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The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

Page 9

by Kohler, Susan

  “But you have to try participating just a little, to see what it’s like,” Clayton said. “By participating you mean… ” Carol flushed as her voice trailed off.

  “By participating, I mean you must try a light spanking, nothing really painful, from both sides, giving and receiving.” Clayton was firm, “Or you won’t learn a thing about what we’re like and what we do. And, if you don’t participate, you’ll just make the members feel uncomfortable. Sherry can skip participating because we all know her but you’re a new face, and we don’t want you to embarrass our regulars. So come in and join in the group or go home, it’s up to you.”

  Carol moved off a little and spoke quietly into Abe’s ear. They walked back over to the group and Carol spoke. “I’m scared, but Abe’s willing to try it so I guess I can, too. As long as I can leave whenever I want.”

  “Come on then.” Clay held the door for the group. “I think they’re going to start a fast game of musical chairs, as silly as that sounds.”

  There didn’t seem to be any games starting up, or anything else going on when the group got into the main room of the clubhouse. All the visitors could see was a group of friends sitting quietly and talking at various tables around the room. There was soft rock music playing somewhere in the background. A buffet table was set up beside the well-stocked bar. Abe and Carol were invited to have something to eat. The food was varied and superb; there was everything from vegetarian pizzas to prime rib, and desserts from plain vanilla ice cream to elaborate torts. Everything in the room seemed so normal and yet somehow very elegant that Abe and Carol both felt foolish, embarrassed and just a little bit disappointed.

  That was, until they saw a young man hand a paddle to a woman and after dropping his pants, bend over a table. The woman began to beat him with the paddle using slow hard strokes until he straightened up and pulled up his pants. Abe and Carol both went pale, and Carol seemed to shiver whenever the paddle landed on the young man’s bare butt. Neither Abe nor Carol was prepared for the young man to take the woman over to a bench and tie her up. He gave her a much harder beating than she had given him. She squirmed and yelled throughout the paddling. The young man kept it up until the woman yelled, “Stop.”

  “Notice that he stopped immediately when she gave the word,” Suzanne pointed out.

  The young man turned around and found two other women waiting behind him. As Abe and Carol watched in amazement, the young man beat them too.

  There was a pause in the music, and then the strains of classical music filled the room. Another man in his mid-thirties bent over a chair with his bottom bare. While he was being caned he sang an operatic aria, and sang it very well.

  “He has an excellent voice doesn’t he?” Clay whispered as he rose from his chair.

  Clay left the table and walked over to talk to some friends. Jerry and Edna walked over to join the group. After introductions were made, Suzanne dragged Jerry off to a padded bench and had him give her a fairly smart whipping. She took advantage of getting Jerry alone to tell him that the new couple was two “concerned neighbors” who had dropped in to find out what was up. She also mentioned that they had agreed to participate in the club. Jerry took the hint immediately.

  As soon as they got back to the table, Suzanne looked up to see James coming in the door. She ran over to greet him warmly then brought him over to the table and introduced him to Abe and Carol. She explained to the visiting couple, “You’ll have to excuse my husband and me; we need to be alone. Sherry, Clay, Jerry and Edna will take care of you. Have a nice time.” She dragged her husband away.

  After they left Edna said, “Well, I guess the doctor must have said she was completely recovered from childbirth. Remember, she said she had her final checkup today.”

  “Maybe she just wanted to get him alone to tell him the doctor said she wasn’t ready to resume sexual relations yet,” Jerry suggested with a wink.

  “Yeah, my love, and cows fly.” Edna smiled. “That girl is just plain horny.”

  “Well, if my second favorite woman in the world is going to abandon me for her own husband, I guess I’ll just have to take care of Carol here.” He reached over and took Carol’s hand, gently pulling her out of her chair. “Come along, Miss, it’s time for you to get a spanking,” he said with a merry grin. Carol sputtered, “But… but… ”

  “That’s right dear, I’m going to spank your butt,” he said cheerfully. “Abe, paddle my wife’s ass for me, will you please?”

  Jerry led Carol away, over to a comfortable wooden straight backed chair. He sat down and pulled her across his lap, ignoring her squirms and protests. He slid her skirt up and spanked her gently until she stopped wiggling around. After a while, she seemed just to lie there and take it. Jerry slid his hand gently over her silky underwear and hose before he spanked her a bit harder.

  When her bottom was nicely warmed up he stopped and let her up. “It’s customary to thank someone for spanking you, girl.” He grinned at her. “Thanks a lot.” Carol sounded sarcastic.

  “Did I hurt you?” Jerry asked. He dropped his character and was suddenly serious. “I mean really, did I hurt you?” “No,” Carol admitted weakly. “Better luck next time,” Jerry said, grinning again. “Now go and get that paddle and use it on me, please. And don’t be easy on me, I’m used to it, okay?”

  Carol got a paddle and returned to find Jerry bent over with his pants down, waiting patiently. She paddled him for a long time and fairly hard too. Finally, he stood up and thanked her.

  “Now let’s go see what your handsome husband is doing with my wife.” Jerry slid his hands around her waist and squeezed her affectionately. They arrived back at the table to find Edna using the paddle harshly on Abe, who didn’t appear to feel it very much.

  She looked up at Jerry, faintly insulted. “He refused to give me a spanking. He said I looked too much like his mother. His mother! He enjoyed watching you spank his wife though, even if he won’t admit it.” “It just looked kind of funny, watching her squirm around,” Abe said quietly, “and I could tell she wasn’t being really hurt.”

  “Maybe he’d be more comfortable spanking someone closer to Sherry’s age, but not, of course, pregnant,” Jerry suggested.

  “He’s never even spanked the kids at home,” Carol added. “He’s tenderhearted, I guess.”

  “Well, if he is, he is. We don’t force anyone to take part in our games,” Jerry responded to her. “Unless he’d feel better punishing a man.”

  “What’s that mean? Do you think I’m gay?” Abe asked heatedly.

  “No, of course not, I just meant that you might be too much of a gentleman to want to hit a child or a woman, but with another man it might be all right,” Jerry replied. “We have some members who feel that way and they’re straight.”

  “You may be right.” Abe considered the idea. “I could paddle you.” “So go ahead,” Jerry bent over, “be my guest.” Abe had just given Jerry about a half dozen half-hearted swats when Clay came over and told them the musical chairs game was ready to start.

  “I know it sounds silly but the way we play it is special. Besides, we are silly sometimes; it’s part of the fun.” Clay explained, “The person who doesn’t make it to a chair gets a spanking from the person on one of the end chairs.” There were twelve participants and eleven chairs lined up, six facing one way and five facing the other. Abe and Carol watched along with Sherry as Edna, Jerry and Clay played. It was a good game with lots of laughter, teasing and loud, cracking spankings. By the end of the game, Clay had won. He was laughing as he was attacked by the whole group and tackled to the ground.

  When Carol and Abe left, Carol thanked the members for the visit. “I don’t think we’ll be back, but I don’t think we’ll try to stir up the neighbors against the club either. It was, umm, interesting.”

  “We might have some events, regular events that will be open to the community in the future. We want to build up our public image. If we do, be sure to drop in,” Clay in
vited. “As for the other, hey, different strokes for different folks, that’s life. It was nice meeting you.” Just as the couple left, Suzanne and James finally emerged from the bedroom. They looked tired, bedraggled and very happy. “So you two, what’s up?” Clay asked.

  “Absolutely nothing anymore, finally,” James replied with a grin. “Thank heavens.”

  “My doctor advised me yesterday to abstain for the rest of my pregnancy,” Sherry said. “Gee, Clay, that’s too bad,” James said with a contented grin. “Yeah, I’ll bet you’re full of sympathy,” Clay replied.

  “Take it easy Clay, it gets worse before it gets better,” Suzanne told him. “But it’s worth it when you’re finally a father.” “It sure is, Clay.” James hugged his wife. “It’s worth anything.”

  Chapter Twelve Jesse’s Girl

  Jesse finally talked Janine into coming to the club. Most of the members were speculating on just who this mystery woman was. They knew there was a woman who had captivated Jesse. He told them. Repeatedly. He said she was beautiful, full of spice and fire, haughty, but kind. She was also brilliant, according to Jesse. And best of all, she liked to be spanked. Some of the less kind members wondered how a short, slightly pudgy, Hispanic janitor got a woman as exceptional as the one he described but they were wise enough to keep the speculation to themselves. Walking in with Jesse she looked beautiful and confident, but inside she was shy and nervous. She was indeed as lovely as Jesse had described her but she didn’t seem to be haughty. She had a wide, friendly smile. Few of those watching her failed to notice however, that her smile brightened when she turned to speak with her escort, Jesse. She was so engrossed with him; she never noticed the curious looks as she walked through the room on Jesse’s arm, meeting people. Jesse smiled to himself as the DJ put on an old song; he whispered in Janine’s ear and she began to listen to it. The song was from well before her time, but the chorus got her smiling: ‘I wish that I had Jesse’s girl, why can’t I find a woman like that?’ She flashed the DJ a brilliant smile and raised her drink to him.

  When she saw James and Suzanne across the room her composure faltered. Her smile wavered just a bit. Jesse’s smile widened and he led her straight over to the couple. Short of digging her four-inch heels into the expensive and plush carpet, Janine had no choice but to go with him.

  “Hi Jesse, Janine,” James said. “It’s good to see you here at last. Janine have you met my wife Suzanne?” Suzanne smiled at Janine. “We’ve met when I was in the office,

  Janine. It’s great to see you again.” Suzanne kissed Jesse on the cheek and whispered, “Good job!”

  in his ear. The four sat at a table and chatted. Janine had begun to enjoy having Jesse spank her but she still felt a bit awkward at the party. She had just started to relax as the spankings got under way. Janine was a bit distracted by the sight of various spankings that seemed to happen a regular intervals. Sometimes they were bare bottomed, and some over panties. Some were accompanied by protests, and some were met with laughter. Some were just done with hands, but there were a lot of paddles, straps, floggers and canes around the room.

  James noticed Janine’s distraction. “The one thing you never see here Janine, is anyone who’s being abused. Even those who are protesting have the final say in what happens to them. They have safe words to ease things up or stop them altogether.”

  “But I hear some of them saying ‘ouch’ or ‘stop’ so how can that be?” she asked.

  “Have your really heard ‘stop’ and seen it being ignored?” Jesse asked.

  “Well no,” Janine realized, “unless it was said by someone who was laughing. The ‘ouch’ wasn’t said as a joke though.”

  “Ouch is not a safe word.” The three other people at the table said it simultaneously, all of them laughing. Finally Janine felt comfortable enough to say it. “I didn’t know you were a member here, James. I was shocked to see you outside of work, especially in this um, setting.”

  “This is where I met Jesse and became his friend,” James said with a grin, remembering. “Does it bother you that I saw you at a spankos party?” “A bit,” she admitted. “But remember, you saw me here too,” James pointed out.

  “I also can’t help wondering,” Janine said slowly, “how it is that you seemed not to believe me, at least at first, when I complained to you about Jesse spanking me in the office. You must have known it was true.”

  “Of course I did.” James smiled waiting for her to take the final step. “You knew and approved of it?” “Yes.” He still waited. “Before it happened?” She was surprised.

  “Yes, I suggested it,” James told her. “We normally only spank women who want to play, but that situation seemed to call for some real discipline.” “You suggested it?” She was shocked.

  “Of course.” James smiled. “You can thank me later, after you’ve seen the videotape.” “There’s a video?”

  “But only three people have seen it,” Suzanne interjected. “Me and the two brutes at this table. And I didn’t get a very good look at it, I was face down over James’ knees, getting spanked myself at the time.” “What had you done?” Janine asked.

  “Nothing. I was completely innocent.” Suzanne smiled. “I don’t have to be bad to get spanked, thank God, or I’d go nuts trying to find things bad enough to get spanked for. I’d be in trouble all the time.”

  “She lets me know in other ways when she wants a spanking, and how hard she wants it,” James explained. “And I also let her know when I feel like spanking her, to see if she’s in the mood.” “I always am,” Suzanne added. “The same with James. He lets me know if he wants to be spanked, but usually that’s just here at the parties. At home, he’s almost always the top.”

  “So I was set up?” Janine tried to ignore the picture of James, her boss, being spanked.

  “Yes,” Jesse spoke up, “but it was your own bad behavior that started it, and that you did to yourself.” “I admit I was a brat.” James had been silent for several moments. “Janine, have you received your results from the bar exam yet?” Janine’s face fell. “Yes.” “I take it from your expression that you failed.” He was stern.

  “I was so close. I only missed passing by two questions.” Janine was devastated. “Well, beginning Monday, Jesse and I will help you study for the next test,” James said firmly. “We’ll see to it you pass with flying colors, won’t we Jesse?” “Of course.”

  “And now,” James continued, “I think she should pay a penalty for failing this time.” “Yes, of course.” Jesse rose and held out a hand for Janine.

  James fumbled through the bag he had tucked under the table and pulled out a couple of paddles and straps. He leaned over to kiss Suzanne. “You’re next, my dear.” “I didn’t fail the bar!” Suzanne pouted. “And your point?”

  Jesse led Janine over to a padded bench and told her to lay face down on it. He raised her skirt and lowered her panties gently and slowly. He started spanking her with sharp but not really hard slaps, each sounding loud in the now silent room. James stood on the other side of the bench, waiting until Jesse looked up at him and smiled. “Be my guest.”

  The two men each took a side and spanked Janine with their hands, warming her up, stinging and turning her bottom a bright pink before they each picked up a paddle. They paddled her longer and quite a bit harder than the hand spanking they had given her. Each took a few swipes with the strap, then they went back to the paddles. “A contest?” James grinned at Jesse. “Sure.”

  They began to paddle Janine with fast hard strokes, each playing off the other, each getting faster and sharper. Finally Janine yelled, “Stop!”

  They both stopped instantly. They helped Janine straighten her clothes and stand up, and each hugged her warmly. “Who won?” James asked. “I’m not sure, we need a rematch,” Jesse said. Both men turned at once, “Suzanne!”

  “You men are both outlaws. Jesse and James.” Suzanne put herself into position quickly. When her panties were pulled down it was obvi
ous to Janine that she was well warmed-up; more than that, she had been spanked quite a bit already. The men went straight to the heavy paddles. They raced each other both with speed of the swats and with severity. Suzanne took quite a bit before she stopped things. She hugged both men and summarily dragged James off to the nearest bedroom.

  Jesse and Janine socialized, had a couple of cocktails, and ate a great meal; this month it was prime rib. They played a little but not with any other couples. Jesse took her into one of the bedrooms and they made love. Following club policy, they quickly changed the sheets before leaving the room. She had enjoyed herself thoroughly and planned to come with Jesse whenever he invited her. They were among the last to leave and because it was second nature to him, Jesse helped with the clean up, although he would send a crew of his men in to do a more detailed job on Monday. Janine, who had once been thoughtless and careless leaving her mess behind for others to clean, helped him. Of course, it took a few swats for the idea to sink in.

  Monday, at the end of the day, when Jesse came in for his customary visit with James, they set up a tutoring session for Janine. They wanted to make sure she passed the bar on her next try. Every day, at the end of the day, they held the sessions.

  Janine learned all right. She learned how to study face down across Jesse’s lap, with the open law book in front of her on the floor. She learned how to read while being spanked, and hard. She learned how to quote precedents while a paddle came down on her bare bottom. She learned how to argue a case in a moot court with Jesse as the jury and James as the opposing council. She learned that she had to win or be caned. And she learned how to take a caning. She also learned the law and how to argue under pressure. Passing the bar exam on her next attempt with flying colors, she received one of the highest grades they had ever seen. She got a spanking as a reward.

  Chapter Thirteen A Spanko’s Trade Fair

  Toni Jackson lay in bed beside her lover Mario Lopez, not sleeping, just staring into the darkness and thinking. She was wide awake, filled with nervous anticipation and more than a little fear about her plans for the next day, Saturday. She hoped that when Mario found out how she was going to spend her day out with her friend Suzanne, he wouldn’t be hurt by it or get too mad. She loved Mario. Just looking at his brown eyes and tan, muscular body gave her Goosebumps, not to mention his lean, almost sculpted face and straight, black hair long enough to brush his shoulders. He was an intense and ardent lover, and a quiet gentle man at all other times.


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