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Page 11

by Shameek Speight

  “Tone what the hell are you doing, are you fucking insane?” Michael shouted as he felt like he was about to pass out.

  “Yes I’m fucking insane. I’m sorry it has to be this way but you have to die. And so does your damn father. He caused to much damn pain!” Tone shouted back.

  He started to sweat he feared Michael and knew how deadly he was. It was the main reason he didn’t take Michael head on and used Angela to drug him and tried to sneak kill him but his plan didn’t work out as he thought.

  “Tone let go of my woman or I swear I will lay you down where you stand. I don’t know why you’re doing this!” Michael shouted.

  “Hahahaha! You don’t know why? It’s easy your father he hurt a lot of people and their families. He cut out Angela’s older brother J-Rock’s eyes and tongue and did far worst to my family.” Tone stated.

  “Who were your parents?” Michael asked with a confused look on his face as he kept his gun aimed at the part of Tone’s head that stuck out from behind Envy.

  Michael knew he could pull the shot off and kill Tone one time but he doubted himself because his head was spinning from the ecstasy Angela put in his water.

  Then there were so many unanswered questions.

  “Lisa and Ace were my parents. You should remember Ace he worked for your father. Black Ice made my father kill my mother and then murdered him and did far worse to my three year old brother Mark in front of me.” Tone replied as his mind flashed back to eleven years ago.

  He lies in his bed as Black Ice entered the room.

  He looked like a tall dark demon. Tone always feared Black Ice but knew something was different tonight.

  Tone looked over at his little brother in the bed next to his. They both stood up under the sheets covering their heads scared to move. They had heard their mother screams, moans and cries coming from her room not too long ago. He looked at Black Ice then recovered his head with the sheet, then heard his little brother scream. Tone threw the sheet off his head to see Black Ice grab his three year old brother by the legs pulling him off the bed from under the sheets and hung him in the air upside down and stared at him.

  “Help me Aaron, help me.” Tone heard his little brother cry out in fear as he wiggled around upside down in Black Ice’s grip.

  Tone jumped out of the bed and ran over to Black Ice hitting him repeatedly. Black Ice looked down at the little boy, grins with an evil smile and back smacked him. Tone went flying to the floor from the powerful blow.

  “Ouuchh! Ahhh! Ahhh!” Tone cried as he rubbed his face.

  “Help me! Help me! Mommy, Mommy!” His brother screamed as tears dripped down onto the wooden floor.

  All the blood rushed to his head from being held upside down. Tone sat on the floor crying knowing he couldn’t do anything to help.

  “You are Ace’s son so I won’t take your life, but this little bastard belongs to Caesar and he must learn true fear from crossing me.” Black Ice said then pulled out a machete from a holster on his side.

  “Watch this, open up your fucking eyes and watch boy!” Black Ice shouted to Tone.

  Tone eyes opened up wide with horror and fear.

  He watched as his little brother covers his eyes with his hands and scream as Black Ice swung the machete.

  Whack! Chopping off the little boys left arm then swung again. Whack! The machete got stuck in Mark’s neck.

  “Noooo!” Tone cried as Black Ice pulled the stuck blade from Mark’s neck as blood gushed to the floor.

  He swung again. Whack! Whack! Chopping the little boys head clear off, then chopping off his right arm before releasing his grip and watching his body hit the floor. Black Ice picked up the head and arms and stuffed them into a garbage bag.

  “Hahahaha!” He laughed. “Caesar is going to love this shit.”

  Tone cried hysterically as he stood there in shock as Black Ice left the room.

  He repeated out loud. “He made me watch! He made me watch!” Over and over and that’s how the cops found him in his room looking at what was left of his brother, Mark’s body repeating those words.

  Tone snapped back to reality as a tear run down his cheek.

  “Your father is a monster he killed my three year old brother, chopped him up right in front of me!” Tone shouted.

  Michael looked even more confused. He knew Lisa and Ace didn’t have a son named Tone, but Aaron and Mark was the one killed. It was as if Tone could read Michael’s mind he begun to speak.

  “I am Aaron I changed my first and last name.

  And promised one day I would kill your father and get revenge for my family that he took away from me. I worked for you and realized you were nothing like him but you are in some ways. I never had the heart to kill you or cause you any harm.” Tone replied.

  “So why now?” Michael responded and looked down at Angela on the floor still crying and hollering in pain with Envy’s knife still in her back.

  “Michael no matter how cold hearted Black Ice is, he has some feelings and can feel pain like everyone else that he’s hurts, he’s still just a man. And if you and Mike die he will feel the same pain that he caused so many people. You may think he doesn’t care for you but everyone knows that he does in his sick devilish way. If he kills you he’s fine with that, but if someone else takes your life he would lose his mind and wouldn’t be able to think straight. Giving me and my people and advantage and opportunity we waited years for, to finally kill his ass.” Tone replied.

  “I heard enough.” Michael said and looked Envy in the eyes.

  They had been together so long and didn’t need words to communicate. She already knew what to do next. She opened her mouth wide and bit Tone on his bicep that he used to keep her in a head lock.

  “Ahhh!” Tone screamed and released his arm from around her neck.

  Envy dropped to the ground as Michael squeezed the trigger to the 40 caliber hand gun twice, sending the bullets into Tone’s shoulder then his chest and sending him flying backwards onto the floor.

  People in the center screamed of fear as the sound of gun shots echoed through the building. Angela jumped up and ran into Michael as he was about to fire once more knocking him into the desk.

  Envy jumped up and pulled her knife from Angela’s back.

  “Ahhh!” Angela screamed out in pain and back smacked Envy making her stumble sideways.

  She ran over to Tone and picked him up from the floor. He coughed up blood as they ran from the office.

  “That bitch is so lucky I’m pregnant.” Envy said out loud as she rubbed her face and her stomach. Then she looked at Michael who was smiling at her then collapsed to the floor.

  “Help me! Help me! Someone call the ambulance she screamed as she ran over to him.”

  Chapter 15

  “You weren’t supposed to fuck him, just drug and kill him!” Tone yelled.

  Angela rolls her eyes then smiles as she thought of the sweet stiff feeling of Michael’s dick.

  “It just happened.” She said with an attitude.

  His dick feels way better than yours or unlike any other man’s dick I ever felt. She thought to herself.

  “You both fucked up.” Another man said as he stood on the side of a brown skinned complexion man that had dark sunglasses on and was writing on a piece of paper.

  Every word he wrote down was scribbled and not straight. The man next to him would pick the piece of paper up and read what was written on it.

  “Your brother is very disappointed in you Angela and asks how could you fuck the son of the man that ruined his life that took his eyes and tongue?” The man said.

  Angela held her head in shame.

  “J-Rock, brother I’m sorry it just happened and I was going to kill him before his girl showed up and threw a knife in my back. That bitch, but I'll get him I swear.” Angela responded.

  “All four of you fucked up big time.” A voice said as a man enters the room and cause all four of them to turn around and look at him.

  “I warned you not to make a move on his sons. I saw what happened to the last set of men.” He said as he looked at J-Rock and Smoke.

  “You two, I expect for y'all to know better. You stood off his radar for damn near eleven years. To make a foolish move because you lost your eyes and tongue, and you sent your little sister after his son along with her lover Tone. Who sent his work head on you all should know fucking better and pray that he don’t find out about Angela and Tone.” The man said and shook his head. “You know he don’t leave no loose ends.”

  Smoke’s facial expression balled up in anger.

  “We got tired of waiting for you to make a move, so we made other moves. You’re my cousin you were supposed to gain his trust and just work for him, but you became his damn lieutenant and look like you loving it!” Smoke shouted.

  Tiwan shook his head.

  “I work for Black Ice for a few years now. You don’t understand he trusts no one and won’t even let me out his sight, and when he does no one knows where he goes or if he's watching me. I took a risk being here today and could be putting all our lives in danger.”

  Tiwan stated.

  “Well he's just a fucking crack head. Y'all make him seem like a monster out of a movie or like Michael Myers or Jason. He's a fucking crack head, just a man, and bleeds like us and can be killed!” Angela shouted.

  All the men in the room looked at her and shook their heads. They knew she was naïve, because out of all of them she hasn’t witnessed Black Ice’s work with her own eyes, and couldn’t believe the stories of a crack head that have grown men, women and children in fear as if he were a boogieman.

  “Hahaha!” Tiwan laughed then realized he has been around Black Ice too long and started to laugh like him.

  “You have no idea who Black Ice really is. The man is the fucking devil in the flesh. If he got his hands on you Angela, you would pray for death. I have seen the strongest men scream and shit on their selves when Black Ice gets his grab on them. I saw women cry and try to kill their selves. I saw hyenas, wild fucking animals that can rip you and I apart for a meal, even eating our bones. Fear him, there could be thousands in a room, he steps in they go hide. They say animals can sense things we can’t and they sense pure evil in him. I fear him as well, if you know what’s good for you, you would too.” Tiwan replied.

  “He's a fucking crack head and it sounds like you admire him or something.” Angela replied.

  “Angela just be quiet you have no idea what you’re fucking talking about.” Tone stated.

  Angela folded her arms and sucked her teeth.

  “Schmmp! He’s still a fucking crack head.” She mumbled up under her breath.

  “Black Ice is an evil fucking genius even I don’t know how he does it all. He has property all over in different people’s names that he will never share or talk about. He has money but don’t spend money on flashy things. I still wonder where he keeps all his money. We make close to $550,000 a week from selling weight of crack to almost all the drug dealers in New York. You tell me what crack head you fucking know is pulling in that kind of money, but money doesn’t move him, bringing pain to people is his joy and making a monster just like him. I say we attack him on the island. I have a few men that will join me but the other henchmen are scared. He can’t die, everybody comes close to killing him, but he comes back. He has a lot going on now. So we attack and kill him once and for all and take the money and drugs in the Coca Cola factory and disappear forever, but we have to soon, he never stays in one spot for long.” Tiwan stated.

  “Okay, we will be ready with a few men. There are a lot of people that will ride with us, because of what he did to their loved ones.” Smoke replied.

  “Well J-Rock have to stay here, he won’t be no use in a war. I’m sorry but it’s true.” Tiwan responded.

  J-Rock quickly wrote a few words down on a paper and Smoke read it.

  “J-Rock said he's coming and I'll watch his back.

  He wants to hear Black Ice scream as he dies.”

  Tiwan shook his head.

  “Okay!” He said.

  As he left it was raining when he went outside.

  The street lights lit up the dark block as he walked in the rain. He stopped as his heart race and turned around looking up and down the block as the smell of a cigarette mix with crack hit his nose. He stared in every direction, but didn’t see anything as he got into his van and out the rain and pulled off.

  Parked down the block, in a beat up Ford car with black tinted windows, Black Ice inhaled the cigarette smoke with crack and held it in. Then he grins as he exhaled and watched Tiwan drive off.

  Chapter 16

  Michael opened his eyes, his body felt weak. He felt the presence of someone in the room with him. He looked down at his hand to see an I.V. stuck in it and the white walls in room, letting him know he was in a hospital. He looked up again and jumped back as he looked up and stared into Black Ice’s eyes. Michael slowly moved his hands around up under the sheets and under the pillow, praying Envy left him with some type of weapon, a gun or a knife, anything to defend himself with.

  “No, Evil the bitch forgot to leave you a weapon son.” Black Ice said and grinned at him.

  “I swear boy, you’re getting soft. How did you let a woman almost be the death of you? I told you to stop caring for people. They will cross and be your downfall you should bring them all pain and enjoy that shit.”

  Michael coughed.

  “I'll never be like you, never! And I won’t let Mike be like you either.” He said in a weak voice and realized he had a tube stuck down his throat and one in his nose.

  “Son there’s things in this life you just can’t fight and one of them is who you are deep inside, you won’t be able to for too much longer, something will make you snap sooner or later. You kill for different reasons but yet still a killer and follow my ways if you like it or not. I’ll be coming for my family real soon, all of you.” Black Ice said as he bent down and kissed Michael on the forehead.

  Michael flinched and knew he was too weak to fight him, as his head began to spin and he lost consciousness.

  “Mmmm!” He moans as he opens his eyes half way and thought he was seeing things as he looked at his beautiful mother Rachel sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed praying.

  She says “Amen.” as she looked up at him.

  “Mom is that you?” He asked as he thought he was dreaming.

  “Yes baby it’s me. I had to check on you. I had a dream the devil was coming for you son and that one of his children shall die before he fall.” Rachel said looking him in the eyes.

  “Mom stop calling him the devil and I told you them dreams I don’t believe in and they’re starting to affect me. I swear Black Ice was in my room but it was a dream.” Michael said as he put his hand up under the pillow and felt the handle of a gun.

  “It wasn’t a dream son, he was here, I can smell the sweet oils he wear lingering in the air. Use your nose, do you smell it. Remember how he smelled when you were a child.” Rachel responded.

  Michael sniffed the air. The scent of the strong sweet oil, was lingering in the air. He remembered the smell so well from when he was a child.

  “You’re slipping my child, you and that woman of yours. I put the gun under your pillow. I told you to always be prepared for the worse baby. You’re so worried about other people’s problems your forgetting your own. Michael women are strong, they will survive with or without your help and so will their children. God has a plan for them all the abuse or drugs can’t stop strong women from getting back on their feet. That’s the way God made us baby. The devil is coming to get us, don’t doubt that, even me. God has shown me my child, I seen it. You and that girl need to be ready.” Rachel stated.

  Michael looked at his mother, her brown skinned complexion and beautiful face seemed to glow.

  You couldn’t tell that she was a woman in her forties.

  Michael lowered his head hating the fact he only h
ad his mother’s facial features but everything else came from his father. His dark skinned complexion, his body build and muscles, and even his cold eyes.

  “Mom I been skeptic about coming over to see you, because of Janet. She tried to kill me, Mike and Envy too a few months ago. I didn’t know how to take it and react, because she's family. So I act as if it didn’t happen. She lost her mind and carrying on with crazy talk that she must kill the sons of the devil, only you two speak like that calling Black Ice the devil. He's just a twisted very sick and crazy ass man.” Michael said.

  “Huh!” Rachel sighs.

  “Yes, she couldn’t handle her nightmares anymore of Black Ice killing her boyfriend Jay, and lost her mind and took a few of my guns out the basement along with some money and been missing ever since, but don’t concern yourself about Janet I'll find her and handle her myself. You don’t lay a hand on her, do you hear me child?” Rachel said while staring at him and raising her left eyebrow.

  “Yes mother, but I’m not going stand still and let her harm me or my family. And by the way mom, how did I end up in the hospital anyway?”

  “Well that’s up to you and your woman to discuss, she’s outside your room door mad as hell, if I was you I’ll watch what I say baby or you won’t have to worry about your father. She looks like she's ready to punch you or worse. With that said I’m gone baby, I got church and some praying to do. I'll see you soon, I love you.” Rachel said as she stood up out the chair and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Ewww! I can smell him all on you.” She said as she pulled back.

  “I love you mom, why you leaving so soon?”

  Michael said as she walk away, heading for the door.

  “I’m going to prepare.” She responded as she twisted the door knob and opened the door.

  “Prepare for what mom?” Michael said in a confused voice.

  “I told you I’m preparing for the devil, he is coming for us all and very soon.” Rachel said as she exits the room and kisses Envy on the forehead and rubbed her stomach.


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