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Page 11


  “Why are you on the old days from your present subsistence?” the bosor asked and looked a bit to us.

  “We are in stuck. We also have a biggest problem that we are facing now. They are killing our people innocently. They are destroying our civilization.”

  “We believe you have its solution,” I said.

  “Are you positive about it?” the bosor asked.

  “Yeah, I think we came rightly. My seniors didn’t waste their hard work and experiment. They have spent their ideas,” I said.

  “Who are your enemies?” the bosor asked.

  “Robotic leaders and their armies, they are everywhere now including the planet Earth,” I said. Children of bosors ran behind us in curious as we entered their colony. They were thousands in number. They had made a particular area in the jungle just to avoid dread of the two generations, Iowandian and Tukzamous generation. They say we look like their rivals. Thus they don’t trust humans.

  “Where did you get them?” a second bosor came to the haunter as he saw us with him. “Hey, what’s your name?” he asked me after it.

  “Jasomine,” I said and looked his black-gorilla face.

  “Myself Nuro, I am a commando of the bosor army. Are you a fighter against us?” he said and walked around me and looked what I am having.

  “Is it a gun?” he took away the weapon from my uniform.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Everyone put your weapons there, on that rock,” he warned us.

  “Nuro, you don’t have right to do this with them. They are not your enemies!” Guena said. He had captured us first.

  “Who are they? Did you call them your guests?” Nuro said, I am not foolish like you friend. My dinosaurs could digest them if I was there, just early. “Chief will decide their luck. We should keep them in jails, for the return of Mrs. Hemica,” Guena said.

  “Who is she?” I asked about her. “She is our chief’s wife. She always goes for pray to the palace of gods in a hope that someday they will back to us. They will save the world from violence and torture of stronger. We gorillas are weak at them as we don’t have technology. We don’t have power. They supply souls and thus they don’t respect other communities,” Guena said.

  “Are you talking about us?” Janie said.

  “Yes, you are from Zujic city,” Nuro said.

  “No, they are not. They are from future. They did time travel. They are not like Iowandians. They are still here without any attack,” Guena said.

  “Brother, you are supporting them. Certainly you shouldn’t conform that they won’t murder you,” Nuro said and looked him. “Okay, keep them in jail!” Guena said.

  “Good decision!” Nuro replied him.

  The bosors took us away from there. They kept us in some darker caves protected by walls. They did wait for chief’s final judgment. If things go wrong they will punish you, a gorilla told me. They won’t give us foods. They let us die in hunger. They won’t give us even water if we became thirsty.

  * “My name is Zamie and I am from second colony. My mother says the planet was not like this. I did fear after listening to her. She is a pure lady. She had known that something is going to be wrong here. We didn’t expect this.”

  “The Earth has filled with power of gods. Hundreds of years ago my forefathers were working for creating things here. They were also preparing for making gadgets but it changed. Our own brothers cheated us. They thought we won’t need gods if we achieved the time-machine. So they first collected tools for this.”

  “And with the help of inner powers of gods they could make the thing possible. One day they did steal the machine from the Carolus generation. They made their own generation named as Tukzamous which is having rules of king. They ran the evolution faster only in their limited areas. They became humans from the gorilla civilization,” the bosor said and drew these diagrams on a rocky wall, in the little fire that he made.

  “Oh, that’s why you hate us. Do I look like old and traditionally characters having man, I mean a prince or king’s personal guard?” I said.

  “No, you just look like a modern guy from Zujic city, an Iowandian citizen. They are very dangerous than Tukzamous generation. They contain missiles.”

  “For us people of the two generations are our enemies. They think the same like us. We are not their friends,” Zamie said and looked me in the half-view light. “How did the Iowandian generation form?” I asked.

  “They did also steal that time-machine from Tukzamous generation, with some different ways.”

  “They became developed when they increased capabilities of that machine and reached at the year of 2018, by fastest changing evolution of their territories,” Zamie said.

  “And where are these Tukzamous people now?” I asked. “They are at the year of 800 B.C, they are just having slow motion,” Zamie said, they should realize instead of fight to us. They need our advice in troubles. They are idiots.

  “It means Ho-ship is in Zujic city, after Maxmot city,” I said myself. “What is that?” Zamie asked me swiftly. He made me shock.

  “Nothing, you bring some foods for me,” I said. I took him to another topic.

  “No, we don’t obey to our prisoners. Drink water, this is there,” Zamie said and showed me that place.

  (15 minutes ago) I opened my communication system with Company-3071. The operators sent me a message to wait for 25 seconds. Then the process could work properly. I didn’t talk to them for last one hour due to the stuck of us in the village.

  “Are you having any problem?” Mr. D Johnson asked me. He sat in front of the big screen.

  “Where are you now?” he tried to find me in the dark of this cave. “We are in their jails. Bosors could get us in the jungle. Now they are waiting for their chief and his wife,” I said and just increased brightness of my VLT. “Did they harm you?” Mr. D Johnson asked.

  “No, at first they thought we are from Zujic city and when we told about our arrival they leaved us like this. They are so many in the crowded areas, having horror of these evil persons. Did you get any information?” I asked.

  “Yeah, they call the tool a time machine but actually this is a space-ship to travel different worlds and galaxies. We will have to achieve this at any cost, to save the current world’s civilization. Journey has already begun from your bravo. Two more steps you will ride, to end the cruelty of these robotic leaders,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  He showed me a structural map of the time machine on my screen which was having both internal and external images clearly.

  “Do the bosors know the real fact?” I asked and surprised as I was watching it. “No, we will convince them when you will meet their chief Mr. Umota and Mrs. Hemica,” Mr. D Johnson said. He also showed their images on his talk with me. “You might face a biggest war with their enemies. So you should know everything about Iowandian and Tukzamous generation and their behaviors,” uncle Gregor came online and said.

  “We are ready for war since our join in the company. We are proud that we are in use of the planet’s goodness. Our luck has brought us as they continued their tortures. We promise we will no more suffer the pain,” I said and looked.

  “Thank you my boy. We too feel proud for you!” uncle Gregor said.

  “Hey, I didn’t see dinosaurs yet in real. Did you face them?” he became excited.

  “Yes, I did record a video of them. Here is this,” I said and put out a recording video of these dinosaurs, in front of him.

  “Wow, they look very nice. They are having strong muscles and yeah they are forceful. I did like them,” uncle Gregor said and smiled. “They eat massive amount of foods in a day!” I said.

  “Sure they are flesh eaters. I am wondering that still they didn’t make you their foods,” uncle Gregor said. He did fun of me.

  “They could identify us and guess they don’t eat living persons. Thus the bosors control them easily,” I said.

  “Do they take the beasts to war?” an operator said.

sp; “Dinosaurs are their basic weapons. They don’t make lack during feeding the pets. I think they bring everything outside of the colony,” I said.

  My VLT alarmed suddenly for the coming of a bosor and he was Zamie. I stopped the chat.

  “See you later my boy,” uncle Gregor sent me the audio message. “Okay, bye,” I said with my less voice. I just changed my behavior for the gorilla. I became normal like a guiltless person.


  WHEN THE SKY BECAME RED: THE SUN SET Mr. Umota was sitting in his chair and near to him his wife Mrs. Hemica. They brought us to him when the chief listened to them in detail and ordered them. “Future, did you really see them? I just heard stories about them from my father Mr. Evos. He did live some years with gods.” “I mean it would be true. Changes will occur on the planet and humans would be our next generation,” the gorilla chief said, they won’t make the forest their home. They won’t eat animals alive. It sounds strange actually, to think of the world.

  “Sir, how can we believe them that they did not come here from Zujic city? They quite look like them, no doubt of this,” Nuro stood from his sit and said. “There is still some difference, my friend. Iowandians don’t behave like the people. They are cruel and thirsty for blood,” Mr. Umota said and looked him. “Should we not test them once? We can get them from smell if they come close to us.”

  “Yeah, you can proceed on it!” Mr. Umota gave him the permission.

  Bosors checked our whole body. They did see our mouths. They saw we don’t have tooth like Iowandians. They saw our eyes are not fully red.

  “Everything is okay, sir. They are real humans,” a bosor said and bowed his head.

  “Sir, the guy was saying they want to meet you,” Guena informed the gorilla chief. “Tell me, what can I do for you? I did trust you because you are humans and our gods say someday the Earth will be in your hands, away from evil powers,” Mr. Umota said.

  I came forward, stood in front of him. I just grew up my confidence after his kind words for us. “Excuse me sir, evils didn’t go away yet. They are staying also in that current world in the shape of robots!” I said and looked him, they are ugly than nastiness. They don’t have any extra aim beside to destroy the universe.

  “Tell him your name first,” Guena said me. “My name is Jasomine Tasan. The people with me are my co. We all work for secret companies who try to protect our civilization, from cruelty and tortures of leaders. After several experiments we got the fact that you only can save the world from destruction in upcoming days. You have the resolution.”

  “And I too read history that you are the starting children of gods. You helped in build of the planet. You did vow to save the creature,” I said.

  “Did the Iowandians live until future of you? They are our wreckers and I think they became yours also,” Mr. Umota said. “Fault is our, sir. Actually we made them!” I said. They didn’t become heroes, they made themselves villains.

  I told about these robotic leaders and why did we choose them as our rulers? How did they use us for war against aliens, Martians and citizens of the moon? What is their next plan, and how do they force us to participate in future 3rd world war that they are going to announce soon?

  “You did the same mistake like us. Iowandians and Tukzamosi came out from our Carolus generation by cheating and now they are against us. They want our vanishing from the Earth,” Mr. Umota said.

  “Someone was telling us about them, they are bad,” I said and looked.

  “We are having problems like you, how can we help at this time? They will capture our lands if we leave for you once,” Mr. Umota said. “I am not saying you will go with us to our present. We know a solution and it has a link with your, double profit in one goal. We both can get freedom on our helping to each other. Maybe gods will satisfy on the work and they will be back to you!” I said.

  We opened our VLT screen, there. Further we connected with our senior members of Company-3071 and associated companies. We tried to show these bosors something about lost and difficulties of the current world.

  “Are you using electrical devices?” Mrs. Hemica asked.

  “Yes ma’am,” I said and bowed my head for her. “The non-violence of last Sunday, 10thApril,” I typed the headline report on my wide computer screen and ordered, robots please show us video footages of the happening.

  We let the bosors watch the open firing of robotic- armies on innocent people as they were refusing to sign an agreement about war, against northern-state of the moon.

  Video no-10, Dt-2-5-2096

  “No, I can’t obey what you tell me to do. They are humans like me. A life can’t lift gun against another life. You kill me but the thing is impossible for me and my family. You away from the place, now,” a woman cried at a robotic army.

  The robot pushed the woman back, out of her home. He shot her head in a bullet. She could not live any more, just for even a minute. “What is about your decision, girl? I won’t shoot you like your mum. I will take you to my boss. He will do what your boyfriend does every night. Could you get me? You human say it sex, the real pleasure of a person,” the robot said and looked her eyes closely, by bringing face to face.

  “I can’t take part in your choice, fuck you!” the girl said loudly.

  “It will start now, watch my reaction of your action,” the robot said. The machine made her nude. He threw her to a truck.

  “Stop it, I say please stop the video!” Mr. Umota said. He did angry after watching this old report. He lost his patience.

  Quickly the video went away from my VLT screen and became empty. “Sorry sir, I did this to make you realize that how is the problem spreading everywhere? We all need peace in the world. We can’t see someone die in front of us. If it does continue what will you do? The situation is out of our control. So we just need your help, seriously,” I said.

  “You were saying us about a link? Will you explain it in detail?” Guena said and looked me.

  I made an appearance of an image of their time-machine on my monitor, in another box. “How did you know about the tool?” Mr. Umota said. He shocked after watching this.

  “We know about this before. Our machines could find out the tool’s images. There are so many operators trying to get more information for our companies,” I said.

  “Mr. Umota, what do you call it?” Mr. D Johnson connected with my VLT and said. “By the way who are you? Why will I tell you what is the tool?” Mr. Umota said; some of my citizens don’t know about this yet.

  “My name is D Johnson, chairman of the secret company. Don’t worry; we both need to help each other. That’s why I asked you,” Mr. D Johnson said. “Gods gave us the tool during creation of the world. It was in their palace and later our own brothers did steal this. We didn’t know that it is a time machine, can produce fastest evolution in limited places. They disused this for their job,” Mr. Umota said; now the planet is having three different kinds of civilization and they are Tukzamous, Iowandian generation including our Carolus. They are far ahead of us.

  “They became harmful for us. They hate us deeply. We can’t take any step against them as we are not powerful like them.”

  “Truth is that this is a space-ship named as Ho-ship. To save the world from wars we need to achieve the thing first, as soon as possible.” “And second mission is just hard. We will have to protect Hovlefi from their unknown enemies. Then we can bring peace in the current world, I mean this is about future of yours, present of me,” Mr. D Johnson said and looked.

  “Who is the Hovlefi?” Mr. Umota asked. “They are citizens of Hovlef world, a second world after the first one Diotis. We Earthers can close function of the robotic leaders and their armies if we could destroy a powerful artificial satellite in Hovlef.”

  “The bad machines get sufficient energy from the satellite and we sure these unknown enemies come from this also,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Robotic leaders are in the first world, how do they get energy from that second world
directly?” Mr. Umota asked.

  “They don’t charge by electricity now. They get power from that satellite through an invisible link and our own robots could detect this,” Mr. D Johnson said. “Our good is your good. Saving the world is necessary. Please, help us to get that ship which can bring us to Hovlef. Do this for your children.” The gorilla chief took some times to give his final decision. He looked at his bosor families. He was silent and then he let us knew what he does want. We were eagerly waiting for the success.

  “Okay, we will help you,” Mr. Umota said and looked us.

  “Thank you sir,” Mr. D Johnson said and smiled.

  At the time a bosor soldier came there. He had brought a message for the community, from Tukzamous generation’s King. “Sir, King Duroder wants to talk to you something before his retirement this Sunday. He has invited our Carolus generation to his royal festival,” the bosor said.

  “Sir, is it not a clever of him to call us there? Perhaps they are hiding the plan,” Nuro said.

  “Will we go there?” another bosor said.

  “King Duroder is my old friend, a brother. I hope he realized his fault and thus he wants to meet me,” Mr. Umota said.

  “Without clearance we can’t go to Maxmot city, sir. They may make us their prisoners and after it they may capture our colonies,” Guena said and looked. “They didn’t fight to us since their extract from the family, only Iowandians did it many times. We will have to trust them if we need help for our armies. I am not saying you all go there. I am saying few are okay!” Mrs. Hemica said. “I think she is right. We will have to gather more and more soldiers, for the war against evil powers,” I said. They are giving us a chance to make deal.

  “Get ready people, you have been going there with us. This is your primary test on the place. Let me see something great works of you,” Mr. Umota said and looked us.

  We did prepare for the trip, on that next Sunday. The gorilla chief’s selected bosors and we members were going to Maxmot city (capital of Tukzamous generation). We made these dinosaurs our vehicles for the journey. At first we felt nervous to ride the animals as we were not familiar with them but later it became fine.


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