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Page 18


  My co-members and bosors got back to their movements when the beasts did their magic on them. They began to talk like before. They were surprising for the circumstances. Mr. Umota was looking to himself as he is okay or not? “You are not in sick, sir,” I said.

  “Dude, where are you now?” a co-member asked. “I will tell you later man; it’s a great day for us. Let me out from here,” I said and smiled.

  “Do you want to say that we can make the journey now?” he said and wondered. I did not reply to him anymore. Mr. Adlof and Mr. Dany hugged me. I was going to leave them.

  “We will miss you son, you are a kind-hearted guy,” Mr. Adlof said and looked me. “I will miss you too. You are doing good job,” I said. Tell Niti that I did like her. She is my best friend.

  “Can she contact you, further?” Mr. Adlof asked.

  “Wish she could do the thing but I am sorry,” I said.

  I moved towards the glass jar. Mayer ordered his personnel to open it. I made a copy of the machine to scan, just to match with the chief engine of Ho-ship.

  “All is clear now.”

  “Find a way to be out from there member,” a senior operator said me. “Yes sir, I will see,” I said.

  “When you will take the device in your hands you will come back to your original world in a minute,” the dragon said.

  “Do you mean my current world where I live?” I asked and looked him.

  “No, to your friends,” dragon said.

  “Bye man, today the office is going to be empty as you are taking back the old machine with you,” Mr. Josef said. I smiled.

  “It did become possible for your understanding, sir.”

  “You will be a part of the history,” I said and took the device in my hands. Suddenly I disappeared from there. I was having headache for a while, for the invisibility from there.


  We got to prepare to change the machine to a space-ship as I brought the engine from invisible world. I was with my co-members and bosors in the chief room. “Mr. Umota, where will we connect the device now?” I asked. He took the small machine from me. He told us to make a few distance from his stand. “Mr. Duroder said mobile statues can suggest us something about this, where were they? We didn’t see them,” Lisa said.

  “ Jasomine, did you not find any clue from Mayor’s office?”

  “I just asked him for the engine, that’s it,” I said and looked her.

  “Keep silent people, the disturbance may make us unsuccessful,” the gorilla chief Mr. Umota said. “Putting the device in the box will automatically start the time-machine’s changing process. I want you receive your own places. We will do the journey to Hovlef world.”

  We went to our own room after listening to him. Only a controller stayed there. He did what the system acquired. We did set our products. I just prayed for a safety trip.

  “Our speed will be faster than the light.”

  “Sure,” Janie said.


  THE FOURTH PLANET OF SANGHUIAN GALAXY: HO-AKMISIKA (The landing spot of space-ships)

  They say the world is not in limit. Yes I agree. There are several worlds and galaxies that we are unknown yet. We are nothing at them. They made first life. And they make civilization. They don’t deal with gods. They are brave. They trust their rulers. Kings gather. They do talk about lives and they do leave these creatures on other planets. They are not going to wreck them. They did just made arrival of new things. They know magic. They are some different kinds of magicians, mostly the citizens. They call themselves Hovlefi (lives of the world Hovlef).

  According to the god Ahimiso, Hovlef is a wonder between the universe Diotis and third universe Asmitake. The world has eighteen galaxies and more than hundreds of planets including natural stelites and billions of stars. This is pure like nectar. Who thought one day we will come here and we will aware them about a futuristic war? It seems the luck brought us to the galaxy. We are busy in explore. We never want to stop.

  After all we got to see them.

  They are peace-lovers. They don’t want to make enemies unless. We landed here from our ship. We walked with these aliens from other planets and stars. They were also visitors like us. The atmosphere was matching to earth. Thus we could breathe the air smoothly. Only difference was that the planet’s sky was looking just yellow and red.

  Their port was big. It took an hour to make our presence in the second world Hovlef. Our space-ship was selecting the direction itself during the journey. It was faster than light. It didn’t damage us as it was crossing thousands of galaxies frequently.

  “What kind of lives you are?” an alien asked to Mr. Umota as he was coming out with us.

  “Your skin is just thick. Who made you? Did god Folistix bring you to Musano generation? I heard a lot about you. If I am not wrong you live in plants.”

  The gorilla Chief Mr. Umota ignored him.

  We did make our own group on the line. The planet’s guards were checking us for the reason of security.

  “Where are you from?” a Hovlefi officer asked me.

  “I am from Earth,” I said and looked him, from Diotis world. “Satelite-2603, give me detail of the man. Is he a male or female?” the officer said. Guess he didn’t question me. He was on the contact with a machine. He was spending time with each and every one of us to be clear. Then his co-officer was storing the data in nearest high-speed computers.

  “Sir, I am on the south of planet Ho-Akmisika and my camera finds you at east of Henerix port. I am representing you the whole information about the Earther,” the Hovlefi machine said and built a temporary window in the air between me and the officer.

  “Now I am scanning his head and eyes.”


  Age-24 years old

  Planet-Earth, distance- 547869 billion light years far from Hovlef

  Generation’s year-2096

  Job-working as a member of Company-3071

  Mission-secret Matter- very serious

  I thought where is the machine staying this time? We were clearly hearing to his words though he was not visible to us. He was not there also. He was watching us from a particular spot.

  “Mr. Tasan, I am an artificial satellite, moving around the planet’s axis. I can know to your mind. If you need my help call me at any time, by my name,” the satellite said.

  “Can you listen to all of us?” I asked and looked above.

  “Yes, I work under the customer service of embassy office. They handle me from various places,” the satellite said.

  “Sir, the Earthers are not in your wanted list, let them enter the city.” “Last time you did wrong in identify a traveler. We didn’t grant him permission to come here. He was a thief!” the officer said.

  “Sorry sir, I was in his control. Therefore my owner needed to pay 574 energy coins to Hovlefi communicating department as punishment,” the satellite said.

  “Okay dude, don’t complain anymore. I am leaving them,” the officer said; you can go now.

  Then he called to the next group of visitors. We chose the main road of the city. We were here like guests. We saw they all were imperceptible. They were appearing themselves from the air zone and after end of their work they were becoming unseen by magic. They can fly. They can read your future. They are having different kinds of skills depending on power. They are having a colorful nature. The planet’s birds are singing there smoothly, yet. Really I felt we reached at a fairy land which is having a stunning look. It was out of my brain to explain.

  “Members, how is Hovlef?” Mr. D Johnson asked on our VLT screens. My gadgets automatically uploaded the notification.

  “This is great, sir. I don’t think they could attack the world. It seems impossible,” I said and looked him.

  “Why? Did you find any super-power weapons at them?” Mr. D Johnson said. I think they are common. They do works as we do. What is more then? “No sir, the
y are better than your thinking. They have magic. They are energetic and they can do great things, like they can fly and disappear in space,” I said.

  “Even gods obey their defeat, will you say now that they don’t meet spirits?” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “I didn’t mean this, sir. They are miracle as we saw them in our own eyes. Give a look at them,” I said and sent a live video of the world to head-office of members. “Wow, I can’t disagree on this point. They come as idols!” a senior member said. He was wondering about the Hovlefi. “The aliens are containing lots of amazing technologies in the galaxy. I don’t have ideas on others but I can say that their artificial satellites understand your troubles. They do keep themselves busy. They chat,” a member said. He was a selected member among us, on the city street.

  “Sir, where will we go now? I am already tired. Should we meet any important person this time before we relax?” Dwayne said.

  “I am not saying you do war, in an hour. Let them understand you,” Mr. D Johnson said. “Earthers, I am satellite-2376 from north side of Sanghuian space, what kind of help I can bring to you?” the voice reached at us. Immediately our VLT became offline from the air and another wide digital window appeared in front of us.

  We were unable to know what happened to our cameras and why the situation created there during the talk with our heads. The thing made itself without our order.

  “Did you crash our planet’s machine?” I asked.

  “No, my networking system is everywhere. That’s why you did loss your contact with company-3071, you can try this again, later,” the satellite said.

  The gadget’s words were reaching to our ears as the Hovlefi air was having a strongest communication field around the second world. It was not just making any side-effect.

  “Tell me what I can help you?” the satellite- 2376 asked.

  “Can we get a free place to stay here for some days?” the bosor, Guena asked. “20 km far from the city you will find a small village. Since 400 years they have been welcoming visitors as their guests. They don’t take money, you can select them,” satellite-2376 said and showed a picture of the village on the impermanent computer window, including photos, contacts, and names of these villagers.

  “What is the name of this village?” I asked; it is looking like a city. Are they doing festival there?


  “Yeah, they are gathering viewers and sellers there. They do this every year. You can enjoy this with them,” satellite-2376 said.

  “Are they dancing there?” Dwayne asked.

  “It is about science and magic,” satellite-2376 said. Learn and teach; this is their aim. You can purchase their products also.

  “Thanks, we don’t have money,” a member said.

  “It is okay, sir,” satellite-2376 said. They were not having trip in buses and trains. Commonly they do it by fly and disappearance. They don’t refuse for lift. They feel glad on the help. Some of them love to make others journey personally and thus they have been building special vehicles for non-magicians.

  “It is a thing about fun, we would obviously watch this!” Mr. Umota said.

  “Oh, it is very nice to meet you, Mr. Chief. You gorillas are forefathers of the Earthers. I heard a bit about you from emperor. He was saying that your planet is just similar to the Ho-Akmisika. He was praising you, many years ago, at least 500 years,” satellite-2376 said.

  “Did you mean that the world is first and then our?” Mr. Umota said.

  The machine showed a map of the world Hovlef by displacing the picture of that village. “Yeah, it is billion years old than your and they got fastest development. They could form ocean above the sky. They are launching ships just like you are launching rockets in Earth’s future. They are far ahead. They make miracles,” satellite-2376 said.

  “I think you should go there before evening. Don’t miss what they are going to do.”

  “Will they stop the festival today?” Janie asked.

  “You can watch this for a week,” satellite-2376 said.

  We started to walk then, along the road. I just brought a copy of the satellite’s pictures to my VLT.

  * “Are you having a long journey?” a male Hovlefi asked us. He came with his vehicle. He was flying this in sky.

  “Yeah, we need to go Ho-retisa. How much we will pay for the trip?” Mr. Umota asked him. “No need of that, you are our guests and I respect you. Money is not important here, mostly in this case. It is my goodness that I got you,” the Hovlefi said and smiled.

  “Thanks,” Mr. Umota said.

  He welcomed us to his vehicle. It has eight lines and each of them contain five seats. He alone was controlling the heavy-weight flying machine. He was doing this by his inner power. He flew away from that place by taking us. It was like feeling of aero-plane.

  “My name is Heg, are you from Taknic?” the Hovlefi asked as we were flying in the sky in his car. He was the pilot.

  “No, we are from Diotis world, Milky-way galaxy and our planet name is Earth,” I said and looked him. He was not just breaking his concentration on the flying. “That is my favorite world. I had visited there once when Earthers were having their first rocket launch to space and then, their natural satellite moon. It is funny indeed,” Heg said.

  “Do you think this is just a joke?” Janie asked him.

  “Excuse me; I didn’t make fun of you. I said they are still exploring the space,” Heg said and turned his face a bit to us.

  “Now we are not in limited area. We live on Mars and Moon!” I said. “Before us did you meet any Earther?” a member asked the Hovlefi.

  “No, but he was a Martian. He was searching someone. It is about 10 years old that I did saw him in the world,” Heg said.

  “Who might be the person?” I said.

  “Did he tell you his name?” Mr. Umota asked. “His name is Kyrios Samson. He was a young guy and looking black. He was worried and seriously he was visiting everywhere. Later got to know he is not here anymore. Maybe a stranger kidnapped him,” Heg said.

  “That’s not good,” Dwayne said. Did you find any precious metal at him? “I think he was a normal and poor man,” Heg said, he had worn a diamond ring just that I saw.

  “It means he was rich,” I said. Moneyless people don’t even wear silvers in Diotis world. They do use mostly plastics.

  “Leave him, are you enjoying the flying openly?” Heg asked.

  “It is great my friend, I love this,” Lisa said and smiled. I did not just keep my thinking up at the Hovlefi. The Martian Kyrios came to my brain again and again. How could he make his journey 10 years ago? Did he use a different kind of space technology, not like our Ho-ship? Who is the guy that he was looking for? What might be the cause behind this? Did he want to save first world?

  “Hey man, where is your mind now? Are you not enjoying the trip?” Heg asked. I didn’t answer him at once just.

  “Baby, he is asking you!” Janie said and broke my focus from that Martian.

  “Oh, yes, it’s a nice plan of you,” I said and looked him.

  “I know what you are thinking now; you should question the Hovlefi directly. He may not meet us in future,” Mr. Umota said.

  “He told us what he knew. He can’t explain more about Kyrios,” I said.

  “I have a photo of that Martian, can you recognize him?” Heg turned back to us from his sit and said.

  I feared that he may do accident on his absence as he should control only the vehicle.

  “My duplicate will fly the car now, don’t nervous,” he said and made his own clone by magic. “Please show us,” I said.

  “Satellite-45, will you sent a photo of Mr. Kyrios Samson from my personal data?” Heg asked. He made a magical screen in front of us.

  The Martian’s photo appeared then. I transferred it to my VLT and stored.

  “Our work is done, thanks,” I said and looked. “You did it very simply; did you come here only for visit?” Heg asked. We needed to hide the tru
th. We didn’t want panic pass the world, without a meeting of us with their leaders.

  “We will leave the planet soon,” I said and smiled.

  “I hope you did enjoy the journey,” Heg said. He landed us at the village Ho-retisa.


  SEMINAR OF PLANET AND CIVILIZATION MAKERS We were in an amazing world. The future was saying something. They are jugglers of skills. They were making precious things. The Hovlefi sky became deep blue before the evening. They were gathering on the place in millions. First they made a shield around the universe. It was just for a while to protect them. They all were going to announce their own projects. That was quite new for us. Kids were having fun as it was like a festival for them. Their parents came with them too.

  “We know that the world is getting bigger now. It is worth to live. But you can make your own planet and culture. Hundreds of years ago we did imagine this. We can make this powerful.”

  “And you can gain its strength. I will tell about the planet that I built. My friends helped me. They are my potency. They told me that I can, we can and we did it.” “So my fellow citizens, I welcome you to the new planet Wonder. It is my wife’s favorite name. We were thinking that we will deliver a family for you and you can easily choose them. They will be beautiful. They will be happy. We want this,” the maker said.

  He was showing us a magical and digital demonstration of his project on the small stage which used only for him. There were several like this one, side to him.

  The viewers clapped after listening to the maker. We did also.

  “How much we will pay to get this from you?” a male Hovlefi asked. “265 million coins and half of your energy,” the maker said. His name is Nethaniyu Angelest, and age was 400 years old.

  “I am not ready now,” he replied.

  “It is okay,” Nethaniyu said and looked him, someone else?

  “How will we reach there?” I asked. I was among my co-members and bosors. I did up my hand.

  “Can I know your name dear?” Nethaniyu asked and smiled.

  “My name is Jasomine Tasan and I am from Diotis world,” I said. We were standing just below the stage. “Sorry dear, you are not too much rich to buy my planet. You don’t have magic and you can’t survive there. Its air is not fresh for you. You will die in a second. You have already civilization on Earth which is better for you humans,” Nethaniyu said. You just try to live there.


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