“What’s your name?” Emperor Spyros asked him.

  “My name is Avion-6,” he said and smiled.

  “Provide him all kinds of instruments what he does need, and a silent room,” Emperor Spyros ordered his servers.

  “I need an Earther with me also,” he said.

  “Can you not do this alone?” a Hovlefi minister said. “Royal workers will be at you on launch and dinner time. You can call them.”

  “I can do the work without eating and drinking. I just need a human who is from Earth,” Avion-6 said.


  “Mr. Jasomine will be with you on this project,” Emperor Spyros said.

  * “My grandfather told me, he was a famous scientist at his old days. His wife was always abusing him because he was working on the missiles. By the way he didn’t want to harm anyone. He was seeking something from atoms. The universe loved him beside his wife Tara,” Avion-6 said. I was with him in the room that emperor’s servants arranged it.

  This is his 4th day on the planet Ho-Akmisika.

  “She shouldn’t do this. She should be proud of him,” I said, it seems she is a beautiful. I mean her name says. “Tara was in love with a young guy. She was secretly meeting him in a private space-station,” Avion said and looked me a bit as he was working on the journey project.

  “Will you please give me the instrument?” he asked me.

  “Could her husband get this?” I asked.

  “Yeah, he helped them to marry, later,” Avion said.

  “I heard it for the first time that a husband helping his wife to live with someone who did cheat him. I can feel how much they hurt him,” I said. “He was a good Hovlefi. His books go in my favorite lists. He could tell about the future clearly. He was sure that we will prepare to make trip for another world and it is going to happen now,” Avion said and smiled.

  “Sir, I have a question for you,” I said.

  “What kind of question?” he asked me suddenly and looked. “This is about you!” I said.

  “Oh, I thought you will ask about my neighbors. According to me they feel jealous. They work in library departments.”

  “And I think I am just on the higher level,” Avion said and laughed.

  I began the query from my same line that I wanted to know from him. It sounds strange.

  “Did you born on 6thday after New Year starting?” I asked, because everybody calls you Avion-6.

  “My mum delivered me when star Hufo stayed in the space by my father and this was his sixth invention. Therefore they call me this,” Avion said.

  “This is interesting indeed,” I said.

  “We humans can’t be able to do like you. We are very common and simple.” “The easiest work in the world is that building a star or planet. This is our tradition,” Avion-6 said.

  “Consequently I believed in your job. I will hope soon we will do the journey by your help,” I said. I think you use mathematics and physics.

  “Inventors do this,” Avion-6 said. Then he sent me to bring engineering and physics books from the city library. He gave me their names, Hovlefi magical science, time and speed technology and three other new books.

  “The book is 1800 years old, take it carefully. You will return this in two weeks,” librarian Mr. Risvo said. I came here by my learning magic.

  “Sure sir, trust me. I am a visitor. I am not going to ignore your sentences,” I said and looked.

  “I have been watching you as a fighter on the planet. You are a trustworthy man!” Mr. Risvo said and smiled.


  (8 days later)

  “It directly leads to Earth’s orbit and time. I did build the machine. So that it will take you to future,” Avion-6 said.

  He informed that at least two humans can make a trip by this. Then it can easily control the system. It is having a link from Hovlef to Diotis world. “Jasomine, you have to talk to TCH (the community for help) on this matter. They think about the universe. We did put several formulas, made futuristic networks to get them. They have latest technologies and armies,” Mr. D Johnson said from the head-office of company-3071.

  “Are they robots?” I asked and looked.

  “No, they are people,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  He brought an image of them to my VLT screen.

  “It means we made our victory against robotic leaders and these aliens!” I said and smiled.

  “Yes my boy but they are too a part of this mission. Thus we could win,” Mr. D Johnson said. They fought with us to these machines.

  “They are our children, is it not?” Dwayne said.

  “I agree, they have written history books about us. They read us,” Mr. D Johnson said. “Sorry member, your brain is having a little disturbance after the scanning of robot-p67. You are not okay for the journey,” Dr. Angelica M.T said and looked at Dwayne, you also Janie.

  “I need to come with him!” Janie said. She opposed the decision.

  “Member, try to understand us. You may die there. You will have high blood pressure when you will reach at future world!” uncle Gregor said.

  Seniors chose Lisa and me for the mission no-5; they refused to bring aliens to Earth.

  “I hope other remaining co-members won’t mind. Your role is important,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Take care,” Janie said and hugged and kissed me.

  “We will come back to you soon, don’t worry!” Lisa said and looked other members.

  Avion-6 reopened the time traveling machine. We had done its trial by sending an extraterrestrial micro- species animal, a day ago. “Members for the trip, your computers will report you everything about the unknown facts on future after you’re gone to there. Our operators are on the line with you,” a senior member said as he was watching us.

  “My lord, we will have to throw magic to run the machine. It will provide power,” Avion-6 said.

  The Hovlefi leaders built some magical globes and threw towards the gadget, at a time. It collected endless energy from them. It made a long circle then. “Enter the circle,” Avion-6 said as the machine did noise and became activate.

  “We will tell you process to return, later,” a Hovlefi minister said.

  They gave me a guide book. Everything was in graphics we saw.

  “What will we do now?” I asked and looked at Avion-6. “Run, run in the circle!” he said.

  We ran on his guidance. After a while we could cross the machine’s glow. We couldn’t see the circle anymore when we did look back.



  We arrived here, in the future of Earth.

  “Oh god, where are we now?” I said as we thought we will get crash for the fastest appearance from the air.

  “We are on our planet,” Lisa said.

  She just slowed down my speed on her first view.

  “Hello people, welcome to New-Delhi, you are in the great and best modern country of the world. India welcomes you,” a robot came to us and said. He made us shock. It seemed we did mistake. Machines are here yet, with their power. This is not similar as we were thinking. We imagined that humans will end these locomotives.

  “Please don’t kill me!” Lisa said and feared. She tried to make distance from the gadget. She hid behind me, like a child.

  “Atithidevo Vaba, guests are our gods,” the robot said and raised his hand to shake. “We should go back to Hovlef. We thought wrong that our children are living in the galaxy. What we see they are machines,” Lisa said slowly at my ear. The robot was with us, still there.

  “Excuse me ma’am, I couldn’t get you,” the robot said, by the way my name is Xoxo. Indians call me this. I work for visitors.

  “Where are humans? Did they not stop your machine civilization?” I said. I became nervous that if my current thoughts became true we can’t trust to our win. It means
living things are finish. “I understand you my friends, don’t worry. We robots are in control of humans now. They are ruling the world this time. They are kind,” the robot Xoxo said and looked.

  “No, they didn’t well. They should deactivate your machines for the second time. They shouldn’t believe you. You are criminals!” I said.

  They were having more robots than vehicles on the streets, presently.

  “Few years we handled them and later everything shifted to danger,” Lisa said. “This is not my decision. They brought us from space. We were existing there as dusts. I think they wanted to reutilize us in their works. They wanted things to change simple from the old complexity,” Xoxo said.

  “Did you come here to help us?” Lisa asked the machine.

  “Yes,” Xoxo said and bowed his head.

  “No need of this, you may go now,” Lisa said, and please leave us alone.

  “Okay ma’am, as your wish,” Xoxo said and went away from us to another place where some people were watching the model of Mahatma Gandhi. “What will the robot do there now? Will he tell them about the great Indian freedom fighter? I can’t understand that how could our next generations become foolish? They made the world a comic story!” I said.

  We didn’t stand there. We began to walk to a crowd less area of the city.

  “Company-3071, android no-88, can you listen to me? Kindly reply me as soon as possible, we are in stuck. Can you listen to me?” I asked. “Connecting to head-office,” a robot said from my brain. We just heard him. “You need to watch the world very well now. Don’t judge them before you find out the real reason,” Mr. D Johnson said as the system connected.

  “I am telling you the truth, sir. They are having robots!” I said.

  I sent him a photo of the machine Xoxo.

  “Did you believe me?” I said. “I hope they don’t rule the civilization once again.” “Good thing is that he didn’t harm us,” Lisa said. “You should think positively member, we also have robots. They don’t disagree on our matters. They do what we order. They behave nice with us. That’s why we do handle their processing.”

  “And sometime we transformed their codes,” uncle Gregor said and looked at us. “They shouldn’t bring these machines back to the planet. They have read history. They know the past,” I said.

  “Did you see any similarities in him with robotic leaders?” a senior operator asked me.

  “We didn’t spend more time with him. We did hate him.”

  “Yeah, he was asking for help but we did refuse him,” I said.

  “Where are you now?” Mr. D Johnson asked.

  “In India,” I said.

  “We thought you will find yourselves in Newark, at least,” Mr. D Johnson said. “It didn’t occur,” I said. “You out for United State, we are trying to connect with TCH,” Mr. D Johnson TCH is the modern and new version of Company-3071. They displaced its original name in the year of 2507. They think about the world’s safety. They meet aliens and for any rescue mission they do plan.

  “Should we tell them about our troubles?” Lisa said.

  She didn’t want on this moment without getting clearance we do move to next. Certainly we are not sure about them.

  “You should make experiment on them just. You contain devices for this,” Mr. D Johnson said and disappeared on our monitors.


  “Sir, what can I help you?” a male robot came out from my eyes as rays, through the black glass that I did wear.

  “Tell me ways to reach at air-port,” I said.

  The robot made a screen in front of me. He brought a map of the city. “Sir, my system is saying that humans don’t use aero-planes. Due to lack of interest in flights they stopped this,” he said.

  I surprised that how do they make their trip? Cars can’t take them too far, to a continent or country. Four wheelers don’t fly.

  “Sir, yourselves you can make the travel from the spot. Your children apply this most,” he said.

  “How do they travel without vehicles?” Lisa said. The robot reported us that the new generation has been building electronics particles in the air. They can bring you anywhere in a second beside ships. You did dream these thousand years earlier and now days they could invent faster than fastest traveling.

  “Only a time you can do this freely. After the first one you will have to pay,” he This was like a fun game for us.

  “Okay, we are ready,” I said. “Sir, you will have to call a current generation robot, here,” he said.

  “Can you not run this?” Lisa asked the machine. “Sorry ma’am, my system can’t operate the new technology which is having differences,” he said and looked her.

  We needed to know the procedure of calling to their robots. They were connecting to brain of these humans as wireless connectors.

  “Call them from your mind, they will be at you in few seconds,” he said.

  We concentrated on the communication. We heard the sound of someone. “Hello people, where do you want to go?” another robot of the future Earth asked.

  “We want to travel to USA; will you arrange a ship for us?” I said.

  “You will take just 45 seconds to reach in America. Passenger no-76234801 and 5478934521 is yours. Can I please scan you?” the robot asked.

  “We don’t have objection,” Lisa said.

  The latest version machine scanned us as soon as possible. He did transfer some data to the customer care associated office of New-Delhi.

  “Thank you people, now you both two steps move forward,” the robot said. It will help you.

  We disappeared in the air when we did this. We were feeling magic in their technology. They were having spectacular things which could make us glad. *

  And all of a sudden, just like electricity we reappeared in the air but this was at a popular game show of Newark city. They were doing this on fashion.

  “Hi friends, I think you would love the live program. The viewers who don’t buy tickets they just watch these beautiful girls outside of the house. You don’t be like them. A thousand dollar for one ticket, I can leave you both for the show,” he said. This is latest.

  “We don’t have interest in football,” I said.

  “No, this is about kiss-kiss bang-bang,” he said.

  He was a co-owner of the entertainment house. He was having a different kind of hair-style in various colors. His clothes were not real also.

  “He is saying right man, you shouldn’t think. Enjoy their sex, lively. They are still doing this in glass jars!” a middle-aged man said at my ear. I looked around. I saw people were coming out from the air. They were not driving cars or bikes. They were doing rapid-traveling. I remained silent for a while as these people were trying to make deal with me.

  “Did you forget something Jasomine?” Lisa asked and looked my face. “I didn’t, I know we will have to go for movie,” I said.

  “Yeah, you liked its trailer,” Lisa said.

  “They seem foolish, make distance from them,” a man said and he took away his co from us.

  We breathed freely that these disturbances didn’t stay there. We had to avoid them.

  “Can you see the bizarre?” I said and looked above. We thought it is another moon in the sky which was even giving its perfect view, at the day time. It was moving around the Earth.

  “I am curious, is it a planet or a satellite? How did it come to the Earth’s orbit? As I know we didn’t have this. We have only a moon. Did we mistake in our landing?” Lisa said. She didn’t make her eyes down from the watching.

  “Ma’am, I am robot-2236 from company-3071, speaking to you,” the machine said from her head.

  “Yes, what do you want to say?” Lisa asked.

  “Will you please open your VLT? I need to explain you about the current world,” machine said.

  “You needed to tell about this earlier,” Lisa opened her eyes cameras and made a display in front of her. “The incident is about 500 years old when the two other natural satellite
s came to the planet’s orbit. It could be possible because of nature’s evolution. They both move around it as the first natural satellite moon does,” robot-2236 said.

  “What is their name?” I asked. “Did ISRO and NASA know the fact?” “Their name is ME-45 Diotis-62 and ME-46 Diotis-62; you can watch one of them at the day and another one at night, with the view of moon. People live there. The both are their home planets now. Astronauts say they came from Yesita galaxy by the slower leaving course,” robot-2236 said.

  Gods know, perhaps the natural satellites present around the Earth may create destruction in future if they hit. We can just imagine the situation.

  “They live in zero gravity on those natural satellites I guess. We will say them aliens, not humans,” I said and looked at Lisa. “Sir, they are having just 100 miles far from the Earth’s upper zone. They contain gravitational force and a suitable environment to breathe. You can’t make rapid travel there. Rails are available on a daily basis. They go to chief space-station,” robot-2236 said.

  “Excuse me, I didn’t get you. Do they have space-ships for the journey?” Lisa said. “No ma’am, they do go there in rails. They have built railways in the sky which leads to a space-station. You can choose your trip from there then,” robot-2236 said.

  How can it possible? We saw rail-lines on the Earth and highways but connecting to the sky from the land is unbelievable. They will create crash.

  “The world itself says nothing is impossible. We provided strong networks to our technologies. We made them superior than superpower.” “And thus we could make our lives on those natural satellites. Common people can stay there easily. It is not costly. They can get better treatment on ME-45 Diotis-62!” robot-2236 said. “Professor Tony S.F says it.”

  “Will discuss about the space technology later,” I said. We made the machine offline for a while. We walked towards a shop, didn’t know what they were selling there. They didn’t give a notice board about their products.

  “Hello friends, what can I help for you?” the seller asked as he was in. He smiled after watching us at his door.

  “Are you feeling hungry?” I asked to Lisa.

  “Yes but still surprising on those things. I think they made the planets artificially. We did never see them before. It can’t occur,” she said.


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