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SINdicate: A BT Urruela FanFiction Novel: Cerberus MC Book 1.5

Page 10

by Marie James

  My blood runs cold when the knowledge that a ‘new guy’ is coming in. I pray Vito has issued the warning I’m certain has been given to the other guys. That’s the only reason why they’ve stayed away from me and don’t bother me too much. Every once in a while one of the guys will make comments or try to ‘persuade’ me to take them back to my room, but they back off when I tell them no.

  My eyes almost bug out of my head when I see no other than BT-fucking-Urruela walk through the door. I’m saddened immediately upon seeing him when Vito’s words and his face makes me realize that this man is much like my father. Even worse, if he’s working for the SINdicate. I’m not going to pretend I know BT even a little bit, but I never expected this.

  Just before I say something I see him make eye contact with me. A quick shake of his head tells me to keep my mouth shut, and I’m hoping the way I’ve perceived the situation is not what it actually is.

  “I want that one,” he says to Vito pointing directly at me.

  Vito smiles but shakes his head when he realizes who BT just pointed at. “She’s off-limits, Cock.”

  I see relief flash across his face. Hopefully he doesn’t think I’ve been here for a week plus having sex with the male members of the SINdicate.

  “What do you mean I can’t have her?” BT questions him. “You said an array of pussy guaranteed to be a sure thing.”

  “She’s not active just yet,” Frankie says as he grabs a brunette by the hand and they disappear down the hallway.

  I stand from the couch. “I’ll do it,” I tell Vito. He raises an eyebrow at me, clearly shocked by my acceptance of the situation. I give him a casual shrug of my shoulder. “I have to start paying it back at some point, right?”

  A huge smile splits Vito’s face as he slaps BT on his back. “Looks like you get the maiden SINdicate voyage on sweet Avi.”

  I watch as BT sneers at Vito, but he masks it quickly. I watch as Vito angles his head at Darby. She pops off the couch like she’s won a trip to Disneyland and saunters up to him. He jerks her arm apparently not feeling the excitement she’s displaying.

  I watch as they walk away. “Have fun, Cock,” Vito says over his shoulder. “You only got an hour or so.” They disappear behind Darby’s closing door.

  I reach out and take his hand, pulling him to my room.

  I close us into my room and before he can open his mouth to explain just what the fuck he’s doing here, I jump in his arms. I’m crying and sobbing against his chest as he holds me tight. His calming arms around me and his whispered voice soothes me immediately.

  “Fuck,” he whispers with his lips against my forehead. “I was afraid I’d never see you again.”

  Long minutes go by before I’m able to speak, and he’s patient with me. Not once does he grill me about what’s going on or judge me.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask my voice still cracking from my sobs.

  He tilts my head back and looks in my eyes. “I’m here for you, Aviana.” He releases his hold on me and takes my hand. “Come on,” he says tugging me to the door.

  “Wait,” I say and plant my feet.

  “Wait?” He asks, clearly confused. “I need to get you out of here. Security is limited right now.”

  “Do you have one of the cards?” I ask, hopeful. He shakes his head, and I frown. “We can’t get out of here without one.”

  “I’ll go snap Vito’s neck if I have to and use his,” he says as if killing someone to rescue me is as simple as picking which jeans you want to wear for the day.

  “What about the other girls?” I ask. Darby is in the room with Vito, and she may have wanted to leave yesterday when she thought Vito was done with her, but that may have changed now that he’s back in there with her now.

  “We can grab them when we leave,” he says placing his hand on the doorknob again.

  “You don’t understand, BT. They take girls from here and put them in a place they call The Cat House. They make those women into prostitutes, forcing them to sell themselves on the street.” I explain.

  “Fuck,” he mutters and rubs his hand over his hairless face. I almost didn’t recognize him when I first saw him. It was the magnificent brown eyes I’ve been dreaming about that looked back at me and I knew him instantly.

  I pull him by the hand and sit down on the bed, smiling lightly as he sits beside me.

  “How are you even here?” I ask.

  He clears his throat before he begins to speak. “You were gone for days. No class. No answer to the dozens of text messages. I was losing my shit. I figured out where you lived.” He looks off into the distance for a brief second. “Your dad was in your apartment.”

  “My dad?” I interrupt.

  He nods. “He’s… he’s not well at all.”

  “He’s a junkie,” I tell him. “Has been for years. I don’t ever talk to him. He only calls when he thinks I have money to spare. You saw my apartment,” I say with shame. “You know I don’t have extra money lying around.”

  “He was there, strung out. I didn’t hurt him, but I was forceful enough that he gave me enough info to let me know you were taken by the SINdicate, and they were in Vegas.”

  “And how did you get to where Vito is bringing you here to get laid?” I know he can hear the bitterness in my voice.

  “Jealous?” he asks sweeping a finger down my cheek.

  “No,” I answer, which is a lie. I am jealous, and it’s a new feeling for me. Men usually don’t get this type of reaction out of me. I’m usually the one pushing them away.

  “Liar,” he says softly and kisses my forehead. “I didn’t get into any of this to get laid, Aviana. I told you we needed to wait in Tampa. Why would I jump at some used up women in a fucking brothel?”

  His question is serious. There’s no bitterness or anger in his tone. “Please answer the question,” I say trying not to lose focus on the current situation, but the more he touches me and the softer his voice gets, the harder it is to focus on what we really need to be discussing.

  “I went to their casino and pretended to be drunk and down on my luck. Your dad told me they sought him out, that he didn’t go to them looking to borrow money. They did the same with me. Took me down an elevator and had me sign a contract and threw twenty grand in my face.” He laughs lightly. “I blew that money before I walked out that night. I knew they were watching me. I baited them, hoping for an in. I didn’t know exactly how that was going to happen, but they crashed into my motel room after I begged for more time to pay them back, and took me. Their big boss offered me a job as sort of a recovery agent.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I’ve pretty much become a goon for the SINdicate. I go out and take money off of guys who owe them. The whole organization is pretty fucked up. Loads more going on than I initially realized.”

  “What do we do now?” I whisper.

  “I hate to even ask this of you,” he shakes his head. “First, tell me what it’s like here. You seem healthy. Are they hurting you? Making you do things…”

  I place my hand over his mouth and shake my head no. “I have ten days before the extension they gave my dad is up. The guys that come in look at me and ask if I want to do things with them, but they leave me alone when I tell them no.

  He nods but swallows roughly.

  I continue, “Vito has offered me a contract to stay here and work off my dad’s debt.”

  He stands from where he was sitting on the bed. “Over my dead, goddamned body,” he roars.

  Chapter 20


  “You didn’t let me finish,” she stammers.

  I can’t help the clinching of my fists at my sides. If they think she’s going to stay here and be forced to fuck guys to pay off her dad’s fuck-up, I couldn’t care less about the other women. She’s my number one concern at the moment.

  “I told him I’d never do that,” she finishes.

  “But you just walked in here with me. They’re going to think you’re free game
from now on. Aviana, I can’t walk out of here knowing they’re going to hurt you like that.”

  She shakes her head back and forth. “That’s not how it works. The women here are under contract to service,” she crinkles her nose, “the men. If they don’t want to, the men choose another woman. I’ve never seen one of the girls say no and get forcefully taken anyways.”

  Her information calms my frazzled nerves to a degree but not completely. I stop the pacing across the room I didn’t even realize I was doing and sit beside her on the bed again.

  “What do you suggest I do?”

  “Leave me here and figure out where they are taking the other women.” Deadpan. Matter of fact. Leaving no room for question. I shake my head no almost violently.

  “I can’t do that,” I tell her. “When I leave this evening, you’re coming with me.”

  “We have to save the other girls, BT.” I squeeze my eyes shut. As much as I hate the idea, I know she’s right. We can’t just scoop her up and take off. The SINdicate would just track her down again. The only way either one of us can be safe is to take down the whole organization.

  I have no fucking clue how to do that, but by the look in her eye, she won’t take anything less than our best effort.

  “You are so fucking resilient. I’m in awe of you,” I say softly placing my hand on her cheek and kissing her forehead again.

  The woman before me is willing to stay in this place, relinquishing her freedom for as long as it takes to rescue other women she doesn’t even know.

  She reaches up and places her small hand over mine and another against my chest.

  “Aviana,” I whisper and tug her face to mine as she looks into my eyes. They flutter closed just before my lips meet hers.

  Kissing the woman I never thought I’d lay eyes on again is the most surreal moment of my life. This moment, not swearing into the Army at MEPS, not boarding the plane at eighteen to head to basic, not lying in the sand after the explosion not knowing whether I would live or die. This moment.

  The fight against her safety versus the chance to rescue others rages in my head, competing with the blissful feeling of her mouth on mine. I do my best to drown out the part of my brain that’s telling me to grab her and run. Realistically, I know I have to destroy this organization before she’ll ever be completely safe, but walking out of here and leaving her behind will be the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do, and that’s saying a lot because I’ve had to make some really fucking hard decisions after the explosion in the desert.

  The sweep of her warm tongue over mine coaxes me to let the other problems rumble quietly in my head and put the majority of my focus on her. I release her face and wrap my arms around her waist. Tugging her closer to me, I never pull my lips from hers. She reaches up and fists my hair in both of her hands, the sensation on my scalp arrows desire straight to my cock fighting the zipper on my jeans.

  I pull my mouth from hers a fraction and rest my forehead on hers, our panting breaths mingling.

  “I miss your beard,” she says softly running her hand over my shaved face.

  “Me too,” I tell her not opening my eyes. “It’ll grow back,” I promise.

  She tilts her mouth closer to mine, and I can feel the brush of her kiss swollen lips on mine.

  “I need to make you come,” I say from out of nowhere. “They think I’m in here having sex with you. They’ll suspect something if you don’t look satisfied.” I can’t help but feel like an asshole for the words I’ve just spoken. I can’t think of a better way to get my mouth on her while my brain is fried with passion.

  “That so?” She pulls her head back from mine and looks in my eyes. I can tell by the look on her face that she’s amused by my reasoning. I can also tell she knows I’m full of shit. She leans in closer but tilts my head to the side. She licks and nips my jaw, making her way closer to my ear. “And just how did you intend to act out your plan?”

  I groan as she takes my earlobe between her lips and sucks, her teeth gently scoring the flesh erotically.

  “Do you want me to explain or do you learn better with a hands-on experience?” I ask softly.

  “I retain more information with hands-on experience,” she says breathily, moaning in my ear when I cup her ass and pull her against my chest.

  The action has her straddling me on the bed. I know this is a crazy situation. She’s been kidnapped; I’m being forced to work as an enforcer for the SINdicate, and yet all I can think about is laying her back and putting my mouth on every single inch of her flesh she’ll allow. If the grinding of her hips on my erection tells me anything, she wants it just as bad as I do.

  “Are you sure?” I need to make for certain this is something she wants and not something she feels forced or coerced into doing.

  She nods her head and kisses me fiercely. I stretch out a hand and lower her to the bed, my body staying against hers. The last thing I want is to lose this connection with her. It will end all too soon as it is.

  I sweep hair off of her cheek and look down into her beautiful face. She’s stunning even as a captive with no makeup. Her hazel eyes are bluer than green in this light, and even though I could get lost in her eyes all night, my body tells me to focus on other things.

  How I’m going to leave her once I’ve had a taste of her, I’ll never know. I kiss down her neck and cup her breast in my palm. Her light moans and soft whispers nearly make me come undone. I slide her tank top up her milky white skin, never taking my eyes away as I expose inch by inch of her flesh. The fact that she’s not wearing a bra becomes evident when her pert dusty-rose colored nipples are uncovered.

  Hunger grows deep in my gut as I lean in with as much control as I can muster and wrap my lips around one hardened nub. I breathe deep through my nose as she arches her back, pressing her perfect breast further into my face. Her fingers dig into my back, and her legs wrap around my waist. I could come in my jeans right now if I thought about it long enough.

  Releasing my shoulder from her curled fingers, she tugs my t-shirt up and grips my bare flesh. Not wanting to miss the feel of her skin against mine, I reach down and pull my t-shirt completely off and toss it to the floor. I settle my body back over hers, stomach to stomach and kiss her mouth again.

  “I never should’ve let you leave that night,” I say against her mouth.

  “This would’ve still happened. They were waiting for me.” I want to hold her in my arms forever, but we don’t have time for forever right now. My cock twitches in my pants, reminding me of what else I can be doing.

  A gasp, as I grind my hips against hers, is her only answer. Her hands trail lower down my back until they’re clutching my ass inside my jeans. How there’s room for her hands when my cock is taking up so much room in the front, I have no idea. Her nails dig into my skin as she pulls me harder against her.

  “Fuck,” I groan and move my hips back a few inches. She sighs her displeasure at the loss of contact but smiles when my mouth lowers to her breast once again. I nip her flesh and make my way to the band of her sweats. I lick across her stomach just under the band of clothing, which is the only thing separating me from my ultimate destination.

  I watch as chill bumps spread across her skin from the rush of my hot breath. Sliding further down the bed, I grip the sides of her lounge pants in my hands. I look into her eyes one more time, getting permission to take this next step. She nods slightly and lifts her hips a few inches off the mattress, making it easier to tug the fabric free of her body.

  The mouthwatering scent of her arousal invades my brain, shutting down the outside world. The only thing I can focus on right now is getting my mouth on this glorious flesh.

  “Jesus,” I curse seeing her glistening pink flesh for the first time. I use my thumbs to spread open the sexiest pussy I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.

  “BT,” she groans and swivels her hips in a delicious circle. I should correct her, remind her she has to call me Mike, but in this second it d
oesn’t even matter.

  I go for the gusto immediately. I know we don’t have much time, and the last thing I need is to get interrupted. I vow to take my time the next chance I get. Her hips buck up, almost knocking me off the bed. I grin up at her. She doesn’t smile back; I don’t know if she’s even capable of cognizant thought right now. Her eyelids are heavy, her breaths rush out in harsh pants, and she’s biting her lip so hard I’m sure she’ll draw blood any second.

  Wrapping my mouth and lips over her entire center, I suck vigorously. My tongue grazes her swollen clit with soft flutters at first. My own lust and need to feel her convulse against my mouth has me increasing the pressure my mouth has on her.

  “Oh God,” she moans, gripping a handful of my hair. I cut my eyes from the apex of her thighs to her face. I think watching a woman come undone is one of the sexiest, most erotic things a man can ever be involved in. This isn’t about me; it’s only about her, but I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t getting pleasure from pleasing her.

  I begin to suck her clit in earnest. I pulse my tongue against her in rhythm to the grinding of her hips.

  “Fuck,” she whimpers. “This is even better than the dream.” I smile against her body at the knowledge. I’m not even certain she realizes what she just admitted out loud.

  Chapter 21


  His mouth on me is not quite what I remember from my dream. He’s more aggressive than I imagined, but I also miss the scruff of his beard along my flesh. He more than makes up for it when his hand slowly climbs my inner thigh. I’m so wet he enters me easily with two thick fingers. The pleasure he’s giving me is out of this world. I want it to last forever, even though I know it will end soon.

  For the first time in my life, I’m wishing this man would stay with me. I wish he could hold me all night and allow me to wake up in his arms tomorrow. The problem with those thoughts are that I don’t know how much of those feelings are for him specifically or the level of safety I’ve felt since he showed up. I can’t trust anything I feel right now because this situation skews every perception.


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