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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Page 28

by Abshire, Mary

  For a moment, she simply stared at him, then tears formed in her eyes. “You would give everything up for me?”

  “Darling, I am gaining everything I want.” He wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek, then kissed her. “Please say you’ll have me.”

  “I don’t want to lose you, ever. But to become a vampire…” She closed her eyes and another tear dribbled down her face.

  “Shh.” He smoothed his hand over her cheek. “We don’t have to talk about this now. It can wait until you’re feel better.”

  “I love you more than anything on this earth. I want you to know that.”

  “I know. The feeling is mutual.”

  He lowered his head on the pillow and breathed in her sweet scent. Until a doctor ordered him to leave her side, he would remain close, keeping her warm and safe.

  Silence drifted for several long minutes. Greg couldn’t determine if Alexi had fallen asleep or not, but her lack of movement seemed to suggest she had. He lay still, his head slightly above hers and his arm resting across her chest. He started thinking about their brief conversation. A part of him feared Alexi wouldn’t want to turn him into a vampire. She was incredibly stubborn when it came to protecting him. Yet, he was more than determined to convince her. His resolve would outmatch hers. He’d make sure of it.


  The time on the dash read 3:26 AM when Greg took the exit ramp to Westport. Alexi sat quietly for the first time since they’d left Chicago. Her visit to the hospital had left a sour taste in her mouth. The treatment had been adequate, but the checkout process took longer than expected. They’d sat at a desk for forty-five minutes while the attendant asked a million and one questions, the majority of which could’ve been avoided if Alexi had brought her identification with her. She’d left her purse at home, leaving Greg to vouch for her. Then the attendant asked about insurance coverage. Alexi never had insurance. Why would she need it since she was immortal? Greg stepped in for her again and offered to cover any expenses with his insurance. The supervisor had to approve and contact his insurance company. Fifteen minutes later, the company denied coverage. The hospital asked for a credit card for payment, but unfortunately neither of them had one. Alexi wasted more time filling out a loan application and going through credit checks. The whole event left her frustrated and ready to curse at every employee. Needless to say, Greg got an earful on the way home.


  She smiled as she stared out the window. So much had changed since she moved to paranormal suburbia. After dealing with the horrible movers, then finding her house burglarized, she thought she would hate Westport. But one person changed everything. Changed her world completely.


  She looked at him as he turned the steering wheel. Watching him warmed her body and soul. They’d been attracted to each other from the moment they’d met, though she’d tried to deny it. He’d worked to gain her trust, her friendship and her love. Her refusal to accept him only made him employ more effort, and in the end, he’d won the battle. She couldn’t say no when she’d learned what type of person he was, a loyal man wanting to help others. Nor could she resist when his lips pressed against hers or his hands touched her body. She’d thought she’d never find someone with such a genuine heart, kindness and steadfast determination to help others. But she had, and now she never wanted to let him go.

  Love was a powerful emotion. Could the feeling last for decades? It did for humans. Could love extend forever?

  During her years with Charles, he’d introduced her to a vampire couple, Elizabeth and Henry. The four of them would go to plays and stay out at night together. The couple had loved each other for two and half centuries. The way they gazed into the other’s eyes, spoke and touched suggested they were still very much in love. Alexi enjoyed spending time with the couple. They gave her hope that she too could find someone special enough. But after Charles had hurt her and she’d left him, she didn’t believe such a decent man existed. How wrong she’d been. Now that she’d finally met the one she wanted to spend eternity with, she wondered if love could last for centuries between her and Greg as it had for Elizabeth and Henry.

  “The P-Day celebration is coming up,” Greg said, bringing Alexi’s attention back to the present. “Have you got any plans?”


  “Would you like to join me in the celebration?”

  “What do you do?”

  “Corey and I typically eat and socialize with the neighbors for a couple of hours. Then, we run for an hour or so. Around midnight, everyone gets together for the fireworks display. Since you had to leave the Welcoming party early, the celebration will give you another chance to mingle with the neighbors. I can introduce you. Most of them really are nice.”

  Alexi smiled. She’d never celebrated P-Day before, so she was excited to see what festivities were going to take place along with the firework show. Spending the joyous event with Greg would make the occasion even more exhilarating. “I’d love to celebrate with you, but don’t change any of your plans for me. I’m sure I can occupy my time while you’re out running.”

  He gave her a playful smile. “You could come watch me run, or we could meet in the woods.”

  Her body tingled with desire as she imaged watching him change and seeing his hard and erect body underneath the stars. He was such a tease. “I’m sure I can find a way to do both.”

  The grin on his face widened. “I’ll make it worth your while.” He turned onto another street, then glanced at her. “I give you my word.”

  Her body warmed, thinking about the fun she’d have with Greg. His word was an unbreakable pledge. He’d proven it by tracking down the thieves and getting her belongings returned to her. What a loyal, loving and courageous man. Spending year after year with him would be a pleasure, but such happiness came with a price. His mortal life.

  As the car approached the neighborhood, a touch of anxiety fluttered within her. To bring him into her world, she’d have to end his life. She’d taken a life by accident once before and it haunted her. Sure, Greg was willing, but it didn’t change the fact that his beating heart within his warm body would stop. And changing into a vampire was not as easy as it sounded. There would be some pain and loss of bodily fluids. The process could take a few days or a week. The thought of seeing the man she loved suffer for even a minute made her stomach churn. How could she lay idle and watch him in agony knowing she was the root of his distress?

  The car passed the Midnight Gardens sign at the entrance. Lights lit the area in front, highlighting the beautiful red, purple and yellow flowers. A few small garden ornaments, including a gnome, added to the decorative appeal.

  “Almost home,” Greg said as he turned into the neighborhood.

  She straightened in her seat as anticipation started to build within her. Home at last with the man she loved and the contents of her safe retrieved. Finally, she could return to a sense of normalcy.

  After steering around all the curves, they’d reached the midsection of the neighborhood. Greg slowed as they passed his house. “Looks like Corey’s asleep.”

  She glanced at the dark home. “Mm hm.”

  He turned the car over the bump at the end of her driveway and the car wobbled slightly. Alexi’s excitement grew. She couldn’t wait to clean up and spend private time with Greg to show her appreciation for all his help. She had a lot of thanking to do.

  Once Greg parked and cut the engine, they were out of their seats and stretching by the side of the car. In the last twelve hours, they’d spent six in a cramped automobile. Alexi promised herself no more road trips for at least a month, if possible.

  The early morning hour made for a quiet setting. Bugs chirped and buzzed. To her surprise, not a single dog barked. Alexi grabbed her bags and the metal box from the back seat. Straightening, she glanced around the neighborhood. Across the street, lights from within Phillip and Justin’s homes glowed through their windows. A few other houses in the cul-de-sac, including th
e one with the witches, appeared to be active with life too.

  Carrying her rustling plastic bags and the box under her arm, Alexi walked around the back of the car and headed for the front of her home. Greg held a slight smile and kept his eyes on her. She stepped on the sidewalk leading to her door and the box underneath her arm slid out. Greg rushed to grab it.

  “Let me help you,” he said, catching the box before it fell. He reached for the plastic bags in her hand and gently took them from her. Such a gentleman.

  She continued on the path and paused when she reached the door. Lifting the oversize pink shirt the nurse had given her at the hospital, she dug into her front pocket to retrieve the key to her home.

  “Have you thought any more about turning me into a vampire?”

  She lowered her head and turned to face the door, delaying her answer. Since he’d mentioned wanting to join her as a vamp, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. Key between her fingers, she slid it into the lock and turned the knob.

  “I have thought about it,” she said, pushing the door open. She took the key from the lock and headed for the living room. Stopping at the coffee table, she set the plastic sacks down.

  Greg shut the door, then came to stand near her. “And what do you think?” He set her belongings on the table.

  She stared into the blue eyes of life, of love, of everything she longed for. Her heart ached, trying to decide what to do. Yes, she wanted him forever, but the voice in her head argued against turning him into a walking corpse. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped when he reached and ran his hand along the side of her face.

  “Listen to your heart, Alexi. We both know we love each other and we’ll be happy.”

  His warm hand and loving gaze heated and aroused her. Of course she wanted to move forward with him in her world, but her mind wouldn’t stop challenging her heart. Maybe it was time to stop thinking so much and listen to Greg.

  Fuck it!

  She tossed her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. Pressing her body and lips to his, she claimed him in a deep, passionate kiss. She wouldn’t fight her needs and wants any longer. The man wanted her and she him. Time to follow her heart.

  Greg responded with hesitance at first, no doubt surprised by her fast response. But the kiss was rich with longing, and he caved within seconds, accepting her tongue, her love and her zealous desire. She held onto him as her life depended upon him. He squeezed his arms around her, keeping her pressed to his solid body. Feeling his cock stiffened against her stomach, erotic zings shot from her breasts to her loins where she was growing wetter by the second. She would have him. Forever.

  She leaped and coiled her legs above his hips. A soft moan mixed with light gasp as Greg caught her. He held her tight, carried her to the sofa and gently kneeled on the cushions while keeping her in his arms. Their tongues frolicked merrily while he slowly laid her on her back.

  Alexi raked her fingers through his soft hair, enjoying the hungry kiss and the feel of his hard body pressed to hers. He slid one hand under the oversize shirt, then tugged on the front of her bra. Anticipation grew as she longed for more. She arched her back slightly, urging him to touch her. Heeding her signal, he covered her exposed breast with his warm hand, placing her erect nipple between his fingers, then squeezed. His warm touch stimulated every nerve in her body, especially the area between her legs.

  Greg’s heart pumped fast while his breaths increased. He broke off the kiss but kept his mouth hovering above hers and tongue between his lips, close to hers. For a moment, he stayed in the same position while catching breaths and groping her one breast in his hand.

  “I will make you happy every night, every week, every month, every year,” he said, staring at her with his blue eyes. “I promise.”

  “I know.” She held his face in her hands. “I can’t think of surviving without you.” She kissed his powerful lips. “I won’t.”

  His fast heartbeat quickened while his lips curled into a smile.

  “I love you, Greg. I trust you, and my heart longs to be with you.”

  He pressed his mouth upon hers and kissed her with fervor until the slam of a car door jerked his head up. Instinctively, Alexi turned her gaze to the front of the house. She sharpened her hearing and listened. The soft taps of shoes on concrete seemed to grow louder with each step. She wondered who would dare visit at such a late hour.

  “Someone is coming.” Greg tucked her breast back in the bra and quickly lowered her top.

  She uncurled her legs from him, allowing him to crawl off her. He rose to his feet seconds before she came to stand next to him. Body stiff, he faced the door like a guardian ready to act at a second’s notice. From the corner of Alexi’s eye, a protruding object forced her gaze down.

  “You might want to try and cover that,” she said, staring at his hard and very lively erection.

  Greg kept his attention focused straight ahead. “Two people are coming toward your door.”

  Alexi turned her gaze to the front. Just when she’d thought everything was going to work out, she’d retrieved her stolen property and agreed to make Greg an immortal mate, something else popped up to interrupt her happiness. And whomever the two people were that had stepped onto her front porch, they could’ve chosen a different time to make an appearance.

  * * * *

  Greg headed for the door as the knock came. Alexi followed close behind him.

  “Let me answer,” she said.

  He made sure he stayed a step ahead of her and when he felt her try to move in front of him, he stepped to the side and bumped her.

  “Greg,” she all but snapped. She pointed at his groin.

  Oh yeah. Too concerned with protecting his mate, he’d forgotten about his erection. He pressed his hand on the outside of his jeans and tried to shift it to make it less noticeable, but it didn’t work and shrinkage was taking too long.

  Another knock sounded from the door.

  “I’ll answer and you stand behind me,” she said softly.

  He didn’t argue with her, not that he had a chance. She’d already slipped in front of him and reached for the handle. Slowly, she opened the door.

  “Ms. Cartwright, may we have a moment of your time?”

  The voice sounded familiar to Greg. He moved closer to Alexi to see around her. Detectives James Rice and Larry Smead from the Nightwatch Team stood side by side.

  “Is it important?” Alexi asked. “It’s late.”

  “This won’t take long,” the werewolf replied, then lifted his eyes to Greg. “Mr. Holmes, I’m sure you and your client will want to hear what we have regarding our murder investigation.”

  Greg’s balled his hands as his anxiety level shot through the roof and quickly gave rise to another emotion. Anger. What could they want now? There was no way possible Alexi was involved with the murder they were investigating. If the detectives thought they could arrest her, there was no way he’d let them.

  He placed his hand on Alexi’s hip. The two detectives couldn’t see it since she held the door partially open. Gently, he tapped his fingers on her, signaling his approval.

  “All right,” she said, and Greg stepped back, out of the way. “Come in.”

  The tall werewolf entered first and Larry followed behind. They headed straight for the sofa.

  Alexi glanced over her shoulder at Greg. She looked down, then up and smiled.

  “After you.” He extended his arm.

  He walked at her side, heading for the two detectives sitting on the sofa. They stopped near the coffee table, facing James and Larry. The werewolf gave Alexi a curious once over.

  “Is that a hospital shirt?” James asked.

  “Don’t answer that,” Greg all but snapped. They’d come to inform them about their investigation, not question Alexi.

  She folded her arms in front of her chest. “It’s late, detectives. What is it you have to share with us?”

  “There was another murder this evening,�
�� Larry, the shorter man said.

  “Last evening,” James corrected as he looked at his partner.

  “Right, within the last twelve hours.” Larry nodded.

  “I’ve been with Ms. Cartwright for the last twelve hours. Therefore she cannot be the murderer.”

  James lifted his palm to Greg. “Calm down, Mr. Holmes. We already know she isn’t.”

  A shot of relief surged through Greg. He was glad they’d ruled Alexi out of their investigation. The news seemed almost too good to be true. “How do you know?”

  “For one thing, DNA samples didn’t match. As for another, we have an eyewitness to the recent murder.”

  “Someone saw the vampire feed and…” Alexi raised her hand to her mouth.

  James nodded. “Yes, she was bitten, but managed to escape and get to safety. Her friend wasn’t so lucky.”

  Greg shook his head in disgust.

  “I’m so sorry for the victim,” Alexi said. “And the family of the one who has passed on.”

  “Both will need counseling. When crimes like this occur, it gives us all a very negative appearance.”

  Alexi lowered her arms. “I agree. I hope you catch the vampire responsible.”

  “Do you have any leads where to find him, assuming it is a him?” Greg asked.

  “It is, and we believe he is staying in the city. The survivor mentioned seeing him once before at a club in Indianapolis. We’ve called in some extra help to look for him.”

  “Was this latest attack in Westport?” Greg asked.

  “Yes,” Larry answered.

  Alexi twisted to face Greg. “It’s a typical vampire move, to feed outside one’s home territory so he or she can’t be tracked. The vampire will then alter the victim’s memories for additional security.”

  “Do you feed outside your local area?” James asked with an eyebrow raised.

  “My feeding habits are different from most. I prefer to…snack instead of filling up. I don’t want to endanger the life of anyone. Human life is precious. I would never take it without consent and without the person knowing what being a vampire entailed.”


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