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The Royal Handmaid

Page 25

by Gilbert, Morris

  Rena saw the wisdom of his suggestion. “Let’s do this,” she said. “Let’s have a prayer and ask God to choose whom He wants to go. With those three awful men going, God will need some voices on the other island to speak for Him.”

  Travis suddenly felt a warm admiration for Rena. Even in the fading light he was reminded of how she combined beauty and strength. He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled. “I think you’re becoming a real missionary, Rena.”

  Rena flushed, embarrassed by the praise. “It just came to me,” she said, “that when the apostles decided to elect another to take the place of Judas, they cast lots.”

  “I think it’s a good idea,” Meredith said warmly.

  Travis and the others agreed. “Let’s pray first for God’s guidance,” Travis suggested.

  They all bowed their heads and remained silent for a few minutes. From time to time someone would pray fervently. As Travis sought God, he was aware of the changes that had been wrought in this group. They had been a proud company when they had left the States, but time and circumstance and hardship had broken and molded them.

  Finally Travis closed the prayer and took a deep breath. “Well, how shall we do this, Professor?”

  Professor Dekker reached into his pocket and took out a sheet of folded paper. “One side of this is covered with my notes, but the other side is blank, so we can use it for ballots.” He tore the paper into strips and handed a strip to each one. “Do any of you have pencils?”

  None of them did, so the professor wrote quickly with the stub he had and then handed the pencil to Travis. Travis wrote down a name and handed the pencil on to Rena. All of them waited their turn, and finally when all of the slips had been signed, Pete took off his hat and went around collecting them in his hat. “Who wants to draw?” he said with a smile.

  “Let me do it,” Lanie offered. She pulled out the first slip of paper. “Travis, it says.”

  “One vote for Travis. Take the next one,” the professor instructed.

  The next vote was also for Travis, and when all of the votes had been taken, there were seven votes for Travis and five for Rena.

  “I’d say that’s pretty conclusive,” Captain Barkley said.

  But Rena was confused. She had not expected to be chosen. She looked at Travis, and he smiled at her, giving her confidence. “But that’s only two of us.”

  “The other one will have to be Chip,” Travis said. “He’s the only one who can speak the language.”

  “I never even thought of that,” Rena said. She looked around and asked, “Is that all right with everyone?”

  “I think the Lord has just spoken to us,” Lanie said warmly. She came over and put her arms around Rena and kissed her cheeks. “Go with God. We’ll wait here while you go speak for God there.” She went then to Travis and touched his cheek. “Take care of her and of yourself. I know God has put you in this place.”

  One by one they all gathered around and wished the two Godspeed.

  “You’d better take everything you can think of that will help you, especially Bibles and books.”

  “Yes, we’ll definitely need our Bibles,” Travis said.

  The last one to come speak to the two was Dalton Welborne. He had said nothing as the discussion went on around him. He was in a great deal of pain from his numerous cuts but was on his way to recovery. His face was filled with shame as he finally addressed Travis and Rena. “I’ve been wrong,” he said. “I found a weakness in myself I didn’t know was there.”

  “You’re going to be fine, Dalton,” Travis responded. “We all get off on the wrong foot every now and then.”

  “Good of you to say that, Travis.” Dalton shook Travis’s hand and then put out his hand to Rena. “This is good-bye in more ways than one, but I know it’s the right thing for us.”

  Rena took his hand, and in her heart she said good-bye to this man who had once meant so much to her. She smiled at him and said, “Get well quickly, Dalton.”

  The two turned and walked over to where Lomu was watching the proceedings with a careful eye. “The two of us are going, along with Chip,” Travis said.

  The chief smiled and responded, and Chip, who was never far from the chief, said, “He thinks it’s good for you two to come.”

  The next morning everybody was up with the sun. After a quick breakfast they gathered their supplies, said their good-byes, and started their hike for the other side of the island.

  Everybody helped load the catamaran with the supplies and then pushed it into the choppy waves. It was crowded, and Rena stood close to Travis as the paddlers propelled the vessel into the endless water.

  Rena said, “It makes me sad to leave like this, Travis. I’ve almost come to think of this island as home.”

  “We’ll be back before long, I hope.”


  “I don’t like the look of that sky,” Cerny Novak said to Travis early that afternoon as they stood in the bow of the catamaran looking up. The paddles of the natives made a regular cadence as they drove themselves tirelessly. “I’m afraid we’re in for a blow.”

  “Do you think it’ll be bad?”

  “It won’t be good. I sure wish we were there already.”

  “We’ll make it,” Travis said. “God isn’t going to let us down now.”

  The two men had taken their turns at the oars, as had Chip, Day, and Olsen. It was hard work, but there were enough natives that some could rest while the others rowed. The catamaran was rising now to meet a rolling swell. The ocean waves were like moving hills, rolling and swelling, and the catamaran rose and fell with them. There was an oily look to the water that made Novak nervous.

  “I’ve seen seas like this before,” Novak said. “If we get caught between islands in a hurricane, we’re goners.”

  Travis did not know the sea as Novak did, but the sky and the sea did look ominous. He glanced back and saw Rena talking with Chip and the chief. He wondered what they were talking about, and then his mind came back to the darkening clouds.

  “I don’t much like this,” Novak grumbled. “Maybe we oughta turn back.”

  “Chief Lomu doesn’t look worried, so I guess I’m not gonna worry either. He gives the orders around here.”

  The two men surveyed the turbulent seas in silence. Travis finally said, “Do you have a family anywhere, Cerny?”

  “You mean a wife? No. What would I be doing with a wife?”

  “Well, you might have children.”

  Cerny laughed. He stroked his crooked nose with his forefinger and looked at Travis as if he had said something amusing. “What would a rough like me be doing with a wife and kids?”

  “Lots of men have them.”

  “I guess maybe you’re planning on something like that.”

  “I’ve always liked children.”

  “You’ve got your sights on Rena, don’tcha? That’s easy to see.”

  “She’s a fine woman,” Travis said. “She’s changed a lot since we landed on the island.”

  “You got that right,” Cerny said. “She was proud as a peacock when we left. Didn’t care a whit for nobody ’cept her own kind. She’s changed, though,” he said thoughtfully. He balanced himself against the boat as it lifted then ran down the slope of gray water. “I have to say I’ve changed my ideas about preachers a bit—mostly about you and her. But the others ain’t bad either, most of ’em.”

  “Cerny, you’re a smart guy. You must have thought about what happens when you die.”

  “I try not to.”

  “I can understand that. I did the same thing before I knew the Lord. But now we could all die in this storm that’s blowing up. I’d hate to see you go out to meet God without hope.”

  Cerny didn’t answer. Travis knew that at one time he would have sharply rejected any talk of religion. Travis had tried before to speak with him about Jesus, but Novak had simply ignored him or walked away. Now he saw that Novak had placed the rifle down. It was wrapped in oilcloth to keep it dry
, and he knew that this marked a change in Novak’s thinking. Always before he had kept it in his hand and ready to use anytime he was close. Travis put that thought aside and said, “You know, you’re the kind of man Jesus could use.”

  Astonishment swept across Novak’s face. “Me?” He laughed and shook his head. “I can barely read, and I ain’t led a good life. You know that, Travis.”

  “You remind me of the apostle Peter. He was a fisherman, a sailor like you. A big, rough fellow, apparently, always talking when he should be quiet. But when Jesus came along, it changed him. He became a great man of God.”

  “That’s him, and I’m me.”

  Travis continued to share Bible stores and Scripture and was aware again that something had happened to Cerny Novak. Perhaps it was the fear of the storm that he was afraid to show, but he knew that every man and every woman had thoughts about what would happen after death. He did not press the big man, but he simply gave his own testimony and talked about how he had come to know Jesus.

  Cerny listened, his eyes sometimes on the sea, sometimes coming to rest on Travis, and finally he said, “You’re a right guy, Travis. You and me have been crossways, but that’s been my fault.”

  “I think we’re really alike in more ways than you think. Neither of us has any polish. The only difference is that I’ve let the Lord come into my life. I’d like to see you do the same thing, Cerny.”

  “Too late for me,” Cerny said with a tone that seemed to shut the door to further discussion. “That’s for better guys than me.”

  He turned and moved away from Travis, going to one of the natives and reaching out his hand for the paddle. He sat down and concentrated on propelling the craft through the rolling sea.


  Rena was soaking wet. The catamaran was lifting now in two directions. The bow would rise and fall, but at the same time one of the hulls would dip. At times she was terrified, thinking the vessel was going over for certain, but it never did. The wind and rain had arrived viciously, and the craft was tossed about like a chip. She was holding tightly on to the gunwale when Travis came over and sat down beside her. He put his arm around her, and she turned to him, grateful for the assurance she saw in his face. Although it was only midafternoon, it was almost as dark as twilight.

  “I don’t mind telling you, Travis,” Rena said, wiping her face with her hand, “I’d just as soon not be here.”

  “Me either, but we’ll be all right.”

  At that moment the ship was wrenched forward and cast to the left. Travis was nearly thrown overboard. Rena grabbed at him, and he managed to hang on to the side of the vessel. Others were scrambling to stay in, and it was a miracle no one was thrown out. The craft righted itself, and Lomu was shouting orders at the rowers, who were paddling furiously. “I’d better go help paddle,” Travis said.

  “Don’t . . . don’t get lost overboard.”

  “I’ll try not to. You know what this reminds me of?”

  The rain had plastered Rena’s hair down and was running down her face. Her clothes were soaked, and her hands ached from holding on to the leaping, plunging craft. “It reminds me of the book of Acts, the part where Paul is on the ship and they’re in a bad storm. You remember what he said? He said, ‘I believe God.’ Well, that’s what I do. I believe God put us here to witness to Lomu and his people, as well as the sailors who came with us. And if that’s what’s on God’s mind, He’ll get us there.”

  Rena reached up and pulled Travis close, putting her lips to his ear. “You’re a comfort, Travis Winslow.” She kissed his cheek, and when he drew back, he had a surprised grin on his face. “You’re getting to be right forward, woman!”

  Despite the dangers of the moment, Rena found that the fear had left her. “I guess you’re right about that. We’ll talk about it later.”

  Travis realized at the moment that Rena was now a woman of real faith, and she had taken on a new humility.


  “Doesn’t look like there was ever a storm, does it, Rena?” Travis was pulling rhythmically at one of the oars, and Rena was beside him. The sea had calmed overnight and was now almost as still as a tabletop. The catamaran sliced its way through the sparkling green waters, and ahead of them a long line of beach was marked with people singing and crying out.

  “It’s amazing how quiet the ocean is,” Rena said. “I believe our fellow passengers got a bad scare yesterday.”

  Indeed, it was true. At the worst of the storm, all three of the veteran sailors had been sure they were all going to die. Now that the danger was over, it appeared to Rena that Olsen and Day had put the storm and their fear out of their minds. But she kept watching Novak, who seemed more contemplative than he had in the past.

  “You’ve been talking to Novak a lot,” Rena said.

  “God’s given me a promise that he’s going to get saved,” Travis said. “He’s a tough nut, but the hound of heaven is on his trail.”

  They had no time to continue their conversation, for the catamaran had reached the sandy shore. Many native men plunged in to grab the vessel and drag it ashore. Rena and Travis both stood up and leaped out into the water. “They seem glad to see us, don’t they?” Travis said as they waded to shore and were quickly surrounded by curious natives chattering at the top of their lungs.

  “I wish I could understand them,” Travis said.

  “We’ll learn,” Rena said.

  Chief Lomu was smiling as his people gathered around the white visitors. They all wanted to touch them, and many were crying out in wonder. Finally Lomu raised his hand, and silence came over the group. He began to speak, and Chip, who was standing close to Rena and Travis, whispered, “He’s telling them that we’re visitors. That we’ve come to tell them about a new God who made all things.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing for missionaries to have the king of the island on their side.”

  Lomu finished his speech and came over and spoke to them briefly.

  “The chief says we are going to stay at his house.”

  “Tell him we’re very grateful,” Travis said.

  Rena asked, “Is his house big enough?”

  “I have no idea,” Chip said with a grin. “But I always wanted to stay at a palace.”


  The “palace” was not exactly what Chip had envisioned. It was an expansive open shed supported by round beams cut from trees. The roof was made of saplings tied together with vines, and the whole thing was thatched with long leaves.

  “But it doesn’t have any walls!” Rena exclaimed as they moved through the house.

  “I guess you get to know people pretty quickly,” Travis with a laugh. “Not much for modesty, though.”

  Indeed, there was not much use for modesty. Travis and Rena soon discovered that the king had many sons and daughters and most of them lived at the so-called palace, sleeping on simple pads stuffed with dry grass. Rena was assigned to a corner with the king’s oldest daughter. She was given a pad to sleep on, and that was it.

  Before they even got a tour of the island, the king’s daughter, Lomishu, made it quite clear that Rena would not be idle while they were there. Lomishu took Rena by the arm and pulled her to a large area of the palace that was obviously used for cooking and food storage. The dark woman handed Rena a large empty vessel and took one for herself, and then pulled her out of the palace and down a trail.

  Even with no words passing between them, Rena understood that they were going to get water. Rena smiled to herself, thinking back to how she would have reacted to a similar situation only a year ago. She understood that her role here was to be a servant, much as Christ was a servant when He came to earth.

  After they had filled their vessels in the stream and returned to the palace, Lomishu told Rena, through Chip, that she could investigate the island with her friends.

  The rest of the evening was given to walking around, investigating the new environment, but the islanders were so curious they could not get far wit
hout attracting a crowd. Both Travis and Rena had picked up a few sentences from Chip, and when they spoke to the islanders, the people were ecstatic. More than once the women gathered around Rena, chattering and giggling, wanting to touch her auburn hair or her white skin.

  “You’re quite a curiosity to them,” Travis commented with a grin.

  Chip nodded. “They’ve never seen white people before.” One young woman came and stood before Rena, touching her arm and obviously asking a question.

  “What does she want to know?” Rena asked curiously.

  “She wants to know,” Chip said with a shy grin, “if you’re white all over or just on your arms and face.”

  Rena flushed and said, “Tell her that I am.”

  Travis tried not to laugh but couldn’t help it. “They seem like nice folks.”

  “I think so too.”

  Novak, Day, and Olsen were staying with other families. They were still carrying their guns, and Travis said, “I hope they don’t use those things. That would be tragic.”

  “Surely they won’t,” Rena said hopefully.

  Lomishu approached the group and said something to Rena as she took her by the hand. “My father needs us,” Chip translated as Lomishu led Rena toward the palace.

  For the next few days Travis and Rena watched carefully to see what the sailors would do. They were not terribly surprised when Day and Olsen got access to some liquor and became so drunk they passed out.

  “There’s nothing we can do about that, I’m afraid,” Travis said grimly. “I noticed that Novak drank a little, but he didn’t get drunk. Maybe he can handle those two.”

  “I wish he’d take those guns away from them.”

  “Maybe we can talk him into that. He knows they’re not the steadiest men in the world. They could cause real trouble.”



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