Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series Page 8

by Drew Sera


  -Love from Colin and Anthony

  -Anthony and Colin to feel comfortable and confident to exert their dominant nature and control over me





  -Lots of physical contact from both Colin and Anthony, other than just sexual. I really like the way you touch me.

  I turned the paper over but it was blank. Was this it? Being a trainer of many Doms with their subs, I always give this assignment. Usually, the lists extend onto second pages and sometimes a third. Personally, a lot of what appears on those lists ends up being petty little things. I have always kept my personal opinions to myself though when dealing with others. Sydney’s list however, was specifically for Anthony and I.

  Sydney’s written list was very basic and almost considered a given for any Dom and sub. Her “wants” were only for the desire to be touched. She’s not scared to be touched anymore because she trusts Anthony and I. She realizes now being touched doesn’t equate to pain, and she wants it now. She needs it.

  I re-read her list again and then without saying anything, I handed it to Anthony. I watched Sydney closely as she knelt by our knees. I think she was starting to get worried about her list. Anthony flipped the paper over too and then he set the list on his lap.

  “Well, Anth. Now we know. What do you think?” I asked him without taking my eyes from Sydney’s face. Worry was setting in on her face. Anthony leaned forward and ran the back of his hand down her jawbone. She subtly leaned against his hand and calmed for a moment.

  “Wait, Sirs. I…I can negotiate.” She swallowed hard and moved her eyes from mine to Anthony’s. “The list. I can negotiate the items.”

  This girl, I swear. Such small needs and wants and yet she felt she was asking for too much. When Anthony spoke, I knew he felt the same as I did.

  “Interesting, huh, Col?”


  When Sydney pulled her bottom lip in, we had to let her off the hook. I laughed and Anthony picked her up and sat her on the couch between us and set her paper on her lap.

  “There is one problem on this list, sunshine. It’s your want item,” Anthony explained. “Physical contact is not a ‘want,’ Sydney. It’s a ‘need.’ Colin and I know that is a need for you so we’re going to move this one up to the ‘need’ category. Okay, sweetie?”

  He kissed her cheek and Sydney seemed shocked.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “That’s it? You guys are okay with my list? You don’t want to take anything away? I can take something away.”

  I put my fingers over her mouth and bent to take her lips.

  “No, baby. Everything is fine,” I whispered.

  “What about you guys? What are your needs and wants?”

  I’ve never had a submissive ask me what my needs or wants were. I knew what they were but wanted to think long and hard before I rattled them off to her.

  “How about the three of us talk about it when we get home from work, baby?”

  She nodded and hugged and kissed us each before we left for work. Anthony and I drove to the office shortly after getting her settled for the afternoon. Anthony drove us today as both of us planned on leaving at the same time today so we could go out to dinner at the Bellagio. I’d call and make dinner reservations when we got to the office. They had a spectacular Christmas display, and I knew Sydney would love it. Now, I needed to tackle the other task. Collaring.

  “Anth, I’ve been thinking about us and Sydney…” I started but Anthony cut me off.

  “Fuck me. Is this a conversation that I need to be sitting still for rather than driving?”

  He was right. This needed his full attention. We decided to wait until we got to work, which then had to wait until after my staff meeting. I then got pulled into another meeting with our legal team, as they wanted to brief me on the new Cheng deal. It was almost 11:30 now. I quickly made the dinner reservations and sent Sydney a text letting her know about dinner plans for this evening. I planned on making lots of contact with her this afternoon because after the pen meltdown this morning, I needed to know she was doing okay.

  I headed straight for Anthony’s office and barely stopped in front of Hannah’s desk to ask if he was busy. She said his door was open and I walked right in and shut it behind me. He looked up and straightened up his desk while I sat down at the couch. He came over and sat across from me and was rubbing on his chest. He looked nervous and like he didn’t feel well.

  “What the fuck are you rubbing your chest for? Do I need to take your ass to the hospital?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ve been worried all morning though about whatever the fuck it is you want to talk to me about. Are you pissed at me over something? The fucking Batman pen? Was it about Saturday night?”

  “No. I’m not mad and Saturday night, Anth…that was incredible. We love her and she loves us.” I paused for a moment to make sure he was calming down before I laid this on the table. “What do you think about you and I collaring her?”

  There, I said it. He leaned forward and his eyes were moving back and forth. Thinking.

  “As in collar her forever type of thing? Col…”

  I cut him off before I possibly heard something that I didn’t want to hear.

  “You know exactly what it means. She’s our missing piece, Anthony. She fills a need in us that you and I didn’t even know was missing. Collaring her would give her confidence and a sense of security. Right now she has good days and bad days. She bounces back and forth from feeling wanted and like she belongs, to second guessing everything. Collaring her will alleviate most of her doubt. She needs this reinforcement. And I want us to do this. Doesn't it feel good when you put that play collar on her in Irons? Do you see what it does for her there?”

  He was quiet for a few moments while my heart pounded. I knew he enjoyed the play collar. It was something Anthony and I began putting on her when we went to Irons. The play collar does something to Anthony and I. We both were present when we put it on her and took it off. Sometimes I think her spirit drops when we remove it.

  “I agree. I’ve been watching you fingering her neck for a while now, and I had wondered if it had been on your mind. After the talk with Chris this morning, I think it’s a great idea.”

  What? Did he say he agreed? I smiled and leaned forward.

  “Sorry, did you say you agreed?”

  “Yes. Let’s do it. It will also take care of our need to care for her as ours. There will be no doubt with that collar. But that collar has to be special. Just like her. And not like the play collar. We can’t put leather around her neck as an everyday collar. I like the leather play collar but not for everyday. She’s a soft, delicate, shy sub.”

  We began talking about doing it Friday at Irons. The sooner, the better. We’d talk to Blake to see if he could help us out. I wanted a permanent collar around her neck. She was ours.

  “The necklace collar needs to be perfect though. Something she can wear all of the time and not be too loud that it’d draw a lot of attention. We’ll know the meaning and people form Irons will know. But to anyone else, it’ll seem like a necklace.”

  “That’s an awesome idea, Col. But how the fuck are we going to pull that off between now and Friday? Saturday night is the work party and next Saturday is the Irons party.”

  I snapped my fingers and laughed leaning back on his couch as he stared at me. Henry Conrad.

  “I’ve got it, Anth. Do you know who Henry Conrad is?”

  “That dude from the jewelry commercials?”

  “Yep. You and I are going to pay him a visit. He owes me a favor.”

  “How the fuck does he owe you a favor? Forget, it. Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

  “I’ll call him and let you know when we’ll go see him. Are you open for the rest of the day?”


  I jumped up and headed towards my office, but first I picked
up the orange foam ball from the bookshelf and threw it over my shoulder at him.

  “Leslie, I need Henry Conrad’s number please,” I requested as I walked into my office and sat down at my desk. I looked up as Leslie hurried into my office looking very eager for me to repeat the request.

  “Sorry, Mr. Everett. Did you say Henry Conrad? As in the diamond guy, Henry Conrad?”

  “Yes, the very one. Please hurry.”

  Leslie’s face lit up with a huge smile. I think many of my close employees knew of Sydney’s situation and that she had been staying with me. I’m sure their minds ran wild. They’d die of shock if they knew Anthony was involved too.

  I began going through some emails when I found the one I had been expecting from Carlos. I printed it up as my phone chirped. Sydney sent Anthony and I both a text. She just makes me feel so good.

  SB: Hi Sirs! I just finished my lunch. I had a sandwich and an apple.

  CE: Good girl, baby. In a few hours have some grapes for a snack. We love you.

  AG: What kind of sandwich?

  SB: Peanut butter and jelly.

  AG: Yum. If I were home, I’d spread peanut butter on that clit of yours and lick it all off. ;)-

  I rolled my eyes at Anthony’s text. He at least makes her smile. I set my phone down while I dialed Henry Conrad. While I waited to be transferred to him my phone chirped again and I read the text from Sydney. Naughty little thing.

  SB: If you guys were home, I’d put peanut butter on your balls. :)

  I heard a noise from Anthony’s office next door like he was pounding on his desk with his hand. I pushed my phone out of my direct line of sight when Henry picked up.

  “Henry, it’s Colin Everett. I don’t know if you remember me…”

  “Ah! Mr. Everett, I knew one day I’d hear from you. How may I help you?”

  “I am in need of a necklace. A very special necklace. Custom made. I am willing to pay extra if I could have it ready by Friday at noon.”

  “Mr. Everett, I am more than happy to help you out. What time would you like to come in?”

  “Does 3:00 work for you?”

  “It’ll work just fine. I’ll see you then.”

  I sent Blake and Matt texts and asked if we could meet tomorrow for lunch. Anthony and I were going to need their help in order for us to pull this off. We wanted to collar her before our party Saturday night. So Friday night at Irons was the plan.

  About 2:15 I went to get Anthony so we could head out. I needed to stop at the bank and make a wire to the shelter. Before we left, I made a copy of the wiring instructions and handed them to Leslie.

  “I want this account set up as a regular monthly wire, Leslie. I want $5,000 a month to go to this account from Everett Gaming’s charity fund.”

  I explained that it was a domestic abuse shelter that offered food and sleeping facilities to those in need.

  “Sydney volunteered there,” I added.

  “And ate there.” I turned to the sound of Anthony’s voice. Leslie looked very sympathetic now. Everyone in the office adored Sydney and hearts went out to her. They knew little bits and pieces of her story but that was it. And I think there was some speculation that I was involved with her. Which was fine. I didn’t care if anyone knew.

  “I’ll send this up to finance, get the signatures, and get it taken care of,” she said.

  Anthony took a pen from her desk and leaned over to sign it.

  “Approved. Get it set up right away,” he said with a smile.

  There usually was a procedure for this sort of thing. The end result was that it would have landed on Anthony’s desk by the end of the week only for him to do what he just had done in a matter of seconds.

  “Leslie, please contact this gentleman.” I handed her the business card that Carlos gave to me. “He runs the place with his wife. Please tell him that if anything comes up and they need anything to get in touch with you. You’re authorized to go through Anthony and Mitch for approval if I’m not reachable.”

  She nodded and Anthony and I headed out. I told him we were going to the bank first, then to see Henry Conrad. Every time I said Henry’s name, Anthony would do his impression of Henry’s commercial and it’s catchy tune.

  “Henry Conrad! The Diamond Guy of Las Vegas!” he sang for at least the tenth time today.

  As we headed to the bank, he asked how Henry owed me a favor.

  “It was circumstance of location. Remember a couple years back when Matt was going to collar and propose to Gina? Matt had me go with him to the jewelry store to help look at necklaces and rings. I was there for moral support. Anyhow, there was a guy who kept asking to see multiple kinds of diamonds and the lady kept bringing out ones from the back to look at. The guy grabbed the case that held the diamonds and headed towards the door and the sales lady screamed. Matt and I tackled the guy and kept him on the ground until the police came. Shortly after the police came, Henry Conrad rushed in. He was grateful and told Matt and I if we ever needed anything to let him know and he’d take care of us.”

  “Nice, man. I remember the jewelry store story. I hadn’t remembered though that it was Henry Conrad...The Diamond Guy of Las Vegas!” He laughed as we parked at the bank. “Seriously though, do you think he can make us what we’re looking for? Do we even know what we’re looking for?”

  “Anything can be done, Anth. It’s always a matter of time and money. I told Henry over the phone that it was needed for Friday and that I was willing to pay extra for it to be expedited.”

  “I’ll pay the other half.”

  I didn’t care if he paid for any of it. It was just important that we both had our hands in the selection of it. The next teller waved me over.

  “I need to set up a wire please to this account.”

  I slid over the paper to the teller and handed her my I.D. and continued the necklace conversation with Anthony while the teller typed.

  “The amount, Mr. Everett?”

  “Twenty-five thousand.” I turned back towards Anthony. “I have no idea about the necklace. All I’m certain about it that it can’t be flashy. Sydney isn’t into flash.”

  “Agreed,” Anthony said and looked like he was going to continue speaking but closed his mouth.

  “Anything else I may help you with today?” the teller asked.

  Anthony banked here also and pulled out his wallet and tossed his I.D. on the counter.

  “Yes. Please wire the same amount from my account to the account on the paper.” Anthony signed a few pieces of paper while he talked about the necklace.

  “What, Anth?” I finally asked him when we got in the car. I knew something was on the tip of his tongue.

  “Col, I still want to keep the play collar. I love tugging on it and I think she really likes it too. Don’t get me wrong, we need a permanent collar that she can wear everyday and in public. But I still want us to use the other one at Irons.”

  I studied him for a minute. I really had no problem with it and liked the idea. I was just taking in the moment of my best friend trying to explain to me how much he wants that girl in the play collar at Irons.

  “Ok, Anth. I like that idea. Plus, we can’t break it on accident if we grab it.”

  “Lets see if Henry can make us a charm for it. Something similar to Gina’s.”

  I nodded and thought it was an excellent idea. Gina’s collar had a simple circular charm that was plain on the exposed side and then the side the rests against her skin says “Matt’s.” I was overflowing with excitement and happiness. This was going to calm Sydney greatly.

  Anthony and I roamed around looking at necklaces, charms and pendants while we waited for Henry. We were a little early, so I had to be patient. No flash. Anthony tapped his hand on the glass and called me over.

  “Look, what do you think?” he asked.

  When I saw what he was looking at, I knew he was messing around. It was a huge, gaudy gold rope chain with a giraffe pendent dangling from it. I slugged him in the ribs an
d heard Henry’s voice as it got closer. Anthony was trying to make me laugh.

  “Here he comes. It’s Henry Conrad, The Diamond Guy,” he hummed. It earned him another slug. “Ouch. You’re going to explain to our girl that you’re the one putting bruises on me.”

  “Mr. Everett! It’s been a few years. Good to see you again.” Henry approached and held his hand out. I shook it and introduced him to Anthony. “So, how may I help? I understand you need a necklace for Friday.”

  “Yes. There’s a young woman,” I started but, Henry laughed and playfully hit my arm.

  “Mr. Everett, it always starts like that. There’s always a woman.”

  Anthony and I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

  “We’re looking for a custom piece. A heart pendent, maybe. It has to be very special. I have something in mind and am willing to pay extra for the quick turnaround.”

  Henry went behind the displays and walked along glancing in. He pointed to a few heart pendants with gems in them. No, they weren’t right. Anthony and I kept shaking our heads. Though we did find a nice platinum circular charm for the play collar.

  “She’s very special, Henry. Very rare.”

  “How rare, Mr. Everett?”

  I had a feeling we were talking about two different things now. Anthony and I hadn’t discussed price range but I’d lay a pretty penny down easily, as long as it was perfect.

  “Rare, Henry. She’s a very special woman and unbelievably rare. I’m forty-six years old and have never been lucky enough until recently to stumble upon a woman like this.”

  Henry gave Anthony and I a wicked smile and wagged his finger at me. He motioned for Anthony and I to follow him. We entered an area behind a security gate and went into another room with table and chairs. Anthony and I sat down and waited for him.

  “This must be the special Diamond Guy section. It equates to dollar signs with commas,” Anthony said under his breath while we were still alone.

  “Sydney, Anth. Remember, it’s for our fragile kitten.”

  “I know. I said commas. I used the plural form.”


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