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Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7)

Page 27

by Morgan Kelley

“I can do that.”

  “Watch your back though. He’s a dick. Don’t trust him.”

  “I’ll handle that part. You have fun, and I’ll make sure I keep my eyes on him,” stated Dimitri. “I’ll be floating around. Keep Curtis near you. He’s taking Katerina with him for the night. They have a date.”

  Croft grinned.

  “Shut up.”

  “You told everyone about my nest. I’m going to give the boy sex advice.”

  Dimitri stared at him. “You absolutely will not, Mr. Sex in the elevator at a crime scene! I don’t like you right now.”

  It made him laugh.

  “Wait! Is that where you disappeared to?” Chris asked, laughing. “You two are out of control. If I was her boss right now, I’d be kicking her ass.”

  “And that’s why you’re not her boss right now. Besides, if she hears us talking, all of our asses are kicked, and if you think she can’t do it, Emma can.”

  The men laughed. They didn’t doubt that for a second.

  “Now, if you’re all done mocking my sex life, how about we have the good doctor tell us what to do about this mess?” Greyson stated.

  “Dig up the rest of the bodies. He’s going to lose control once the heat is on,” Paris offered.

  They could do that.

  “Where are we with the present victim?” Ford asked. “Have we gotten anything?”

  “I have the lab techs working on the body in the concrete,” stated Croft. “They’ll have the bones out by morning.”

  “Shall we get some sleep?” Dimitri asked, knowing he and Natasha would be sleeping in shifts. In fact, he’d give her the first one.

  He didn't need much.

  Dimitri was still running on adrenaline.

  “Good idea,” asked Ford. “Who’s watching the grounds? I can take a shift.”

  Dimitri told him.

  “Seriously, why have I never seen this Natasha? Are you yanking my chain? Does she exist?”

  There was soft feminine laughter from somewhere behind them.

  Chris looked around for her, and couldn’t find anyone there.

  “That’s Natasha,” stated Croft. “She’s really hard to spot. Think ‘Where’s Waldo’ when everyone is wearing red and white stripes. Whatever you do, don’t get lured into a game of hide-and-seek for money. You’ll lose.”

  He was intrigued.

  Chris was curious by nature, and this made him want to play the game.

  “Get some rest.”

  The men headed upstairs, and Dimitri looked around. “Behave, Natasha.”

  She popped out from a dark corner. “I can’t help myself. The big man intrigues me,” she said in Russian.

  “Chris is off limits, Nat. You know that,” he replied in their mother tongue.

  She crossed the room. “We’ll see,” she admitted, right before disappearing into the night.

  “Women,” he muttered.

  Dimitri began his patrol.

  He was going to keep the Crofts safe, whether they liked it or not.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Upstairs, Emma wasn’t in their bed.

  That meant only one thing—she wasn’t kidding about their secret spot. Heading toward the closet, he pulled open the shoe rack and found the door inside open.

  She indeed was waiting for him.

  As he headed in, he saw candles, soft music, and his wife in one of his t-shirts.

  “So, soldier, home from the war?” she asked, going up on her knees.

  Greyson shoved the door closed and locked it. Now that their spot was known, he wasn’t taking any chances.


  As he approached, she ran her fingers over the Kevlar and tactical gear. “When you came home, Captain Croft, who welcomed you?”

  He laughed. “A cat. I didn’t have a woman waiting for me.”

  The scent of her skin turned him on.

  “Well, you do now. Welcome home,” she whispered, pulling him toward her by the vest.

  Her mouth found his, and he was in heaven.

  This was perfect.

  All the stress washed away. In that moment, it was only Emma. When she released him, her fingers found the Velcro on his sides.

  “Today, you played the game you wanted. Tonight, it’s my turn.”

  He laughed. “Play away. I’m your playground. Hop on anything you want.”

  She ran her fingers over the bulge in his cargo pants.

  “Anything?” she asked.

  “Kitten, be careful who you tease. I like teaching my minx a lesson when she’s bold, and you know it.”

  She grinned at him all the while her fingers began working on his button and fly.

  In his head, Greyson was silently pleading that she’d never stop. She was stroking, touching, and driving him absolutely insane.

  This was perfect.

  His wife was riled up, and he was about to get the attention he craved.

  When she had him out of his boxers, she stroked him. Greyson moaned in pleasure. This was going to be hot.

  “Welcome me home. I think I earned it.”

  Emma stood, turning him around. “How was the strip club? I saw the headline.”

  He swallowed.

  Well, this went from good to bad pretty fast.


  “Sit, Greyson.”

  He did as she asked. “Take off the vest,” she asked, heading for the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.”

  He didn't hesitate.

  Chances were, he was going to get lucky. Emma rarely let him down. Over the last year, he’d become an expert at knowing when his wife was pissed.

  She wasn’t, so that was a good thing.

  When he was down to just his pants, his exposed erection, and a t-shirt, he waited.

  The door to the bathroom opened, sexy music came on, and his wife appeared in some scandalous outfit.

  She looked like…

  Holy shit!

  A stripper.

  As she began moving, grinding, and shaking her ass, his blood pressure shot up. In that moment, he wished they had a pole.

  “Where’s my wallet?” he muttered as she moved toward him, her breasts barely contained in the sparkly top. “I feel the need to shove money in your bra.”

  “I feel the need for you to shove something entirely different in me.”

  He stared at her.

  “You have a dirty mind. I love it. Make it stay. It can have its own side of the house—free room and board.”

  She shook her ass, and it nearly mesmerized him.

  “Would you like a lap dance, Captain?” she whispered, leaning into his body.

  “Yes, yes, I would. I didn't get one from the strip club. For the record, they have nothing on my wife. She’s gorgeous, and slutty all at once. That’s the perfect combination for a soldier coming home.”

  Emma began grinding in his lap, timed to the music. When he went to touch her, she moved away.

  “No touching, Captain.”

  His body went harder, if that was possible. When he finally got his hands on her, she was going to be the one begging.

  “How about a private dance?” she asked.

  “Yes, please. What should I call you?”

  She smiled. “Kitten is fine, but be careful, I have claws.”

  He laughed.

  That was until she whipped off her top and began gyrating like an actual stripper.

  He stared.

  Someone had studied something to pull off those moves. His wife was pulling out all the stops.

  Holy shit!

  He was going to spontaneously combust.

  “Please tell me you put out, Kitten. I’ve got a little problem here, and I hope you’re going to handle it.”

  She moved closer, and then suddenly pushed him back onto the bed. “I’ll handle it for you.”

  Emma began stroking, teasing, and then used her mouth. She worked him like never before, as if she was trying to turn him inside out.<
br />
  “Oh, Jesus,” muttered Greyson, staring at the ceiling. Putting mirrors there was probably a bad idea in hindsight. He was getting one hell of a visual as his wife leaned over his body.

  Her red hair stood out, as did the barely there gold skirt that left nothing to the imagination that she was wearing.

  He loved sparkles.

  She could wear them every day, and it would always remind him of this moment.

  While she ran her hand up and down his dick, her mouth did something to the tip.

  He nearly came off the bed, and there in her mouth.

  “Emma! Oh, Christ! Don’t stop!”

  She worked him hard.

  When he was breathing heavily, his whole body shaking, only then did she release him.

  “Now for my favorite part.”

  Emma climbed up his body, leaving her skimpy skirt and his pants on.

  “I’m not supposed to have sex with the customers, so we’ll have to make this fast.”

  That’s when she impaled herself on his wet erection.

  Greyson nearly exploded again. His wife was pushing him to the breaking point.

  When Emma began riding him, timing it to the beat of the song, he couldn’t think. Greyson was mesmerized by the glittery heels, the sway of her bare breasts, and the way she rode him.

  Yes, Kitten was moving in.

  She could have his half of the bed.


  He’d sleep on the floor for her.

  Emma worked her hips, burying him to the hilt.

  “If you keep that up, I’m going to lose control,” he whispered, watching his dick disappear into his kitten.

  Emma leaned over his body, holding his arms above his head. Her eyes fell on the tattoo on his wrist.

  It showed his heart in five simple letters.

  “Welcome home, Captain,” she said, riding him hard. Her husband, while normally vocal during their lovemaking was really expressing his feelings.

  He was begging.


  He even dropped a few profanities too.

  All the while his wife was riding dick, he was thinking only one thing.

  He never stood a chance.

  The second he was trapped beneath her, Emma riding him into abandon, he was done. There was no way he could pull off being suave, or like he was going to take control and show her who was boss.

  It was crystal clear.

  Emma was driving the sex train, and in this case, he really didn’t mind at all.

  He had his own personal stripper.

  The thought of his wife servicing his needs on her knees of some dirty club got him off.

  He couldn’t help or fight it.

  The men were right.

  Croft loved the kink—and thankfully, so did his wife.

  Simply thinking about that did him in. He exploded, a long guttural moan escaping. His body shuddered in release as Emma joined him in the fall. As she collapsed across his body, neither of them moved.

  “So, strip club, huh?”

  He started laughing. “You’re the only cheap stripper I need, honey.”

  Emma cuddled into his embrace.

  That was exactly what she wanted to hear.

  “Don’t forget it, Captain Croft.”

  He was pretty sure he never would.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Saturday Two A.M

  Terrace Glen

  He finally fell asleep when the light tapping at his door woke him up. Maybe being a Fed had simply caused him to be a light sleeper, but immediately, he heard it and reached for his gun.

  Sliding out of bed, he headed toward the locked door. Placing his ear to it, he waited until he heard movement.

  Someone was there.

  As the footsteps began moving away, he opened it and peeked outside. There stood Katerina, and she didn't look so good.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked, taking her hand in his.

  “I had a horrible dream, and I couldn’t sleep. I was coming to check on you, but your door was locked. I didn't want to get shot. Again.”

  He pulled her inside, closing the door behind him. “What was the dream about? If you talk about it, you’ll feel better.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “You died.”

  He got it.

  He recalled having dreams like that many times when they’d cut it close. “Why don’t you stay here with me?”

  She looked around.

  “You’ll be safe.”

  Katerina moved toward the bed and climbed onto it. While she waited for him to put away his gun, she checked him out.

  Curtis was in a pair of pajama bottoms and nothing else. His hair was disheveled, and he looked sexy as hell. He wasn’t some huge ripped monster. Instead, Curtis was thin and reminded her of the boy next door.

  His wholesomeness appealed to her.

  In her life, that was exactly what she craved and wanted.

  “I’ll make sure nothing chases you,” he offered, climbing up beside her. “You’ll be safe with me. I promise.”

  “Just hold me until I fall asleep,” she whispered. “I don’t want to think about the ‘what ifs’,” she added.

  He got it.

  As she curled into his body, it wasn’t easy to concentrate. Kat smelled like roses, and he wanted to sniff her.

  By sniff, he meant have hot sex.

  But he couldn’t.

  He wouldn’t.

  He was going to go slow, making sure she was safe. He’d promised her, and himself—even if it killed him.

  Curtis wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what took him out. Could someone die from love?

  If they could, he would.

  That was his luck.

  An hour passed, and she was softly breathing on his chest. While he wanted to stay, he wouldn’t.

  She deserved respect, and he wanted to prove to her that not every man was going to want to hurt her. Curtis was being a gentleman.

  Emma said mimic Greyson on his romance and suave actions, and that he could do.

  That wouldn’t bite him in the ass.

  Gently, he slid out from beneath her body before tucking the blankets around her. For her, and his own sanity, he’d ride the settee that was in his room.

  It wouldn’t be too bad.

  He could still smell the scent of her shampoo, and tomorrow, her scent would be all over his sheets.

  That alone made it worth it.

  Settling down on the settee, he stared at her from across the room. She was safe.

  He was safe.

  That’s all that mattered.

  Tomorrow was a new day, and they’d face it together. What choice did they have?

  This was far from over, and he knew it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Saturday Morning


  Dimitri hated playing ‘find the sister’. As of late, it was wearing on his nerves. Kat was never like this before she ran into Curtis. The day she met the man, she’d begun losing that edge she’d once had.

  It was irritating.

  To make it worse, keeping track of her was getting harder and harder.

  As he searched the house for her, Dimitri began praying that she wouldn’t be doing anything that she’d regret. She was young—a child by some standards.

  He didn’t want to see her hurt.

  There was a suspect at the top of his list when it came to where she’d be. Oh, he knew exactly where she was holed up.

  Wherever Curtis was, Kat was likely right behind him. After what he saw the previous night, he hoped he wasn’t going to be walking into anything that would freak him out.

  A naked sister and sweaty Fed would likely stop his heart. Since the word sex, used in combination with his sister’s name, threatened to freak him out, he could only hope they weren’t doing anything he couldn’t erase from his memory.

  It would certainly put him over the edge.

  Katerina, since she had a date tonight, needed t
o cover the first shift so he and Natasha could crash. It was going to be a busy day, and he needed to sleep—if only a catnap.

  At Curtis’s door, he listened for any sign of life.

  Fortunately, it was silent.

  Dimitri made a mental note to wire the man’s room with security. Then he wouldn’t have to eavesdrop. Then again, did he really want to know?

  Yeah, probably not.

  If he heard even one moan, he was going to hurt someone. By ‘someone’, he meant the young man.

  When nothing seemed to be coming from behind the door, he tested the handle. It wasn’t locked.

  So, he took that as his invitation.

  Opening the door, he was surprised to find his sister alone in bed. What shocked him even more was that the Fed was across the room, awkwardly positioned on a small couch, and nowhere near Kat.

  He was shocked.

  Sister in bed.

  Male on couch.

  What the hell was wrong with this picture?

  When Katerina moved, waking up, he placed his fingers over her mouth to silence her.

  She looked around, confused.

  That told Dimitri everything he needed to know. Kat had fallen asleep and the man had made the choice—or sacrifice as it seemed.

  “You have patrol this morning. The Crofts will be leaving the compound,” he whispered in her ear.

  She was still staring at Curtis.

  So, he continued, knowing that it needed to be said. When Dimitri was wrong, he would own it. “I like him. I take it all back. He’s a good man. You’re lucky.”

  She stared at him as if she woke up in a different world. Did her brother say something positive about the man she wanted to be with?

  Was this a dream?

  “Come,” he whispered.

  She slid out of bed, but before she left, Kat carried the blanket to Curtis and tucked him in.

  Dimitri watched as she left a chaste kiss on his cheek, and then gently brushed the wayward curl from his forehead.

  Oh boy.

  His sister was in love.

  He could see it.

  Now he had to hope this didn't explode all around them. Dimitri didn’t want it to go to shit.

  After all, he was beginning to enjoy his new family.


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