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by Shameek Speight

  A Child of a CrackHead III

  - A Novel Written by –

  Shameek A. Speight

  A Child of a CrackHead III

  Copyright © 2012 by Shameek A. Speight ISBN-13:978-1475005141



  Follow on Twitter: Bless_45

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.

  Cover Design/Graphics: Editor: Shawnna Robinson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording or by information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission from the publisher and writer.

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.

  The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


  It has only been the power of God, my lord and savior Jesus Christ that I have been able to persevere through many of the trials I’ve been dealt in my life. I thank him for giving me the strength to move on.

  To my beloved sisters, thank you for believing in me. To my mother I love you very much. To my aunt, I love you, thank you for the support. To my daughter Niomi, I do all this for you baby. To Shawnna Robinson, my best friend, thank you for all your hard work on completing this Novel, love you. To all the men and women locked up, keep your head up and keep the faith. There will be a brighter day. To all the fans/readers, bookstores and street vendors that buy my books, the movement of A Child of a CrackHead series took a life of its own, I had no idea it will go this far and I'm so thankful for your love and support, as long as you keep reading, I'll keep writing.


  Black Ice grinned with his devilish smile, as he slowly reached inside his jacket and pulled out his next gun and aimed at Envy. Michael and Envy’s body was filled with rage and anger as they stood in the doorway with their guns aimed at Black Ice and him aiming back at them.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Michael shouted as his cold eyes matched the evilness of Black Ice.

  “Hahaha! You are questioning me boy? You have grown some balls. Don’t think for a second you were close to beating me. You’re going to have to do way better than that to kill me son! Hahaha!” Black Ice said and bust out laughing in a sinister way.

  Michael’s mind flashed back to two months ago and the fight he prayed was going to be was last with his father. He could still feel the machete Black Ice had jammed into his stomach then him falling backwards onto the ground. Black Ice smiled and stood over him raising the machete high.

  “Bye my son you were too fucking weak.” Were the last words Michael heard Black Ice say as Michael pulled out a 9 mm from the back of his waistband and fired two bullets that crashed into Black Ice’s chest as Black Ice lay on the ground helpless.

  Michael aimed at his head and ready to fire until a bullet slammed into his side. Michael snapped back to reality.

  “Last I remember pops you were done for, if my little brother didn’t get confused and put a bullet in my lungs you would be dead and not standing there now.”

  Envy looked back and forth to Michael then Black Ice with the gun aimed at Black Ice’s head.

  Wondering why the hell Michael was doing all this goddamn talking. The man that caused her and him so much pain was now standing a few feet away from them.

  She tightened her grip on the handle of her 40 caliber handgun. As her palms sweat

  “I know I can take this evil motherfucker out of this world right now.”

  She thought to herself as her face balls up with anger and her mind flashed back to the days Black Ice had kidnapped her then forced her to suck his dick, then rapes Tiffany and Star right in front of her. Envy’s grip got tighter as she began to slowly squeeze the trigger.

  Black Ice turned his head slightly and stopped paying attention to Michael, but more too Envy. He squint his eyes and could see her slowly pulling the trigger to her gun. He made sure his chrome 44 bulldog revolvers were aimed straight for the center of her forehead.

  “Hahaha!” Black Ice laughed. “You better control your bitch son she looks like she has an itchy trigger finger and dying to let the bullets fly.”

  “Don’t call my woman a bitch you bastard and she has the right idea!” Michael shouted back.

  Envy never let her eyes escape Black Ice. The last time she did he disappeared with the blink of an eye.

  “Why the fuck are we still talking to him, Michael let’s kill his ass. We got the drop on him. He has nowhere to go were.”

  As soon as the words left Envy’s mouth Michael wondered how Black Ice had gotten into the hospital in the first place. It wasn’t as if he could just walk through the front door where police officers were. His face was on the America’s Top Most Wanted Posters. So how the hell did he get in here? Michael thought to himself then noticed the curtain behind Black Ice flying up from a light breeze. Michael’s eyes popped open with shock as he realizes Black Ice had somehow climbed through the third story window into Mike’s room.

  “Well listen up fucker if you shoot or that bitch don’t control herself and squeezes that trigger, me putting a bullet in that thick ass skull of hers will be the last of her problems. There’s a reason Jr. why they say no smoking in the hospital. Every room is hooked up to some kind of gas tank some are very explosive and flammable and some not. So do you really want to resist killing innocent people or worse your little brother fool?”

  “He’s fucking lying Michael. I say we put a bullet into this monster head. If you don’t I will!” Envy shouted squeezing the trigger lightly and staring into Black Ice’s eyes. Feeling as if she was staring in to the devil eyes himself.

  “No Envy he's not lying, we can’t chance it, it’s a chance a spark from gunshot could set off a chain reaction and causing the gases in the hospital to exploded.” Michael stated.

  “I don’t care” Envy replied as tears ran down her right cheek and her hand shakes, with the gun in it, as her mind pictures a bullet slammed into the center of Black Ice’s head.

  “Envy” A weak voice said making her Michael and Black Ice look in the direction from where it came from.

  They all look in shock at Mike with his eyes barely open and slowly moving his head trying to look around the room.

  “Envy” he mumbles again.

  Envy gasps for air and cover her mouth with her left hand. For two months she prayed every day that Mike would wake up out his coma after she shot him to save Michael’s life. She blames herself and felt he would never awake again all because of her actions.

  “Mike baby stay still, I’ll be right there.” Envy replied.

  “Bitch you and my other offspring aren’t going nowhere with this one. He has potential to be great, to be just like me or worse, to use the rage and blood inside him unlike you who wants to be captain save a hoe, who wants to save every bitch and crack head in the world.

  Not knowing there fucking better off like that. Don’t you know son, you can’t fix them all. You can’t fix what don’t want to be fixed or save a hoe who doesn’t want to be saved after they taste that white crack that shit will always call them.” Black Ice said then grins while looking at Michael.

  “Fuck you! You’re
not getting your evil twisted hands on my brother. I refuse to let him become like you. You are fucking dog shit!” Michael shouted as his mind race thinking of his next move, knowing he couldn’t use his gun in the hospital without putting Mike and innocent people in danger.

  “Michael you’re a fucking killer don’t ever forget that shit. You may think you can control it, but doing evil things just feel so damn good and you know it. She may not know your little secret about the trophy house.”

  Before Black Ice could finish the sentence Michael then lowers his gun and reached on his waist behind his belt and pulled out a four inch knife and held it by the tip of the blade and throws it with all his might aiming for Black Ice’s neck.

  Black Ice swiftly moved his head to the side, dodging the knife as it got stuck in the wall behind him.

  “Good boy I see your getting faster.” he said as ducked low than seeing Envy pull out her knife with the purple handle from behind the belt in her jeans.

  “Ugghh!” She groans as she throws the knife.

  “Oh shit!” Black Ice yelled, as he moved and the blade slices through the sleeve of his black leather Pea Coat and nips his right arm making his blood drip to the floor.

  “You will pay for that bitch I swear!” Black Ice yelled with his facial expression balled up in anger as he stood straight up and aims his twin 44 bulldog revolvers at her face.

  “Unlike you two I don’t give a fuck about innocent people dying. It’s what I do for goddamn fun.”

  Black Ice smirks as he begins pulled the triggers to both chrome 44 bulldog revolvers.

  Michael and Envy stood ready no matter the outcome they had each other’s back, for better or worse.

  Something catches the corner of Michael’s eye. The woman he and Envy had passed sitting in a chair earlier in a grey church suit, with the matching hat that looked just like his mother’s cousin Janet came walking towards them with a dozen long stemmed white pink roses in her hand.

  As she got closer a rose hit floor one by one until her there were only two roses left revealing a sawed off double-barreled shotgun. She aims the shotgun at Envy and Michael who were halfway in the doorway of Mike’s room.

  “The sons of the devil must die!” She screams and squeezed the trigger. Boom! The shotgun roar!

  Michael grabs Envy by the waist and pulls her close to his body and leaned onto the hallway wall and spins rolling both their bodies on it until they roll into the next doorway of another room. The shotgun pellets missing them and crashes into the wall and doorway of Mike’s room.

  The woman wearing the church suit steps into Mike’s room with a deranged look on her face. Mike opens his eyes move to see the deranged woman in the church suit aiming a gun at him.

  “Another son of the devil you must die!” The woman screams and squeezes the trigger but not before Black Ice, who was ducking on the wall beside the door knocks the shotgun up making her miss her target then hits her in the temple with the butt of his gun sending her crashing to the ground.

  “You stupid bitch you’re trying to harm a child of mines, only I can bring them into this world and take them out of it, no one else.” He yelled as he stood over her with a sinister look in his eyes.

  The woman rubs her head and looks up. Fear ran through her body as she looks Black Ice in his eyes.

  “Ahhhhh! It’s the devil! It’s the devil! He's here!

  I will not fear you devil, for God is with me.” She screams and cried at the same time then pulls out a small 3.80 handgun from her jacket suit pocket.

  Black Ice was about to pull the triggers to both his twin 44 bulldogs when he heard walkie-talkies, letting him know police officers were on their way to the room.

  The woman squeezed the trigger but he managed to dodge the first two bullets and took off running to the open window and leaps out of it as if he could fly. Then held on to the edge of it and climbs down to the second floor window.

  The woman stood up and ran to the window.

  “The devil will not get away from God’s will.” She screams as she looks down and could see Black Ice on the second floor window then jumps and rolls as he hit the grass. He hops up and took off running.

  She climbs out the window and lower herself floor to floor until she was on the ground and begins shooting wildly, even though Black Ice was out of sight.

  “Crazy ass bitch, I’ll fucking kill her slowly.”

  Black Ice thought to himself as he disappeared around the corner and still could hear gun shots going off.

  Envy and Michael quickly put the guns back into their hostlers as they heard the police officers approach and close their jackets then ran into Mike’s room where four uniformed officers now stood with their guns drawn.

  One was looking out the window at a woman running down the block shooting and screaming, “God told me to kill the devil and his children.”

  “The suspect is running on foot.” One of the police officers yelled as he and another officer took off running out the room and hospital to catch the woman.

  “You two, did you see the woman? Do you know who she is?” A police officer, with a fat stomach asks Envy and Michael.

  They both shook their heads no, lying. Michael and Envy had seen the woman’s face clearly and Michael knew there were only two people in the world that called Black Ice the devil and him the son of the devil and that was his mother Rachel and her cousin Janet.

  “Okay, thank you.” the officer said as he and his partner left the room.

  “I can’t believe this shit. Not only do I have to worry about your crazy evil father and his goons. Now I have to worry about your mother’s insane cousin shooting at us. What the hell is wrong with your damn family Michael? This shit is way pass out of the normal!” Envy yelled while looking at him.

  Michael walks over to the wall and pulls his and her knife out of it, while his mind race.

  “Michael, Envy.” A voice said weakly causing Envy and Michael to turn their heads. They look at Mike and smile. Between all the madness they had forgotten Mike had awakened.

  “Mike baby, you’re up, how are you feeling?

  Are you okay?” Envy said. Running over to him and touching his now thin face then hugging him.

  Michael came over smiling and tucks the knives in his jacket pocket and pats Mike hand then hugs him along with Envy. Mike smiled and tries to wrap his little arms around them both.

  “Umm, Envy and Michael I’m hungry.” He said then smiles.

  “Sure baby I’ll send Michael to get you some foods and call the doctor.”

  An hour later after the doctor had ran all the tests he needed too. Mike sat up in his bed with his stomach now full feeling as if he was about to pop, still eating a strawberry sundae from McDonald’s.

  “So how did I get in the hospital? And when can I leave? I don’t like it here. I want to go home with you and Michael.” Mike said and got sad while staring into Envy’s eyes.

  She lowers her head in shame. Michael touches her shoulder reinsuring her that everything was going to be okay.

  “Mike you don’t remember anything that happened” Michael asks.

  Mike shook his head no.

  “So what was the last thing you remember?”

  Michael asks.

  Mike lifted his head up and looked up at the ceiling as he tried to replay his memories. Flashes of a man chained to a chair with his legs and arms chopped off. Then Mike walking over to a large hyena setting him free and smiling as he watched the hyena rip and tear the man apart. Eating huge pieces of him even the bones.

  “Nothing really” He replied. Lying not wanting to tell Envy and Michael what he did and have remembered.

  “Well I’m going tell you everything and hope you remember.”

  “You and Michael are brothers.” Envy stated.

  “We are?” Mike asked with shock and a smile on his face as he looked up at Michael.

  “Yes we are we have the same father.” Michael replied.

  Then M
ikes mind flashes back to Black Ice and how he told him he was his father and couldn’t have a weak son. When he wanted him to kill a woman but he couldn’t because Michael taught him over and over to never hurt a woman. There like flowers and always should be treated with a loving and gentle touch.

  “Yes the man that’s our father is a very bad man Mike. He hurts people and gets joy and pleasure from it.” Michael stated.

  “So he’s still our father Michael. I never had a father before. You and Envy been the only thing I’ve known as a family. All my foster parents beat me and wouldn’t feed me. Now with our father we will have a full family.” Mike said in a child-like tone.

  Envy and Michael looked at each other then at Mike. His ten year old body frame sitting up in the bed looking so innocent but a look in his eyes that was cold and evil like Michaels and Black Ice, but behind it a young child, yearning to be loved.

  “No Mike it’s not that way at all. Black Ice is fucking bad he hurts a lot of people.” Michael stated praying his words would get through to him.

  “So you hurt people, I hurt people Michael, we’re no different. Like he told me it’s in our blood.”

  Envy and Michael’s jaws dropped open in shock.

  “So you do remember him taking you don’t you?” Envy asked as she looked at him suspiciously.

  “Some parts of it.” Michael replied while lowering his head.

  “Michael we’re nothing like him, we hurt people out of self-defense and anyone who hurts our family and loved ones. We never hurt woman remember I told you that. Black Ice don’t care he hurts men, woman and children. He’s a fucking monster. He beat my mother and me and made her smoke crack. I didn’t want to tell you this but he shot your mother in the head while she was pregnant with you. She didn’t die from a drug overdose but by his hands. That’s why I never knew I had a brother. It was a miracle that you survived at all.”

  Michael stated.

  “I don’t believe you I don’t believe you I don’t believe you.” Mike said closing his eyes and putting his hands over his ears and shaking his head from side to side.

  “Stop it you got to hear this Mike!” Envy yelled.


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