“I did, sir,” I said and bowed my head in respect.

  “I think they are like your mechanical leaders as you told. They bring endless energy,” Mr. Duroder said.


  ENTRY TO IWOANDIAN GENERATION: THEY HAVE MACHINES AND TECHNOLOGY (The year of 2017 by fastest evolution in the state) They showed me direction. They leaved me before I enter the bloodcurdling city. It was a distance about ten miles from Maxmot city. Therefore I came as a dinosaur rider over Huhai Ocean which leads to beginning of the area. We just took 25 minutes to reach at the border. I was nervous. They had arranged a duplicate passport for me. I kept it in my pant pocket.

  Here, snake couple Iebo and Naifa was checking passports and identification of new comers. Robotic guards were leaving them in, after knowing their details. They had guns. I thought it is not good to make a sudden entry. I stood on the queue. My number was 24 in the long list. Surprising thing is that the snakes were having legs, hands and ears to do the job.

  “Next?” the female snake Naifa was calling us one after another. Her husband Iebo was checking their papers on a monitor, in the small Iowandian office.

  “Okay ma’am, tell me your full name,” Iebo asked a woman. He was typing the words on a key-board. “My name is Saisa Mager and I am from Tico town, this is 45 miles far from Zujic city,” she said on a mini mike and looked the snake through a glass window. Then they scanned her face and eyes, even her internal parts.

  “Everything is okay ma’am. Now you can go in,” Iebo said.

  After a while my number came. There was ten other people were standing behind me also. They were waiting for a call just.

  I raised my passport to the female snake in a small entrance, below the glass, up to a meter from the land. This was like a money deposit bank for me. “Mr. Jasomine, we want to see you clearly, will you help us?” female snake Naifa asked me and looked.

  I made a bit of hesitant on her question. She could know that I am not feeling well to do this at the public place.

  “Don’t worry; we are not going to put you in jail. You just support us,” Naifa said.

  “Okay ma’am,” I said.

  “This is lunch time now, come here later,” she said to other visitors. I met them alone in the office. They gave me a chair to sit and a glass of pure water, I am feeling thirsty I told them.

  “Is it true that you want to fight?” Iebo asked.

  I didn’t refuse them. I tried to become an open minded guy, though I was in enemy house.

  “Yes, this is a war against bad. This is to bring peace in the world and we must need to do it,” I said.

  “Think twice, if they get you openly you can’t even dream to escape from the city. You will lose your life in a second.”

  “And several women are waiting there to rape your body!” Iebo said and looked my face. They may think you a detective. “I don’t care if I die for the world. At least the soul will try to bring freedom to my people. I know I can’t give smile to them now. I know I can’t tell stories of ferries to children as I am absent. Yet I want history happens for me,” I said and smiled.

  “You have courageousness. Some people give up; I will say that we shouldn’t like them. They failed before knowing the real reason.”

  “I will tell them you are the right guy for the city. You don’t worry, I and my daughter are with you,” Naifa said. She did put her hand over my hand. “Me too, we support you. We can no more see their torture over innocent Tukzamosi,” Iebo said, they have been excusing these leaders. They had to stop this, earlier.

  “My daughter name is Aiesha. She will meet you on this address. We recently emailed her about you,” Naifa said.

  They showed me her photo on a computer’s monitor. She was just young, a 25 years old girl.

  And the address was capital-36045, main house, left of connecting office. “She didn’t become a snake like you,” I said.

  “We have adapted her,” Naifa said.

  “You may wait for her. She will be at our home this evening. Will I call her?” Iebo asked me.

  “No sir, I want to talk to her just alone,” I said.

  “It’s okay. Next day we will see you then,” Naifa said.

  “I will try!” I said and smiled.

  I wished them good bye. I went out for my target. I just asked my robot to know the time on the old day; he said this is 3.37 pm. The snake couple continued their work. I considered not to on my VLT in the city until I don’t find a surreptitious place. I looked around me. It was not a free place for me mostly as robotic guards were everywhere. I walked silently. I reached at the capital road and took a taxi to left of connecting office.

  “Dear member, she is already there,” my robot said. I am sending her a notification now.


  “Hi,” I shook her hand and we both sat in our chair, she was next to me. We needed to go a coffee shop that evening.

  “Hello,” I replied her. I gave a smile.

  “How was your journey?” Aiesha asked. “Good, how are doing these days?” I asked.

  “I am fine,” Aiesha said. She was beautiful and a nice girl. “As I know Mr. Xenon is a monster. He does love to do horror things only. He and his leaders spread darkness in the city. I hate them,” she began the talk. Mr. Xenon is the president of the country. Iowandians follow him what he said. He has made a unique constitution for the generation. This is compulsory for all that they will do dirty works and they will increase their own power by drinking blood.

  “Are you not among them?” I said and looked her, please don’t mind.

  “No, I work for pure souls who do not take part in frightening celebration. They do enjoy victory every day,” Aiesha said.

  Her face was saying that she will fully go with kind-hearted people. I thought their choice is not against me at all.

  “Why do they celebrate?” I asked.

  “They do war and no one doubt about their win. So they do this,” Aiesha said.

  “My world is like Zujic city. We made them and later they ruled us. They have put terrors there,” I said.

  “How did you come from future?” Aiesha asked. Yeah, a Tukzamosi minister was telling about you. You met him.

  “By technologies, we just didn’t use any time-machine for the task.”

  “Hey, have you remembered your childhood? These days are so funny, no?” I said as I saw a baby girl was eating ice-cream with her brother.

  “Yeah, snake couple gave me the love of mum and dad. I feel so proud for them,” Aiesha said.

  “By the way when will we go for explore that time-machine?” I asked; we will loss the time to save the world if it does get late. This is a test. Earthers need to pass out.

  “Don’t talk about this here. I will take you there when a perfect time will come,” Aiesha said. She hesitated on the discussion. Robotic guards were watching us outside. I hoped they didn’t listen to us.

  “I understood!” I said and looked her.

  “You only know that Iowandians are also your enemies. They won’t support you. Even the waiter is a monster,” Aiesha said with her soft slow voice.

  A coffee shop worker looked at us a bit. I thought he does distrust us. “Excuse me ma’am, did you say something?” he asked and came to us.

  “No, we are talking about love and children,” Aiesha said and smiled.

  “I never see you in the city. Where are you from, sir?” he asked me. “He works in Nurdo town and last month we just married there,” Aiesha replied him before I do.

  “Oh, it is very nice, keep the happiness up,” he said, do you need something more?

  “Yeah, two cold coffee, please,” Aiesha said.

  “Okay ma’am,” he said and went away after the order. We became quiet for a minute.

  “Tonight they are going to drink blood. They always keep themselves thirsty, the waiter also,” Aiesha watched here and there and said.

  “Do you drink?” I asked and looked her face.

  “I am not interested in the shit!” Aiesha said. She showed me her mouth. “Are you not an Iowandian?” I asked; you seem like me, an ideal human. “I am from Maxmot city. No more discussion about this now, please,” Aiesha said. Guess you may flop here. You will have to learn something.

  She closed the topic.

  “Will you teach me?” I said.

  “I will think,” Aiesha said. Did you wish to be a student of a young girl? “It is not a fault actually,” I said.

  Then that same waiter brought what we had ordered him. He put the drinks on our table and moved to another customer.

  “Okay, you will stay in my home until your things done. Let’s go,” Aiesha said and she drove her car.

  We reached at her home after 30 minutes of the long driving. We did dinner and without any more discussion we both went to sleep as we were already tired.



  “Good morning dude!” Aiesha said and hugged me.

  “Very good morning dear,” I said.

  “Will we now start our work?” I looked her. “Wait,” Aiesha said. She called an invisible machine to make her home disconnect from network house of Zujic city. They search everyone, at every moment when their citizens wake up.

  “Won’t they doubt you?” I asked. “No, I can off the system for an hour in a day if I need sex or romance. They allow the things. They don’t want to disturb when you desire this.”

  “And if they ask me about this I will tell we both were doing what a couple does,” Aiesha said and looked me.

  “Hundred years ago they were not like this. They were not monsters. Later when they knew that the planet will be a part of human civilization they couldn’t just control themselves. They thought we don’t need to late and as soon as possible they planned something bad. Some of them didn’t know this as they were good gorillas. They said developed lives will appear after passing of million years. We can’t live like animals. Thus gods should help us. They can’t allow injustice with us. So they brought the time machine!” she showed me an image of the electrical great device.

  “We will have to explore its spot. Iowandians can’t tell the machine’s address beside leaders of the city. I think they have been hiding this here, without revealing about the tool anymore.”

  “Will you help me to be very close of the machine?” I asked. “Yeah, when I did know that you are on a mission to save the world and you are not only one, other remaining people are trying their best for this I decided the work,” Aiesha said.

  “Now I am going to introduce their leaders,” she searched these real images of them on her home computer screen.

  “Mr. Xenon, the true danger and first president of the country. He is the god for Iowandians. They worship him always,” Aiesha showed me his photo. “He is looking like a young monster. You can easily guess from his smile, see his teethes are like black rocks and his eyes are like red burning balls. He has long hairs like girls and he is having a different kind of hair-style!” I said; how old he is?

  “He is 150 years old. Iowandian girls die for his love. They all want to marry him!” Aiesha said. He is the greatest celebrity in the world, they say. “You should stop to praise him,” I said.

  “I am not feeling jealous about opinion of other girls. I just know that I hate him so much,” Aiesha said.

  “Is he not a married guy?” I asked and looked his photo.

  “Not yet, he is not interested in it. He thinks girls could be weakness for him.” “He just loves to do romance when he does get free,” Aiesha said, they spend night with him.

  “I hope they feel pleasure,” I said and smiled.

  “It is a common thing, everyone does,” Aiesha said.

  “Do you do?” I asked. I mean something different.

  “I do this my way as you do,” Aiesha said. She did not make herself sigh to say this at me.

  “Do you not have boyfriend?” I asked.

  “I don’t make friendship with Iowandians. They are also monsters on the planet,” Aiesha said.

  She was doing drama with the generation as she needed a live in the city. Thus they couldn’t get her. She showed me another photo.

  “He is not a man!” I said as I saw he was a robot.

  “Yeah, president Xenon is the only living leader of the city. He doesn’t deploy Iowandians in his office. He doesn’t trust them.”

  “Because he thinks they can cheat them as they have hearts. Then he may not rule the country. So his ministers are machines,” Aiesha said.

  “Can you just show me that time machine and where they have been hiding this?” I asked. She used her computer. She did edit some codes, at last she failed. The monitor was giving us errors.

  “It is not for citizens. They have made restriction about the secret tool,” Aiesha said and looked me.

  “They keep watch it always.”

  I thought my machines can work on it and good thing is that it did. I on my VLT screen in her home.

  “What is this dude?” Aiesha asked me.

  “This is a modern computer technology of our time. I hope it search the timemachine’s spot,” I said and she came to the screen.

  Now she touched my VLT and searched what we need to see. She did this like an experienced girl.

  “It is very fast!” Aiesha said and became curious.

  “It is having 52 generation of internet processor,” I said, it also connecting to my brain and nervous system.

  “Ma’am, what can I help you?” a female robot came on my VLT screen as she clicked the inform switch, softly.

  “Show us time-machine,” Aiesha said.

  “It’s amazing indeed!” she said me then.

  “I have information about two kinds of time-machines. One is for traveling future and second is for past. What do you want to see?” the female robot asked. I told her to ask about Iowandian generation’s time machine. She did. “The time machine of Iowandian generation is 52 miles away from your home. This is actually from Carolus generation. They did steal the tool from the palace of gods,” the female robot said. She showed us the apparatus as a drawing.

  “I got her. This means time-machine is in capital,” Aiesha said and looked me. “Yes ma’am, just below the parliament. It is in underground house. Thousands of robots are guarding it. Common people can’t go there,” the female robot said. Collect reports before you take any risk.

  “How did you know this?” Aiesha asked. These workers never use you, I am sure. It sounds impossible in case of a personal robot.

  “My satellite program could find out this,” the female robot said. I am for everyone.

  “Will you give us any idea how can we go there?” I asked her.

  “Sorry sir, it depends on you. You may meet their leaders. They may help you. Thank you for the call,” the female robot said and went away from my VLT screen. They were saying time-machine is temporarily invisible. If someone could stop its energy flowing system then it can be observable and you can make them sick. You can harm the monster power in a moment. You can stop their torture and hostility.

  “What should be our next step?” Aiesha asked me. The citizens are with president.

  “I can’t know. Feeling like it is making me a blind and darkness is living around me,” I said and worried myself.

  “Wish we had a connector to ask your seniors this time,” Aiesha said. I think we need to send a message to them. I called my communicator to contact Mr. D Johnson and Mr. Umota at a time. My VLT screen just became large in front of us. It provides a green signal when they became visible.

  “Oh wow, it is another miracle!” Aiesha said. “The whole system is a miracle!” I said and looked her.

  “Hi member, how are you there?” Mr. D Johnson appeared on my monitor. Your co informed us about your arrival.

  “Zujic city is a like nightmare. You need permission to even breathe. This is strict. They might ask you only confuse questions,” I said.

I continued to explain the situation as its setting was making me a clueless guy. “I know them before. They never allow us to visit the city,” Mr. Umota said on the side box of my screen.

  Operators brought him online by taking media to a co-member. He was in training section of maxmot city.

  “I am the guy who is here for the first time then,” I said.

  “No, we have sent our old members there and they all are in jail now. They are dying in the hail,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Why did they come here?” I asked. “We had sent them for time-machine. They had chosen special training in Company-3071 just like you. Our mistake is that we didn’t arrange things to meet bosors firstly. They were unknown about reality,” Mr. D Johnson said and looked me.

  “Do you think they are not dead now?” I asked.

  “I don’t think so. Iowandians are cruel. They might not live anymore.” “Did you try to search them?” I asked.

  “Yeah, we did it many times and at last we harassed,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Did you get that time-machine’s spot?” Mr. Umota asked me after my senior. “Yes but problem is that we can’t find any way to go there. Thousands of robotic guards are watching this closely,” I said. They have weapons. “We should prepare for war, without late!” Mr. Umota said.

  This wasn’t simple at all. Iowandians were modern on that time, billion years ago. They could defeat everyone. They were even daring to attack aliens.

  “Can we win?” I said and looked. “Avoid the doubt, we have also power and we trust our soldiers. For us the planet is most important than our own lives. They are slowly destroying it,” Mr. Umota said as he was connecting us by my co-member’s VLT, from Maxmot city.

  I acquired the talk with my other remaining members.

  “Janie, are you ready?” I asked her. She came there.

  “Yeah, I am ready!” she said on her online appearance.

  “And what is about co selected members?” I said. “They too want to do something great. They are becoming aggressive as lots of bad news is coming from current world this time. They can no more wait,” Janie said and looked me. It has been an inspiration for them.


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