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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Page 3

by Abshire, Mary

  “But you are.”

  Sure, his cock yearned for her, but his desire ran deeper. Though he’d met Alexandria briefly, he felt something for her he wasn’t sure how to explain.

  “She’s different. I’m not sure how or why, but she is.”

  “Are you serious?” Corey asked, chuckling.

  The look of disbelief mixed with humor roused Greg’s frustration. Clearly his roommate lacked understanding of Greg’s predicament. He turned away from Corey.

  “Just remember, she bites,” Corey said loudly as Greg left the room.

  Greg stayed silent as he headed toward the bathroom. He couldn’t deny the attraction he felt, but it wasn’t lust. The feeling drilled into his heart and soul. Was it love? He couldn’t be sure, but he knew he had to make apologize to Alexandria. The Welcome to the Neighborhood party would give him the perfect opportunity.


  Alexi leaned her back against the front door. She wanted to scream with joy. The movers were gone, finally. It had taken them two and a half hours to unload all her belongings, which included her safe. After a quick inspection of the vans, she wrote a check to them, jotted down the names of their superiors and returned to the confines of her new house. Now she could relax.

  One look at the at the boxes crowding the living room and kitchen told her she had much to do before she could rest. Furniture lay in all the wrong places. Framed pictures leaned against the white walls. Boxes were stacked on top of more boxes. The mess should’ve lowered her spirit, but it didn’t. She felt energized, ready to unpack and organize her house. With sunrise still hours away, she had plenty of time to work on the main floor before retreating to the basement.

  She walked from the entryway and into the living room, her shoes clacking on the hardwood floor. Her high heels had squeezed her toes and pained her feet long enough. She sat on her leather sofa, slipped her shoes off, then rubbed her aching soles.

  A muffled buzzing sound caused her to jerk her head up. She spotted her purse sitting on top of a stack of boxes, where she’d left it after she’d written a check for the movers. Her phone buzzed again and she dashed to retrieve it.

  “They didn’t hack me into little pieces,” Alexi said after she glanced at the identity of the incoming call.

  Cassandra let out a breathy chuckle. “That’s good. Are they gone?”

  “Finally, yes.”

  “And they brought your safe?”

  “Do I sound like I’m ready to kill someone?”

  “No, you sound calm and a bit snarky.”

  “I put my foot down and demanded my belongings in a timely manner or I’d sue their asses.”

  “And it worked? You didn’t threaten to eat them alive?”

  “No, I was nice. I didn’t resort to violence.” If Greg hadn’t shown up, she would’ve flashed more fang and said a few choice words to motivate them. But Greg’s tactics seemed to work just as well. Mr. Watson made a phone call and forty minutes later the second van arrived. The movers worked fast to unload all her property without breaking anything else.

  “Hmm…Did one of them hit on you or something?”

  “No way! I wouldn’t give the time of night to those idiots. And for your information, my good mood is because I’m alone in my new home.”

  “Uh-huh.” She sounded unconvinced.

  Alexi shook her head and headed for the kitchen. “Really, nothing hap–” She stopped a few feet from the center island and stared at the trash can, the same one Greg had given to the movers to clean up the broken pieces of her mirror. The can appeared empty except for the broom sticking out.


  “What? What is it?” Cass asked sounding concerned.

  Alexi paced in the kitchen. The proper thing to do was return the items to her neighbor, but she didn’t want to see him and risk feeling attracted to him again.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Oh, no, no, no. I’m your best friend who loves you more than anyone on this earth. I know when something is wrong or different with you. Confess or I’ll turn psycho bitch and hop on the next plane.”

  Alexi couldn’t stop herself from grinning. Although she’d love her friend to visit, she didn’t want to see the evil side of her.

  “It’s nothing, really. I met my neighbor.”

  “Oh? Which one?”

  “The Peeping Tom.”


  “He tried to flash me.”

  “What? Are you serious?” Her high-pitched tone clearly reflected her surprise.

  Alexi laughed. “No, of course not.”

  “This is exactly what I’m talking about. Something is really off with you. Tell me what happened exactly.”

  Alexi rolled her eyes. “Greg–”

  “His name is Greg?”

  “Well, Gregory, but he said to call him Greg.”

  “Go on.”

  “Greg must have seen the movers break my mirror because he came out with a trash can and broom. He made them clean up the mess.”

  “He made them?”

  “I’d say so. Then he offered his services to me.”

  “He what?”

  “His legal services.”

  “Your Peeping Tom is a lawyer?”

  A handsome one too. “Yes, and I’m certain he’s a werewolf.”

  “Did he flirt with you?”

  “Not really.”

  “So, what did you do?”

  “Nothing. I walked away.” Part of her regretted it, mostly her entire body, but her mind knew better than to let him fool her.

  “Did he say anything? Did he try to stop you?”

  “He said he could help me if I ever needed anything.” Alexi needed a thick, hot penis inside her. Would he give it to her? She was sure he would and it would feel fucking good, but she’d hate herself the next night. Sex wasn’t free.

  “Tell me the truth. Were you attracted to him?”

  Alexi leaned against the center island and rubbed her temple. “He’s good-looking. Large frame. Blue eyes. Dark hair. He has a trimmed beard…”

  “I feel like masturbating.”

  Alexi burst with laughter. “Okay, he’s hot, and smart–”



  “Hot and smart? Sweetheart, you are in big fucking trouble. I think you like him.”

  “I do not!”

  “Maybe you don’t want to admit it, but you do.”

  “I’m smarter than–”

  “Hands down you are extremely intelligent and experienced. But do you know when a man will use you and when he won’t?”

  Alexi walked slowly around the center island, dragging her hand over the smooth countertop. “I’ve yet to meet a man who didn’t want something from me.”

  “Alexi, I love you, but…”


  “He sounds well educated. Be careful.”

  Alexi stopped, her arm outstretched and hand flat on the counter. “Don’t worry. I can handle a brainy werewolf.”

  Cass chuckled. “I don’t doubt it. Call me tomorrow night, after your party.”

  “You know I will.”


  Alexi set the phone on the counter. Gaze lowered, she saw the trash can and broom. She needed to return them. What better time than when he was asleep? She could run over to his house, leave them at the doorstep and not worry about seeing his masculine body. If by chance she did meet his eyes again, she’d return home and find her vibrator. Setting her plan into action, she picked up the broom and trash can, then headed toward the door.

  From her house, she crossed her driveway and stepped onto the lawn. The grass felt cool and soft under feet as she strode from her side to her neighbor’s yard. She stepped onto Greg’s concrete driveway and lights from the sides of the garage illuminated as if they were motion activated. She followed the small path to the front and noticed the home seemed dark and quiet. She guessed he was probably sleeping.

  She stepped onto
the concrete porch and quietly placed the trash can next to the door with the handle of the broom leaning against the brick wall. The home remained silent and dark. Relief began to build within her with her task nearly completed. Now she had to make it back to her place.

  She stepped away from the house but before she reached the end of the porch the handle of the broom skidded over the bricks and made a rugged scraping sound. She spun, quickly grabbed the broom and froze. She hoped the noise didn’t wake Greg.

  Alexi cursed silently at herself. The urgency to leave pressed upon her. If Greg answered the door and invited her in, she might not be able to turn him down. No, not a good idea to see him again in her sex-starved condition. Carefully, she angled the broom handle so it wouldn’t slide again. As she took a step back, she heard movement from inside the home. Footsteps and a beating heart drew closer. Running now would seem rude and she didn’t want to give that kind of impression, so she waited to explain the disturbance.

  Alexi stiffened as she stared at the door and listened to the clicking sound as someone unlocked it. She’d apologize for waking him and promptly leave. Her simple plan would work, unless he appeared in front of her half naked.

  She bit her lip as the door swung open. A stocky man with tussled, sandy-blond hair stood near the frame wearing nothing but boxer shorts.

  “Can I help you?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “I was awake.” He grinned.

  Her gaze lowered. She couldn’t help it. “Do you always answer the door in your underwear?”

  He glanced down at his blue-stripped boxers. “No, not usually. Do you like them?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  Doubt pricked at her mind. Did she have the right house? Though she hadn’t seen Greg walk to or from the home, she believed he lived here. She glanced at the window to the side, and pictured him standing with the curtain in his hand.

  “Does Greg live here?”

  “He’s in bed.” The stranger’s gaze scanned her body from toe to breasts. “Would you like me to get him for you?”

  She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Was Greg gay? Why would this man say he was in bed instead of saying Greg was sleeping? It was a small detail, but one none the less. Come to think about it, Greg had stared deep into her eyes the entire time they conversed. Not once did she notice him looking at other parts of her body as regular men tended to do. But the stranger in the doorway had checked her out. Were they lovers? Guilt slipped into her head. Had she interrupted them?

  Alexi took a step back. “No, that’s okay. No need to bother him.” People’s sexual orientation had no influence on her. She hoped she hadn’t accidently halted their playtime. For another matter, she didn’t want give him any wrong signals.

  “I’m Corey Fleming.” He took a step closer with his arm outstretched.

  She glanced at his hand and for a split-second she hesitated to shake it.

  “Alexandria Cartwright.” Gripping his hand, she gazed in his green eyes and slipped into his mind. Nothing was there. She probed deeper for a memory and found emptiness, similar to what she’d discovered with Greg. She suspected Corey was either a werewolf or warlock and placed her bet on the former.

  “Would you like to come inside for a drink?” He let go of her hand and pointed his thumb behind him, toward the inside of the home.

  The only drink that could quench her thirst was warm blood. Her mouth watered, tempted by the idea of tasting the rich fluid of such a robust man. Then she bit her tongue and pushed the thought out of her mind. For God’s sake, she couldn’t bite her neighbor.

  “No thanks. I came by to bring back the trash can and broom Greg brought over earlier.” She extended her arm toward the items near the door.

  He glanced down and found the items. “Greg told me you were having trouble with the moving company. Were you able to work everything out?”

  “Yes, but I’m still going to contact the owners.”

  “If you need any legal assistance, let me or Greg know. Either one of us can answer any legal questions you have.”

  “Are both of you lawyers?”

  “Greg specializes in child-support law. I work with domestic violence cases. Andy handles burglary and other petty crimes. But we often help people with other issues.”


  “He’s our roommate. You probably won’t see him too much.”

  “Have the three of you lived together for long?” The niggling desire to find out about three men under the same roof overpowered her. Were they all gay? She didn’t want to seem nosey, but she’d never met homosexual or bisexual werewolves or warlocks.

  He reached behind his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “About two years. Greg and I met in law school and have known each other for eight years. We met Andy several years ago after we took jobs at the prosecutor’s office. He introduced us to his pack.”

  “So, you’re all werewolves?”

  “Yeah, lawyers and werewolves.”

  And they were gay or bisexual werewolves too. How interesting and intriguing.

  “I’ll be sure not to cross your property line in a couple of days.”

  He gave her a grin. “Oh, don’t worry, we’re like big, loveable dogs.”

  She pressed her lips together as she pictured just how loveable they would be with their naked, hard and erect bodies. Cass would hop on a plane and visit for sure as soon as she found out. Maybe moving to Midnight Gardens was a good idea after all.

  “I should go.” She glanced down and though she hadn’t intended to peek at his groin, she did. Her cheeks warmed instantly when she spotted the bulge behind his thin cotton shorts. “It was nice to meet you. I’m sorry to keep you awake.”

  She stepped off the porch and with hurried steps she walked away from him. The man had a hard-on. A fucking hard-on. So, he had to be bisexual.

  “Wait,” Corey yelled as she crossed the lawn.

  She stopped and twisted to face him. He stood on the edge of his driveway.

  “Are you going to the Welcoming party?”

  “Of course.”

  “Maybe we can talk more. I’d like to know you better and I know Greg would too.”

  “Sure.” She grinned as she walked backward. Oh yeah, they were lovers, and he’d practically invited her into their bed. Although she was in need of some manlove, she couldn’t fathom a ménage à trois with her neighbors. Not yet, anyway.

  “It was nice to meet you,” Corey said.

  Before he could say another word, she turned and headed for her house. A cold shower would calm her. She hoped. If not, she’d dig out the vibrator from her suitcase.

  She stepped into her home with her bare feet smacking on the hardwood floor. As she closed the door, a touch of sadness pressed upon her heart. In a way, she’d hoped Greg wasn’t gay, bisexual or into group sex. The unusual attraction she’d felt earlier piqued her curiosity, and she wanted to explore it. Part of her wondered if he could be a decent man, someone she could talk to and trust. Someone who wouldn’t use her. Now that she knew the truth, her interest in him had deflated.

  Alexi grinned as she walked away from her door. Her neighbors were lovers. Maybe they wouldn’t be interested in her for sex or financial advice. On second thought, if they were interested in sex with no strings attached she might consider it. She’d take sex with hot, big men instead of a vibrator any day. But first, she’d have to find out more about them before considering getting involved. Too many times in the past, men had used her up and left her. She would never let a man take advantage of her again.

  She picked up her cell phone and hit speed dial for Cassandra. Her best friend would undoubtedly find Alexi’s situation interesting. More than likely, she’d plan a visit soon.

  “What’s on your mind?” Cass asked, cheerful as always.

  “You’re not going to believe what I found out about my neighbors.”


  Greg stood in the middle
of the living room in his white cotton t-shirt and boxers. Half-awake and rubbing eyes, he stared at the open front door. He had just dozed off when he thought he’d heard Alexandria’s voice. At first, he thought he was dreaming. Then he heard Corey speak. The two couldn’t have been together in his dream. That would’ve been a nightmare. Seeking an answer, he rose from the bed and strode down the hall. The door was wide open, but neither Corey nor Alexandria were within sight.

  Greg moved closer to the door as Corey stepped inside with a wide smile on his face. In Corey’s hand, he held the trash can and broom Greg had given to the movers to use. Corey shut the door without noticing Greg. But when he turned to head for the kitchen, he saw Greg and the joyous look on his face quickly vanished.

  “Oh, hi,” Corey said, holding the trash can in front of him. The beat of his heart quickened.

  Greg ambled toward him. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” One of his hands disappeared behind the can. “Nothing at all.”

  Greg took a breath and noticed the scent of sweat. It was light, but enough to raise his suspicions more.

  “Was Alexandria here?”

  “Yeah, she dropped these off. I was awake, so I introduced myself.”

  His roommate avoided Greg’s gaze and he kept the trash can in front of him rather than setting it down. Greg found his behavior curious.

  “Did she say anything?” Greg asked.

  “Not much.”

  “She just returned this stuff and left?”

  Corey gave a speedy nod. “Pretty much.”

  Short answers, fast heartbeat and sweat were all signs of anxiety. The lack of eye contact troubled Greg too. What would cause his roommate to act so oddly?

  The answer came to him fast. Alexandria. Greg had heard Corey talking to her. He’d recognize that soft, seductive voice anywhere. What did he do? What did he tell her?

  Greg noticed Corey’s free hand wedged between the trash can and his body. He grabbed hold of the plastic container and jerked it from Corey’s hand.

  “Hey!” Corey blurted.

  Greg looked down to find Corey’s hand covering his enlarged cock. “What the fuck?”


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