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The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

Page 17

by Kohler, Susan

  Suzanne sat at one desk with cluttered piles of paper spread out in front of her. She was calmly talking on the phone, digging in her purse with one hand and gesturing with the other. Suzanne finally dug something out of her purse. It was a nail file. She began filing her nails. James walked over to the dais. “Are you doing the filing?” he asked. “Sure am, Boss man,” she snapped her gum. “I didn’t mean your nails, Suzanne. Have you finished the files?” James looked at her desk, noting the piles of papers. “I can see that you haven’t. How about the letters I dictated? Are they ready for me to sign?” “Not yet,” Suzanne admitted. “Hey! You had a call.”

  “Who from? Where’s the message slip?” James was losing his patience. “I didn’t write it down,” Suzanne shrugged.

  “You haven’t typed my letters. You haven’t done the filing. You didn’t even take down my messages.” James voice was low and ominous, “Is there anything you’ve done right today?” “I remembered to make coffee,” she said with indignation. “Good,” James said, “bring me some, at my desk.” “Can’t,” she said, grinning at him. “Why not?” The question was cold. “Drank it all.” Suzanne went back to her nails.

  “If you drank all that coffee,” James asked exasperated, “how come you aren’t wired from the caffeine? Like, for example, having enough energy to actually do some work?” “Decaf.” She looked away.

  James walked over to his desk. He moved his chair away from the desk and into the center of the room. He turned on his intercom. “Suzanne, in my office, now!” he ordered. She came into his office and stood there. “Yeah?” “I’m tired of your poor work habits and your attitude,” James said sternly as he removed his suit jacket. He unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up his sleeves. Then he sat in the chair. “Get over my knees. Now!” “Hell, no!” She turned away.

  In a flash, he jumped up and grabbed her. He dragged her over to his chair, sat down and pulled her over his knees. Ignoring her wiggling and struggling, he worked her skirt up over her behind and pulled down her panties. Then he began to spank her with loud walloping smacks, right in the area framed by her garter belt and straps. She squirmed and cursed him out, causing him to hit her even harder. Eventually her bottom really began to sting and she reached back with both hands to cover her bottom. Turning her head to face the audience, she winked and stuck out her tongue. James grabbed both hands with his and began to spank her much harder. It was one helluva spanking and when he stopped, the members applauded again.

  The group of friends sat down for another round of drinks. Soon the soft rock music stopped. Someone had interrupted the usual soft rock music and put on opera. There was a slightly paunchy man of about thirty-five on the dais. With his back to the crowd he dropped his pants and underwear and bent over the back of a chair, bare bottom. A young woman picked up a birch rod just as a song began. Soon, the man was being birched while singing along with the tape. He had a beautifully trained voice and perfect pitch. He also never missed a note of The Toreador Song from the opera Carmen during the entire birching. When the song was finished the birching stopped. The man stood up and pulled up his pants. As the members applauded he took a bow.

  Seeing this, even Sarah and Mac were stunned. “Does this happen often?” Sarah’s voice came out as a whisper. “Not really.” James winked. “It’s only the second time I’ve heard him sing because he’s usually on tour.”

  The group relaxed and enjoyed their drinks before anyone realized that Clay and Sherry were gone. Even as they looked around Clay walked up to the mike, in costume.

  “I met Sherry when we were in a play together. So tonight we’re going to reprise a scene from the roles that brought us together.” Much to the surprise and delight of everyone, they performed the spanking scene from Kiss Me Kate.

  Chapter Twenty-four Training For A New Little Slave

  How Sharon’s lover talked her into it, she never really knew. Maybe it was because Alan was such a kind, gentle man while still a very exciting lover. Maybe it was because the idea was so wild and outlandish it couldn’t fail to seem unreal, and to be intriguing. Maybe it was because it was for charity.

  For a long time Alan had been trying to talk her into joining the Paddle Club. He had introduced her to some of the members, and he had taken her to a regular party and the club’s Casino Night. He claimed the club was all fairly innocent, more fun and titillation than pain. It was also, he had explained, not a sex club for swingers. For the most part club members were monogamous and romantically involved with their own spouses or lovers. Spankings however, were more open. Members frequently exchanged partners for spanking, paddlings and whippings. From what Sharon had seen most of the members were very nice people. So far Sharon and Alan had not played any spanking games, not even in private. Sharon was what Alan called a “spanking virgin” because no one, not even her parents, had ever hit or spanked her. The fact that a gentle, quiet man like her lover thought it would be really fun to spank her totally shocked and mystified her.

  The fact that he wanted to put her up as a slave at a Paddle Club Slave Auction caused her to feel shivers up her spine but the thought of it also secretly intrigued her, inwardly arousing her curiosity. She trusted Alan so how bad could it be? Oh well, she thought as she agreed, curiosity killed the cat; in fact it had killed several cats. The way Alan explained it to her she would be put entirely at the mercy of a total stranger, except for one thing: Each ‘slave’ made up a list of things they would not submit to. The masters would know in advance what boundaries they could take a slave to. It was agreed that no one was going to cross those boundaries.

  There were three basic levels of slaves listed in the catalog: BRONZE SLAVES, which he wanted Sharon to be, were the lowest level of slaves. They were to be lightly punished only with hands or paddles, no whips, and there would be no bruises, blood or any other injuries. No tight or extended bondage, and no excessive humiliation. SILVER SLAVES were punished more and the paddles would be harsher, drilled with holes to sting more and sometimes even whips could be used. They were also tied up more often, tighter and left that way longer.

  GOLD SLAVES were open to all physical punishments and bondage in any way, limited only by the rule that no real injuries could be inflicted.

  The auction was to take place on Thursday evening at the beginning of a three-day weekend. Her enslavement would begin immediately after the auction and end Sunday at midnight.

  Sharon stood on the pedestal, shivering slightly, naked except for a g-string, a tiny matching bra, a blindfold and a flowing cape. Her long blond hair was gathered roughly on top of her head. She had bronze slave bracelets on both wrists and her hands were tied behind her back.

  She was so scared she was almost numb when she felt the attendants removing her cape. Soon their hands were on her body while the auctioneer was extolling her virtues. She was turned around and felt her buttocks being stroked and handled. Although they left her tiny bra on, she felt almost as if she were just an object as her breasts were very impersonally lifted, pushed together and lightly stroked.

  She felt her hair being unpinned, felt it falling to flow around her white shoulders. Her chin was lifted and the blindfold was removed. She was told to look at the crowd so that they could see her face and eyes. Then the bidding began and she was blindfolded again. Behind the blindfold she felt scared, humiliated, objectified and very defiant. She shuttered as she heard the gavel slam down.

  A collar was fastened around her neck and the cape was put back on. She was told briefly by Alan to be silent and obey. She was led, still blindfolded, to a car and helped into it. After a short drive, she was helped out of the car and into a building. Her unseen Master led her down some stairs into a slightly cool room. He removed her cape and bra but he left her g-string in place.

  “I am your new Master; you will serve me and my wife, your mistress, until Sunday at midnight. Here are the rules: You will not speak to me unless I tell you to. In fact, you will not speak at any time at all unless I t
ell you to.” He paused, then continued with just a trace of kindness in his voice. “You will be treated according to the rules you agreed to. I know that this is your first time as a slave so I will be very gentle, patient and careful of you, but nevertheless you will be punished twice a day beginning tonight, whether you misbehave or not. You will wait in position for me to give you a morning spanking at 8:00 AM. You will also wait in position for your evening punishment at midnight. If I do not feel like punishing you myself, my wife, my butler or my cook will perform the task. It does not matter who does it; to them, it’s just another chore. You will obey every order I give you instantly and without comment. Any order from my lady, my butler or my cook is the same as if it came from me. You will also be punished during the day if you misbehave, and even sometimes if I just feel like punishing you for nothing other than my own amusement. If you are being punished for misbehaving, I will tell you that you are a bad slave and you will ask me, with downcast eyes and great humility in your own words, to beat you into submission. When I finish beating you, you will thank me for taking the time to give you the beating and ask me, no, beg me, to beat you again. During these beatings and your morning and evening punishments you will say ‘Thank you very much, Master’ after every slap of my hand or stroke of the paddle. If I’m beating you just for my amusement however, you will not speak at all, but you will squirm and moan and give me a real show of how much you, um, enjoy the punishment.”

  The Master paused briefly before saying, “Now you will receive your first punishment. For this punishment you will act as though it’s a punishment for misbehavior by asking for it and by thanking me for each and every blow.” His voice grew colder and more commanding. “Take one step forward and bend over.” She hesitated; her fear seemed to paralyze her. Her Master barked, “Now!”

  She felt terrified at hearing the request and being blindfolded only added to her fear, but with trembling legs she stepped reluctantly forward and bent at the waist. She wound up lying from the waist up on a soft, padded table. Her Master told her to ask for her punishment. In a trembling voice she said, “Please punish me, Master.”

  He directed her hands to a soft rope and told her to hold onto it tightly or she would be tied down. She felt bizarre lying there, scared and helpless. The g-string was no protection for her bottom and she was very conscious of the cool air blowing on her naked buttocks, waiting for the beating to begin.

  It started; a light teasing flicker of a soft string whip that didn’t hurt at all. As the soft strings descended over and over, she began to relax. She thought that teasing flicker was the full punishment. Alan had been right when he told her it was all a game.

  Soon her Master began to use his hands gently, lightly, all over her body except on her buttocks. Finally he spanked her buttocks gently, building very slowly to a slight tingling. Her butt turned a slight pink. A faint stirring of shock ran through her as she realized that she was really enjoying this.

  “Now we begin. Remember to thank me after every stroke,” her Master told her, his uncanny sense of timing telling him that she was ready.

  Suddenly she was being spanked, really spanked, hard and fast with her Master’s hand. She barely managed to get the phrase out after every spank. It went on for a long time. It stung and the slaps landed with a loud clap but it was not really painful at all. Finally he stopped.

  She lay there breathing heavily and feeling very relieved when suddenly, for the first time in her life, she felt a paddle descend on her tight little ass. It was hard and fast, and a lot more painful. She tried to repeat the phrase after each blow but sometimes she fell behind.

  “You failed to thank me for every blow and it took too long for you to get into position in the first place. However other than that, for the first punishment you did alright so I will be merciful and not punish you for your obvious imperfections. Now thank me for taking the time and energy to give you such a good beating. Remember, you are always supposed to beg me to beat you again.” “Thank you for giving of your time and energy by beating me. I’m sorry for my imperfections,” she managed, breathing heavily. “Please Master, beat me again.” “Alright, little slave, since you ask so prettily, I will.” He always knew when to keep going. The paddle descended again and again as he beat her a dozen more harsh stinging blows. This time she forgot to say, “Thank you Master” for the first blow but he gently reminded her.

  When he stopped paddling her she said without any prompting, “Thank you for giving me such a good beating. Please beat me again.”

  “I will, my greedy little slave, but not now,” her Master told her quietly. She felt him kiss her on top of her head. “You may stand up.”

  He gently removed her blindfold for the first time. She gasped as she looked around the room. It was obviously a dungeon; there was no other word for it. It was set up in a basement. Her new Master stood in front of her; he was tall and well built, dressed in black leather. His face was covered by a mask but she could tell he was muscular and had blue eyes. She had the impression that he was very handsome. Next to him, dressed in black silk and wearing a black mask was a woman. She was short and had red hair and bright green eyes. The Master spoke into the air, “How did you like that?” The question seemed directed behind her. She was shocked to hear his mistress’ voice reply, “I thought it was great. Did the slave enjoy it?” Her Master said, “You may reply.”

  “I’m not too sure, it was too strange and I was so scared. It really hurt too, but at least it wasn’t as bad as I feared,” she replied softly.

  “You may lie on the bed; you have no duties until dinner. I will ring for you to come serve me and then you will be fed. I will require your assistance to bathe, then that will be all until bedtime. You do remember what I said to do at bedtime?” “Yes, Master.” She lay down on the bed.

  “Now it’s time for my second slave to come forward.” The Master’s voice was harsh and commanding.

  Sharon was surprised to see her lover, Alan, step into the room. He was nude except for a g-string. He did not have on a blindfold. Without hesitation he placed himself in position for a beating. This time the Master did not start easily. He used a larger, heavier paddle which he swung hard and fast, so fast that her lover had a hard time thanking the Master for each blow.

  When he finished the paddling and her lover requested more, the Master refused, saying that he would ring for both of them at dinner time. He left her lover tied to a ring set high into the concrete wall, his feet barely touching the hard concrete floor.

  She lay on the bed, gently rubbing her tender bottom and looking at her lover. She saw his bright red buttocks and realized that she was enjoying the feeling of having a shared experience; she had even enjoyed watching him being paddled.

  “Did you really enjoy watching me get paddled?” she asked out loud, forgetting that she was forbidden to speak.

  Immediately a door opened and the Master strode in. “You spoke; you are a bad slave!” She was shocked. “Please punish me, Master.” “I will, but I will not beat you this time.” He tied her to the wall with her hands stretched above her head. “You may thank me for my mercy.” “You are truly merciful, Master. I thank you,” she whispered.

  Just about the time her arms started to ache, a man dressed in a tuxedo came in and untied her lover and then let her down. He instructed them to follow him, explaining that he was the Master’s butler for the weekend.

  “My name is Randy. My duties for this weekend are to direct you in how to serve the Master and occasionally to give you the morning or evening spanking if the Master directs me to do so.” Seeing the surprise on her face, the butler said, “You have my permission to ask me a question.” “Did he buy your services at the auction too?” she asked.

  “No, little slave.” The butler smiled ruefully. “I lost a football bet.” The butler introduced them to the cook, a lovely blond named Christie who gave them their serving costumes. Sharon was given a lacy white apron with a see-thru bib to wea
r over her gstring, and a lacy cap. She was instructed to put her hair up, then put on the tiny cap. Alan was given a tuxedo jacket and a black bow tie to wear with his g-string. The butler directed them on their duties in serving meals to the Master, his lady and his guests.

  It was strange serving dinner to four people who were all wearing masks, but Sharon tried to do a good job.

  As she served the hot soup the female guest remarked, “Your new slave is beautiful. She has a lovely behind. May I spank her?”

  “Of course, my slave is yours to torment.” He smiled before he instructed the slave, “Do not put the soup down, just walk over to the right side of the lady’s chair and ask her to spank you very hard, then turn your back to her and lean slightly forward, sticking your butt out. You will be spanked by the lady. If you spill as much as one drop of soup you will also be severely beaten by the butler after dinner. When she is done spanking you, you will thank her for her time and effort and continue serving the soup without any further comment.”

  She followed her Master’s instructions, walking over to the lady and saying, “Please madam, would you give me a very hard spanking?” The little slave was surprised that the lady did not answer immediately. Instead the guest reached out and stroked her cheek then trailed her hand gently down the slave’s body. The lady then slid her hand around the slave to glide gently over the slave’s buttocks. All this was shocking to the slave, who had never been touched by a woman.

  “Yes, indeed I will,” the lady finally replied. “I will give you the spanking you deserve.”

  Awkwardly the little slave turned around and leaned slightly forward, timidly sticking her behind out. “It’s a great honor that the lady wants to punish you, little slave. Please give her a good target,” her Master said. “Stick your behind well out, and be proud of it.”

  The little slave complied as best she could. Immediately the woman began spanking her with quick, loud slaps. The spanking was fairly hard but it was fast, and all the spanks landed on one cheek. Soon she paused and looked at the male guest; he shook his head smiling, and she continued onto the other cheek. The little slave fought hard not to spill any soup, and to her relief she succeeded.


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