We prepared our guns. We did set bullets. We worn protective jackets that company-3071 gave to us.

  “Where are Hovlefi soldiers gone?” Dwayne asked.

  “Maybe they are sleeping in these camps. They obey Emperor’s order,” another Hovlefi citizen said.

  He joined in our group. We saw they reached here. They crossed the planet’s shield system. They started to fire.

  “The enemies are invisible, make magical circle around you. You can fight to them then,” Max suggested us. We Earthers put the bond to see them. After a while Hovlefi armies tried to bring a protector around the planet. They took help of their co-planet’s lives. They raised their magical powers to defeat these strange competitors.

  They applied all kinds of Hovlefi energy. But we saw the Hovlefi were losing the fight. They couldn’t do anything as they began to surrender at them. Enemies killed my five co-members.

  “Where is Emperor Spyros hiding?” Lisa asked as she was shooting continuously to a biggest monster.

  “I don’t know. He is the main of the second world. How can I tell about his wish this time?” I said and looked.

  “What will we do now?” Dwayne asked me.

  “It seems they brought machines from our first world. Recently I killed one of them.”

  “We can’t run away from here, we will wait for another power,” I said. “They will never come to us guy.”

  “Can you not see they are surrendering at these unknown enemies? They may harm us if we did fight like this,” Dwayne said. He became fret.

  “I am having fun on this mission. I can’t quit it easily,” Janie said. Then she used her laser gun to blast these rivals. It did work.

  “See, they are coming to us. We should help them!” Max said as he saw Emperor Spyros appeared there with his special wizard armies and commandos.

  They used magical powers of gods to destroy these monsters. They built a strong defender around the Ho-Akmisika’s space.

  “Forgive me people; I needed to obey to you. We did late here,” Emperor Spyros said after the war end.

  “Why didn’t you make the shield before?” I asked.

  We looked around. We saw enemies destroyed these cities on their landing. There was nothing remain beside these few Hovlefi.

  The monarch realized that something happened wrong on his absence. He had to think about his citizens.

  “Sorry, this is my fault,” Emperor Spyros said.

  “My lord, they went away from here,” one of his minister said about the strange evil power.

  “Who does know? They may come further if they get another chance,” I said.

  I thought the emperor is guilty for the happening. He became careless and thus they could create the dread. “My lord, my child is suffering the death. Enemies kicked him by their electric energy. He can’t tolerate the pain, please save him. I can’t live without him,” a Hovlefi woman requested. She was crying.

  “Let me see,” Max came to her son. He applied his inner power on the child.

  “Thanks a lot,” the Hovlefi woman said as he could recover her son. Emperor Spyros called us to his conference hall for an urgent meeting. He believed us that we told him the truth.

  “We brought the shield only for fifteen days, from gods. I know enemies will wait for its break. They will have more power then. We will have to make a plan for them,” he said. Leaders from others planets were in the hall also.

  “You should build an endless magical defender around the world!” Lisa said. “We could get their place. Enemies came from the planet Uricano, Wakmoto galaxy,” Emperor Spyros said.

  He made appearance of the planet’s picture by his magic.

  “My lord, this is not present in the second world. We have listed them as outer lives,” a Hovlefi leader said.

  He was from the planet Ho-Tyko, 258 million light-years far from Sanghuan galaxy.

  “And they are taking help of robots from Diotis world,” Emperor Spyros said and looked at me.

  “They too are our enemies. They are ruling us on Earth!” I said.

  A hovlefi satellite put a clear image of Mr. Mc-56 at the conference. They got the record over a blackmailing when they did doubt.

  “What is the robot doing there?” I asked and shocked.

  “The machine is making deal with these aliens,” Emperor Spyros said.

  “What kind of deal?” I asked. “You think they will do third world war but fact is that they want to destroy your Earth. They have selected a new planet to live. King Erugos is providing him the home in his galaxy,” Emperor Spyros said and looked.

  We came to the world in the thinking that we will deactivate their energy system before they create battle. By which they will be unable to work and we easily can get back to our democracy. It was going to happen without our wish. They all came secret. We people couldn’t get them.

  “What are you thinking?” a leader asked me.

  “Is there any way to stop them?” I said. I broke down. “We don’t have any plan now. We can do nothing for you or ourselves,” Emperor Spyros said.

  “They are winners this time,” a Hovlefi leader said.

  “Did you meet gods?” Janie asked.

  “We have a particular time to meet them, they don’t listen to us other moment,” Emperor Spyros said.


  “Beside the planet we can’t choose a second home you know this well. We will die in lack of oxygen,” Mr. D Johnson said. I needed to tell the real fact about decision of robotic leaders. They didn’t aware of this before. Even their spy networks couldn’t search them openly. All were watching to us, today on the VLT.

  “But you can explore a planet like Earth, can you not do?” Janie said and looked him on the screen.

  “Wish I could do this. What did Emperor Spyros tell?” Mr. D Johnson asked.

  “He can’t help us. He is worried for the second world,” I said. We didn’t want injustice win. We were considering that truth is having more strength and it can develop goodness in the universe. God made things can’t vanish from the land just for these evils.

  “Sir, people already knew that robots are going to burn them. It did become viral,” an operator said. “Who did send the report to them?” Mr. D Johnson asked.

  “We didn’t sir. Computer is showing that robotic leaders intentionally did this,” operator said.

  “It is impossible. Machines can’t quit Earth now, they don’t have enough ships and new planet is not ready yet. It will take a month for them!” I said.

  “Do you still believe that we can win the war?” Janie said and looked. “Yes, we can do,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  Belief can make our way. It can reach us at our goals.

  “If you and we believe that we can deactivate these robots then we can do a trip to our future. It is more powerful than present,” Janie said.

  She was talking about bringing forces from tomorrows that our people didn’t see. She was daring for the situation where we may find these same robots or nothing. “We don’t have instruments to make this happen!” Mr. D Johnson said. “How can we go to our next days? We are not sure about this.”

  “We will talk to Emperor Spyros about this matter. The Hovelfi can invent this by their magic and technology,” I said.

  “Can you just call to Emperor Spyros to the VLT?” uncle Gregor asked me. “I need some times,” I said. “I think they can send you only by their magic, no need of machine for this journey. First we should explore information on future. Whom you will ask for help there? We do know no one yet,” a senior member said.

  “Can we not ask to future armies?” I asked.

  “Maybe this is not good for us suddenly. We need to think deeply just,” Mr. D Johnson said. * “Pull it tightly man, today we will have to set the wall here,” a Hovlefi said as a comember of me was helping him on the work.

  “It is funny indeed, you obey their orders, no?” co-member Ronie asked and looked.

  “They are gods dear, we need to
follow them what they say. They think of us and they are good,” the Hovlefi replied.

  “But they didn’t come to you when enemies killed your citizens!” Ronie said.

  “They want pray. We will have to satisfy them,” the Hovlefi said.

  “Yeah, sometime I do too,” Ronie said.

  “You should do this always. They did create us. They bless us. Perhaps you are forgetting that we worship them,” the Hovlefi said.

  “I didn’t mean that you hate them if they do avoid you,” Ronie said. We members didn’t hesitate to give our hands on their job. They were watching the village after alien attack. They were tolerating the destruction closely. But they were magicians. They can rebuild what they did loss. This time, they were building pseudo-wall around their territory. It was a safety arrangement.

  “I heard they all can come here in a second. It is out of my brain that how did they become invisible? As I know they don’t have power. They are common,” Max said. He was teaching me magic to capture weakness of enemies. He told me that keeping their left leg means they can simply throw fire to you. So you should shoot his neck. It directly hurts nervous system of these aliens.

  “Is Ho-Tyko not in your world?” I asked; Emperor Spyros could recognize them. “Yeah, but we isolated them. They are cheaters,” Max said. “I saw your soldiers are not just serious about the planet. They shouldn’t late on war time. They should stop these odd things from space, before they enter your gravity!” I said as we did make magic over a small house.

  “Do you know why I did choose the spot instead of any leader’s palace?” Max asked and looked.

  “Why?” I questioned him.

  “We all are soldiers. We do our own things without dependence on others,” Max smiled.

  He did complete the thing. I thought someone is safe now, for a while.

  “Your Emperor doesn’t this like you; I doubt that he is a selfish. He leaved you to die,” I said.

  Janie came to us speedily by her fly and landed on the spot with friction.

  “What’s up guys? She said and looked.

  “Oh god, you could do this baby, you are now a magician my angel!” I said and smiled.

  “Thank you honey,” Janie kissed my lips. “I did learn from Mrs. Emily. She did teach me this today by spending a little time with me.”

  “Where did she go?” Max said.

  “She is cooking for us. Don’t worry friend, she is a brave woman. No one can harm her,” Janie said and smiled. She looked happy just.

  “Did Mr. Umota and his co-bosors also learn the magic?” I said when we saw they appeared in the air, few meters away from us.

  “It has become an importance for us guy. This is necessities during war time,” the gorilla chief said.

  “Now we will go to Emperor Spyros by flying!” Lisa made her appearance in front of us. She did too learn the magic from a Hovlefi kid.

  “I doubt about my wife’s magic, did she apply god Aqituc’s power to teach you?” Max asked and looked at Janie.

  “Who is he?” she shocked.

  “He is our god of the civilization. He warned us that we will use his magic only at the fight of strangers. It might cause disorder,” Max said.

  Since 200 years the god didn’t meet to Hovlefi. He made his anger over a mistake of the warrior Dictios as he killed angel Eksitok’s son.

  “Can you not even use this to teach someone?” I asked.

  “This is under restriction. We can’t do though you wish,” Max said.

  “She was learning about god Zyiotik’s magic. I did follow the rule. I didn’t forget to our forefathers,” Emily said.

  She could hear to us by her magic, from her kitchen. To away the confuse she appeared there.

  “Don’t mind, please,” Max said and looked her. “I didn’t know.”

  “I respect my husband,” Emily said and smiled. She disappeared from us to her cooking. They are miracles in the second world. They do spectacular things. The creature selected them for bringing lights. They collapse darker. They give proof that the universe is like this where harmony is essential. We should make distance from hate and ignorance. We should love the nature. We should understand them.

  “Did she mind?” Janie asked.

  “No, you should catch her happiness when she comes nearer,” Max said. Love what you feel in your heart. Becoming heartless is a cursed for the society. Be a lover, this makes you immortal in minds of others. *

  “Really the life is like the air, can we see this? No, thus I say let’s work for people,” Mr. Umota said as he was doing the flying practice with me and crew. Next day once again we had to meet Emperor Spyros and his ministers.

  We were going to give the idea about a tour to future. We thought that he can make the job possible.

  “Your heart is clean. I can guess your love for Mrs. Hemica,” I said and looked.

  “I did talk to her yesterday. She and my kids are missing me. I told her that we will come back to you soon safely, after the mission,” Mr. Umota said.

  He did send a magical clone to his queen.

  “Sorry sir, for me you are suffering the pain. Did we do something wrong?” I said. “Don’t say like this man, we are fighting for our world. Gods gave us the service to protect you. Humanity is yours and ours basic property,” Mr. Umota said.

  “Raise your speed dudes; you are going to finish these bad aliens!” Max advised us.

  “This is your first time practical test.”

  We started to fly rapidly, faster than the air. We made a sound by this. “I think we should go to them,” a co-member said. He was behind me.

  “What are you talking about man?” Janie asked him. “Why will we fight here, why not on planet of enemies? We should push them in their own homes. We know that they will continue the torture. If we did this, beside the Hovlefi land then it would be very less harmful for us. We can search their weakness,” he said.

  “His idea is just okay. Perhaps the base to deactivate these robotic leaders is there that we can’t get yet. We already have proof on it,” another co-member said. He was from Brazil, company-6924.

  “Enemies became cleverer than you people. They have changed planet Ho-Tyko’s way in the space. They have made it invisible,” Max said.

  “Does it mean we can’t see them?” I said.

  It seemed they did preplan to substitute things from the second world Hovlef. They wanted vengeance.

  “Yes, we can’t enter their air until we don’t break the technical power around them,” Max said.

  We completed the flying practice for that day.

  “Who will do this then?” Janie said and looked him.

  “That’s why we will meet Emperor Spyros tomorrow, again, to discuss about the matter,” Max said. We stayed in his new magical home. His wife Emily and mother built this for us. They designed this well with these particles of protectors that they bring from the galaxy Basmotine- Fermica. This was the graveyard of their ancestors thousand years earlier.

  * THE HOVLEFI SCIENCE CAMP “Before it their planet was moving around the star Castosik. It is at north of our co-planet Ho-Efistikus,” satellite-2105 said as it was trying to explaining us the particular spot of these aliens.

  “Enemies chose a secret road to be here. Then they did attack us,” a Hovlefi leader said. “We will make them visible when they will go for disappearance and I think magic of god Silastiax can do this,” second Hovlefi leader said and looked. “I have doubt over the Silastiaxian magic. Last time it did catch fire instead of cleaning an explosion. They were spreading a mixture of bullets by their weapons. They earned this from machines I guess!” Mr. Gusmoni said.

  He is the chief of the natural satellite Erica-45.

  “Your consideration won’t accept here as you are not from a planet, sir. We can give you only an opportunity to participate in the war,” minister Zanderic said.

  “Why did you call me here then? I didn’t come here if I had known that you still don’t look us e
qually,” Mr. Gusmoni said. “Excuse me, now I feel that we can’t defeat these enemies. You don’t support to your own. They will definitely enjoy your failing. We need to unite for this. Please, don’t make someone down. We all have wishes. So we should respect them!” I stood from my sit and said.

  “Who will understand the foolish leader? He himself is an enemy of the world I will say!” Mr. Gusmoni made his angriness on the Hovlefi minister Mr. Zanderic. He even didn’t look at him just well after saying this.

  “On the basis of rule no. 7605, Hovlefi constitute gives the notice that Emperor Spyros may suspend you both leaders if he signed the letter as you are trying to disturbing the meeting. Final warning for you!” two robots appeared in front of them, separately.

  “Sorry if I hurt him,” Mr. Zanderic said.

  They became noiseless.

  “Mr. Jasomine Tasan, you wanted to tell us about future, will you explain this?” a Hovlefi leader said as he was sitting nearer to monarch.

  I reopened my VLT screen after the conversation with uncle Gregor, this morning when we were having the flying to the get-together. “My seniors were telling me that future of Earth may give us a different atmosphere. We should just need to trust that we will win. By which we can make a trip there. We can call for help from them. We can bring them here to save the world including Diotis,” I said.

  They became confuse over my idea. How could you see your tomorrows if your present is going to end, they were thinking this.

  “Are you sure that future is for your humanity?” Emperor Spyros said. “Please be clear sir, we will take this as a time circle, past-present-future and then past. We will bring help from these futuristic armies. We will make them understand about the dilemma,” I said. I made hope among them just.

  He thought for a while.

  “But who will invent the machine?” Emperor Spyros said.

  They looked to each other, only.

  “I will do this my lord. I am an engineer. I have read about this from a book,” a Hovlefi said. The alien is from the star Tricos.

  “I acquire just five days for the invention. I will utilize my technologies and inner magic to build the gadget,” he said. He was looking excited.


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