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A Wife For The Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Brides Book 3)

Page 5

by Natalie Kristen

Lisha finished shelving the books and walked out from between the tall, crammed bookshelves. There were already quite a few people in the library, poring over books and magazines.

  Lisha narrowed her eyes at two beefy, brawny men sitting at the end of a long table. They were wearing large, horn-rimmed spectacles with no lenses and they kept stealing glances at her. They nudged each other as she approached and hurriedly hunched their muscular shoulders over a big stack of paperbacks in front of them. Lisha glanced at the books. The covers all featured brooding shirtless hunks clutching limp, swooning females in their arms.

  When she walked past them, the two men fidgeted and sank lower into their chairs. She saw that they were holding the books upside down in their meaty hands and were flipping the pages randomly.

  She cleared her throat as she walked very slowly and deliberately behind them.

  One of the men turned to peer at her over the top of his fake glasses and hurriedly ducked back behind his book when his companion elbowed him and hissed, “Lie low, Jason!”

  Jason made a complaining sound and picked up another romance novel and opened it. She heard him chuckle as he pointed out a passage to his friend. What poor Jason received for his trouble was a slap upside the head.

  Lisha pursed her lips and huffed out a breath. Then she went and gathered some landscaping books and magazines from the shelves and marched back to Jason and his friend.

  They stiffened when she stopped beside their table and placed the books and magazines in front of them.

  “Here, I thought maybe you'd enjoy these more,” she offered.

  Grimacing, the two burly men emerged from behind their steamy romance novels and stared at her.

  “Um, thank you Ma’am,” Jason stammered.

  “It's Lisha. But you know that already.”

  Their eyes widened and they began to protest their innocence.

  Lisha put up a hand. “I know you're Nightfire bears. And I know you're on babysitting detail.”

  The two men blinked at her. “We're not babysitters,” Jason sputtered at last. “We're bodyguards! And we're just...”

  “You're just here to check out some landscaping books and men's magazines,” Lisha smiled. They were here to protect her when they would much rather be out in the sun working and joking with their team. She wouldn't make it difficult for them. “Of course. The library has a great collection. I'll be within your sights, so just let me know if you need any help.”

  They looked both guilty and relieved. They laughed nervously as they exchanged glances. “Thank you, Ma’am!”

  “Call me Lisha,” she repeated, offering her hand. “I'm Brad's mate, so...we're clan, family.”

  The men stood immediately. “I'm Bruno. This is Jason. And yeah, we've heard about you. We're real glad to meet you.”

  “I'm happy to meet you too.” She let them pump her hand enthusiastically. “I've only just met Cole, Dalton and Tony this morning. I haven't met the rest of the clan yet.”

  Bruno and Jason grinned. “The rest of the guys are at the work site, putting the final touches to a landscaping project. But they're all so excited when they heard Brad has found his mate.”

  “But we got to come here and meet you first,” Jason crowed.

  “Don't worry, I'll chew Brad's ass for pulling you off the project and sending you to this outpost,” Lisha promised.

  They chortled. “You'll have to chew Cole's ass too. It was Brad's idea, but it was our Alpha who gave us the order. can start your ass-chewing in a minute.” Bruno jerked his chin and announced gleefully, “Brad's here.”

  Lisha turned around and saw Brad push through the library doors and walk towards them. He was wearing ripped jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt that showed off his toned, muscular arms. There was a sheen of sweat on his skin, and his books were caked with dirt. He had probably just rushed to the library from the work site to relieve poor Bruno and Jason from their humdrum babysitting duties.

  Brad stopped short when he saw them. “Why are you wearing...” He gestured at their ridiculous lens-less spectacles.

  “It was Bruno's idea. He said we should try to blend in.” Jason made a face.

  Lisha laughed. “Not everyone who comes in to the library wears glasses. Look around. There are men, women, children, grannies, hunks, babes...”

  “Babes? Where? Where?” Bruno and Jason perked up and craned their necks.

  Lisha smiled and glanced at a corner table where a group of silver-haired little old ladies were reading and whispering together. They called themselves the Book Babes, a book club the came in every other day.

  Brad chuffed and ordered his men out. “I'm here, so you're off duty now. Get your asses back to the work site.”

  “Yes, boss!” They grinned and made a beeline for the exit.

  Brad turned to face her. “Those two suck at undercover work,” he deadpanned.

  “Actually, they're pretty good. Blame these.” Lisha indicated the romance novels strewn on the table. “These gave them away.” Brad peered at the suggestive covers curiously. “I've never seen anyone devour so many romance novels in one sitting.”

  “Hmm.” He picked up a book and turned it over. “Do you read these?”

  “Yeah. I love a good romance.” Lisha collected the books and stacked them onto the trolley. “Books, coffee and it's a perfect weekend.”

  Brad made a non-committal sound as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and followed her around the library. “I don't read much,” he blurted out at last. “I prefer the outdoors.”

  Lisha started and turned round. “Oh, everyone likes different things...”

  “I know, but” He frowned, searching for the right words. “I want us...” He took a deep breath and said, “I want us to work out. I want you—to be happy...with me.”

  Lisha blinked repeatedly, staring at the tall, rugged man in front of her. He was a big, strapping male, co-owner of a successful landscaping business and a leader in an influential bear clan...yet here he stood before her, baring his heart to her. He cared for her deeply, and her interests and happiness were of paramount importance to him.

  If Lisha were the swooning type, she would have dropped to the floor in a delirious faint. She felt like the heroine in one of those steamy, touching romance novels. Only this wasn't a fairy tale. This was...real. And her man was way hotter than any of those dark, brooding heroes she'd read about. He was strong and sweet, tough and vulnerable, honest, protective and sexy as hell.

  Lisha walked towards him, closing the distance between them. It was late morning, and there weren't that many people in the library at this time. But it felt as though for a breathless moment they had dropped out of time and space, and they were the only people in this quiet, shimmering universe.

  “Brad, you are the perfect man for me. My tiger was right to mark you. I want you, and I choose you. I am happy with you. I love you.”

  She stood on her toes and kissed him. With a quiet sigh, she stepped back and gazed at her mate. How she wished she could have brought Brad home to meet her dad. Her father would have loved Brad, and he would have given them his heartfelt blessings.

  “Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong?” Brad said softly.

  Lisha shook her head mutely, unable to speak.

  “You're thinking of your parents, aren't you?” he said very gently.

  “Yeah, I just...”

  “It's okay. I know it's painful right now. At this time, when you think of your parents, you remember your loss. But gradually, you won't feel the heartache and the sorrow any more. You'll feel pride, gladness and love when you think of them. You'll leave the darkness behind. You'll take only what is real and good with you. The happy memories, the laughter, the love. They'll be in your heart forever.”

  She reached up and touched his face. “My parents would have loved you.”

  “I know. I feel their love through you,” he smiled. “They're good, bra
ve people.

  Lisha's smile grew. “You know, I fell in love with you when you rescued me as a big, brown, snarling bear.” She paused, and whispered, “I'm still falling. With every beat of my heart.” Reaching up, she cupped his strong, stubbled jaw. “And it seems, you're still rescuing me.”

  “Lisha...” Brad slanted his lips over hers. His strong arms encircled her waist and drew her closer to him. He kissed her passionately, hungrily, letting her feel how much he desired her. Lisha moaned and clung to his shoulders, kissing him back with equal fervor.

  She could feel his hard body against hers, his growing erection pushing against her belly.

  “Brad,” she rasped against his mouth. “We're in the library.”

  “I know,” he muttered. “And I think you know all the secret, private spots in the library.”

  “Brad,” she gasped.

  “You are the librarian.” His lips curved playfully. “A very good, naughty librarian.”

  He was about to grab her again when his phone beeped and she felt it vibrate in his pocket. Brad gave her a quick kiss and stepped outside to take the call.

  When he came back into the library, he was wearing a frown on his face.

  “Something's cropped up at the work site, right?” Lisha said before Brad could open his mouth.

  “Yeah. It's just...”

  Lisha shook her head. “Don't worry about me.” She glanced at her watch, and shrugged. “I need to go grab a bite anyway. It's almost lunch time. Go take care of your business. Off you go now. Shoo!”

  He hesitated. “I'll be here when you get back,” she smiled. “See you later. I...I love you, Brad.”

  Brad stared at her, his eyes burning with passion and love. He spun round and snatched her up, lifting her off the ground. “I love you, Lisha. I love you very much! And I will love you all my days and make you happy all your days!”

  Lisha blushed as she heard some oohs and ahhs from the nearby tables. The little old ladies, or the Book Babes as they called themselves, were giggling and grinning at them.

  “My Howard, bless his soul, used to spin me around like that,” one of them sighed. “This is so romantic!”

  The Book Babes chuckled and began egging Brad on. “Spin her around again, son. Women love that!”

  By the time Brad put her down, Lisha was completely dizzy and breathless. She waved to Brad as he sprinted off and let the excited Book Babes draw her into a scintillating and titillating discussion about who the most romantic hero of all time was.

  At the end of the fevered discussion, Lisha was a fully initiated Book Babe. Seeing how knowledgeable and passionate she was about romance novels, they'd invited her to join their book club.

  Without hesitation, she'd said yes.


  Lisha swallowed the last mouthful of egg sandwich and brushed the crumbs off her blouse. Leaning back on the park bench, she picked up the paper cup beside her and sipped her coffee.

  Her lunch break was almost over, and she should be getting back to the library soon. But it was a lovely day to be out. There hadn't been much sunshine for the past few weeks, but today the sunlight sparkled through the trees and danced and winked on the ground. After a period of gray and gloom, it seemed the sun was finally coming out again.

  Lisha looked around the beautiful park and inhaled the fresh, fragrant air. Brad was right. The darkness would leave, and there would be love and laughter in her life once more.

  With a relaxed mind and a sated stomach, Lisha began to daydream. She knew that she would build a very happy home with Brad, and he would be a wonderful husband and father. In her mind, she saw them rolling on the lawn with a bunch of laughing, lively young kids. They were going to have lots of rambunctious, ferocious cubs. Lisha chuckled. What would their cubs be called, bigers, tibears or…?

  Lisha started and shook her head hard. She was getting way ahead of herself. They weren't even married yet and she was thinking of their babies. Lisha let out a sigh. She missed having a family and a home so much. Was it wrong to yearn and crave for some stability and love in her life?

  Throwing her paper bag and cup in the bin, she began to walk back to the library. She crossed the road quickly and was about to run up the front steps of the library when goosebumps erupted over her skin and the hairs at the back of her neck rose in warning. Lisha's heart stuttered. She had felt this odd chill only once before. When she'd glimpsed that black car gliding silently up the street towards her house just seconds before her dad was shot.

  Numb with horror, she froze for an instant before instinct took over. Lisha threw herself to the ground and rolled.

  A silver bullet ricocheted off the stone steps and grazed her cheek. She hissed at the searing pain and slapped her hand to her cheek. Her cheek felt like it was on fire, like her skin had been burned off.

  She scrambled up, her eyes wide and alert. She saw him immediately. Mack Kross.

  Bile rose up her throat. Mack Kross had broken out of jail. Or the people he worked for had gotten him out of jail. Those crime lords had a wide reach, and there might be prison officials on the take.

  She knew that he would come after her. He had tracked her down, across the towns and cities, hunting her relentlessly with vengeance on his mind.

  Mack was sitting behind the wheel of a black sedan across the road, looking down the barrel of a gun at her. His thin lips curved in a sneer as he traced the long, jagged scars on his face. Lisha spat out the taste of ashes on her tongue. Her dad had scarred Mack, but she wished he had maimed and blinded the brute instead. An eye for an eye. There was a certain savage beauty in that kind of justice.

  Lisha glanced around. The road in front of the library was largely devoid of traffic, so very few cars zoomed by. The library was tucked away in a quiet little nook at the edge of town. It was a safe, peaceful place. Until now.

  Those flat gray eyes took aim once more.

  “Oh, there you are, Lisha! We were looking...”

  The door of the library burst open, and Edith and Daisy, two of the Book Babes, came trotting happily towards her.

  “Get down!” Lisha yelled. She flew up the steps and threw herself at them.

  “What on earth…oh, lordie!” they exclaimed as Lisha shielded them with her body. Another silver bullet whizzed past. Edith's handbag clattered to the ground and vomited the colorful contents of its stomach all over the library steps.

  “A shooter!” Daisy gasped. “Oh, the audacity! He's just shooting at us in broad daylight. I'll teach him a lesson. Shooting at nice old ladies, hmph! Let me at him.”

  “Daisy! Don't…!” Lisha tried to pull her back, but Daisy had wriggled free from the heap. In a blink, Daisy dropped on all fours and shifted to a hyena.

  Lisha gaped at the sprightly, spunky werehyena. She should have guessed that some of the Book Babes were shifters. Daisy had a high-pitched, infectious laugh, and the rest of the Book Babes were always shushing her and telling her not to laugh like a hyena. Well, of course she would laugh like one. She was one.

  Lisha twisted round and saw that Mack had his gun trained on Daisy. Lisha made a strangled sound at the back of her throat. She doubted that Daisy would be faster than a speeding silver bullet.

  Wrath and pain boiled over in Lisha's chest. She had watched her father die. She would not stand and watch an innocent, sweet, elderly werehyena be pumped full of silver bullets.

  She wouldn't let anyone harm a hair on these sweet, kind women. She had been lying low all this time, keeping out of trouble. But now trouble had come looking for her. And these lovely Book Babes were caught in the cross hairs of a cold-blooded killer.

  In a flash, Lisha pushed herself up and ran straight at Mack. His cruel, pale eyes flicked to her but his gun was still aimed at Daisy. He smiled as his finger tightened on the trigger. Too late.

  He wanted her to watch Daisy die. And then to die a second later with the knowledge that Daisy's blood was on her ha

  Lisha roared. No!

  Just for a breath, her vision blurred before sharpening acutely. There was a spasm of searing, screaming pain as all her nerves pulsed and contracted before exploding in a wave of molten heat. Lisha felt her body contort and jerk in mid-air as she flew towards Mack.

  Despite the shocking sensations wracking her body, Lisha kept her eyes on Mack, zeroing in on her target. She had to keep going. She had to reach him, before he shot Daisy. Straining and stretching, Lisha aimed for that murderous hand with the gun.

  Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, but in the space of a few heartbeats, Lisha had reached Mack.


  A roar exploded and long, razor sharp teeth clamped down on Mack's wrist. Lisha saw her own reflection in Mack's wide, shocked eyes.

  Her tiger had emerged at the scent of its enemy. She had shifted, for the very first time.

  She was a weretiger, and not just any tiger.

  She was a rare white tiger, just like her dad.

  Lisha tasted blood in her mouth and she bit down harder. Mack shouted and a shot went off. There was a cry and Lisha whirled round to see Daisy crumple to the ground and shift back to human. Daisy was clutching her leg, a silver bullet lodged in her thigh. Edith ran to her and began to call for help.

  “You bastard!” Daisy shook her fist at Mack as Edith held her up.

  There was a squeal of tires as Mack wrenched his bleeding arm out of Lisha's mouth and threw the car into gear.

  As Lisha gave chase, she heard Daisy holler after her, “You get him good, Lisha. You're a tiger! Go girl! He's heading towards Lake Street!”

  Even in her agony, Daisy found the strength and gumption to yell directions to Lisha. The old girl sure had fight. Lisha growled as she sprinted down the street. She wouldn't let Daisy and the Book Babes down. She was one of them. This was her town, her home, and Mack had no right to bring death and destruction to this little town.

  Lisha ignored the screams and shouts from pedestrians and motorists, and simply concentrated on avoiding oncoming traffic. She caught up with Mack and ran alongside his speeding car. Mack scowled at her and tried to ram the car into her side. Lisha twisted away and almost ran headlong into the path of a truck. Horns blared, people cursed and a siren began to wail in the distance.


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