Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD III > Page 19

by Shameek Speight

  Her eyes grow wide as a large jaw opens up. All she could see was sharp teeth and the back of a hyena’s throat as he crushes her face and devours it cutting her screams short.

  Tiffany looked back at the hyenas eating Yasmin and her screaming stops.

  “Good for you bitch.” She mumbled.

  She held Mike’s hand and they walk down the hallway passing hyena after hyena. Some would stop and sniff Mike then run out of fear. Other’s wouldn’t even look at him, but would stare at Tiffany and the baby in her arms, as if they were their next meal. Mike leads Tiffany to the boat that already had a handful of women on it.

  “Stay here I have to go back and help my family.” Mike said as he took off running with Tazz by his side.

  Tiffany rocks back and forth, holding Star’s baby and thinking of her best friend.

  “Ummm, how did so many of you make it to the boat?” Tiffany asks.

  “That little boy.” a group of them said simultaneously.

  Chapter 31

  I’m not going to find my son hiding in this damn room.” Envy said to herself as she checked her Mp5

  9mm sub-machine gun, to only see that she was out of ammo.

  She pulled out her twin 40 caliber handguns with the purple handles. She opens the door, to see hyenas slowly walking around, then a man screams and cries. She popped open the door, and squeezes the trigger sending bullets crashing into the heads of hyenas and took off running. A henchman pops out a room across from the one she was in and started running side by side with her. They both fire behind themselves as hyenas chase them.

  Envy looked at the henchman.

  “You bastard!” She screamed as she aims both twin 40 caliber handguns and squeezes the trigger simultaneously blowing huge holes into his knee caps.

  “Ahhhh! You bitch!” He groaned falling face first. He aims at Envy’s back but a hyena locked onto his arm and rips it off and ran off into a corner eating it as more rips his body to shreds.

  Envy smiles and runs down some stairs.

  “That’s for my son.” She mumbles to herself as three hyenas jump into the air to jump on her back.

  She stops running and turns around and let off two quick shots, then five more all hitting their marks.

  Two of them were blown backwards in the air and the third hyena slumped over dead on top of her knocking her to the ground. She tossed it off of her and took off running once more as more hyenas chase her. She ran left and seen a door. She shot the lock off and ran into the room, shutting the door while breathing hard in and out of breathe. She heard a noise and turned around with both guns drawn, to see a woman sitting on a couch with a terrified look on her face.

  “Who the fuck, are you?” Envy asks.

  “I’m Lawana don’t shoot me please.”

  Envy studied the woman and could tell she was a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties and pregnant and that smoking crack was taken a toll on her body and beauty.

  “How did you end up in this room? Envy asks.

  “I was kidnapped, I don’t know how long I been here. I never see the sun. I know it’s been months. I know my family and loved ones done forgot about me or think I’m dead. Do you work for Black Ice just like that other crazy bitch Yasmin?” Lawana replied.

  “Hell fucking no, I hate that monster. He took my son but that’s a long story. Do you want to leave this place or not?” Envy stated.

  “Yes!” Lawana replied.

  Envy dug in the back of her waist band and pulled out a sub-nose 357 revolver and passed it to Lawana.

  “The first time I feel like you will double cross me I will shoot you without any hesitation. Is that clear miss?” Envy said as her mind flashed back to what Tiffany used to tell her about being trapped in a room that looked like a luxury apartment and not with the other women.

  Envy looked around the room then at the woman’s stomach once more.

  “You’re pregnant with his baby aren’t you?”

  “Yes I am.” Lawana lowered her head out of shame.

  “It’s okay I understand more than you think.

  Let’s just get out of this room I need to find my son and please stay close to me.” Envy said then openes the door.

  They ran down the hallway and up some stairs.

  Screams from men and women could be heard echoing throughout the Coca Cola factory. Envy ran down a grey hallway with Lawana behind her and wished she hadn’t.

  A group of hyenas were now in front of them, they turned around to run back the way they came, but a group of hyenas were now blocking that way as well.

  “There’s no way in hell we can kill them all.”

  Envy said as she panicked.

  Lawana felt like crying.

  “I’m ready to die. I’m tired of the abuse and mistreatment and being forced to smoke crack. They can kill me and his babies growing inside me!” Lawana screams and ran into the group of hyenas in front of her with her arms stretched open wide.

  The hyena’s sniffed her and starts whimpering then backs away from her. Envy looked on with a confused look on her face then it all becomes clear to her.

  “The hyenas never really attacked Michael or Mike outside of the factory earlier. Only one or two tested them, but for the most part they feared them because they could smell and sense Black Ice in them.”

  Envy said out loud to herself as she quickly ran up to Lawana and held her hand as the group of hyenas behind her started to charge then stops.

  “I don’t understand why don’t they attack us?”

  Lawana asks.

  “Oh they would attack my ass but they smell Black Ice’s baby in you so they’re scared.” Envy said as they inch down the hallway passing hyenas.

  “Oh yea and I’m carrying twins, well that’s what that evil asshole told me.” Lawana responded.

  “Come on let’s check this room.” Envy said as they push open a door and enters the room.

  Chapter 32

  “You’re so damn weak Evil. You can kill men but not women. I say kill them both. Shit, my son, women will cross you, they make you love them and break your heart. Well not me I get off on their fear and pain, that shit makes my dick hard. All I ever wanted was for you to be like me boy!” Black Ice shouted while keeping his gun on Evan’s head.

  “Why would anyone want to be a damn monster like you? You abused my mother, beating us until we couldn’t move. All I ever prayed for was your death since I was a child. I’m not weak father, you are. To only feel power when you abuse a woman or hurt people. To feed off their fear and rape women, rapists are the lowest humans on this fucking earth. So what the fuck do you think that makes you, dog shit? Michael shouted back.

  “Big words boy.”

  “I’m not a fucking boy. I’m not a fucking boy any more. I’m the man you could never be. I’ll be the father you couldn’t be. Now give me my son!” Michael shouted while closing one eye and aiming his 50 caliber desert eagle at Black Ice’s head.

  “You won’t take the shot and risk harming your child. Even if you did hit me I’ll still have time enough to pull this trigger blowing my grandchild to pieces. So why don’t you put your gun away and lets handle this like men boy.” Black Ice stated.

  Michael put his gun back in the holster up under his arm and twirled around his machete.

  “I’m going kill you once and for all. There will be no coming back for you to hurt anyone else.”

  “Hahahaha! You talk a good one boy, you won’t be the first who tried to end my life and you damn sure won’t be the last. You’re not evil enough boy.” Black Ice said as he put Evan down on to the floor crying.

  He pulled out an all-black double blade machete from the holster on the side of his thigh. Then pulls off his shirt and drops it to the ground. One look at them both, you could tell they were father and son. Both of their chocolate complexioned skinned bodies were covered in muscles. Both had on bullet proof vests with their strong arms showing and guns in hostlers under their arms, but Black Ice w
as an inch taller and bigger.

  “What I do like about you Evil, is that you can appreciate a good blade. You have 30 minutes to kill me and save your son. I wired the whole factory to explode.

  Hahahaha!” Black Ice said laughing.

  “Enough!” Michael yelled and ran towards Black Ice.

  He spun kicks him in the face then round house kicks him in the stomach, and then swings the machete at the back of his neck. Black Ice swung his machete at the back of his own neck blocking Michael’s attack. He swipes Michael’s legs from up under him, knocking him to the ground with one kick.

  “You’ve been patient Evil. You’ve gotten faster but not fast enough, son!” Black Ice shouted as he swung his machete at Michael’s head.

  Michael pops up and each blow Black Ice swung with his machete, he blocks it.

  “I’m tired of this!” Black Ice screams in anger as he realizes his son had gotten as good as him.

  He punched Michael in the jaw and sent his elbow crashing into his nose, breaking it.

  “Ugghh!” Michael grunts in pain and inhales sucking the blood out his nose and spits it out.

  “Ahhhh!” Michael screams and swings the machete up through the air.

  He swung the blade up and down then spins around with his arm stretched out.

  “Ahhhh!” Black Ice groans in pain as the machete slices his right bicep.

  “Okay boy I had enough!” He shouted as he pulls out his six inch knife that curved at the tip and swung the knife and machete at Michael with rapid speed.

  “Oh shit!” Michael shouted as he used his machete to block Black Ice’s blows but they were coming to fast making it hard for him to block the machete and knife at the same time.

  Black Ice spins and squats, stabbing Michael, ripping a large straight cut into Michael’s lower half of his stomach.

  “Ugghh!” Michael screams and back pedals as he continues to try and block all of Black Ice’s attacks, as his wound splits open, from the six inch cut.

  He stumbles backwards and the hyenas that were behind him got out his way. Michael saw something moving behind Black Ice and fought back the feeling of wanting to smile as he looks at Mike making his way through the dark room and pass the hyenas with Tazz by his side. Mike slowly picks up Evan off the floor. Black Ice sensed something was wrong and turns around.

  “You!” He shouted as his eyes met Mike.

  “You want to be soft like him! Put the child down now son!” He shouted as he walks toward Mike.

  Michael pulled out his five inch knife and ran up on Black Ice stabbing him in the back.

  “Ugghh!” Black Ice groaned in pain and sent his elbow crashing into Michael’s cheek bone.

  Michael stumbles backwards while pulling out the knife.

  “If you were any smarter you wouldn’t have stuck me with your damn knife but your machete and I’ll get my grandchild back without you to stop me or get in my way. Who can stop me! Hahahaha!” His evil laugh echoed through the room as Michael attacks him.

  Both of them fought with a machete in one hand and a knife in the next. The metal clinking sound surrounded the room as they went blow for blow, cutting each other.

  Mike knew he had the perfect opportunity to get Evan away while Michael distracts Black Ice. He ran out the dark room and into the next room filled with thick white crack smoke and a lot of women still sitting on the floor smoking. He quickly ran out into the hallway with Tazz by his side. He looked down at Evan in his arms smiling at him.

  “Don’t worry I’m going to get you back to your mommy, Envy. Your uncle will protect you Evan.” He said smiling back then bumps into a wall from not looking up while running. Mike backs up from the wall and rubs his forehead then looks up and realizes it wasn’t a wall he ran into but one of Black Ice’s henchmen.

  Tiwan looked down at Mike with the baby in his arms.

  “Your father cost me so much, making me kill my own cousin and his men. All so I can catch him off guard and kill him once and for all.” Tiwan said as he grips his Uzi even tighter.

  “Get out my way.” Mike replied.

  Tiwan looks down staring at the ten year old boy with hate in his eyes.

  “I will, but first I have to kill all his off springs and to think that your father said I wouldn’t last five seconds with you.” Tiwan said and began to squeeze the trigger of his Uzi.

  “Ahhhh!” He screams as he felt a sharp pain on his trigger finger and looks at it to see his finger on the floor.

  In the blink of an eye, Mike had chopped it off.

  Tiwan look down at the smiling child, his smile was evil and twisted like his fathers, his eyes were cold.

  “You’re just like him you’re a damn little devil.”

  He said as two knifes went into his neck and then Mike tosses one into his chest, piercing his heart.

  Tiwan grasps for air and chokes on his own blood. He falls down to his knees. He touches the handle of the two knives stuck in his neck. Blood pours out of it like a water hose.

  Mike pulls his throwing knife out of Tiwan’s heart, then stabs him once more in the center of his chest with the knife still jammed in Tiwan, he pull down with all his might ripping his chest and stomach open making his insides ooze out.

  “Here Tazz, eat boy and make it fast, I’ll be right back and don’t eat too much. He look likes he's bad for you.” Mike said as he took off running.

  Tiwan’s head drops to his chest.

  “He’s the son of the fucking devil.” He mumbles as the last thing he saw was Tazz, ripping and pulling out his liver and eating it

  Chapter 33

  Envy looks around the room that she was in with Lawana. She jumps back as she sees a hyena chained to the wall. She screams and squeezes the trigger to her 40

  caliber handgun and sent a bullet crashing in its skull killing it. She looks toward the far side of the room and fought back the feeling of wanting to vomit as she looks at what use to be a woman. The only reason she could tell it used to be a woman chained to the wall was because of her breast and long hair, but all the skin on the woman’s body had been completely ripped off. Envy moves closer to the woman.

  “Ummm, Lawana do you know who she was?”

  Envy asked.

  Lawana held her head down in shame.

  “She is the woman Black Ice made me and Tanya skin alive. I think he called her Angela.” Lawana replied.

  “What? You skinned her? You did this to her?”

  Envy asks in shock.

  “Yes, Black Ice made me do it.” Lawana responded with tears running down her face.

  “You did say her name was Angela, right?”

  As soon as Envy said her name Angela lifts her head up.


  “Oh shit! Holy, shit!” Envy screams as she stares at Angela’s face which had no eyes, just dark eyes sockets and no skin on her face.

  “Help me! Help me Envy!” Angela mumbled the words and even that was hard because her lips were completely chopped off and because Black Ice had bit out her tongue from her mouth.

  Envy turned her head unable to look at her face any more and raise her 40 caliber handgun and squeezes the trigger, sending a bullet slamming into Angela’s mouth and out the back of her head.

  “Why did you do that?” Lawana asks in horror.

  “Because that was the only way to help her, I think we should get moving again. Remember that once we leave this room you must stay close to me, so those damn hyenas don’t attack me.” Envy said as she held Lawana’s hand and opens the room door and slowly walks out.

  She pulls Lawana even closer to her as they walk down the hallway, passing the hyenas eating men and women who tried to escape but failed victim to them. They heard a noise coming from behind them.

  Envy and Lawana turned around with their guns drawn to see a group of hyenas behind them part like the Red Sea, as a boy holding a baby walks through them.

  “Oh my God Mike, where have you been?”

vy asked lowering her gun.

  “Envy I got Evan. Here take him.” Mike said in a childlike manor.

  “Oh Lord thank you, thank you Father.” Envy said as she took Evan out of Mike’s arms as tears of joy flow down her cheeks.

  Lawana looks at Mike strangely. Mike smiles at her, she smiles back. He places his hands onto her stomach.

  “You’re going to have twins.” He said.

  Lawana’s smile wipes off her face and her eyes opens up wide with fear.

  “Who, who are you?” Lawana asks nervously.

  “I’m family now.” Mike replied.

  “Envy you must get to the boat. I heard my father say he's going to blow up the factory real soon. I have to go back and help Michael.” Mike stated.

  “What? Help Michael? Help him do what?

  Where is Michael?” Envy asks.

  “He's fighting our father.” Mike replied.

  “I’m coming to help you.” Envy said.

  “No get out, he will be okay, please get on the boat now and keep Evan safe. The hyenas won’t touch you now with him in your arms.” Mike said and took off running back in the direction he came from.

  “Who was that little boy, he freaked me out. Is he going to be okay?” Lawana asks.

  “Like he said to you, he's family and he will be just fine because I’m going to make sure of it. You just keep heading down this hallway, there’s a brown door that leads outside and two boats are half a mile north of the factory.”

  “No I’m coming with you Envy.” Lawana said.

  A door opens and three armed henchmen came out.

  “Did you hear that? They have a boat we can get the fuck out of here.” One of the henchmen said.

  “Yeah, but we have to get the keys from them.”

  Another said.

  “Look they’re just walking passed the hyenas and the hyenas won’t touch them.” Another one said.

  “That’s because they’re related to Black Ice somehow. I say we kill them, take the keys to the boat and cover ourselves in their blood and we can get passed the hyenas in here and outside.” The leader of the three said as he opens the room door wider to see two hyenas chewing on a woman that was still alive but tore apart.


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