“Yes, we are ready my friend. We did make deal with our neighbor cities yesterday,” Yeimir said on the VLT screen’s box.

  “What did they say?” I asked.

  “They will bring defense forces for us,” Yeimir said. “Try to understand, the situation doesn’t call war. You should have patient. They have ability to create explosion in your territories. They have nuclear powers which can wreck the whole planet. They don’t care what happens to the environment!” Aiesha said and became serious.

  “What will we do then? Will we see death of our citizens? Perhaps you don’t know they are planning violence against us!” Yeimir said. If they didn’t think that we are their brothers then how will we keep ourselves free from the mess?

  “They have already kidnapped our people, last night.”

  We shocked for the report. Iowandians did this for serving meats to their guests and they will get this from these Tukzamosi.

  “My armies will reach at the state today,” Mr. Umota said.

  “We need a day at least. We will send a message to you after watching the atmosphere and then you can proceed. What do you say?” I asked. “Okay,” Mr. Duroder said. The temporary border around Aiesha’s home went back. The system joined again, to their connecting office. I closed my VLT and told the seniors to go offline. They did wait for my next call.

  We did open the door. We saw yet the city is looking like a horror zone. *


  THEY SERVE MEATS AND BLOOD: ARRIVAL OF GUESTS We did visit among them. We did follow where they were going. We did move towards capital. Iowandians were saying blood is their power. They felt they don’t have enough of it now. So Mr. Xenon will announce something great today, for the citizens. They have been thirsty for the blood. They were acquiring this at any cost. They didn’t want to die by the lack of this. Openly they began haunting. Their government allowed them for the work.

  “What is happening here?” I asked as I was with Aiesha. She was helping me to see the city just well. She refused me to call my seniors at that time. We entered the crowd. We saw Iowandians are behaving like alcoholic. They are becoming mad, even their children.

  “They are addicted for blood. They are here for this and today, this evening Mr. President going to make celebration with them,” Aiesha said. As the day end the crowd increased rapidly. They all gathered at the main tower of the city. Robotic guards had arranged a stage for Mr. Xenon’s arrival including his special guests. We went close of this. Now they brought these kidnapped Tukxamosi there. They hanged the victims in the tower as nude.

  “Oh my god, what will they do with the innocents?” I asked and became just nervous. “The monsters are going to drink their blood on their president’s present. Mr. Xenon will order his guards to shoot them after giving his speech,” Aiesha said and looked me.

  The Iowandians were coming to the place with some cups in their hands. I could see the kidnapped Tukzamosi were trembling in fear. They were crying for help. No one was there to listen to them.

  “Shut up idiot!” a robotic guard came to the victim and said.

  “You are coward. Gods never forgive you,” he said as he was unable to speak clearly.

  “Yes, I am. Remember I am going to kill you first, then the woman. Do you know who is she? Your wife,” the robotic guard said and kicked the man’s face in his iron hand.

  “No, you can’t do this,” the victim said as he was bleeding.

  “Yes, I will do!” the robotic guard replied.

  I could not calm down after watching this. I tried to contact my seniors. “What are you doing Jasomine? They will get you in the crowd. You can’t escape from them if they know you are not a citizen of the city!” Aiesha said and stopped me to open my VLT.

  “Will we enjoy their murder besides doing something?” I said her loudly.

  “We can do nothing now, they are millions in number and we are only two. They will kill us!” Aiesha said. She did fear.

  “I don’t care if they kill me or sent me to their jail. I need to call for war,” I said and looked her face.

  Mr. Xenon arrived there in a helicopter. His robotic guards were protecting him. He and his guests took their sits on that stage.

  He came to a mike and began his speech.

  “Good evening my friends,” Mr. Xenon wished to the citizens. A crowd arose among them at a time.

  “You all know why we are here today. We won victory against gods. We need more now. Do you want we rule the world?” he said loudly. We will do this.

  “Yes!” the sound came out from these Iowandians. They cheered after listening to the main leader’s speech.

  “Let’s celebrate the triumph against enemies!” Mr. Xenon called his people. First he shot a kidnapped Tukzamosi and then his guards continued the massive murder. “Let’s celebrate the festival against oppositions!” Mr. Xenon said and spread blood of these kidnappers towards the Iowandians, by a pipe. Everyone raised their cups to get the blood.

  Then he began to sing like a rock star on that stage. The sky above Zujic city became darker. Black cloud covered them to rain. “We are not going to leave you. You are not going to save. The hell is here, we brought this for you,” Mr. Xenon sang as his guards were continuously spreading blood. They threw meats of these dead Tukzamosi. It was like bless for them.

  Now Mr. Xenon stopped his song. He came to his people. He shook their hands and kissed them. “Hands up people!” some robotic guards surrounded us suddenly. They could know that we are not from the city. They held us to that stage. They too hanged us with these dead people.

  “We could get our real enemies!” Mr. Xenon said by just raising his voice.

  The seriousness appeared on these Iowandians faces after watching us. They hadn’t wished they will meet us one day. They made changes in their attitudes. “They both are from Maxmot city. They were working as spy here. My robots could know them. By the way we are safe now,” Mr. Xenon said and made us undressed in front of his citizens.

  “Tell me what kind of punishment they need?” the leader asked them.

  “Kill them my lord!” an Iowandian said among others. We can’t tolerate them. “Give us their blood and meats. We are hungry!” they all tried to say their own opinions.

  “We will donate them to evils. They are our guests for the day,” Mr. Xenon said and shot my left leg as I was hanging down from the tower.

  I agree that humanity is on top but sometime monster inside a human tries his dark power to make the world lightless. The soul becomes negative due to avoid of positive thoughts.

  “Cheer my fellow citizens, don’t miss the party,” Mr. Xenon looked at these Iowandians and smiled.

  “They are rebels of the present days.”

  Iowandians were becoming more and more merciless for their president’s call. He showed us on a live TV screen.

  “What is your last wish? We may fill this,” Mr. Xenon asked.

  I couldn’t speak a word to the monster as I was bleeding severely.

  “We want your death, will you dare now?” Aiesha said.

  The president looked at his citizens.

  “My friends, our enemies are thinking that they can digest us and you will obviously surprised to listen that they were planning to capture our timemachine,” Mr. Xenon said and slapped tightly to Aiesha.

  “My lord, citizens want to know how did we recognize them?” a robotic leader said at the president and just bowed his head. I was worried for the Earth. I was unable to go ahead with my plans. I thought I won’t be able to stop the third world war. I may need a second life for the mission.

  Mr. Xenon’s guards brought a machine to that stage. “The machine could get their ideas and plans directly from their brains. We say it monster device,” he said.

  “It can scale what we think. When the guy entered our territories the machine gave us a signal that a stranger is here. He wants to harm us and it proved he really wants
to ruin us; the duplicate Iowandian girl also.”

  “Our intelligent persons were suggesting me on this matter. I was just waiting for the right time!”

  “You are a gay!” Aiesha said him.

  “You are wrong. I can deliver children better than you,” Mr. Xenon said and kissed her lips. She was crying. She couldn’t hide her sigh there as she was totally naked. “In my kingdom only I am the king. Even gods respect me. They fear to talk to me. I can’t tolerate those who say you are a beggar. You are a bad leader. No I am not. I am the great in this world,” Mr. Xenon said.

  Now the Iowandians raised a slogan for him.

  “Mr. President gives us happiness of heaven. Great leader deserve worship. My lord, we love you from the cores of our heart,” they shouted this.

  “Thank you, thank you so much my friends. Love you too,” Mr. Xenon said. He was giving flying kisses to them. He hugged them. In the state of fools they think ashes are some precious metals. Water is poison and an uneducated person is a best wise. Black oil is white milk. Scorpions are rice, wheat of desert. This is hypocritical.

  The Iowandians were becoming addicted for blood. They became rough. They forgot that injustice can’t stand alone when the truth comes fast without obeying speed of light.

  I opened my eyes, hardly. I saw Aiesha’s face. She was not talking to me anymore. They killed her.

  “The girl is gone, next is the guy. He is still having a bright abyss!” Mr. Xenon said and looked me.

  I was so sorry that I could not save her. The soul of her leaved me.

  “Can we cut him in two pieces?” a robot asked. “Excuse me dear machine, your inside will spark,” Mr. Xenon said.

  “My lord, I am talking about my wife’s dinner. She is a life,” the robot said. “What?” Mr. Xenon said and laughed with his citizens, it’s a joke.

  The robot showed him the call record of his wife on a phone.

  “She just called me now. The proof is here!” he said.

  “How does your wife look? Is she fat?” Mr. Xenon asked. “I think she is,” the robot said.

  “Why are you waiting for my order?” Mr. Xenon said and looked at the gadget. The robot shot me once again a round. He made me injure instead of killing. He mustered my blood in a bottle and packed it.

  “Thank you my lord. My wife will be happy for the celebration’s gift,” the robot said and he placed at his own position.

  “Hey machine, tell your wife that I love her!” Mr. Xenon called him and said. I just needed to send an alarm to Maxmot city about the problem. They were doing enough than the hope of us. For this I couldn’t save my friend Aiesha. I didn’t know what I will tell about the incident to snake couple. I felt so sorry that my responsibility for the mission and care of her didn’t get a perfect plan. It is my fault also.

  Suddenly I heard a sound. This was the crowd of dinosaurs. Yes, Mr. Duroder, Mr. Umota and the new Tukzamosi king Mr. Yeimir attacked Zujic city with their armies. They were crossing these monsters. They fought with the evil powers by their brave hearts. Iowandians too attacked us by their tanks, helicopters and guns.

  My co-members were supporting the giant shape dinosaurs against these bad people. They were trying to press the Iowadians on their own soil. Guerrilla soldiers were shaking them easily. Snake couple Iebo and Naifa rescued me from the cruel president and his robotic guards.

  “He is seriously bleeding!” Naifa said as she was taking away to me from that stage. For the first time I knew that the snake couple can fly. They were exploding everything about Iowandians on the way.

  “I am watching him, you go for Aiesha.”

  Still they were not aware of her death. I was afraid to tell this on the tragic moment. But I dared a bit.

  “I am so sorry. I couldn’t save your daughter,” I said. The thing could break them for a while. They knew Aiesha didn’t make a mistake. She helped me. She did what the humanity was acquiring before. She was a good girl among millions of monsters.

  And today the history will remember her for the kindness, towards the world and its people.

  I was holding her tightly. She did say nothing then. She was flying away just fast.

  “I understand what you are thinking now. I am really sorry about this,” I said.

  “It’s okay,” Naifa said; I also feel sorry for her gone. We can’t make her return to us. But she will be in our heart, forever.

  “Where are we going now?” I asked after some minutes of her fly.

  “Parliament house, you know that place,” Naifa said.

  “Robotic guards are watching the city. They have high security!” I said. “We will do something,” Naifa said.

  Iebo came with my co-members and some bosor soldiers to that place. I had given them a map of the territory.

  “Jasomine, you go in.”

  “We are fighting with the monsters,” Naifa said.

  “Yes,” I said and went away from the force during the war begin. I reopened my VLT and special computers of company-3071. I too needed to be careful on my entry. They had put a secret codes on the door of parliament house. Thus I copied the system clearly.

  “Sir, I can’t hack its codes. I need help,” I said as Mr. D Johnson appeared on my monitor.

  He ordered these operators to do the thing faster. They did find out its opening process in few seconds and I could enter the parliament house. “Member, you will have to break its whole security. Then you can reach at that time-machine. Remind you further, its rays can burn your body. It is acidic in nature,” a company robot made his appearance and said.

  I saw danger is everywhere in the house. I didn’t have any safety-clothes which will protect me. My one step on next level can destroy me including the city and others. It was like a missile that they had been setting cleverly.

  “Jasomine, you stay there. Don’t move on even a meter!” an operator from company-3071 said on the video call.

  They scanned these invisible and visible machines of the house. I was watching their works on my VLT screen.

  “Shoot whom we will say,” chief operator said. I followed their orders carefully one after another until I didn’t reach at my target spot. “Main door to time-machine came” my robot said when I completed these primary steps.

  Parliament house once again built its security system automatically. Now no one came in and my out from this just stopped.

  “Trouble is here yet, I see this is difficult indeed!” I said.

  I was working on its open. It showed me lots of numbers on my monitor. “Hello sir, choose your passwords in fifty seconds. Failing will give you only a chance, not more,” an Iowandian machine said. He didn’t detect me. He didn’t scan my identity. Guess they were entering the home secretly.

  There were so many numbers came on my screen, in front of my eyes. I raised my right-hand’s finger and clicked one.

  “Sorry sir, this is wrong. You failed,” the Iowandian machine said, please tell me your name and identity of your leadership.

  I thought this is risk. I didn’t want my own decision. For this I needed an export, a hacker.

  “Sir, my trying didn’t work. Now I want help for the second time,” I said and looked to the operator. Mr. D Johnson ordered them to search information about the door’s building process. They were finding complicated to break the hard-security force. They took just time, at least 15 minutes they spent. They were running these computers rapidly.

  “We could get something, try the passwords-224562,” he said.

  I typed this on the Iowandian monitor and I did success.

  “Oh god, this is the biggest space-ship of the world. The whole device is having fully area of Zujic city!” I said.

  “How did you know?” uncle Gregor asked. I showed a map of the ship on my VLT screen. It was at the beginning. “Okay, now go inside and search its control room,” Mr. D Johnson said. I entered the machine. I saw it was not simple in case of new people if they are not acquainted. They might need training.

  “It is too big, sir. Guess thousands of pilots and engineers need to run the ship.”

  “Another problem is that we will have to change the time-machine to its original shape,” I said.

  “Do you mean a space-ship?” Mr. D Johnson asked me. “Yes, the operating system is having time calculation now. Perhaps Mr. Umota and Mr. Duroder know about this well. They can tell us about its changes,” I said and looked him on my screen.

  My VLT warned me about coming of robotic guards towards the parliament. They were thousands in number, were coming from north side of Zujic city.

  “Don’t worry, they can’t enter in without your permission,” Mr. D Johnson said. They fired the home. They were trying different kinds of weapons to destroy its front side main door. I immediately made contact with my co-members. They were also busy in fighting with other Iowandian monsters.

  “Janie, where is Mr. Umota?” I asked as I called her on my VLT.

  She showed me the bosor chief’s fight with president Xenon. The war was covering everywhere of the city in just few hours.

  “Jasomine, are you okay?” Janie asked me from her spot. She was ten miles away from the time-machine.

  “Yeah, I am in the ship, just hundred meters down of Iowandian land. I need to talk to Mr. Umota, ask him to be online now!” I said.

  “What happened man?” Mr. Umota asked during his sword fighting with robotic guards. He did severe injure of Mr. Xenon.

  “I can’t operate the machine, alone. It may create technical problems. Do you know how can I change its system?” I asked.

  “Go straight, find fourth room where captain sit,” Mr. Umota said.

  I followed his words. I reached at the place of control room. My robot explored information on some switches there.

  Warning- click of red bottoms will cause vanish of both Tukzamosi and Iowandian generation from the earth and then the time machine will shift to a space-ship. “No, I can’t kill these innocent tukzamosi. They did nothing wrong with the planet!” I said. I couldn’t dare to take the step. It was like a murder for me. I didn’t want to feel myself guilty.


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