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Destruction (Masters of Destruction Book 1)

Page 5

by Rodgers, Salice

  “Will you set up a table this year?” Mom asks.

  My mom and I set up a table one year and sold caramel apples. I had so much fun decorating them all different ways. I smile at the memory and look to Mom.

  “No caramel apples for me this year. I want to walk around and enjoy the other tables.”

  I finish my plate and take it to the sink. My mom is an amazing cook but tonight I just can’t taste it.

  “Just leave it there, honey, I will get those later.”

  “Thank y’all for supper. I’m going to go home and lay down.”

  I walk to the table and kiss them both on the cheek and head out the door.


  My house is quiet as I walk through the door and drop all my bags on the floor. When I went to my parents I had all intentions of telling my dad what was going on but as soon as I saw him I knew that I couldn’t. What would I say? Hey, Dad. I know you don’t want to know this but I got involved with MOD. Oh and by the way, someone wants to kill me. Who you ask well you see I don’t know that part.

  I lock my door and go straight to my room. This day has been so exhausting. All I want to do is lay down and sleep it away hoping that when I wake up this will all be over and I can go back to life as the daughter of Officer Malcolm.

  I hear a motorcycle as it pulls into my yard. The noise is so loud I hit the floor and climb under the bed screaming. It sounds like the windows are shattering. I then hear footsteps and look around my room for something I can use as a weapon.

  When I find nothing, I feel like I am in a horror movie and crawl to my closet. I lean my back as close to the wall as I can and cover my mouth with my hands. The tears are running down my face. I hear the footsteps coming closer. I press harder against the wall willing it to pull me in and never let me go.

  I hear the door to my bedroom open and the steps get closer and closer until they are right outside my closet. I squeeze my eyes shut. This is the part of the horror movie where you sit on the couch and yell at the woman on the TV for always hiding under the bed or in the closet.

  Before I have a chance to think I feel a hand on my leg pulling me from the closet. I kick my other leg and scream.

  “Quit kicking, bitch!”

  I still at the sound of the voice. He leans in and wraps his hands around my throat. His face is inches from mine as he leans in closer and smiles like he has won some kind of prize. He keeps his grip loose but firm enough that I know there is no way I can move before he tightens his hands and I can’t breathe.

  “Your man should have never left you alone.” He leans back and let’s go of my throat and kicks me. I turn my body in time and his foot hits my legs hard. The pain is intense – the scream makes my throat raw.

  “I was going to kill you,” he says and laughs like I am nothing more than a bug on his shoe. “But leaving you here beaten and bruised for your president to see you sounds so much more fun. That way you can tell him Mercy said hello.” He winks.

  He kicks me again and all I can feel is pain and the ringing in my ears is deafening. I close my eyes and cover my face as he continues to kick and punch me anywhere he can before he walks away laughing. I lay on the floor not able to move and listen as he rides away on his bike.

  I will myself to pass out. I hear more motorcycles and still can’t will my body to move. Footsteps come next and the only thing I can do is lay on the floor and cry.


  “Britt, it’s Andrew can you hear me?” His hands touch my face moving my hair and I wince.


  “Stop yelling,” I whisper.

  I slowly turn my head and look at Boog.

  “Can you move?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He lowers his hand and I move my head.

  “Don’t… Just go get my dad and y’all leave me alone.”

  I can’t talk anything more than a whisper. My throat is raw and every bone in my body feels like it’s broken. What grown man would want to beat the shit out of a woman?

  “He isn’t home, Britt.”

  Boog leans in and picks me up and I scream. I feel like he is ripping my body apart. He walks into the bathroom and turns back to Andrew before he shuts the door.

  “Call Seth tell him to bring the truck NOW!” And with that he kicks the door shut so hard the windows rattle.

  He lays me on the floor and reaches down to pull my shirt over my head. I move my hand down to stop him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Move your fucking hand I just want to look, Brittney.”

  He is the only one I’ve met who doesn’t call me Britt or Cupcake – it’s kind of nice. Boog spends the next few minutes checking various parts of my body and each time I moan or wince. Andrew knocks on the door and peeks his head in after a few seconds.

  “Truck’s here.”

  Boog nods and picks me up again.

  “Where are we going?”

  “The clubhouse,” is all he says and slams the truck door shut.

  “Get her there safe!”

  “You got it.”

  I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of motorcycles again.

  Chapter Eight

  The smell of Boog once again surrounds me and I snuggle into the pillows pulling the covers to my chin. The pain in my body causes me to moan. I move my leg and wince and then move my arms feeling the same pain in my legs. My ribs and stomach all hurt. The night before comes flooding back and my heart starts pounding in my chest. My hands get sweaty. I open my eyes and look around. My body relaxes as soon as I see Boog’s room and I relax back into the bed.

  “Hey,” Mallory says.

  I jump and turn my head and look towards the door. She is sitting on the floor with her legs pulled to her knees her arms locked around them. I can see that she has been crying.


  “How do you feel?”

  “Sore. Why are you sitting over there?”

  “You almost died because of me.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “I am so sorry for what I said to you, Britt.”

  “Oh stop and get off the floor.” I pat the bed beside me.

  She stands from the floor and walks towards the bed sitting down slowly like she thinks I am going to break.

  “The doctor said you were lucky you didn’t have any broken bones. Just bruised pretty bad.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Britt, you have to see now what I was talking about.”

  “You keep giving mixed signals, Mallory. Make up your mind.”

  “I love Boog like a brother and I have never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. But you are my best friend and I didn’t want this to happen.”

  “Well it did, Mallory.”

  She turns her head away and I reach my hand out of the covers and touch her arm until she looks at me again.

  “Just walk me through things and be there for me okay. This flip flopping back and forth is making my head hurt and my body is doing that enough.”


  She leans in and wraps her arms around me hugging me slightly. I love that she wants to be there for me and give me advice but one second she is swearing me away and the next she is telling me how much she thinks Boog loves me in such a short time. I can’t take it anymore.

  “I’m going to go and let you rest.”


  I watch her as she walks out the door and shuts it quietly behind her. I know that she is trying to be a friend and I am fighting with myself about being here in my own head. I do good until I see his face and that arrogant smile and then it’s like I crumble and he is the one to put the pieces back together. In the short time that I have known Boog the feelings I have scare me. I don’t know how to deal with them even after what happened yesterday and I don’t know that I could just walk away and never look back.

  I want to feel his hands on me. I want to taste his k
iss and feel him moving in and out of me. The feeling of his breath on my ear as I watch his hand run down his stomach. I jump at the sound of the door opening and grit my teeth at the pain that follows.

  Boog walks to the bed and slides his clothes off slowly – my eyes following each move. He walks around the bed and wraps his arms around me kissing behind my ear. I close my eyes and hold in the moan that threatens to come out.

  “How do you feel?”


  “Nothing is broken, the doctor said you would be bruised but you would heal fine. You need to rest. I am so sorry, Brittney.”

  “The big bad Boogie Man said sorry?”

  I grab his arm and pull him closer snuggling into his touch. He doesn’t ask me who did it or what happened but I have a feeling he already knows.

  “When it comes to you I am starting to think I would say sorry and a lot more. Get some rest.”


  His breathing slows and I know he’s asleep. I think back to the words I said to Mallory earlier, maybe it’s not her flip flopping about the situation that is making my head hurt – it’s me. I snuggle closer into his touch and his arms tighten. I think I am falling for this man.

  I know I should be pissed and scared but I can’t seem to find it in me to be. I don’t know what I am walking in to but when he holds me like this I feel like I could walk into a pit of snakes blindfolded and we would be okay.


  The sound of his slowed breathing is the first thing to greet me when my eyes open the next morning. I turn on my back and watch as his chest rises and falls when he breathes. The cover is pulled down just below his stomach showing the most beautiful V I have ever seen in my life. I reach my finger over and slowly trace the lines of his abs making my way to the V. The feeling of his skin is enough to make my breathing speed up.

  I jump when his hand grabs mine, and I run my eyes along his body till I make it to his face. His eyes lock with mine and I know what is about to come next. That arrogant smile.

  “See something you like?”

  I pull my hand from his and watch his eyes roll back as I trace the same lines as before. From his abs to his V, making sure I rub as close to the blanket as I can without pushing it down.

  “I like this,” I say as I run my finger along the V. “And these,” I add and run my hand along the lines of his abs once again.

  “Don’t do that…” he whispers once his eyes focus on me again.

  “Don’t do what?”

  “Your touch awakens things in me I didn’t think was possible.”

  I lean back and watch his face. The reaction to my touch is sincere. He looks scared like he doesn’t know how to react or what to say or do next. I smile and lay my hand on his stomach. I don’t want to stop touching him. I need to touch him to know that he is real.

  “I thought you would have run for the door as soon as you woke up,” he tells me after a few minutes of silence.

  “I thought about it. You have to tell me what I am walking into, Boog. Give me some kind of idea.”

  He grabs the covers and pulls it up to his chest immediately going cold. He looks at the ceiling and then back to me.

  “You would really run then.”

  “I got the shit beat out of me for riding on the back of your motorcycle one time, and I am still here, Boog. Can you start letting me make my own choices now?”

  “Did they say anything, Brittney?”

  My heart starts to race.

  “Mercy says hi.”

  I don’t want to give him all the small details. I can’t even remember half of it. I wanted to forget it all. I could remember enough by just looking at the bruises on my skin. Boog looks confused as he processes what I said.

  “Mercy? Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I thought they were a part of the ones who I saw you talk to at the café.”

  He shakes his head and sits up in the bed. The covers fall and my eyes are instantly on his abs and that wonderful V. He leans over me and grabs his shirt from the floor and I want to groan like a child and stick out my bottom lip begging him not to put it on. I watch as he stands up and walks around the bed throwing on the rest of his clothes in a hurry.

  Once he is fully dressed he walks back to the bed and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. His hands grab each side of my face softly and his tongue invades my mouth waking each of my nerve endings. My breathing speeds up and I want him inside me now.

  He pulls back and I reluctantly let him go.

  “You need to heal a lot more than one day before I touch you like that again,” he teases and smiles.

  He walks to the door and grabs the knob then he turns back to me and winks before he exits and I am once again alone in the room.

  Chapter Nine

  After my shower, I stand in front of the bathroom mirror and look at my naked body. The bruises are fading and my skin is finally going back to normal color before someone decided to beat the shit out of me. I shake my head and wrap a towel around myself drying off the water droplets.

  It’s been a week since the attack and I still haven’t left the clubhouse. My cell phone rings and I put it up to my ear without looking to see who the caller is.



  I still at the sound of his voice and walk out of the bathroom and make my way to Boog’s room shutting the door behind me.

  “Hey, Dad. What’s up?”

  “Coming in to work today?”


  I feel like I am on trial and anything I say is going to be used against me. Like he knows I am not telling him the whole truth so he is going to twist and turn anything I say and ask the same question a million times only each time they will be worded different.

  Before I go to my dad with anything I wanted to know more about what Boog and I are. I would tell my dad the whole truth not a half-hearted one.


  “Dad, what is going on? I know that isn’t the whole reason you called.”

  “Just checking on you, Cupcake.”

  I roll my eyes and sit on the bed letting the towel pool around me. No one comes in Boog’s room other than him or Mallory.

  “Dad, Andrew is Mallory’s boyfriend not mine.”

  He sighs and I hear his chair creek as he sits back in the chair.

  “I don’t want you around them, any of them.”

  “I love you, Dad. I will see you in a few hours.”

  “I love you too, Cupcake.”

  I hang up the phone and lay it on the bed beside me. Boog and I have grown closer since I’ve been staying here. I still don’t know what I am walking into but I do know that I don’t want to walk away. Boog walks in the door and as soon as he sees me sitting on the bed, I instantly become embarrassed – still.

  “Now that is the way to greet a man as he walks into the room.”

  “Shut up.”

  I roll my eyes yet again and stick out my tongue. Boog crosses the room quickly and kneels on the floor in front of me placing his hands on my thighs, pushing them apart. His eyes travel down my body and stop at the one spot I am begging him to touch. He hasn’t touched me all week other than to hold me and each day seems to be tougher than the day before.

  I place my hands on the bed behind me and lie back. Boog’s groan is the only noise I hear before I feel his hot breath on my clit. He pulls it in his mouth and slides a finger inside me. I arch my back pushing up with my hands. Boog presses his free hand on my stomach.

  “Boog, please…” I groan.

  The feeling of his hands on me after needing them for so long is the best thing I have ever felt.

  “Please what?”

  I look at him down the line of my body. His finger still moving in and out of me hitting that spot inside me over and over, it’s all I can do to form words.

  “I need… you.”

  “I am right here. I will always be right here. No more with the
off and on, Brittney. You’re mine, I can’t walk away from you or watch you walk away from me.”

  “I need you inside…”

  He smiles and stands up. He takes his time taking his clothes off and then carefully he lays his cut on the dresser and sets his clothes on the floor in front of it. I watch him walk towards me. He runs his hands down his stomach and stops at the V, teasing me. When he makes it to the bed, he grabs my legs and pulls me to the edge leaving my ass hanging off the side.

  He grabs my ass and slides inside me. I lean my head back against the bed and scream his name as I bunch the covers into my fists. Watching him move in and out of me pushes me closer and closer to my orgasm. His pace is fast hitting that spot deep inside me that only he can reach.

  “Close, Boog, so… fucking close,” I yell.

  He smiles and squeezes my ass a little tighter. The pain of his hand and the pleasure of his movements throw me over the edge. I try to watch him as he continues to move in and out of me. I want to see him scream my name but my eyes roll back instead. His name falls from my tongue over and over until he slides out of me and pushes me higher on the bed, both of us trying to catch our breath.

  Someone pounds on the door so hard the windows seem like they should be shaking. Boog jumps out of the bed and throws his clothes on. When he opens the door both Temper and Andrew are standing there.

  “We need to go,” Temper exclaims.

  I still at the sound of his voice, it sounds rough almost mean. I hadn’t heard him talk much until now and the few words that he says lets me know that I would never want to be on his bad side. I would never want that anger that you can hear dripping from his voice directed at me.

  Boog comes back to the bed and leans in giving me a kiss and turns back towards the door shutting it behind him. My cell phone rings and I jump at the noise. When I get it off the table my heart hits the floor.

  “Hey, Mallory.”

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “I am on my way.”

  I jump out of the bed and grab clothes throwing them on. Since the attack at my house I have been staying here and Boog has said nothing about when I could go home. I have been able to drive around without someone trailing me each step I go but I haven’t really wanted to leave either so neither of us has said anything.


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