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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 13

by Drew Sera

  “Is that the little boy?” Matt asked me and I nodded. His mom started to head over towards us as well.

  Ross stopped in front of Anthony and smiled. I remembered Carlos mentioned the boy didn’t talk much. Anthony held his hand out and Ross jumped up to give him a high five. Ross and Anthony ended up rolling the ball to each other as we stood a short distance away and spoke with his mom along with Carlos and his wife. I introduced them to Matt and Gina and explained that Matt and I had been friends since we were born. I pulled Sydney around nudging her to give Ross’s mom the gifts.

  “Merry Christmas.” Sydney held out the packages towards Ross’s mom and was met with a frown and a quivering chin.

  “Oh, no. I couldn’t. My son just wanted a new ball or a toy car. I don’t need anything.”

  Her hand was up at her chest, and I could tell she was trying to fend off tears. She lost that battle though and the tears spilled out. Suddenly we heard Ross yell “no” and looked over to see him abandoning his ball and run towards his mom. He stood in front of her legs and put his arms out towards us with a frown.

  The little boy came running to defend his mom when he heard her crying. Oh holy fuck. This was such a little Anthony. Matt and I recognized it immediately and exchanged glances. I looked over at Anthony and could see sorrow on his face. Ross’s mom swooped down and picked him up and kissed him.

  “No, Ross, these are happy tears. Remember we talked about them? Remember?” Ross nodded and his frown lessened. “You remember Sydney and her friends? They brought me something for Christmas, honey.”

  I think many kids would easily pout or ask where their gift was or ask why they didn’t get one. But Ross’s frown turned into a smile. He was happy his mom got something. Ross stood close as his mom opened the gift bags and found the new sweater, coat, scarf and gloves and began crying harder.

  “There are tags on these, Sydney.” She sobbed and looked over at Sydney.

  “New.” Sydney confirmed with a smile and happy tears of her own.

  She hugged Sydney and I while Ross was playing with the gloves and tried to shove his hands inside of them.

  “Psst,” Anthony said as the ball rolled over to Ross’s feet.

  Ross looked up at Anthony and saw that Anthony was leaning on the tall box and was holding his reindeer. He couldn’t get his hands out of the gloves quick enough and went running over to the box. He tore through the paper as his mom continued to cry quietly. Ross only had one good arm and worked through the paper as best as he could, and when he saw it was a basketball hoop, a happy screech filled the room. He jumped around the box and ran over to get his old ball.

  “Here, Ross.” Anthony held out another gift bag and halted Ross in his tracks. Ross dug out a new orange foam ball and held it high above his head in victory. He ran over to his mom with the ball over his head. “Ross, man there’s something else jingling in this bag.” Anthony playfully held the bag up to his ear and shook the bag. Ross raced back over and pulled out two Hot Wheels filling the air again with a happy sound.

  Anthony and I knew the sound of happiness, thanks to Sydney. When she’d laugh and giggle it filled me up. There isn’t a better sound than Sydney laughing uncontrollably as Anthony and I tickled her. Except when we make her come. But those are two separate things.

  We continued to watch Ross dance around the box while Anthony put the hoop together. Matt asked his mom about the injury to her son’s arm and hand. Anthony had the hoop put together and was shooting hoops with Ross. Both of them seemed to be having a great time but it was time for us to start heading home.

  “Ross, honey, come say good bye to Sydney and her nice friends.”

  The little boy thanked us quietly and gave Anthony another high five. I think it was hard for Anthony to leave tonight. I don’t doubt there was a huge part of him that saw Ross as being a spitting image of him. Only difference was Ross’s mom seemed to take care of her little boy. Anthony defended his mom when he was younger and only ended up taking the brunt of his step-father rather than be protected from him.


  Thursday, December 12th


  After the guys went to work Thursday, Gina and Matt came over to pick me up for the photo shoot. Colin and Anthony knew that I was going out with Gina again and were fine with it. When I let them in, Matt asked me if I was sure that I wanted to do this. I was. The guys would like it. God, I hoped they’d like it. Matt said that he thought a good idea for a few pictures would be for me to be in each of their football jerseys that they wore on Sundays for the 49ers games.

  “Do you know where those are, sweetie?”

  I turned and looked at the stairs. They were in the closets and I started to panic. All of the issues I had yesterday morning surrounding the closet came racing back into my head. It was a good idea but I didn’t want to go in the closet without Anthony or Colin. When I turned back around, Matt was closer and had put his hand on my shoulder.

  “Breathe, Sydney. I’ll go get them, just tell me where they’re at. Closet?”

  I nodded and waited by Gina while Matt went upstairs. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I can do this. It was for my guys.

  When we got to Irons, Blake was standing by the bar talking to Scott and a few other people. Irons was very quiet and empty during the day. I know Blake opened the club up for me to be able to do this. I’d thank him before I leave.

  Scott introduced us to his lighting crew and his make up girl. I was thankful there was a make up person.

  “Alright, lets get started. I brought some backdrops and set them up. I figured that way you didn’t have to come to my studio and we could finish it all today so I can get you your book on time.”

  Gina helped me gather some things to change in and out of along with the jerseys. Scott, Matt, and Blake were all talking and looking at me. They were tossing around ideas and where to start. That was fine with me. If they just tell me where to stand, that would be great.

  “Lets do the football jerseys first. Are you allergic to grass, Sydney?” Scott asked.

  I shook my head to confirm I had no allergies and then followed it up with words. Just like Colin and Anthony taught me.

  “No, no allergies.”

  They wanted to shoot this outside on the grass. I was told to change into one of the jerseys and come outside. Irons had an expansive yard with a nice patio and pools with some waterfalls. I smiled as I thought back to my time in the pool with Colin and Anthony. I went off to the side to the section where they set up for me to change. I was really doing this. I pulled on the red jersey that said “Everett” on the back. Gina was waiting for me and said I looked like a puppy in a bulldog’s clothes. We giggled and went outside.

  I was positioned in several poses and lots of shots were taken. I then changed into Anthony’s jersey and they had me in many of the same poses, but the last one they had me sit with my legs bent and rest my head on my knees. Scott moved the jersey around and wanted to expose my panties for this shot. I felt nervous and the next thing I knew, Matt was standing in front of me.

  “Sweetie, are you okay?” I nodded. “Take a deep breath. Think of Colin and Anthony.”

  That was enough motivation to pull me out of Anthony’s jersey and left me naked except for my panties. I covered my breasts with my arm and walked onto the other set they had ready for me. Scott positioned me with my knee on a box and then had me hold a soft blanket in my arms. I had my back facing the camera and the way he positioned me, only a little bit of my left breast would be in the picture. I heard some murmurs behind me and soon the make up girl came over to me. She dusted a little bit over my back. I knew it was to cover my marks. I felt myself start to sway and once again, Matt was right there. It made me teary.

  “Don’t, sweetie. Don’t even think about it. Colin and Anthony love your body.”

  Soon I heard the clicking of the camera and then Scott suggested we do a few other shots with the white backdrop but with me naked. He s
at me on the blanket but facing away from the camera for one. He had me wrap my arms around my legs. That was easy because it would shelter me. Everyone was chatting behind me and commented on how much they all liked that pose.

  Gina brought me a shirt to put on while Scott and the crew began setting up for the next series of shots. Blake brought me some water and asked how I was doing. I was telling Blake that I had an idea for a picture and he called Scott over to listen as I told them about it.

  “Um, Anthony really likes rope…” but before I could finish, Matt interrupted and said no. I began to panic because I thought of my plan to bid on Anthony’s rope evening at the auction was going to go out the window.

  “But…” I didn’t want to have to tell anyone else about the plan to bid on Anthony’s rope. But if I explain, Matt might ease up. Hopefully Blake would too. He looked tense.

  “Can you give us a minute please, Scott?” Blake asked. Scott walked away and I was left looking at these two powerful Doms. Matt didn’t waste any time once Scott walked away.

  “No rope, Sydney.”

  “Matt, please. I…I was going to bid on Anthony’s rope item at the auction. I want to. I want to do that with him. I don’t want anyone else to bind me but him. I want to try. I know I might get upset when he does it, but he won’t hurt me. He’ll take care of me. Please don’t tell him or Colin. I want to do this for Anthony.”

  Blake and Matt’s expressions changed drastically.

  “You’re going to bid on Anthony’s rope evening at the auction?” Matt asked me again.

  “Yes. I want to try with him. For him.”

  He was shaking his head from side to side at me. I thought he was mad at me but then he said that I was full of surprises and that Anthony and Colin were “two of the luckiest guys” he knew.

  “So you want a rope picture, Sydney?”

  “I do, but I’m not really sure how to do it.”

  “I do. Do you trust me to put rope around you loosely?” Matt asked.

  “You would do that for me?”

  Matt smiled and said that he sure as hell wasn’t going to let anyone else near me with rope. The more I thought about it, I figured it was for the best too.

  We went back to the white canvas backdrop and I pulled my shirt off. Naked again. I sat with my legs bent, touching at the knees with one arm bent at the elbow on my knee with that hand resting in my hair. Matt knelt in front of me and had purple rope in his hands. He draped some loosely around my ankles and weaved a piece between my toes. The rope went loosely around my knees and hung off my arm. When he finished he looked me in the eyes.

  “You okay there for a few minutes? You’re going to give Anthony a heart attack.” Matt stood and went back over by Blake and the camera started. Scott took a bunch of pictures from different angles.

  Blake gave a suggestion for me to pose in the “present” pose that Colin and Anthony taught me. We took a bunch of other shots and then Scott suggested the dungeon.


  Matt handed me back my tee shirt and asked me if I was ready for the dungeon. I thought that I was. The last time I was in the dungeon, Paul had the altercation with Anthony. We headed to the dungeon and all the torches were blazing. Scott took me to the St. Andrews cross and said he wanted to do a black and white shot of me in the present pose facing the cross. The photo shot would be from behind me. It sounded like a neat photo. The make up girl came over and wiped off the cover up she had put on me upstairs. Why was she taking it off?

  “That will be a nice raw image,” Blake said.

  Once we were done there, Scott took a picture of me on my knees but leaning my back against one of the columns in the dungeon hallway. My head was turned, facing to the other side of the column. It was another side and back shot but the side of one of my breasts would be visible.

  Scott wanted some pool pictures and had me in various positions around the pool. There was one that I was sure Colin would like. I was partially in the water but then bent over the decking at the waist. It was just a shot of my butt. I know Colin will like that.

  We went back inside and Scott took more pictures of me in some theme rooms. A special one would be in the classroom since Colin and Anthony played with me in there. Finally we were done and I hurried to get dressed. I felt a little exposed and needy. I wished Anthony or Colin were here. I wanted to be in their arms. I wanted to do this, and I have faith in Blake’s friend to be able to make it a nice book. When I stepped out of the changing room, Gina hugged me and said that I did great. She made me feel better but I knew that I needed Anthony or Colin’s touch to ground me again.

  Blake and Matt were gathered around Scott and his laptop and were looking at some of the images.

  “Sydney, your guys are going to flip over this book. I’ll have the proofs ready for you to look at tomorrow. Can you guys meet to view and select?” Scott asked and looked at me and then Matt and Blake.

  “I’m golfing with her guys tomorrow. Blake, can you meet with them?”

  “Absolutely. Noon at Tuscany?”

  Everyone agreed. I couldn’t believe that the photos would be ready to be selected tomorrow. I knew he was working this fast for us as a favor. I was very appreciative and thanked Scott and Blake before we left.

  We got back to the house around 4:00, which would allow me just enough time to take a quick shower. I felt really weird and was eager to see Colin and Anthony. Matt put the two football jerseys away for me as soon as we got home. I didn’t want Matt and Gina to leave yet but I knew I would feel better as soon as I had a shower.

  “You were very brave today, Sydney. Colin and Anthony are going to love it.”

  “You really think so? I am worried about what all the cuts and stuff will look like in the pictures.”

  “Sydney, I can’t tell you how much they love you. All of you. The photos are going to be great. Now, I wanted to talk to you really quick about what you said at Irons. About the rope with Anthony.”

  I looked down and started pulling on my fingers. I didn’t want him to talk me out of it. It took so much to decide to bid on it. I actually made myself sick over it Sunday night. The guys were so worried about me.

  “Matt, I want to try.”

  “I know you do, sweetie. Were you going to tell anyone or just let it be known when you stood up to bid?”

  “Gina knows. I asked her not to tell you though because I was afraid you’d tell Colin and Anthony. Anthony is really good at the rope, isn’t he?”

  Matt nodded and said the Anthony loved rope play. He asked me how high I could bid.

  “Um, I have a little money saved from work. I have a few thousand.” I forced myself to stop playing with my fingers and looked back at Matt. “I probably won’t win though. Gina said that it’s always one of the most popular things at the auction. I wanted to contribute to the charity fund, but I know they won’t let me.”

  “I will keep it between us and will keep my fingers crossed for you. I’d love to see Anthony get to use rope on someone he loves. It’d be the first for him.”

  That was something else. Why does everyone keep telling me Anthony loves me? He’s never said it to me. Colin has, but not Anthony.

  “Matt, wait. One more thing. Chris, Blake, Gina, Colin and you have all told me that Anthony loves me. But he hasn’t said it.”

  “You just have to trust all of us. I know trust is hard for you and you’re making so much progress. Remember, this is very new to him as well. He’s just trying to figure things out in this head. Ah! Don’t!”

  It was like Matt could tell that I started to worry that Anthony might wake up and decide he didn’t want me anymore.

  “Don’t you dare start second guessing yourself. Now, you’d better hurry up and do what you need to do. They’ll be heading home soon.”

  Speak up, Sydney! Speak up! I told myself.

  “Um, Matt…do you and Gina have plans right now?”

  “No, sweetheart. We were just going to go home and have
dinner soon.”

  He stood there staring at me while Gina sat on the couch. My heart was pounding and I didn’t know how to ask him if they’d stay for a little while with me. I wasn’t afraid or anything like that. It was a tough feeling to explain.

  “Um, would you guys like to stay a little while?” Crap, I was shaking. Why was I shaking? I think I had been staring at the floor for what seemed like forever before I finally looked up. When I looked up, he was right there. “Um,” I choked out and looked away.

  “Sydney, sweetheart. It’s okay, honey. Do the guys text you when they leave work?”

  All I could do was nod quickly. I felt funny and wrapped my arms around my waist. Next thing I knew, Gina was hugging me and I started to cry. Why was I crying? There was no reason to cry. I was safe and I had two guys that loved me and would be home soon. Why was I being a baby?

  Gina walked over to the couch with me and Matt sat down next to me and put a blanket around my shoulders. My blanket smelled like Anthony’s cologne.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I knew today would be on the emotional side.”

  Pretty soon I had a text from the guys saying they were on their way home. I told Matt and Gina that I’d be okay. I was going to take a shower and be in the present pose by the time Colin and Anthony got home. Before Matt and Gina left I thanked them for all of their help today and then hurried upstairs to shower. When I got out of the shower, I hurried downstairs and got into my position for my guys.



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