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The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

Page 13

by Kohler, Susan

  “I don’t care how good it is,” Sherry told Clay firmly, “there is no way you’re going to get me to go bare butt on stage.”

  “But it is better if I really spank you, isn’t it?” Clay asked reasonably. “Yes, I guess,” Sherry admitted, mumbling. “And was it really too painful?” he asked, probing.

  “No, it was more of a shock than anything,” she admitted. “There was some real pain but it faded quickly.” “Could you take it? On stage, I mean?” he pushed.

  “Sure, for eight performances, I guess I could,” she admitted weakly.

  “Then get a pair of lacy pantaloons, and I can spank you over them.” Clayton grinned. “I won’t spank you as hard or the same way each time, so there will still be some surprise and some freshness in each performance. How does that sound?” “Like you should play Kate.” She raised her eyebrows at him.

  “Sorry, but I don’t fit in the costume.” He grinned at her. “Even if I did, you look much better in it than I do.” “I think we should leave the slap in,” she teased. “Surprise me.” He winked at her.

  He stood up and walked her to the door. He stopped at the door, enfolding her in a warm hug and kissed her for the first time ever, except on stage. The kiss quickly grew. After that first kiss, she didn’t go home.

  The play was a great success. Clayton spanked Sherry nightly on stage, usually not extremely hard but for opening night he was relentless. On closing night Sherry had a surprise for him.

  In spite of her nervousness, on closing night she left off her lacy pantaloons. Clay didn’t find out until he flipped up her petticoats in the scene. In spite of the surprise, he gave her a very hard spanking right there on stage, directly on her bare butt! Neither one of them ever really admitted even to themselves what was going on though, until they caught themselves practicing the spanking scene one night about a month after the run of the musical was ended.

  They sat down and had a long frank talk about how much Clay enjoyed spanking her. For the first time she tried returning the favor, spanking him. They had to admit they enjoyed spanking each other, although she preferred to be the bottom to his top. A lucky thing, since he was more of a top.

  Soon after that they went looking quietly for people with similar interests, to find out about things like books and movies, props, and whether there were any social organizations they could join. Clayton had to be careful because at the time he was a trial lawyer with a certain reputation to uphold, but they still managed to find several clubs in nearby towns. The problem was that most of the clubs they found at first either had more gay members than straight, or featured group or promiscuous sex. They had no objection to the gay members; they only wanted to be among people with interests closer to theirs. They strongly objected, however, to the clubs that featured group sex and promiscuity. The next few clubs they found were more BDSM, and not spanking groups. Although BDSM could encompass spanking, it had more rules and protocols than they were looking for; it just wasn’t quite right for them.

  The Paddle Club, which they found shortly after they had begun to live together, had been a godsend at first, but soon they began to get bored with the club. The club members were nice and the club suited their personalities, but the club itself was getting stagnate. They had been on the verge of quitting the club for that very reason when James came along.

  He revitalized the club, making it more fun and giving it a younger, fresher outlook. Suzanne’s arrival had completed the rejuvenation process. Now the club parties were fun, social and spirited. Clay smiled as he thought of some of the things they had done in the club. He began to laugh out loud as he thought of the woman who had visited one regular party, the concerned citizen.

  By now Sherry was awake. “What’s so funny?” she asked, sliding her hand up his leg.

  “I was remembering that woman, what was her name? The concerned citizen.” “Carol?” Sherry smiled at the memory of how they had ambushed the snoop. “What about her?”

  “I wonder what she would have said if she had known that I was the City Attorney!”

  “It would have been a sight to see if she had shown up in your office after the party to try to get the club shut down,” Sherry laughed.

  Chapter Eighteen Just Horsing Around

  The day after the spanking fair was a Sunday. Toni and Mario spent the day relaxing and resting. They were both recovering from the Trade Show, their first experience with the club. They were both horse lovers but for some reason the very thought of riding didn’t appeal very much to either of them on that particular Sunday. There was one small problem, something a bit uncomfortable about the thought of tender butts coming into contact with hard, leather saddles.

  They went out to the boarding stables and exercised the horses without riding them. For once, the busy ranch was almost empty. It was especially rare for it to be so quiet on a beautiful, summer weekend, but there was a big horse show at an arena about ten miles away.

  They exercised the horses from the ground in the small round bull pen. First they worked Toni’s small, quick bay gelding. Mario had him trot around the bullpen until he was warmed up, reversing him several times. Then he had the gelding lope until the horse was well exercised and beginning to sweat. Then Mario took the horse over to the washing rack, tied him there and washed him. He put the horse on the hot walker while Toni worked Mario’s tall, sorrel gelding. Then he washed the copper colored horse. In a short time, both horses were walking quietly but reluctantly on the walker. They both had the equine equivalent of being highly put upon on their faces, ears halfway back and lower lips protruding.

  The hot walker, run by a small electric motor, has a center pole and four long arms that extended from the pole like spokes on a wheel. The arms have snaps and chains that hang down so that a horse’s halter can be snapped to it. The pole rotates and pulls the horses in a slow walk around in a small circle. It keeps the horse moving long enough to dry off or cool down without getting chilled too quickly.

  Toni and Mario sat on the ground under a tree and watched the horses plod around the circle. They had a small picnic basket and a blanket which they spread out, and stretched out under the shady tree. Since no one was around, they kissed and cuddled. They dug into the picnic basket and ate their cold chicken and potato salad, and talked about the club. Toni told Mario some of the things she had learned about the club following the call she had that morning from Suzanne.

  “She said that if we wanted to join, she would sponsor us. Suzanne told me that most of the members join as couples, and most of them have long-term committed relationships. The standard rule is that spankings and whippings are public, while any sexual contact is private between the two people involved,” Toni explained. “This is not a swinger’s club. Members who make too many advances to another member’s partner are blackballed and thrown out.”

  “That’s good to know.” Mario leaned over and kissed her soundly, before reaching into the hamper for a piece of chocolate cake. “I don’t want to share you.”

  “She also said that most of the couples, regardless of how it seems, don’t just spank each other all day and night. They usually save that for the monthly parties and special events. Most of them seem to have fairly normal home lives.” Toni grinned. “But I think sometimes the members do it in private too. It’s really meant to be more of a role playing thing than real S & M.”

  “Then role playing can really hurt, can’t it?” he managed, remembering the fair between bites of cake. “And it can cause real bruises too. What else did she say?”

  “She told me about the clubhouse. The building where they hold the club parties was inherited by one of the members, who happens to be fairly rich, along with the grounds around it. It’s actually still his property, but the club has full use of it in return for keeping it up and paying the expenses. They also lease it out for special occasions when they don’t have anything scheduled. By the way, the club is incorporated as a non-profit organization, and all its proceeds after up
keep on the building go to support two charities. You’ll never guess which two,” she challenged.

  “Let’s see. How about a mental health clinic, and the blood bank?” he guessed.

  “The mental health guess is not far off. They support a child abuse prevention hotline and a shelter for battered women.” She grabbed an apple and bit into it.

  “Both worthy causes, and appropriate for a club that some people might think encourages violence against women, and even kids,” Mario replied thoughtfully.

  “But that’s the point, they work hard to keep anyone who’s really turned on by violence out. They want members who enjoy acting out things, without permanently hurting each other. And everything has to be agreeable to everyone involved. Also, according to Suzanne there is a rather painful initiation.” Toni smiled, “I can’t figure out how painful it can be when they’re supposed to be so strong against really hurting someone. Suzanne said something about stinging and maybe a few bruises but no real injuries.”

  “I suppose she means that it won’t be any worse than yesterday,” Mario said. “And as hard as it hurt yesterday, there’s only a trace of tenderness left today.” “Anyway, the next initiation is scheduled to be held in about three weeks. If we want to join, we can decide any time before that.” She finished the apple and lay back on the ground.

  “We’ll decide later.” Mario was too relaxed and drowsy to think. “I should go put the horses up before they walk their legs off.”

  “I’ll do it, sweetheart, you take a nap.” She kissed him, got up, and went over to turn off the hot walker.

  Both horses nickered eagerly to be taken off the boring equipment. The minute she turned the machine off so that it stopped pulling on them, they both, in a symbol of equine practicality, stood still and peed, not even moving as she unsnapped one of them from the end of the chains. Avoiding the strong smelling muddy spot, she led the first horse out of the walker and looped his rope over a fence rail, then unfastened the other. She swung up onto her gelding and rode him back to their stalls with the other horse’s lead rope in her right hand. The horses were both restless from being on the walker and they wanted to act up but Toni kept them under tight control. She put the horses in their stalls at just about the same time the hay truck was coming by with their evening hay. She gave them each an apple, a scoop of grain and some vitamins. Then locked up her tack boxes, made sure the stall doors were securely fastened and went back to Mario.

  He was sound asleep. It was too much of a temptation to resist; she reached into the ice cooler and got a handful of ice cubes. She put them on his stomach where his shirt had ridden up. He slept for a second more, and then awoke with a loud yell.

  “Woman, you’re in trouble!” He rolled her over and gave her a few sharp, playful swats on the seat of her faded blue jeans. “I’m taking you home right now.”

  He stood up and reached down to pick her up. He threw her over his shoulder and swatted her on her butt.

  “Good idea, as the ranch hands are starting to talk,” Toni teased him, her head hanging down.

  Mario spoke to Miguel, the nearest hand, in Spanish and he answered with a wide grin. Both men looked at Toni’s butt. The hired hand spoke again, still smiling a wide, hearty smile. Mario nodded and waved, patting her fanny. “Si, amigo, gracias,” he told the man. “Por favor?” He gestured at the remains of the picnic.

  The obliging ranch hand picked up the lunch and folded the blanket. The man followed Mario to his truck and put his things in the back for him. “Adiós, Miguel, muy gracias.” Mario said. Miguel waved and grinned before walking away. “What was that all about?” Toni asked as Mario set her in the cab of the truck.

  “Miguel saw you put the ice on me and watched me swat your butt. He suggested that I take you home and beat you soundly for disturbing my nap and then fuck you like crazy,” Mario grinned. “I thanked him for the suggestion.” “Are you going to follow it?” Toni asked quietly.

  “That’s none of your business,” he replied, raising his eyebrows. “So don’t even ask.”

  “None of my business, my butt!” she said, her voice raised. “What do you mean none of my business?”

  “Precisely,” Mario said, “it is my business and my butt.” He patted her ass in a proprietary manner. “Ah, ha. Muy macho hombre,” she teased him, using almost all her Spanish. “You think.”

  When they got home they took a long shower, washing the dirt and smell of horses off their bodies. They spent a long time soaping each other and gently arousing one another in the warm, steamy shower. They toweled each other dry and Mario used the blow dryer to dry her hair.

  They pulled down the spread and got into bed. Mario pulled her gently into his arms and then suddenly wrestled her into a position so that she was lying across his lap, with her head hanging off the side of the bed. Her shoulder length, curly brown hair was hanging down towards the floor. Mario spanked her slowly and not very hard, with Toni laughing and struggling all the while. After about a dozen slaps he began to spank her more harshly. The slaps were stinging but not painful. Toni was still laughing and trying to get upright. “Say that you’re sorry,” Mario ordered, still spanking her. “Sorry for what?” Toni asked. “I was a perfect lady.”

  “Sorry for the ice and waking me out of a peaceful Sunday afternoon nap,” he replied, spanking her harder now, each slap turning her full round butt red. “Sorry for being such a brat.”

  “Okay, okay. Alright, already,” she laughed. “Sorry, uncle, whatever you want.”

  “Whatever I want?” Mario asked slowly. He paused, his hand still raised in the air. “Yes.” She was laughing.

  He gave her one last hard spank before he pulled her up onto the bed, rolled her over and climbed on top of her. Slowly using his hands and mouth, he worked his way down her voluptuous body; he kissed and nibbled on every square inch of it except for the apex of her thighs. He asked her to roll over and started at her feet, slowly working his way up sucking, licking and kissing slowly up her backside. On this side he skipped her red and slightly tender buttocks.

  When he got to the nape of her neck he came back down, this time spending a long time gently kissing and biting her butt. He bathed her warm, pink cheeks with his wet tongue. His long hair slid over her skin as he worked. His tongue even found the crack of her ass. He rolled her over and lifted her legs up onto his shoulders, making love to her with tongue and mouth.

  When she had climaxed, he held her gently. He let her come down from her orgasm before bring his mouth to hers again.

  Sitting astride her, he asked her to push her breasts together. He slid his cock in and out of her cleavage several times before he moved farther up her body until he was kneeling with his large erect cock near her mouth. “You said anything.” His voice was quiet. “I meant it too,” Toni smiled.

  She took him into her mouth, using her tongue and lips to bring him to a shuttering climax. They lay there quietly for several minutes, resting and cuddling each other. Soon it started again. Cuddling became kissing. Kissing soon turned from affection to foreplay. Before long he was erect and she was wet, again.

  Rolling over on top of her, he slid his cock into her gently and began to make love to her with all the passion and tenderness she could ever imagine. This time when they stopped they were so drenched with sweat that they had to put on the air conditioner to cool off. Pretty soon Mario reached down and pulled up a sheet to prevent them from cooling off too fast. “So, are we going to join the club, or not?” Toni asked.

  “We’re in.” He kissed her all over her face, finally honing in on her swollen mouth. “If you can stand to see all those other women getting spanked by me, and spanking me in return.”

  “Or other men?” she teased, gasping as he lowered his mouth to her breast, suckling gently at it and teasing the nipple with his tongue. “Mario? Honestly, I don’t care who you spank or who spanks you, as long as I’m the only one who makes love to you. Deal?”

  “Deal,” he ag
reed. Then Mario asked, “Shall we seal it with a kiss?”

  “We’ll start with a kiss,” she reached up for him, “and see what comes up.”

  Chapter Nineteen New Victims, Er, New Members

  Once again Suzanne was nervous as she dressed for the Paddle Club initiation. This time because it was her turn to be acting as the club’s hostess for the evening. She was picked to be this night’s hostess because her friend Toni and Toni’s longtime companion, Mario, were two of the four people being initiated. The other couple, Sarah and Mac, were complete strangers to Suzanne however she had talked to both of them on the phone and they seemed to be a very nice, loving couple.

  It was kind of a mystery, however, just who originally suggested that they apply to the club for membership. Suzanne went on her instincts and offered to sponsor their membership herself.

  The most interesting thing about this couple, Suzanne found out, was that Mac used to advertise in the singles’ newspapers as a dom and get paid by women, and even a few men, for spanking, beating and whipping them. In fact, Sarah was a paying customer when she met Mac. The couple was very up front about it because they didn’t want to hide anything. Mac was unashamed and completely open about his past business.

  Suzanne was reviewing all the arrangements she was responsible for during the initiation. She went over her mental list of things to do, checking off each completed item in her mind. She mentally reviewed everything she knew about the people involved. She was just pulling her formal, violet beaded gown over her head when she heard James come into the bedroom. “Are you about ready, my dear?” He kissed her neck.


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