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Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7)

Page 13

by Morgan Kelley

  Chris Ford had been there, and done that with his ex-wife, and he wasn’t taking a return trip with Emma.


  He spun around. “What the hell?”

  She held up a key. “I have the spare you gave me. You know, in case you die in here and want me to get you decent before anyone finds the body.”

  Yeah, he’d given it to her.

  When they had a relationship.

  When they were family.

  When he wasn’t disposable to her and her husband.

  “You should go. You said all you needed to say last night. I don’t need to rehash it today. If you’re here for the condo, I can be out by the end of the week. Everything here is yours. I’ll take my clothes and leave.”

  Yeah, that hurt her. It was his ex-wife all over again. No wonder he slammed the door in her face.

  She didn’t blame him.

  “I asked you to leave.”

  Emma ignored him.

  Chris looked like shit. He had bags under his eyes, he was mainlining coffee, and he didn't even notice he was standing there in boxers with cartoons on them.

  That was her first hint that he was off his game. Normally, he’d flush red and be embarrassed that she saw him in his underwear. Now he was just red and angry.

  Well, she deserved it.

  That was for sure.

  “I can’t go. I have to fix this. I have to fix us.”

  He went to move around her, but she stopped him by putting a hand on his bare chest.

  “Emma,” he muttered. “Please don’t touch me.”

  She removed her hand, but she didn’t move out of his way.

  “I had no right to throw you out of Terrace Glen. You were doing what you always do—watching my back. I took my frustration out on you, and I shouldn’t have done it. That wasn’t fair.”

  He didn't speak.

  Instead, he wanted to put space between them.

  Emma looked miserable, and he didn't want to feel sorry for her. He wanted to be angry. He wanted to hate her, but it was so hard.

  She’d hurt him.

  “I deserve to lose you as my family. I crossed a line. Words hurt, and I said horrible things to you. I know Denise said…”

  He stopped her the second she began talking about his ex. That was off limits. They were over. Emma told him to go, and he was doing just that.

  “Stop. You have no right, Emma. You have no right to bring her up or to treat me like that. I loved you.”

  When he used the past tense, her heart skipped.

  She may have lost him too.

  It was her fault.

  “I did what I had to do. I’m used to being in charge. You and Greyson were both going to get hurt. To me, that was unacceptable. I wanted to save at least one of you.”

  She knew who, too.


  Now Emma felt like a total asshole.

  “I didn't run to him to blab. I kept my word. I told you that I’d say nothing until Greyson asked for my help or came right out and asked me to my face. I don’t lie. I kept my word. It’s not my fault you’re both so damn stubborn that you have to run into the mayhem.”

  “You’re right.”

  He stopped.

  “Don’t agree with me. It makes it hard to be angry!” he growled.

  “I’m sorry, Chris. That’s all I can offer you. I hurt you, and I deserve your anger. I’m here because when you hurt someone, you say you’re sorry. It’s how it should be. I said things that damaged you, and I regret each and every one of them. I hope you believe me.”

  He didn't speak.

  “We’re going to go after Marianna the right way. Greyson realizes that he has to do this legally. It’s who we are. You reminded him of that last night. If you didn't do what you did, watching our backs, we would have screwed this up. I know you want nothing to do with us, but if you change your mind, we’re about to have a meeting at our place. We’re going to take Marianna down. We’re going to find justice for those who lost their lives. You were right. We aren’t above the law, and we can’t play that game.”

  He opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, she did something he didn't expect.

  Emma hugged him.

  She threw her arms around his waist and offered him what she had left.

  Her love.

  Chris didn’t move, and he didn’t even hug her back. That pretty much said it all.

  Emma had destroyed what they had between them, and she couldn’t blame Chris.

  They had lost everyone because they had tried to do this the wrong way.

  This was their karma.

  Setting him free, she wiped her eyes.

  He stared coldly at her.

  “See you at work, Captain,” she said, leaving the kitchen. Emma knew they’d likely burned that bridge too. When this case was over, she’d likely get bumped out of his division.

  Emma wouldn’t fight it.

  She deserved it.

  Outside, she retrieved the package she’d leaned against the wall and placed it on the welcome mat. Chris’s birthday was in three days. She’d picked the gift up when she saw it in the vintage shop.

  Even if they parted ways, he still needed to know she remembered and always would.

  Fussing with the happy bow, she rang the doorbell and got into the elevator. As the doors closed, she saw his open.

  “Goodbye, Chris,” she said, softly. “I love you.”

  He was still angry.

  When she rang the doorbell, he was going to tell her off. She came into his home, stirred him up, and made him want to love her again.

  He was furious that she had that power over him. No one did, and he’d prided himself on that.

  As he yanked the door open, he saw the brightly wrapped box and the card.

  Emma was nowhere to be found.

  Chris began muttering under his breath.

  “Damn woman.”

  While he wanted to leave it there, he knew the present would get the neighbors attention. He told himself he didn't want some gay man offering to bake him a cake, he’d better make it disappear.

  So, he picked it up and brought it inside to the counter.

  For a few minutes, he glared at it.

  When it didn’t vaporize with his anger, he picked up the card.

  He thought about tossing it, but he was curious what it would say.

  Instead, he took a chance.

  Angrily, he opened the card.

  On the front, was a totally inappropriate picture, and it made him want to smile.

  Well, he fought it.

  He wasn’t going to forgive her because she remembered his birthday was coming, or the raunchy humor he found amusing.


  He wouldn’t.

  Then he read what she’d written inside.

  ‘Happy Birthday, Chris.

  I was out and I saw this. It made me think of you. I hope you’ll hang it in your place and think of me too.

  I love you.


  He was irritated that she was trying to make his place look like hers. Of course she was.

  That’s what women did.

  As he tore off the paper, he opened the lid of the pricy box. It had come from some hoity-toity antique shop that sold old things way overpriced.

  Then he pulled back the tissue paper and saw it.

  He stopped.

  It wasn’t something she’d like at all. In fact, it was an antique neon beer sign.

  It was like the one he had before he moved. It never worked, but he still liked it. Taking the plug in hand, he gingerly plugged it in.

  When it came to life, the bright neon flashing, he began doubting the gift. Then inside the box, he saw another piece of paper.

  ‘I’m sorry. I know that right now you’re thinking this is a bribe, but it isn’t. Whether you believe me or not, I picked this up before I made the horrible mistake of putting you between Greyson and myself in this war. I made you choo
se, and it cost me someone I love. I thought about throwing it out, or taking it back, but that hurt too. I want you to have it, not so you’ll take me back, but because I hope when you look at it someday, that you’ll forgive me.

  I don’t deserve it, but I hope you’ll see it in your heart to stop hating me. I made a huge mistake, and I hurt you. Saying sorry will never be enough to make you forgive me. Honestly, I don’t blame you. I hate me too. I hurt a man who matters to me, and that’s unforgiveable. Anger is not how I choose to live my life, and I let it control me. Now, I’m paying for it.

  I’ll never get over you, Christopher Ford. That void will never be filled, but that’s on me, not you.

  So, keep this, and when you see it, know it’s nothing more than a gift for a really special man on his birthday. Keep it or toss it. I don’t care. Just know that I was thinking about you. We may be broken, and unfixable, but I still care about you. I always will.’

  Well, shit.

  She knew what he was thinking.

  Chris had to make a choice. It wasn’t going to be easy, but he had to decide to forgive and help his family, or walk away for good.

  What was he supposed to do?

  Chapter Five

  Terrace Glen

  Eight A.M

  It was time to start the meeting.

  Already, it was a few minutes after eight, and they needed to get this show on the road. As of that moment, they were going to begin solving the series of murders that lead to the rise in power of the crookedest mobster in Vegas.

  Only, they appeared to be on their own.

  As Steele and Dante came downstairs, it looked like their family had lost half the people. They were four members short, and that sucked.

  This was something they knew was going to happen, but they didn't have to like it.

  “They’re gone, aren’t they?” Curtis asked. “I heard them leave last night.”

  So did they.

  Croft nodded. “We’re on our own, but that’s okay. You can always count on family, and we’ll hold up under this. We’ll be fine. We always are.”

  Only he didn’t believe it.

  They were marked, alone, and he knew they were going to lose someone. It was a matter of time.

  He’d never felt so helpless in his life.

  When he glanced over at his wife, it looked like Emma wanted to cry. Chris hadn’t shown either. This was going to make going to work awkward.

  As Steele took a seat, Dante protectively placed his arm over his shoulder.

  “Where is everyone?” Steele asked.

  “We’ve lost our security force, and we’ve lost Chris Ford. Going forward, it’s us.”

  He told Steele what had happened.

  “That’s really bad timing. Dominic will see this as his opportunity to make a strike at us.”

  He was well aware.

  “I’ll keep you safe,” he promised. “You’re my family. Steele, you’re my brother, and Curtis, you’re the son I never knew I wanted.”

  Emma heard the emotion in her husband’s voice. They heard them leave last night, and she’d said goodbye to Chris, but they had hope they’d all come around.

  Well, that thread of hope was officially gone.

  “Let’s get down to business,” Greyson said, preparing a pep talk for his team and family.

  They needed it.

  Just as he was about to start, they heard a noise at the French door. In walked Dimitri, Katerina, and Natasha.

  They dropped their bags.

  “Are we late?” he asked. “Is there room for three more?” Dimitri inquired.

  Emma glanced over at her husband. When he nodded, she was up and off the couch. She rushed the Russians, shocking them.

  She hugged Dimitri first. “Welcome home.”

  He awkwardly patted her on the back. It was clear he was uncomfortable with the contact.

  Croft laughed, heading his way. As Emma moved on to the women, he shook his hand. “What made you change your mind? We heard you leave last night.”

  “I made up my mind when you walked out of the pool house. If you were going to be honest, and you were going to put it out there, then I could take a chance. We didn’t leave to stay away. We headed to our hidey-holes to grab our personal effects. You said move in, so we took that as literal. Was I wrong, or is that still on the table?” he asked.

  “Yes, it is, but why?”

  “I trust you with my past, and you trust me with your future. It seems fair. In a family, you need that trust, or so I’m told.”

  He glanced back at the women as they hugged Emma. He could tell they were happy with the choice, and he didn’t mean Emma.

  His sisters were smiling, and that didn’t happen often. For that alone, he’d take the risk.

  It was time to make it official.

  He focused on everyone in the room. “I need to come clean,” he said, pointing at Natasha. “She’s my half-sister, not my cousin. Since we’re being honest, I thought you all should know.”

  Greyson knew how big that was for him. The man was proving that he was willing to trust them with his closely guarded secrets.

  “Welcome to the family,” Dante offered, grinning from his spot on the couch.

  Emma couldn’t contain herself. She hugged Dimitri again.

  Once more, he looked uncomfortable, but he was getting used to it. This time, he hugged her back.

  It was a start.

  From the corner of his eye, Dimitri could see Curtis moving toward Katerina. “Back away from my sisters, hornball.”

  Emma started laughing.

  As did Greyson.

  Curtis looked like a deer in headlights. Instead, Katerina touched his cheek and smiled. ‘Later,’ she mouthed when her brother wasn’t looking.

  He hoped so.

  “We should start this then,” Croft said, moving toward the couch.

  Dimitri glanced over at Natasha. “Can you do the patrol? I don’t like that we’ve left the house unguarded the last few hours.”

  “Uh, cops and Feds live here,” Emma reminded him. “I think a few hours is fine.”

  “Who here has been shot at in the last three months?” he asked.

  Everyone but Steele, Dante and the Gideons raised their hands.

  “That makes my point. All the cops and Feds have shitty luck. Let’s not risk it.”

  Emma laughed. “You’ve made your point.”

  Natasha whisked herself away, heading out to the pool house to do her job.

  When she was gone, they all sat down around the table to start the meeting.

  “We need to discuss…”

  Greyson was cut off by the gate alarm. Someone was entering the compound. Immediately, Dimitri was off the couch, at the window, and unsnapping his gun holster.

  Emma was at his side. “It’s Chris,” she said, glancing back at her husband.

  He followed her as she raced toward the door. When she got there, Chris Ford was just getting out of his beat up truck.

  She paused at the front porch, waiting for him to see her. When he looked up, he smiled.

  “You’re forgiven, Emma.”

  That’s all it took. She didn't have her brother anymore, but she had him. As she rushed him, he caught her in his big bear hug.

  “Chris, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I really mean it.”

  He dropped a kiss to her forehead. “It’s okay, kiddo. I’m not mad at you anymore. Families fight, right?”

  She sniffled.

  He lifted her chin. “You need to be careful. I’m not coming back to watch you get hurt. Promise me.”

  She nodded. “I promise.”

  Chris dropped his arm over her shoulder as they headed back toward the house. Greyson was there in the doorway, grinning at them.

  He should probably be nervous with all the men around his wife, but honestly, he wasn’t. They were good people and he trusted each and every one. They had Emma’s best interest at heart.

nbsp; He could see it.

  “Captain, welcome back,” he said, hugging the man.

  “Yeah, yeah. No one at work needs to know I’m a big puddle of mush around her. If word gets out, I’m going to hurt someone.”

  They laughed.

  “Your secret is safe with us,” Greyson stated.

  “Speaking of work,” Ford said, “I’m clearing your workload. I’ll need jurisdiction back for that body, Greyson.”

  He went to object.

  “Emma found it, and this is a serial killer case as far as the media is concerned. I spoke to the commissioner, and he was more than accommodating to agree to allow the FBI to help if you were so inclined. He suggested that you call in a couple agents to assist, and you can always play partner. If the lead detective would prefer to use your ME instead of ours, for personal reasons, she may.”

  It looked like Chris was late for a reason.

  He was covering their backs just like he always did.

  “I would like to use Steele. He’s competent and ours is cranky, surly, and a…”

  “Emma,” Chris said, stopping her.

  “A mean person.”

  Greyson grinned. “I need to make a call. Have the body sent to the FBI lab, and our ME will handle it. The jurisdiction is all yours, kitten.”

  Emma kissed them both on the lips. “Hallelujah! I don’t have to deal with Hanlon the hun!”

  Both men laughed.

  “We should get inside,” Emma said, dragging Chris in by the hand. “While he makes the call, we can get started.”

  He stopped her in the foyer when they were alone. “I need a minute.”

  “Okay, what’s wrong?”

  “I wanted to thank you for the gift.”

  She smiled. “I saw it and knew you had a similar one. I figured if that doesn’t get the ladies, nothing will.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the sign. I was talking about the letter you put in with it.”

  She stared at him. “Oh.”

  “I’m not one for messy sentiment, but I have a few things to say to you too. Since my handwriting is horrible, I’ll just say them and we can get past this.”

  “Okay, Chris.”

  “You did hurt me. I don’t let myself get attached for a reason. While I know you were angry, I still need to be honest with you.”


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