Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD III > Page 20

by Shameek Speight

  “Ahhhh!” All three of the henchmen screams and let off a burst of automatic fire from there Uzi's.

  Bullets ripped through the two hyena’s bodies and sent blood flying everywhere.

  Envy turned her head around to see three of Black Ice’s henchmen run out a room, shooting hyenas as her and Lawana took off running after Mike.

  “We have a problem Lawana!” Envy shouted as they continued to run.

  She pulls her son closer to her breast holding his ears as the three henchmen gain in on them.

  “Stop, you two and give us the goddamn fucking boat key!” One yelled.

  Envy turned around while running backwards and squeezes the trigger to her 40 caliber handgun. The first shot hit a henchman in the jaw.

  “Ugghh!” He groans as he aims his gun to fire back at her to only have four bullets slam into his chest and rips out his back.

  He gasps for air clutching his chest as hyenas jump on top of him, knocking him to the ground. One locked his teeth onto the lower half of his face and bit off his jaw and a piece of his neck and took off running with it, to eat it in private. The other two henchmen screamed as they fire at hyenas behind them and in front of them.

  “You Bitches!” They shouted.

  Envy spins around and runs forward. She raises her left eyebrow the hyenas in front of her moved out of her way and got behind her jumping at the two henchmen as if they were trying to protect her and Lawana.

  “Lawana I’m going to aim for the guy on the right left knee cap on the count of three.”

  Lawana shook her head and held her stomach.

  She was out of breathe as she and Envy stops and spins around and aims for the henchman’s knee cap. She aims for his left knee cap while Envy aims for his right. They squeeze the trigger simultaneously. The bullets shredded the henchman’s knee caps, sending bone fragments and blood everywhere as he falls sideways screaming then hollering as a group of hyenas jump on him.

  “Shittt! Oh shit!” These were the last words the henchman screams in panic jumping up and down while firing at Envy and Lawana, but the hyenas jumped in front of him blocking his path and the bullets he fires at them.

  “In here.” Envy said as she pulls Lawana into another room and shuts the door.

  The henchman cautiously opens the door and looks ahead in the room.

  “Ahhhh!” He screams as a bullet blows off his toe on his left foot and a bullet rips his right foot apart.

  He bends over in pain to feel the barrel of two guns at the back of his head.

  Envy looks Lawana in the eyes and they both squeeze the trigger to their guns. The henchman’s head explodes and brain tissue and bone fragments went flying on to them, before his body could drop dead.

  Envy opens the room door and watches as the hyenas lock onto his legs and drags his body into the hallway to devour it.

  Mike had heard the gun shots but paid it no mind.

  “I’m sure Envy can handle herself, I must get to my brother and help him before it is too late.” Mike thought to himself as he zooms pass Tazz.

  “Tazz come on! Let’s go!” He shouted.

  Tazz made a funny sound and took one more bite of Tiwan’s stomach and took off running behind Mike

  Chapter 34

  Rachel had been searching through the whole Coca Cola factory. She enters a room with hyenas chasing her to see seven overweight women eating at a table filled with food like as if nothing was going on.

  “Run get up and run! The Lord told me to warn your asses! Now get up!” Rachel shouted.

  One of the women got up and walked over to her. The rest paid Rachel no mind as the room door came crashing in with hyenas standing in the doorway laughing. “Hahahaha”

  “Ahhhh!” The six other women scream at the sight of them.

  One woman grabs a cupcake as they all run into a corner in the room. Rachel knew she couldn’t help them, as she straps her shotgun around her shoulder like a purse and pulls out her hi-point 9mm and begins to fire. She looks around for a way to escape and sees a door on the far side of the room.

  “Let’s go!” she yelled.

  But the young woman that was standing next to her was stuck in a daze, looking at the hyenas attack the other six women. Their screams and cries filled the room.

  “Come on child, I’m not going tell you again.”

  Rachel said while killing four hyenas.

  The sound of her voice snaps the woman back to reality and she takes off running after Rachel. Rachel shoots open the room door and runs inside. She turns around to see the young woman was now following her.

  Two hyenas had jumped on her back ripping large chunks of her flesh away. Rachel closed one of her eyes and aims at them then squeezes the trigger twice, sending a bullet crashing into one of their nose and the other ones neck. The girl popped up and continues to run as a hyena locks onto the back of her calf muscle and rips it off. She falls down face first and another hyena locks onto her hand and rips it away then runs off with it. Rachel steps out the room.

  “Lord protect me, I shall fear no evil in any shape or form because thou is with me.” She prayed as she sent a spray of bullets from her gun.

  Bullets flew through the air and each one met its target.

  “Child if you want to live, get up and pray and run. Your ass is too big for my old ass to be dragging or pulling you sweetie! Rachel shouted.

  The woman crawls to the room while Rachel shoots anything that follows her. Once in the room she quickly uses a desk and chairs and anything else she could find to barricade the door. The sound of the other six women screams and cries could be heard dying out.

  Rachel looked through a bullet hole in the door and could see hyenas devouring the women and pacing back and forth in front of the room door and sniffing the air and ground.

  “I guess we’re not leaving that way child.”

  Rachel said as she pulls away from the door and looks at the woman on the floor for the first time and knew she wasn’t going to make it.

  The young woman cried.

  “I’m dying right? One of those things ate my hand” She said while lifting her left arm and showing where her hand was supposes to be.

  “Yes your dying baby but you’re going on to a better place my child with no more pain and suffering, and you’ll be surrounded with the love of our Father. So don’t fear the devil can no longer harm you. Give me your hand.” Rachel said

  “What’s your name sweetie?”

  It was hard for the young woman to speak because the pain she was in and the loss of blood was too much for her to bear.

  “I’m Tammy.” She mumbled to get the words out.

  “Now Tammy, you must ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Dear heavenly father please forgive Tammy of all and any sins she may have done and welcome her in your warm embrace, where no harm can come to her. We love you heavenly Father and we’re thankful for each breath and each step we take, no matter how painful the day is. We thank you Lord, we pray in Jesus name we pray Amen.”

  “Forgive me Lord and Amen.” Tammy said and exhales her last breath as she dies with her eyes open.

  Rachel closes her eyes and stood up, looking around the room. The sound of the hyenas, throwing their weight onto the door of the room she was in made her heart jump with fear.

  “I shall fear no evil.” She said out loud.

  For the first time, she noticed a thick glass window in the room. She looks through it and could see more red glowing eyes than she could count.

  “This is the devils playground.” She mumbles then sees sparks in the dark room from two machetes and knives hitting each other.

  “Lord my baby’s in there fighting the devil.

  Please Lord, keep him safe.” She prayed while holding her stomach and squinting her eyes to make out, what was going on in the pitched dark room.

  Chapter 35

  “You’re running out of time my son. I can block every move you make!” Black Ice shouted as Michael swu
ng the machete and knife at him.

  Black Ice blocks each blow he made. Then he slices him on the side of his rib cage.

  “I would ask you if you’re ready to give up yet, but you are my child and giving up is not an option for you, is it? So, it’s time I put an end to this.” Black ice said as he looked at his son out of breath, leaking blood from the cut he had given him.

  He double spin kicks Michael in the face.

  “Ugghh!” Michael grunts in pain as he went up into the air and hits the ground.

  “I always loved you, but you were to fucking weak like your mother boy.” Black Ice said as he stood over Michael and raises his machete high to make his final blow.

  Michael looks up and knew this was the end for him.

  “You never knew what true love was.” He said and spits out blood.

  “Yes I do son, this is love.” Black Ice replied and swings, but heard the sound of something cutting through the air at a rapid speed.

  He turns around and swings the machete and knife up and down in three swift moves blocking three throwing knives that came towards his face and chest.

  He looks and could see Mike standing ten feet away with three throwing knives in each hand.

  “You too, you want to die with him! Fine so be it, I told you he is weak and made you weak as well!”

  Black ice shouted.

  “My brother is not weak!” Mike yelled back and tosses all six knives.

  Black Ice blocks all six of them with the machete and knife as it was nothing and no effort.

  “Hahahaha! You both should’ve trained way more and harder. Hahahaha!” His evil laughter echoes throughout the room.

  “Now it’s my turn.” He flips his six inch knife that curves at the tip and held it by the blade.

  He aims for Mike’s head and tosses it.

  “Noooo!” Michael screams and pops up and pushed his machete through Black Ice’s back and the blade came out through his stomach.

  Then with his knife in his next hand he aims for Black Ice’s neck to only feel a machete pierce his stomach as well. Michael and Black Ice groans in pain as they dig their blades deeper inside each other.

  Michael looks up and smiles with blood leaking from his mouth. Mike was now standing five feet away with blood dripping from his hand from catching the knife Black Ice had thrown at him.

  Mike throws the knife as hard as he could.

  “Uggghh!” Black Ice grunts as the blade enters next to his collar bone above his chest.

  Michael pushes Black Ice, as both the blades come out of each other, as Black Ice hit the ground.

  Michael covers his wound with one hand.

  “It’s over. You will not hurt any more people!”

  Michael shouted.

  “Hahahaha!” Black Ice laughs as he pulls out the knife from his collar bone.

  “You two want to jump me and work together? I got something for your asses, my children. Death, get them!” He shouted then laughs.

  Michael looks around the dark room with a confused look on his face as some of the hyenas begin to run in different directions. Then he sees two large evil red glowing eyes staring at him as it came closer. Once the creature steps into the dimmed lighted room, Michael couldn’t believe his own eyes. He stares at a hyena the same size of a small horse.

  “Oh Shit! Oh Shit!” He yelled as he drops his machete and knife and pulls out his twin 50 caliber desert eagle and squeezes the trigger simultaneously.

  Bullets slam into the large hyena but did little to nothing to stop it, as it charges at Michael.

  “Holy, shit!” Michael yelled while firing and running.

  Death chased him around the room then his large paw hits Michael in the back, knocking him to the ground. Black Ice smirks with his sinister smile.

  “Eat him Death!”

  Death stood over Michael with spit dripping out his mouth onto Michael’s face. Michael felt around on the floor for his guns he dropped when he got knocked down. Death opens his large jaws.

  “Damn this is not the way I was hoping it will go.” Michael said as he closed his eyes then hears a weird scream or cry.

  Mike aims and throws two knives. The knives cut through the air and hit its target, both of Death eyes.

  The creature screams in pain. Mike took off running with a knife in each one of his hands and Tazz by his side then jumps onto Death from the side, stabbing him and using his knives to help him climb onto Death’s back. Mike stabs him continuously with both knives.

  Death screams sand buckle’s his body, trying to toss Mike off of him.

  Michael rolls from up under Death and spotted his chrome machete. He grabs it and walks over to Death and bends down and chops off her legs one by one. Mike hops off the creatures back as it falls sideways to the ground. They both look at the large hyena squirm around and smiles. Then the sound of guns being cocked made them turn around to see Black Ice leaking blood and holding his twin 44 bulldog revolvers.

  “It was nice to see the two of you kill to get even, knowing it was my favorite pet, but this shit ends now.” He said as he aims at their heads.

  “That’s what I was just thinking.” Black Ice heard a voice he recognized say.

  ‘Boom!’ The shotgun roars, sending Black Ice flying forward.

  He pops up and rips the hot bullet proof vest off.

  “Rachel is that you? It’s been so long baby. I can’t wait to fuck you!” Black Ice shouted.

  Rachel had shot through the glass window of the room she was in and climbed through it. You will never be inside me or any other woman again, for that matter.

  God has shown me your death and your life ends tonight!” She shouted as the hyena’s stares at her and starts to surround her.

  “No don’t touch her, leave her to me!” Black Ice yelled and the hyenas backed away from her.

  “You’re God lied to you Rachel, I’ll be fucking you shortly baby.” Black Ice said while laughing.

  Rachel pumps and pulls the trigger to her shotgun repeatedly. Black Ice ducks and rolls on the floor with skill, then aims and squeezes the trigger to one of the 44 bulldog revolvers, sending a bullet slamming into the meat of her leg.

  “Ahhhh! Lord, help me please? Don’t let the devil take my life!” She screamed while holding her leg.

  “Mom! Nooo!” Michael yelled as he charges at Black Ice, who spun around and sent four bullets at Michael.

  One whispers passed his head, the next one glazed his neck and the last two crashing into his bullet proof vest sending him flying backwards.

  “Now where is my other offspring? I see I have to kill you both at the same damn time so you can’t save each other. Every time I’m about to finish one of you off, the other one saves you.” Black Ice said as he spotted Mike in the dark room, with a throwing knife in each hand.

  “Ugghh!” Black Ice groans as bullets filled him unexpectedly.

  Envy held her son close to her breast and covers his ears the best she could as she fires stepping deeper into the dark room. Black Ice’s body violently shakes, jerking and twisting as bullets hits pierce through his liver and lungs.

  Lawana stood next to Envy and closed her eyes and fires as well. The bullets slammed all over into his body, then he hurls forward by a shotgun blast to his back, by Rachel, who limps over to his body along with Michael, Mike and Envy.

  Soon everybody surrounded him. He was still moving even though he was filled with holes and a pool of blood pouring out of him.

  “You wanted your whole family together so now you got it, you bastard!” Michael shouted.

  “You can’t kill me, not even my own family can stop me. No one can kill the devil.”

  Before he finishes his sentence Michael had picked up his machete and swung.

  “Ewwww!” The women scream and close their eyes as half of Black Ice’s neck splits open.

  Michael chops four hard times until Black Ice’s head was completely detached from Black Ice’s body.

  He gr
abs Black Ice’s shirt off the floor and wraps his head in it then passes it to Mike.

  “Come on, we got to get out of here now!”

  Michael yelled as he picked up his mother into his arms then they all look back at the hyenas eating Death’s dead body, but left Black Ice’s body alone.

  All of them ran down the hallway as fast as they could, passing the hyenas and the ones outside. Michael turns his head to see Sergeant Justin running beside them in the woods, holding a sixteen year old Caucasian girl.

  Hyenas were chasing them.

  “Hurry to the boats!”

  They reached the boats. Michael started the engine and pulls off, with the boat Tiwan and his men had come in, filled with women. With one woman driving the other boat they came in, following them.

  “Wait! Wait! What about my daughter?” Tiffany asks as she sits bleeding on the floor.

  “She wasn’t in there Tiffany I’m sorry.” Envy replied.

  “Nooo! We can’t leave without her we have to go back for my baby.” Tiffany said as she stood up on her good leg.

  ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’

  The Coca Cola factory exploded three times.

  The blast rocks the boats and sent Tiffany and a few other women flying to the floor.

  “Nooo! Nooo! Not my baby!” She screams and cried.

  The sound of police boats and fire boats could be heard coming.

  “Tiffany your baby wasn’t in there, but we will find her.” Michael said reinsuring her.

  She just held Star's daughter and continues to cry.

  “So Sergeant Justin did you find what you was looking for? Michael asks while driving the boat.

  “No I didn’t find the machine, but I found the coast guards daughter. How did you make out?”

  Sergeant Justin replied.

  “Well, my father won’t be a problem for you or anyone else in the world, no more.” Michael said.

  “Thank you Jesus the devil has fallen.” Rachel begins to pray.

  “Yes it’s finally over.” Michael thought to himself as he stares at the shirt in Mike’s arm that had Black Ice’s head in it.


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