silence of the night he could say things like that. Because he knew that, after this drink, he had a job to do.

  He was Devlin.


  Tehran, Iran

  The Grand Ayatollah paused and waited for the reaction from his subalterns. Like all great imams—and none was greater than he, certainly not those Sunni infidels in Cairo, no matter their exalted titles at Al-Azhar University. Unbelievers, all of them. As they—and the world—would soon discover.

  He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts, making sure they were in accordance with the sacred word of Allah, divinely revealed through his Prophet, Mohammed. He took a deep breath. How wonderful to have been freed of Western superstition—the blasphemy they called “science”—by revelation. Those years spent in England, at the London School of Economics—what a waste. How foolish had been his country and his countrymen, still in thrall to the throne of England, upon which, in just a few decades or, Allah (PBUH) willing, a few years, the new caliph would sit, resplendent in his glory and beckoning to the twelfth Imam, the Mahdi, the expected one, to deliver the world from iniquity and unbelief.

  How close it all was.

  “O Muslims,” he began, his intonation stentorian, as befit his station. Another pause. He looked out upon the sea of humanity—all male—that faced him expectantly. Hanging on his every word. Watching him for signs and wonders. Never was he more conscious of his station, or of his sacred duty.

  The Grand Ayatollah Ali Ahmed Hussein Mustafa Mohammed Fadlallah al-Sadiq said a silent prayer to Mohammed ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi, still occulted at the bottom of his well in Qom. Soon, my lord, soon will you come again, accompanied by Issa to unite the world of holy Muslims and benighted Christians against the Jews and infidels, ushering in the final era of peace and submission to Allah’s holy will.


  “O Muslims,” he began again. “For thirteen hundred years have we, the Faithful, awaited this holy day. For thirteen centuries, O my brothers, have we patiently and faithfully observed the strictures and commandments of the one true faith. Triumphant have we been, and oppressed by the lies of the Jews and infidels, who have taken from us the holy cities of al-Quds, of al-Andalus. We have patiently awaited the day of deliverance, the day on which even the rocks and the trees cry out to alert us to the presence of the Jew, and reveal to our holy warriors his infernal hiding place, that we might kill him, his women, and his children.”

  The crowd rose and cheered its approval. The Faithful could always be counted upon.

  “Signs and portents were we promised by the Prophet and his holy Imams. And today I stand before you, Ali Ahmed Hussein Mustafa Mohammed Fadlallah al-Sadiq, to bring you the joyous news of fulfillment. O Muslims, I bring you the news of our Brother Arash Kohanloo, a glorious martyr to the sacred cause, who has struck a great blow against the Great Satan, the United States—such a blow as not even the Great Atta and his fellow martyrs on that happy day of September 11, 2001, could have dreamed.”

  An enormous roar rumbled up from the crowd of the Faithful, here in Azadi Square, beneath the great tower of Freedom. Let the infidels of New York call their blasphemous tower, still rising after more than a decade, a sign of their surpassing impotence and of the immanence of the Twelfth Imam, call their pitiful attempt at reconstruction the Freedom Tower. Here was the heart of true freedom, brought by the Arabs a millennium and a half ago but since purged and purified of their desert savagery. The destruction of the Sassanid Empire and the abolition of the Zoroastrian religion was a small price to pay for enlightenment.

  Thus spake Zarathustra? Only in the infidel lands. Here, only Allah spoke, and always spoke the truth, immutable and eternal and preserved forever in the Holy Qu’ran.

  From here he could see the Alborz Mountains to the north, from what used to be called the Square of the Shahs, Shahyad, before the Revolution. How inspiring they were—almost as inspiring as the Holy City of Qom and the holy mosque of Jamkaran.


  “O Muslims,” he began again. “Of signs and portents and wonders have we long spoken. Of the Occultation. Of the Expected One. For centuries have we endured and suffered under the false promises of men such as Mohammed Ahmad, who slew the infidel Gordon at Khartoum but left us with nothing but blood and desolation and disappointment while the Crusaders took our lands, even unto the blessed city of al-Quds, where the Jew sits, plotting against us.

>   “O Muslims—the time has come, for I bring you joyous news.” He paused once again, for effect but more—for divine inspiration. He breathed the air in deeply, letting the breath of Allah wash over him, purging and cleansing him, revealing holy Truth to him as had been vouchsafed to only a handful of great men in the centuries since al-Hasan secluded his holy person in the sacred well.

  Greatness. It felt good. It felt holy. It felt right.

  “O Muslims. The Day of Deliverance is at hand.”

  He stopped and waited. Part of being a holy man was the sacred caesura, the final dramatic pause that signified to the Believers that Truth had been revealed, the sacred Promises had been made—Promises that must and would be kept. Because a holy man also knew that Promises unrealized, Promises unkept would be turned back on him with the force of a thousand suns—with the force of the infidel Jew Oppenheimer, who said “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,” at the birth of Trinity.

  So far away and yet so near. Deep in the heart of the Jew city of New York, at one of the Jew holy places for a people who had lost their faith. No longer would the Brothers bomb their so-called holy places, for not even the Jew believed in them anymore.

  No, this time they would strike at the heart. Their great financial center the Believers had already destroyed. But that was not enough. Not enough for the Jew, who could always find money. Money could be lost and found again—they had been doing that for centuries, frustrating the Believers, who had forced them into dhimmitude in al-Andalus and made both them and the Christian dogs like it.

  But health—life—was something else. They might die for money, but unlike the Believers, they would not die for Death.

  The infidel West no longer believed in the afterlife. It was too cowardly, too solicitous of its own misery. But a Believer would willingly give up his life and the lives of his women and children, in furtherance of the Truth.

  Which was, at last, in the person of Ali Ahmed Hussein Mustafa Mohammed Fadlallah al-Sadiq, so near to hand.

  “O Muslims,” he shouted. “The Messiah will not rise unless fear, great earthquakes, and sedition take place. The worst kind of humans will become leaders. Women will rid themselves of the hijab. Men will dress like women. Adultery will become common.”

  They responded with a roar. The signs and portents were all around. They knew that the time of the Coming was near. They were shaking their fists at the heavens, their ranks a sea of signs proclaiming DEATH TO THE GREAT SATAN, DEATH TO ISRAEL, DEATH TO AMERICA.

  “O Muslims, on all sides we are afflicted with oppression and injustice, just as the holy Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, so long ago predicted. And what did he say? That a nation from the east will rise . . .”

  He was working the crowd now, letting their anger and their faith swell and build like a mighty wave.

  “. . . and prepare the way . . .”

  “Allahu akbar!” shouted the crowd.

  “. . . prepare the way—for the Coming of the Imam Mahdi!”

  He threw out his arms as if to embrace all of creation, slowly raising them upward.

  As that moment, a blinding flash of light tore through the sky. It was like a lightning bolt hurtled from the hand of Allah, propelled to earth, there to form and coalesce into . . .

  “O Muslims,” shouted al-Sadiq, “so it is written, so shall it be done. After a thousand years—behold the Face!”

  For a moment, as the vision became manifest, nobody said or did anything. And then, as one, the men prostrated themselves upon their prayer rugs in homage, and let out a deafening cry that shook the heavens:

  “Allahu akbar!”

  “Allahu akbar!”

  “Allahu akbar!”

  And then, once more as one, they rose, their faces purple with rage and yet suffused with a divine fire. Truly had they become holy warriors, mujahideen, ready for the final battle, which was now at hand.

  The Face hung in the sky, the Face that none had ever looked upon, the Face that only blasphemers and infidels had ever imagined in their degenerate art . . . the Face now revealed at last to the Believers, the Face that would lead them to the final confrontation and to ultimate victory.

  The Face of the Prophet, as he had been in life, and so was in life eternal.

  “Allahu akbar!” he cried, and then dared to gaze once more upon its magnificence, forbidden no longer.

  He glanced in the direction of the sacred well of Qom, the holy well in which dwelt Ali, the occulted Twelfth Imam, in hiding from the infidels and the crusaders all the Unbelievers since the year 941 in the Christian dog calendar. Deep within, he could already sense the stirrings. . . .

  “Allahu akbar!!”

  He heard the sound. And it was good.

  At last, after more than a thousand years, He was coming.

  And he, the Grand Ayatollah Ali Ahmed Hussein Mustafa Mohammed Fadlallah al-Sadiq, was the instrument of his holy wrath.


  Central California—the San Joaquin Valley near Coalinga

  “Get ready for stinky!” shouted Danny Impellatieri as they drove north on the Golden State Freeway toward San Francisco. The Five, people called it now, just as they now called the Santa Monica Freeway the Ten. It was a sign of the decline, he decided. The end of the world, for all real Californians. In the old days, when he was growing up in Los Angeles, people knew the difference between the Santa Monica Freeway, heading west, and the San Bernardino Freeway, heading east. Between Highway 101, heading north through the Cahuenga Pass, and the Hollywood Freeway, after it split off in Valley Village and became Highway 170. Between the 110 that was the Pasadena Freeway and the 110 that was Harbor Freeway.

  Between the days when California had names and today, when it had numbers. Between romance and quantification. The poetry had fled, to be replaced by the accountant’s green eyeshades. And yet the state was broke, diminished, destroyed.


  Hope, Emma, and Rory had never been to San Francisco, and they were more than a little trepidatious. To all too many Americans, especially those in the Midwest, the City by the Bay was a combination of Sodom and Gomorrah without Lot’s saving grace—as Herb Caen used to call it, Baghdad by the Bay, back in the day when Baghdad meant Sin City, not Saddam City. But to Danny, it was the city of DiMaggio and Lefty O’Doul; the city of Geary Street, not O’Farrell Street. The city of white-gloved women on their way to take in Lucia di Lammermoor at the Opera, of foghorns, and the military might of America, over in Oakland, or Vallejo, or on Treasure Island. To Danny, it was a city of what America used to be, not what America had become.

  All of which made him today the bad guy. When the thought police, the PC Nazis, came, he would be one of the first to go—maybe to Alcatraz, maybe straight to the needle at San Q. How fast the country had changed. But somebody had to be the bad guy, and it might as well be him. After all, his wife, Diane, was dead. And with her had died so much, more than a year ago....

  He reached over and laid his hand, ever so gently, on the thigh of the woman sitting next him in the passenger seat. Not his dead wife but soon enough his new wife—the woman for whom he had released the past and embraced a new future that he had never envisioned, had never prepared or planned for, but which he joyously welcomed.

  Was it wrong? Could you stay married to a ghost, or did the ghosts of the past demand that we, the living, go on living? Why wouldn’t they? Didn’t they want to go on living themselves? Had they died willingly? Didn’t all God’s creatures want to live? Wasn’t that the first principle of life, of the life force? To go on living, even after death? If you fought against the dying of the light, if you fought against death, did not that bring you closer go God? Or was He just another myth, a fairy tale told to children by their elders to explain away the terrors of the night? Those things that exploded in the midst of the safest environments, that robbed you of your certainty just before they stole your life and the lives of others, randomly, capriciously, in the wa
y of the Greek gods, or the Fates, or, God help us, the meaningless lares and penates.

  Her name was Hope. Hope Gardner—and soon enough, if she accepted him, Impellatieri. And then where once there were two families with four parents and three children, there would now be one family with three children.

  He was going to propose to her in San Francisco.

  “I know this place on Clement Street.” He pronounced it right, with the accent on the second syllable. In every city, there were test words, the ones that separated the natives from the locals. Cle-MENT Street was one of them. Like HOUSE-ton Street in New York. Not only was all politics local, so was pronunciation. And it was precisely in these interstices that spies and illegals and confidential ops got killed.

  It was never the big things. It was never the cover stories. It was the little things, the details, that tripped you up, like DiMaggio’s batting average. The Great DiMaggio, who accompanied Hemingway’s Old Man on his fateful journey to the Sea, in spirit, if not in person. Simplicity, not complexity. The best cover story was 99.9 percent true. Everything important must be true except for the sliver of a lie that you told. Even to the ones you loved most.

  And this was your life; to lie to everybody important to you, to everybody you loved, and to tell the truth, the whole truth and almost the entire truth, to those whom you despised, to those whom you loathed, to those whom you were about to kill.

  After all they’d been through in the past year, it was a vacation well-deserved, and in his favorite city. No matter how nutty it was, San Francisco was still the best town in the country, a place devoted to wine, food, natural beauty, and the pursuit of sybaritic happiness. If Thomas Jefferson were alive, thought Danny, he’d live in San Francisco. Although maybe not George Washington . . .

  “How stinky, Dad?” asked Jade, his daughter, from the back of the BMW. He could almost hear her mother’s voice. Diane’s voice. Diane, whom he’d loved so much that they had conceived the most wonderful daughter together. But she was gone now. And no matter how much you loved a woman, you could not make love to a ghost. You could not even love a ghost. All you could do was honor her memory and love the creature that allowed her to live on....


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