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Hot for Talia

Page 209

by Julian Bloom

  “Ahhhh fuck I needed that so very badly” groaned Ross as he started to lay back on a pillow.

  Joel seemed to savor the passion of the moment and continued gently massaging until Ross was fully deflated. Then he put his arms around him and held him close until Ross stirred.

  “How was it buddy?”

  “I couldn’t be better. In fact, I’ve never been better.”


  They had a bit more weed, and then slept, Ross in the bed, Joel on the couch. Joel had thought of joining Ross in the bed, but decided that that would suggest a relationship which Joel would have been delighted with, but Ross would have to establish for himself. Joel wanted to keep things, well, almost at a -professional level until asked for something else. They loved each other, but sex and love are not the same thing, and Joel thought of himself as a close friend, not a lover, a more comfortable thing altogether. If tonight’s tutorial was a once off thing, Joel would accept that.

  In the morning, over breakfast, they talked the whole thing through.

  Ross said musingly, “After last night I figure that I can do what you and Tim are suggesting. But, of course, there’s lots more to it than what happened last night, isn’t there.”

  “Definitely. But I’ll be very surprised if anyone Tim has in mind would not force you into anything you didn’t want to do.” Joel, of course, was surer than ever that the client Tim had in mind was Tim himself, but it wasn’t for him to suggest that.

  “Does the fact that I can do it and enjoy it, mean that I’ve been gay all along without knowing it?”

  “No, not at all. If you were basically gay, as close as we’ve been, either you or I would have become aware of it. Despite the buzz, it’s not an either/or situation. Something like 80% of American men have had some sort of gay experience, and prisoners get into gay practice because they’ve no alternative. I figure that’s where you are at the moment. But the other thing about sexual preference is that it’s malleable. What’s true today may not be true tomorrow. Later on, you may feel differently.”

  “I guess I’ll not worry about that until then.”

  “Live for today – that’s the secret.”

  “Well, OK. I’ll phone Tim and tell him I’m doing it.”

  “I don’t think you’ll regret it, frankly. And I admire you for being willing to break out of your cage to help your aunt. Not everybody would.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind if the going gets rough. Thanks for everything.”

  “My pleasure! In more ways than one,’ Joel replied with a grin, giving Ross a hug.

  Ross phoned Tim immediately, not giving himself a chance to change his mind, and Tim invited him to have dinner at his place to make arrangements and, he said, to meet the prospective client.

  Chapter 7

  Tim lived in an exquisitely restored Victorian mansion that had belonged to the town’s founder, a very successful merchant. Typical of such buildings, it was full of light and color…huge windows looking out on spacious lawns, and ceilings painted brightly with intricate designs that echoed the gingerbread that edged the roof outside. He’d spared no expense in finding period pieces to furnish it. It was a masterpiece.

  Ross was awed and delighted by it. Since the night was warm and still, Tim had the table set out in a broad patio behind the house, which was full of bloom and the scent of roses. “I’ve never smelt roses like that,” Ross exclaimed.

  “Unfortunately, roses are being bred without scent these days, because the blooms last longer that way, especially when cut. I had to import most of them, though some of them are cuttings from the original bushes that have been here from the beginning. Would you like a drink? I’ve got most anything, including iced tea, if you’d prefer that.”

  ” I think I would prefer that,” replied Ross. “I need to keep a clear head as we’re going to talk business. At least I think we’re going to talk business.”

  “We are indeed, but food first, business later.” They sat down at the table and Tim pressed a button with his foot, and an elderly waiter came out of the house with bowls of iced cucumber soup with croutons. No client had appeared, but Ross figured maybe he’d turn up after dinner. “I thought cold meats and salad would be right for the evening. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” said Ross, who had almost no experience of cold meals, Aunt Dorothy being a meat, potato and 2 vegetable type. The waiter reappeared and took their bowls, leaving in their stead a huge platter of assorted cold cuts and a bowl of green salad. Ross had never seen most of the meats, but felt shy about trying them all. He chose one or two, but when Tim noticed and urged him to forage further, he did, and piled both his plate and salad bowls high, while boggling over blood sausage and some steak tartare. There was diced fresh fruit for dessert, followed by an assortment of cheese and crackers. Ross, having not expected the cheese, hadn’t really left any room for it, but put a small bite of brie on a Ritz cracker, and wished he could take more.

  Tim kept up the conversation during dinner going, asking many questions about Ross’s life, his preferences, recreations and pet hates. Ross got a few questions in about Tim, but generally felt comfortable talking about himself. He rightly supposed that the meal was like an interview, though it wasn’t in the least ponderous or even serious.

  When they had finished eating, Tim suggested that they go inside as the evening was beginning to be uncomfortably cool, and they had coffee there, sitting at either end of a large sofa.

  When they had finished coffee, Tim said, said, “So you’ve considered trying the life of a male escort.”

  “Yes,” replied Ross with a firmness he didn’t really feel.

  “And you’re comfortable with that decision?”

  “Well,” answered Ross honestly, “not entirely. It’s all pretty new to me, but it looks like the thing to do at the moment.”

  “Are you willing to commit yourself for, say, six months?”

  Ross quailed a little and hesitated, but finally said, “Yes.”

  “What the client has in mind is a full time live in job as an intimate companion. You’d have one free day a week, but not always the same day. All meals would be provided and incidental expenses covered, and you’d have the use of a compact car. In fact, I might let you drive me around some. I assume you have a driver’s license.”

  “I do.” Then in the ensuing pause Ross added, “That sounds too good to be true.” He was too shy to ask about salary.

  “The salary will be generous,” said Tim, answering the unasked question, “but it’s all dependent on your committing yourself for six months, though the arrangement can be cancelled by mutual agreement.”

  “You do understand that I’m entirely uninitiated into the work of a …. male escort.”

  “Yes, and so does the client. In fact, he would be particularly happy to introduce you to it, and train you in it. Do you have any questions?”

  “I don’t think so. Well, hundreds, to tell the truth, probably thousands, but later will do.”

  “So, we’re agreed?” Tim reached out to shake hands.

  Ross hesitated. “Shouldn’t I meet the client before making the final agreement?”

  Tim smiled. “That was careless of me. I forgot that you don’t know…that actually…I’m the client.”

  Ross just stared.

  “I know that I’m not at all attractive, but I think you’d find me a considerate employer.”

  Ross blushed. “No, no, sorry. I’m sure it will be OK. I was just too startled to get my wits together to say anything.”

  “I should apologise. I didn’t really forget. I just didn’t want to present the disadvantage before I’d covered all the advantages. Are you sure you’re fine with me as a client?”

  “I’m certain,” Ross lied. “Totally.”

  “Well then, let’s shake on it.” Tim held out his hand and shook, but instead of releasing, slid over to Ross and put his arm behind his shoulders. “Are you ready for lesson one?”
  Ross wanted to run, but at this point he was on somewhat familiar ground, “YES,” he said, and turned to Tim to allow himself to be kissed, as he relaxed against Tim’s embrace. It was a gentle friendly kiss, with Tim’s lips cuddling Ross’s. His arms began tightening around him in a warm hug. After an extended moment, he withdrew and said. “Ok, that’s lesson one.”

  “A good lession” said Ross, reflecting that he was sorry it had ended. “Just perfect.”

  “I’m glad. Can you be ready to begin your new job on Monday? I’m sure you’ll have arrangements to make before you move in with me.”

  “That’ll be fine.” Ross got up and prepared to leave. Outwardly he was calm, but inwardly there was a maelstrom of conflicting emotions and unasked questions. Except for the kiss, the meeting had been an almost ordinary business meeting. But, wow! Under the surface was a lot more, and he figured it would be a long time before he got to sleep. And it was.

  Chapter 8

  He had just four days to get ready. The chief problem would be what to tell his aunt, and for that he’d need Joel’s advice. He was waiting on the porch for Joel to come home from classes. Hardly waiting for him to get his door unlocked, he was pouring it all out. Joel had trouble stemming the flow, but when he could, he asked, “So what do you think of Tim?”

  “Super guy! He seemed to know what I wanted to ask before I asked it, and know what I was thinking before I got it out. I felt safe with him. I told him I didn’t know anything about the job he was hiring me for, and that obviously didn’t faze him a bit.

  Ross looked at Joel. “You knew he was the chosen client, didn’t you?”

  “I thought it was likely.”

  “You didn’t tell me.”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure. That’s the thing. Are you pissed off?”

  “No, all’s good. Just before I left, Tim kissed me saying it was his lesson No. 1.”

  “How was that?”

  “I enjoyed it!” Almost as much as kissing you!”

  “How did it make you feel?”

  “Super relaxed and just a bit super awake, I suppose I could call it.”

  “So, you’re good to continue going on with it.”

  “Scared to death, but fine to proceed. My chief problem is what to tell Aunt Dorothy.”

  “How about saying you’ve been hired as a chauffeur?”

  Ross clapped his hands in appreciation. “Brilliant. He even mentioned driving, so it wouldn’t be a total falsehood, a chauffeur with extra-curricular duties, so to speak.” They both laughed at that, and Ross felt only slightly guilty about it. He thought it very likely that Aunt Dorothy would come around to accepting the full truth in the end.

  The interview with Dorothy was painful. He didn’t at all like the dishonesty in it. Dorothy clearly wasn’t happy with the half fiction of his employment as a chauffeur. But also clearly, she was relieved that he’d found a solution to their problem, which grew more urgent all the time as the disease progressed.

  “Ross, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?

  “Completely sure.”

  “If I had any alternative, I wouldn’t allow you to do it.”

  “I know, Aunt Dorothy. But I want to do it.”

  When she was reassured that Ross was OK with it, she gave it her blessing.

  The weekend was such a flurry of arrangements that Ross had hardly any time to think about whatever problems could arise. He fell into bed every night exhausted, and was asleep practically at once. He did, on Saturday night dream of sex play with a shadowy male figure, and awoke with a fierce erection which he took care of in the same way he had always done when that happened.

  On Monday morning, he reported for work with as much belongings as he thought he would need. He had arranged for another wrestler to house-sit, figuring that for six months, it wasn’t worth trying to sell the house or rent it out.

  Tim answered the door almost immediately as if he had been waiting, and ushered Ross in with an arm around his shoulders, showing him his room and bathroom. He asked Ross if it was okay, and as it was considerably more luxurious than his own quarters, Ross had no trouble agreeing that it was great.

  There was a rather awkward moment when that was done. Ross wondered what would come next. But Tim suggested that he give Ross some time to unpack and added that his masseur and his assistant were coming in half an hour and would be happy to give both of them a massage if Ross was willing. Ross was used to after-workout massages from his wrestling. He’d always enjoyed them and felt safe saying that he would.

  When Ross got to the massage room, Tim was already undressed with only a towel around his waist, and showed Ross an adjacent bathroom where he could disrobe. He introduced the masseur, whose name was Robin and then just turned Ross over to him. The procedure was familiar enough, but Ross was a bit tense when Robin told him to take off his towel before lying prone on the massage table. That was not the same as in the gym at the university. But when Robin began by working all the tension out of his neck, Ross soon gave up any resistance and simply enjoyed himself. The massage oil was scented – also not a feature of the gym massages – and as well the room was soon filled with a fragrant smoke, which had stilled any agitation which remained. Robin’s warmed hands stroking over his shoulders made Ross feel like he was floating in a warm and friendly sea.

  By the time Robin reached his buttocks, Ross was practically comatose but idly noted that here was another unfamiliar part of a non-varsity massage. When Robin finished Ross’s back and told him to turn over to lie supine, Ross had a momentarily qualm. He had never lain completely naked and exposed while under anyone else’s eye before. But it was only momentary. He felt too good to make any protest. Robin worked down Ross’s torso and when he made light circular strokes on Ross’s abdomen, Ross was embarrassed when he began to feel a stirring in his groin, and when those wonderful hands began to stroke around his manhood, he became fully erect, and when they began to stroke his shaft, he was flooded with impatient desire. He wanted it to go on forever and to end NOW! He began to moan and when Robin increased the speed of his strokes he was overwhelmed by an urgency he had never felt before. Clenching his buttocks, he shot his seed into the air. It seemed to go on forever, each spurt taking minutes. When it was over, Robin gently cleaned up with a damp warm cloth, laid a towel across his middle and silently departed, leaving Ross to sleep.

  When he opened his eyes, Tim was standing there, still wrapped in his towel. He leaned over and kissed Ross deeply. “You seemed to be enjoying that. Not that I was paying much attention, since I was enjoying myself. But I hope I’m right.”

  “Totally. Totally. When will it happen again.”

  “Well, the masseurs will come once a week, if we want them. But in between we can try out even nicer things. At least I think they’re nicer.

  “Whatever you want, Tim. I trust you.”

  “And I hope I never betray that trust.”

  Chapter 9

  That evening, when Tim slid naked into his bed, Ross was relaxed about it. Ross couldn’t help notice that Tim’s body was every inch as perfect as he thought it would be. When he felt Tim’s tongue pressing against his teeth, he opened his mouth and was soon a full participant in the passionate kneading of lips and entwining of tongues. As he felt the stirring at the base of his package, he welcomed it. And when Tim tongued his way down Ross’s chest and belly, Ross felt the passion swelling until it engaged him from scalp to toes. There was no room for surprise, or analysis, it was simply all there was. His cock was hard and ready and it wanted Tim badly. He was throbbing with exquisite agony, so when Tim took him deeply in his mouth and explored every inch of his manhood with his tongue, the sweet friction seemed like the only purpose of his life. He was soon overwhelmed by the urge to come and when he finally jetted his cum into Tim’s mouth, he cried, “Yes!” hearing drums beating and saxophones wailing. And when he was once again at peace, he took the initiative for the first time, hugging Tim tightly and
kissing him long and deep. “That was beautiful, Tim.”

  “Glad you liked it.” They slept together, spooned with Ross holding Tim against him. For Ross, it was a restless time. He’d never slept with anyone before ever. But when he felt Tim waking and leaving for his own bed, he felt lonely. Having a sleeping partner was nice!

  Over the next two weeks, Tim continued to minister to Ross, while continually expanding his love-making repertoire. When not in bed with him, he treated him with gracious generosity, looking after his every need lavishly, and allowing him whatever freedom he wanted. Tim, in fact, had discovered that he had found someone more compatible than almost anybody else he’d met. Ross was not only a beautiful body, but a generous soul.

  But one night, Tim asked, “Are you ready to take it to the next level?”

  Ross had known the moment was coming, how could he not? The elephant in the room was his virginity. And without expecting to like it, had come to terms with it. “Sure,” he said with more enthusiasm than he felt, “why not?” But though he began somewhat gingerly, he found that his growing affection for Tim turned hesitation into enthusiasm. It was like giving a small gift in return for many large ones, and he realized that he had been feeling guilty about always taking – and getting paid for it. After that, they were lovers in the full sense. He wanted Tim to take his virginity tonight, no more blow jobs.

  “Tim, I’m ready and want you to take me now”. I’ve been fantasizing about it for quite some time now.” said Ross.

  By now, Tim’s erection was standing up like a telephone pole. Tim reached over to the bedside drawer and pulled out a condom and carefully ripped open the package.

  Ross was taken back by Tim’s thoughtfulness but after thinking about it replied “No condoms, I want to feel only you”.


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