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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 9

by Drew Sera

  Henry came in with a few black cases with him and sat down.

  “Henry, what we’re looking for is a necklace that has a heart shaped pendant. The heart is the young woman and the reverse side needs to be solid with her initials at the bottom.”

  “What kind of material for the necklace? Yellow gold? White, maybe? Platinum?”

  I glanced at Anthony. We decided on the platinum because Henry said it would hold up the best. She’d be able to shower with it or work out with it and it’d be resilient. Henry closed up the gold case and left the case with platinum chains in front of us.

  “Do you see something here that you think she’d like?”

  “She’d like any of it,” I told him. “The thing is, Henry, she’s not a flashy girl. We don’t want to overwhelm her with it. We want it to be her, and we want it to speak for how we feel about her.”

  That was probably too much info for this older man, but I felt that the more honest we were, the better the collar design would be.

  “What about this one, Col?” Anthony pointed to a nice chain that wasn’t too thin or thick and the links were so small that you wouldn’t be able to see them from normal standing distance. I loved it and pointed to it for Henry.

  He pulled the chain out and set it on a peach toned velvet fabric board and closed up the case. Henry opened up another case that contained empty pendants. He found a nice sized heart and set it at the base of the chain.

  “I love the size of the heart, Henry. What to you think, Anth?”

  “Size is perfect.”

  I was waiting for him to say “but”. Henry knew what was coming though and held up another hand and pulled up another case.

  “It’s hard to visualize the stones and what it will look like.” Henry opened a case and revealed many diamonds with all sorts of cuts. They were all loose and Henry said that Anthony and I could hand pick the diamonds and he’d personally cut and set them in the heart. We started looking at the diamonds and Henry pointed out things we had no idea about.

  “It’s too common, Col.” I looked over at him. I doubted these were run of the mill diamonds. “The white ones.” Anthony turned his attention to Henry. “What color options do you have, Henry?”

  Henry sat quietly as if he was trying to decide on telling us what else he had hidden. He leaned back in his seat and said that he had access to any color we wanted and had a few colors here on site.

  “Blue?” I asked.

  Henry smiled and leaned forward. “Mr. Everett and Mr. Graves, natural blue diamonds are the most rare diamond out there. They are so rare that there are only a few mines in the world that produces natural blue diamonds.”

  “Do you have any?” I asked.

  “I have a couple small ones. I will go get them so you can see.”

  Anthony and I continued to look at the necklace and the empty heart. So far, we were pleased with it but the fill had to be perfect. Henry came back with a much smaller case and opened it. I looked in and was speechless. Never before would I have ever said a diamond was incredible as a way of description. But these were incredible. Perfect.

  “They’re blue, like her eyes, Anth.”

  “The woman has blue eyes?”

  “Yes. Very blue. Deep blue,” I offered.

  Henry picked up a diamond with gloved hands and held it out closer for Anthony and I to see. He explained that these diamonds came from a mine in Australia and said he could cut this one and fill the heart in blue diamonds. Anthony and I nodded.

  “Is there something we can do about the heart and the way it attaches to the necklace?” Anthony asked. At first I was confused but as Anthony explained I saw where he was going with it. “Is there a way to keep her heart from touching the chain?” He looked over at me to make sure I was catching his drift. We didn’t want Sydney to ever have to touch another chain again.

  “Like a ring, maybe?” I suggested.

  He placed a white gold band against the necklace and then the heart under it. It looked odd and not quite right. One ring wasn’t enough, but two? Two rings could hold her heart and look more proportioned. We played around with the two rings. They’d represent Anthony and I and would attach to the chain. Then her heart would attach to the two rings. It was taking shape now and Anthony and I were really excited about it.

  “Platinum rings as well then?”

  “Yeah, that should work and look right,” I said.

  “Did you gentlemen want anything engraved?”

  Anthony and I looked at each other trying to think. I didn’t think about that as an option.

  “Let me ask, what are her initials?”


  Henry flipped over the heart and point to the bottom, or apex, of the heart.

  “This would be an excellent location for her initials.” He pointed to the inside of the two rings and said he could engrave inside the rings as well. I was excited about the possibilities now.

  “Yeah! Henry, put her initials at the bottom of the heart and then our initials in each of the rings.” I wrote our initials down and slid them over to Henry. He smiled and his level of excitement grew as ours did.

  “Col, what do you think of this?” Anthony took a piece of paper and sketched out the necklace but from the back view. On the top of the heart where the ring with my initials attached to her heart, Anthony wrote “baby.” And on the opposite side where his ring attached, he wrote “sunshine.”

  “It’s perfect.” I clasped Anthony on the back and we stared at the pieces.

  It stood for the three of us and our love for Sydney. She was ours. For the play collar charm we decided to keep it simple with just mine and Anthony’s names on it. Now that we created this idea and it represented so much for us, was it possible?

  “So, Henry, we want to give this to her Friday night. Is it possible?” I asked nervously.

  “Mr. Everett, anything is possible.”

  “And what kind of sticker shock are we looking at?”

  Henry took a look at the pieces again. The platinum necklace, platinum heart pendent, two platinum men’s bands, oh and the extremely rare blue natural diamonds from a mine in Australia that he had to cut specifically for this heart. And the engraving. The time and labor that he would pour into this to make it happen for Friday would be extensive. I was mentally adding up what I thought we might be looking at and realized, I had no fucking clue.

  Henry hit some keys on his calculator, raised an eyebrow at it and turned the calculator around to face us. I leaned forward but Anthony stayed put. I turned to look at Anthony and his eye didn’t falter or blink. I knew what he was thinking and turned my attention back to Henry.

  “Do it. Friday?” I asked. I wanted a confirmation that it’d be Friday.

  “Yes, I will have it done Friday at noon.”

  He stood and shook our hands and we said we’d be in Friday. Henry refused a deposit even though I offered. I was a little numb as we walked to Anthony’s car.

  “Well, that wasn’t so bad. Only five digits to the left of the decimal and only one comma,” Anthony joked.

  “Seriously though, Anth, it’s perfect. It’s not huge or portioned oddly. It’s her.”

  “And us.”

  He was right. And us.


  Monday, December 9th


  When we got home, our fragile kitten was kneeling in the entryway waiting for us. With the holidays upon us, all of the hotels and casinos go all out with Christmas decorations. Sydney loves Christmas so Colin and I were going to take her out so she could enjoy the season. On top of which, we were going to try to talk to her about a collar.

  My eyes roamed from her deep blues down to her pink nipples and then down to that bare pussy. She was going to put me in an early grave.

  Colin went to her and stroked her hair as she leaned into him. He greeted her with a kiss and let his hand roam down to her hard nipples and tugged on them. I could see her body wake up to his touch and it made
me hard. He stood next to me and I could see him beginning to rub himself over his pants.

  “Anth, I think she’s been waiting for us.”

  I licked my dry lips and tried to restore moisture to my mouth before swallowing. It was no use. She sucked it all right out of me the second I walked in.

  “Give her something to show her how happy you are to see her, Anth. Look how beautifully she’s presenting herself for us.”

  Colin and I are often on the same wavelength when it comes to sex. It’s very easy for us to figure out who is taking the lead without saying it out loud. I knew he wanted to play director and that he really gets off on watching Sydney respond to his words.

  Sydney is so trusting and giving and her heart is huge. She gives Colin and I everything and the most important thing that Colin and I can give her now is love and security while we help her spread her naughty wings.

  I fell into the trance of just staring at her and listening to Colin direct. I undid my belt, unzipped my pants and pulled my erection from my boxer briefs. Her eyes never left mine either. She sucked her bottom lip in and bit down on it. She was aroused. I took slow steps toward her and decided to exert some of my own control over her. I wanted it and from her needs list earlier, she needs it. I reminded myself to go slow as to not overwhelm her.

  My hand found her hair and I took a gentle fistful of it. I didn’t pull or do anything fast. I simply held a handful of her hair in my hand. Her pupils dilated. Fuck me.

  “What do you say if you need to stop, sunshine?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Open.”

  I tapped her chin and she opened her mouth without hesitation and waited for me to walk closer. I stayed put and marveled at her form as she knelt waiting for my cock with her open mouth. I grabbed my cock firmly, and tapped the head down on her tongue. She didn’t dare close her mouth on me but waited for instructions.

  “Good girl. Suck me, sunshine.”

  I felt her warm mouth close on my painfully hard cock, and as much as I wanted to watch, my eyes could no longer stay open. I felt that if I forced them to stay open that they’d fall out of my head. Her hair felt soft in my hand and I knew I was oozing in her mouth. Fuck, I needed to come. I pulled out of her mouth but told her to keep it open and began to pump my cock. It was a turn on to watch her kneeling and waiting for my come with an open mouth. I still held her hair in my hand while I roughly jerked myself off.

  “Fuck!” That was all I could get out as I shot a load into her mouth and tugged her closer to my cock.

  “Finish him, baby. Clean him up.” I heard Colin faintly in the background.

  Fuck me. Sydney licked me clean and then sat back on her heels. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and stroked her sweet face.

  “Anth, we have dinner reservations,” Colin said in a teasing tone. I wanted to say to hell with dinner, but that wouldn’t have been very responsible of me. Our girl needed to eat.

  I knelt down and kissed her hard on the lips and stroked her hair. I framed her face in my hands and looked deep in her dark blue eyes.

  “As much as we’d like to continue,” I paused and ran my finger up her wet slit and then sucked it into my mouth. “And as much as you’d like to continue, we need to go have dinner and enjoy our evening out. First.”

  Her eyes flashed and cheeks blushed when she heard me promise her that we’d continue later. I helped her stand and gave her butt a playful swat and sent her upstairs to start getting ready.

  “Oh and sunshine, don’t forget the rules,” I called after her.

  She stopped on the stairs and turned to look down the stairs at me. “Sir?”

  “The rules, sunshine. No touching yourself by yourself. No matter how aroused you are and no matter how badly you need to come. Your pleasure belongs to Colin and I. Keep your tiny hands off our pussy.”

  If words could ignite a person I think she may have turned into a fireball right there on the stairs. I enjoyed reminding her that her pussy and orgasms belonged to Colin and I.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  With that and a flirty smile, she headed upstairs to get ready. As I turned to face Colin I caught a small package that he tossed at me.

  “Delivery today, Mr. Graves.”

  I opened it and pulled out the blue anal beads she had picked out last week. I held them up and examined the width of the beads.

  “These are nicely sized for her,” I said to him, offering out the toy for him to take.

  Colin laughed and stood up and took hold of the beads. It was then that I noticed his pants were also undone and there was a wet spot on his dress shirt. I had to laugh. This girl was unraveling us.

  “When will we show her the new toy?” I asked as I twirled the ring pull on my finger.

  Colin looked towards the stairs and then at his watch.

  “Lets wait until we get home. But lets tease her all night while we’re out. Your turn to be primary Dom tonight.”

  We walked into the bedroom as Sydney was putting her light pink bra on with matching panties. I went to her and ran my hand over the smooth material of her bra and then cupped her butt cheeks.

  “Light pink looks very tempting on you, sunshine.” I kissed her neck and then nibbled and playfully tugged on her earlobe. “You look sexy. And by the end of the evening, these panties are going to be soaked and your clit will be aching to be touched.” I ran my tongue from her ear down her jaw and up to the other ear and whispered, “sunshine.”

  Her skin was warm and her cheeks were a nice shade of pink from blushing. Colin came from the closet holding her black skirt and light pink sweater.

  “Since pink seems to be the theme, how about this for tonight, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir. I like that sweater a lot.”

  “Anthony is going to be your primary Dom tonight, baby.”

  Sydney smiled and worked on getting herself ready while Colin and I each got out of our suits and into more comfortable clothes. I changed just outside of the walk in closet and kept my gaze on her. She was aroused and her protective shield wasn’t up so high right now. I decided to take a chance with her. I knew that if it backfired, it could fuck up the entire evening. But I had faith in her and faith in the trust she had in Colin and I. I was just about ready and had tucked in my shirt when Colin came out of the bathroom completely ready. I was glad he was out in the bedroom now as he’d be able to lend some support for what I was about to do.

  “Sunshine, come here.”

  Our little sub walked over and looked up at me. I hugged her and told her how much I enjoy coming home to her. She added that she was glad when we came home to her. I took hold of her hands and looked in her eyes.

  “Sunshine, I want you to help me finish getting ready.”

  “Yes, Sir. How may I help?”

  She looked up at me with such trusting and eager eyes. I turned her hand over in mine so that her palm was open and facing upward. I kept my eyes on hers as I put the tip of my belt in her hand and closed my hand over hers. Not to trap her, but to remind her I was there with her. I could tell that she tensed up but she hadn’t fled. Colin was now standing much closer to her showing his support.

  “Sunshine, I like my belt laced through from my left side. I’ll help you, okay?”

  She nodded and then quickly added, “Yes, S-sir.”

  I winked at her while taking the belt and started it in the first loop and then took her hand placing it on the leather. I encouraged her along and kept my hand right with hers as she guided it through the loops until she got back around to my front. Fuck, I was proud of her. I beamed at her accomplishment. I nodded at her and guided her hands to take the buckle and finish.

  “Good girl, sunshine. Now, lets finish.”

  She quickly moved the leather end through the buckle and tugged on it until she found the right slot and pulled the leather through the leather loop on the other side of the buckle. As soon as she finished she pulled her hands away as if it were a race against the
clock. She looked up at me with the biggest smile on her face.

  I pulled her into a hug and kissed her passionately. I loved this girl. She pushed her fear down because she trusted me.

  “God, Sydney. I’m so proud of you. You’re an incredibly strong woman. You constantly amaze me.”

  I released her so Colin could give her some much deserved praise. “See baby, you can overcome anything.”

  She smiled and looked back and forth from Colin and I. “Thank you. But you guys know that I couldn’t have done that without you. I would never have even tried. You both give me strength and I trust you both with my life. Thank you for pushing me some and being so patient.”

  “You’re getting the idea now, sunshine. You are trusting your Doms to push your limits and trust that we won’t push you past what you can’t handle.” I looked at Colin letting him know that I thought this might be a good time to bring up the collar. And as usual, he was on the same page as I was.

  “Baby, Anthony and I know you worry about the stability of the three of us. You worry that Anthony and I are just going to wake up one morning and decide that we no longer want you, right?”

  It took a few moments before she nodded and confirmed that she does worry. Although she said she doesn’t want to worry, sometimes she can’t help it. I understood though. Given what she’s just climbed out of, self-doubt was at the forefront of her thoughts.

  “Colin and I know what you’ve suffered through and understand that naturally you worry. You’ve been verbally and physically beat down so many times that you can hardly believe that you are desirable and deserve something good.” I kissed her forehead and made sure she was looking at me. “You deserve something good, Sydney. Colin and I are going to take the fear of being abandoned away.”

  Sydney sat there and stared at us unsure of what to say. When I saw her begin to tug on her hands, I reached over and took hold of them. She was nervous and worried now, which were two feelings that Colin and I wanted to remove from her life.

  “What do you know about collars, Sydney?” Colin asked her. She was sitting on his lap, and he had his arms wrapped around her.


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