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  He did it easily.

  (They are avoiding all kinds of understandings with them. They want to get the mool directly and citizens of the moon are preparing for this too) uncle Gregor said on this call.

  (They are saying this is do or die for them)

  “Why don’t the stupid robots understand that it is costly to bring mool to the Earth?” grandfather said. He angered on the talk.

  (What is about an extra space-ship?)

  “They can’t make this without labors. You know well that we people are not their buddies.”

  (They might use machines and techniques on their needs)

  “This is not a solution my friend,” grandfather said and looked the mobile video, they should quit torture. They should give freedom to the people.

  (Why not politics?) Uncle Gregor said.

  “Yeah, it is also.”

  “Then a consequence will be out and dark days won’t move forward. Happiness will spread everywhere,” grandfather said, believe me.

  “We should dare to tell them that we need this. The universe can’t bear an adequate amount of harm, we request you.” (Hope you don’t joke. Will they really listen to us? They are robots dear, a kind of powerful material. They are non-living; don’t contain heart like you and me. I will laugh as I do feel, and how can they do? I will protect my family. I will try to take the kids away from a fire incident as I am a man. This is the fact that they don’t think of us)

  (They will kill us without respond, okay?)

  “Why don’t you let us know about the current event?” I and Janie came to the call. I leaved my typing. I just didn’t email what I wanted to send to my press. I did wait just. I put my laptop away for that moment.

  (Are you not busy?) Uncle Gregor said and looked me.

  “No,” I smiled.

  (Oh, thanks, sorry I forgot to tell you hi, actually we are wishing a lot now……) he couldn’t say well then.

  “Uncle Gregor, are you okay?” Janie said as worried.


  (I am afraid that they don’t find me with the call) he said, they are detecting us from the sky.

  “No problem!” I said; we can deactivate their small things.

  (They are using satellites)


  (Why don’t you join in our company?) Uncle Gregor said, hmm you both.

  “Excuse me, I couldn’t get you,” I said, are you talking about an additional service? (Why don’t you work with us? We have a plan for you. It may help us)

  “What kind of work?” I asked and looked him on that video.

  (Mission to save the world from the universal war) uncle Gregor said. He gave me the proposal, carefully.

  “What? No, no, no; I can’t give him the permission. It is risky!” grandfather dithered to send me there as he heard unexpectedly.

  (He is not alone, Janie is with him too. Let them do this) Uncle Gregor said. Grandfather didn’t reply him anymore. He made himself silent.

  (What are you thinking? Give them a chance to work for the people) uncle Gregor repeated his words.

  “Can I take some time?” I asked.

  (Why not, you both need this)

  I connected my laptop with the wireless charger as the call gone offline. “I think his idea is not just bad,” Janie said, she looked my face in the sense of love. She hugged me.

  “I am going to decide!” I said. She was still in my arms with her wishful thoughts. *

  IN MY DREAM, 4:05:34 AM

  “What will happen if you don’t look them?”

  “Brother, there is a story. You know this is not true but the people can make it this way, rain will fall over the country. We all will smile. This is natural actually.” “I don’t joke,” he laughed.

  “Jasomine, I want a family with you. How it would be good?” Janie said, Baby I want a family with you.

  “Please, save the child. He can’t breathe. Just now he came out from that riot, please,” an old woman cried, camera turned towards her.

  “Who are they?” TV reporter questioned him.

  “Madam, did you go to school for the child?” he raised the phone. They say your goal shouldn’t be selfish. You utilize the job for other. In trouble don’t look at your personalities; they are useless when you become alone. Don’t envy because you are not fascinated by the work. You watch movies, people don’t care. Yet they will need you as the planet doesn’t protect to the only one. Help them, run to them and show that kindness is still alive.

  “Boy, don’t try to look for any step against us,” the machine said.

  “I am not fine,” I said. They were so many around me. Their boss was walking left to right and right to left in front of a table, next to my sit. My eyes were close, they came in my dream. “Don’t need excuse from us, you have already reported against my government!” the robotic Mayer Mr. Mc-337 said and looked me. The machine put a laser gun on the table.

  “I don’t want to die now!” I said with my loud voice.

  Their boss ordered the robots to shoot me in 30 seconds, at once!

  And rapidly uncle Gregor turned my moving chair to him. Felt I came out from that hell- zone for a while.

  “I am dead!” I said. I was feeling panicky.

  “No, you are talking to me. Now tell me what did you decide?” Uncle Gregor said, without emotion.

  “Will you fight for the world?”

  “Answer me in yes or no.”

  Further he turned my chair; I reached at the same robotic gang. He wasn’t there just. “Shoot him!” their robot boss ordered the machines. They put a gun over my head as I was sitting in my chair. I was unable to know what kind of incident is occurring there. I couldn’t speak.

  “I can save you from them, what did you decide?” Uncle Gregor turned my chair for the third time, suddenly, before they just kill me. “Yes, yes, yes, I will do!” I shouted.

  I woke up from my sleep, thank god, this was just a nightmare. I realized the man should do what the universe requires and it should be very needful. Uncle Gregor is not wrong. Machines don’t feel our sad. Only a god made creature do this for someone. Each and every dream is essential for us. They might be bad or good, at last they teach you that follow a path which leads to peace, happiness, and eternity.


  Loss-Angels The head office is located in N. America where they choose millions of people for their undisclosed works against the robotic leaders and their armies. They are known as members. Machines think the company makes only food products for animals but fact is that it is a producer of undercover agents, uncle Gregor is one among them. It does meeting for some top most goals. You can say good things are living there yet and they do everything as a hide occupation. Even the country leaders didn’t try to search this as they were paying all kinds of tax on time. They are out of religions. They protect the humanity from the all kinds of machinery powers. They lift you up from dire.

  Here, giving you a list some most important personnel.

  Senior-D Johnson (Chairman of company-3071 & associated companies)

  Member-JO Gregor (Head of members)

  Member-Tom Ford (Head Engineer of all departments)

  Member- Dr. Angelica M. T (Biologist & head of cloning system)

  Member- Gary Foss (Head of old and new soldiers)

  Member- Carney Johnson (Head of ship departments)

  Member- SD Allan (Head of dream & language groups)

  Member- Sam Lee (Head of weapons for space system)

  Member- Anna Vladimirovna KARLOVA (Head of Russian soldiers) I crossed these common rooms where the other staffs were preparing lists for production.


  “Please tell me your id number”

  The machine asked me before the main door open to secret service room, guess it was specially working for the members.

  “Excuse me, I am a new guy” I said and stood there constantly.

  “The rule is
for first batch; please tell me your name,” a machine asked me. “Jasomine Tasan” I said.

  “Please put your hand on the monitor,” the machine said and gave a signal of red light where I was acquiring to do the job.

  “Right or left?” I asked.

  “Please put your left hand,” the machine said in a female voice.

  Now I did the thing. They endorsed me as they knew I don’t have any link with robotic leaders and their armies.

  “Your id number-Jt7621 company-3071”

  “Thank you!” I said.

  “You are welcome” the machine opened the door for me.

  Then another machine guided me to go down until I don’t reach at my purpose. Seven more doors passed and at last a man came to me. He shook my hand. “Hello sir, please tell me your id number,” he said.

  “Jt7621 company-3071,” I faced him.

  “Now you can go in.” “Thanks!” I said and smiled.

  I reached at chamber no.2 and saw no one was there. I was alone. “Hi, wear the uniform specially made for members. It would help you in giving your identification,” a man appeared in front of me as a ray, he was a digital machine.

  Automatically some gadgets came to me from my both sides and covered my body. First they made me naked. They were giving me tips to apply the new clothes. I did nothing, they worn me the safety costume.

  “Welcome to hall no.1032, here you will meet to your new mates. We have arranged separate rooms for you to stay. You will learn. You will study. You have to give exams. From now this is your home. Live a better life. Thank you,” another machine appeared at us and said.

  “Hello ma’am, my name is Luiz Gonzales and I am from Spain; can I just talk to Mr. Gregor?” he asked.

  “He is the head of members. So you have to wait as you are from first batch,” the machine said.

  “Can I know how much?” he asked.

  “Sorry, this is unknown,” the machine refused to inform. I got to meet thousands of new comers there. They were from around the world. They did plan for it since many years. I was excited, nervous also. Robotic leaders spared to no one on this Earth. They had been killing the innocents. Then the youths wanted a rebellion and thus they came to the secret company. They had already lost their own. Some of them couldn’t see happiness in their children’s face. Some of them couldn’t find their family any more. They just said revenge is acquired. We never forgive the bad robots. They deserve nothing from us. We will burn them.

  “Janie, when did you come here?” I said as I saw her. I surprised. I hugged her tightly. “Jp7625 company-3071, this is my id number. I thought the whole night and considered to participate in the mission. I didn’t also know that you will be here like me,” she said.

  “You should call me once,” I said and looked her face.

  “And you didn’t ask me about the decision. I took my flight and arrived here.”

  “I could miss you honey. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Janie smiled and hugged me again.

  “Hi, I am Stevie, form UK. Are you from second batch?” a guy came to us and wanted to shake our hand.

  “No, we are form the very first batch,” I said and tried to shake my hand with him but it didn’t happen. I shocked that he wasn’t a true man in the hall. He was just a mechanical image and doing conversation from the associated company of London. There were several like him. It means we are also some pseudo men in other associated companies, form the head office.

  “You don’t need to confuse my friends; robots can’t give passports to millions of humans to the USA. So it is an easy way to find everyone in all rooms instantly. I am in my company-3078 and my id is Stevie3078 London. Call me when you need help. I am doing my job as a member since a year; don’t mind I thought you are old. Now I am studying in dream department,” he said and smiled.

  “What are you learning this time?” I asked, is it like college?

  “You will find a variety of spices in the educational system. They teach us.” “Last week I visited Queen Mariena and she told me about the skill of riding dinosaurs in Iowandian state. It was difficult man, I couldn’t win the match. They are very rude than the robots. I just failed in the semester. Looking for my luck, hope I will join in desert forces after my hard work. So that I can kill these monsters as they are spreading virus in gravitational town and villages.”

  “They are not minors; we will begin the war from their young guys and then female. Trust me she is another danger in middle zone of dream section!” I wasn’t able to understand what he was saying. I was just listening to him. I didn’t know the fact behind his words. Still I couldn’t ignore him. “Oh, I will have to go my friends. My training will start after a few minutes. It was a nice meeting with you, see you tomorrow,” Stevie said and disappeared from that hall. His video went offline.

  Another transportable image appeared in front of us as a thick blue light. We turned towards that.

  (Head of members- JO Gregor, age-71yrs and a part among decision makers of 2246 secret companies) a machine said when he came in.

  “Hi friends, please take your sit,” he said and looked. “I welcome you all to the company as you are new here. Today we are going to discuss about an important mission. You can say the thing is for everyone and we members need to do this well to save our humanity.”

  “Maybe you have your own goals in your life to achieve but in company-3071 you have to perform by different ways to reach there. You have to leave space to think and you will do what your guardians will tell.”

  “Your one mistake might out you from the mission and for the next time you will be unable to work with the batch suddenly. You will have to study again. You might get punishments, remember this.”

  “Your senior will suggest. You will have to follow them what they are doing. They are like your brothers and sisters. Beside this you have to obey rules of the company. We didn’t force you to join. We all know they are our basic enemies. They are destroyers of the universe. They are robots of our planet Earth.”

  “How can we deactivate the robotic leaders of the world?” “They have a self control and we don’t know the place that they are using to hide it. They have a power supplier which store electricity. More than five years we could enjoy them. Later when galaxy bond broke they didn’t care about us. They made the universe a misery. They packed torture in the society instead of peace. Knowingly they did erase lots of codes from their own computer system because they thought the humans may steal these.”

  “Can we not kill them now?” a member of the first batch asked him. “Good one,” Uncle Gregor looked him.

  “To get the answer you are in the company dear friend, yes we will do a journey to another world for this.” “Hovlef is the globe of prosperity with a magical culture and great technology. It contains 77 galaxies, 58 planets, 235 moons and millions of stars. The aliens live on the planet Ho-Akmisika look like we Earthers, other extraterrestrials are just different. They have built their homes on remaining planets of the second universe,” uncle Gregor made an appearance of a map of the world Hovlef by a machine, to show us.

  “After seven years of research we got to know that the resolution to kill the robotic enemies is there already. Thus we will have to go the second world.”

  “Do we have any space- ship which will help us for the mission?” I asked. I thought they could complete the arrangement also. “The trip will take a thousand years from the Earth and the civilization will no more exist here then. So we designed some clever process which will bring us to them simply. But it is difficult,” he looked me as I was standing next to him. “Thus we will train you physically and mentally. We will teach you about dreaming of a particular operation. If you did pass the company will select you for its next duty.”

  “If we failed?” a member said.

  “It doesn’t last for you, everyone will get another chance,” uncle Gregor said and smiled.

  “Okay, now you go to your own room and take rest
for the night. See you tomorrow morning,” uncle Gregor said and his image disappeared from us. They gave us company costumes that helped to sleep without having mind in outer tribulations. It was understanding state of body. They did our nerve test by their invented technologies.


  “Good to see you here my boy,” uncle Gregor said. “After all I could decide that someone needs me urgently!” I said, Janie smiled and hold my hand. “Not one, for the sake of the civilization and your next Earthers we need more and younger members. Hope you won’t afraid when the company will sent you to dream zone. They are not like you,” uncle Gregor said and patted my back.

  “And my badness is that the guy didn’t ask me once before he did leave his home. I am not just okay,” Janie complained about me.

  “Oh, c’mon honey; forget this. I am with you now. You don’t need to worry as I got a chance to take care of you always, forever until my last breathe,” I said. “What is about grandfather?” Janie said; I know he didn’t agree there. “Hmm, it took time but he didn’t refuge me at last. You can talk to him on Sunday only,” uncle Gregor said. Company has made rules for everyone. You will have a daily routine.

  “This is Friday; it means I will spend 24hrs for him, okay?” I counted myself the days.

  “Still behaving like a child,” Janie said and looked me in love.

  “Your boyfriend, you will see him,” uncle Gregor said.

  “I know that very well,” Janie smiled. “Who is Queen Mariena and where is Iowandin city?” I asked. I did just remind the member Stevie from London as he was talking about the topic, seriously with us.

  “This is zujic city, an old modern city of that time. By the way who told you about this? As you are from the first batch law no-2630 says new comers should be unknown of these subjects,” uncle Gregor said.

  “How will we know then?” I asked. I surprised after listening to him.

  “The company doesn’t tell, we teach our junior members. Many times we have seen they make fear and they can’t face real pressures.” They will receive you there. They will show models of their systems. Following these techniques will make you skillful. Their training will recognize you as a different kind of special soldiers. Here on the planet you fight with machines and in those galaxies you will jolt the monsters. You will have swords in your hand. You will have protectors around the body. They say it mania of wrestle against terminators.


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