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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 16

by Drew Sera

  I felt better. We paid for my purchases and headed to get some coffee and sit down for a while. Even though we met Blake and Scott at Tuscany, we went back there for coffee. It was Friday after all, and Tuscany was our place.

  Gina was going to come over tomorrow afternoon to help me get ready for the Christmas party. I had to look as perfect as I could. I would be seeing a lot of people I knew from Openin and Everett Gaming. I was also the girl in reception that somehow would be on the CEO’s arm. I wanted Colin and Anthony to be proud of me and not embarrassed.


  Friday, December 13th


  It disgusted me to watch Blake with the little prick tease. I used to have respect for him and his club. Since he banned me, the word that best describes my feelings towards Blake is “hate.”

  It was about a week ago that I stumbled upon the little slut of Colin fucking Everett. Or was she the little slut of Anthony fucking Graves? Didn’t matter to me. She’d be quite the toy for me. Revenge would be sweet.

  Girls and their patterns are so predictable. Coffee and shop. Shop and coffee. Fucking bitches. Matt’s girl too. Of course it’s only natural that their girls would become little friends. I wonder if those bastards have enjoyed pushing the two girls together yet. That would be fun to watch.

  I’ve had the pleasure of hearing Matt’s girl scream in pain. Some other bastard before Matt got that girl to scream in the dungeon. She screams nicely, but nothing unexpected. It wasn’t a sound that I could get off to. I’ve wondered what little Sydney sounds like when she screams.

  Blake had told me that she had a rough recent background and he asked me to not pursue her. This on top of Everett’s words of warning made me that much more interested. I checked her Irons card just out of curiosity and was intrigued. She had a lot of triggers. It’s a pity, though, someone else has had the pleasure of making her scream. I wonder if those two tag-teamers had made her scream.

  Sydney dripped with inexperience, and I wanted to hear her scream echo in the dungeon. I wanted to play once and get it out of my system. But Colin fucking Everett said my chance would never come. He embarrassed me in front of other Doms and verbally pissed on me in front of everyone. We’ll see who has the last laugh. He will be sorry he fucked with this sadist.

  Blake had me escorted off the grounds like a fucking criminal. He terminated my membership and friendship, then and there, after all those years. All because of that fucking Golden Boy and his little whore. I lost my livelihood that night. Irons was everything. Everett would soon know what it feels like to lose everything.

  Everett was bad enough, but was expected at least since he was the club’s trainer. Colin made it sound like no one was going to scene with Sydney. When I saw fucking Graves getting close to her and sucking on her ear, I lost it. Why did Colin feel so comfortable with Graves all over her? Fucking Golden Boy of Irons. And fucking Blake.

  I wanted to bash Golden Boy’s skull against the stone walls of the dungeon. Watch the blood seep slowly from his head as I fuck the last few gasps of air from his lungs. Let him sit slumped over in his pool of blood and watch as I fuck that little whore over and over. I could whip her into a slave quite quickly, knowing her triggers and limited experience. She wouldn’t pose a threat or much of a challenge to someone as experienced as me. It wouldn’t take much to break the girl. Graves can watch until his light goes out completely. I’d let Colin watch too. Wouldn’t waste too much time on him because I hate him that much. Maybe drug him, gag him, and chain him up. He could watch unharmed as his best friend dies before his eyes. Then he can watch me reinvent that little pain slut.

  I knew Colin and Graves both fucked the same women. Everyone knew that. I figured I could sway the Golden Boy into some community play with the girl. But he wasn’t having it either. I was sure that with Colin away that Graves would love to have another dick to play with. I wanted to crack the whip down on his fucking cocky mouth. Or wrap the whip around his fucking neck and see how long he could breathe that way. See if he can keep me away from her.

  It’ll catch up to them. Colin, Graves and Blake will all get theirs in due time. Matt’s bitch might even get to come along as well.

  Stupid girls. So unaware as they sit there laughing and drinking their coffee. I’m disappointed in Matthew and Colin. They really should be teaching their sluts to be more aware of their surroundings.

  I walked right behind them with sunglasses on without either of them so much as noticing me. This will almost be too easy. I could smell the fruity shampoo that blew into my senses from Gina’s hair in the breeze. So close. I turned to head towards the bar as they climbed into the Mercedes SUV that Gina’s rich Master put her in.

  Silver Mercedes. Nevada license plate LV169. Committed that to memory. The sluts always bring that one for their lunch and shopping trips. Usually alone. Except for Wednesday and today. But otherwise alone. It was a nice, safe vehicle to keep two slut subs safe. Perhaps. Be a shame to lose something so precious at the holidays. They’d learn. They’d all fucking learn.


  Friday, December 13th


  “Come on, Anth. The diamond guy is waiting.”

  All week Anthony and I have been anxiously waiting for Friday to get here. I can’t wait to see it around her neck. Tonight was going to be huge for the three of us. Anthony and I had been working all week on what we wanted to say to her tonight. There were things she needed to hear and understand.

  During our drive Anthony filled me in on his phone call with Sydney a little bit ago. This collar will be good for her. Anthony and I decided that we need to work with Sydney each day regarding the closet. She’s been trying so hard and can go in there with Anthony and I, but by herself still is a struggle.

  “Did you bring the play collar?” I asked Anthony as we got out of the car. Anthony pulled it from his pocket and rolled it up tighter. We brought it so we could attach the simple circle pendent we had made for it. We were still interested in using the play collar at Irons. It would give us something to tug on without worrying about breaking the necklace. Sydney reacts well to the play collar.

  We walked into the jewelry store and found Henry waiting at the front for us.

  “Ah, Mr. Everett and Mr. Graves. I’ve got your piece waiting. It’s beautiful. Come, come.” Henry smiled brightly and motioned for us to follow.

  We followed Henry back to the secured room and sat down. My hands were sweaty and my heart was racing. What the fuck was that about? Must be the love symptoms Anthony and Matt talk about. I loved Sydney. Of this, I was sure. I had never been surer of anything in my life.

  When Henry opened a velvet jewelry box, my vision became blurred. Holy fuck. I was afraid to touch it. Henry put on white gloves and picked up the necklace to show us. It was gorgeous and incredible. It was our collar for our girl. The platinum heart was bright, just like Sydney. It was perfectly sized. The blue diamonds were astounding. Loose, they looked incredible. But placed inside the heart was something completely different. Then the two rings were perfect. They were a darker metal with a lighter band going around them. Anthony and I were sitting there just staring at it.

  “Forgive me if I am stepping out of line, Mr. Everett and Mr. Graves, but the girl, SMB, is quite special to you both, yes?” Anthony and I both nodded and Henry smiled. “You see, this is a very special piece gentlemen. Quite possibly the most beautiful piece I have ever made. SMB’s heart is made of lustrous, delicate platinum. While the platinum is a softer metal, it’s gorgeous metal for a beautiful heart. Delicate, just like a heart. Her beautiful heart is extremely rare with the carat of rare blue diamonds. Indeed, such a beautiful, rare woman this SMB is. She needs to be cared for and cradled,” he pointed to Anthony and I. “Enter two capable of holding the precious heart. CGE and ADG are both made of solid, strong tungsten. It symbolizes everything strong and masculine. And at the core of these two protectors of the precious heart, is a streak of platinum. CGE and ADG ar
e both sturdy and strong to take the brunt of any damage, yet soft enough to match the needs to SMB.”

  This man instantly became my most recommended jeweler. I was blown away and speechless by what this older jewelry maker had accomplished. His explanation and delivery alone was amazing. Everything that Anthony and I felt for her, Henry captured in the necklace. No matter how heavy her heart was or how much she hurt, Anthony and I would be strong enough to hold her up.

  Henry flipped the heart over and at the apex, or hinge, of where it came together at the bottom, in a beautiful script were her initials. On the upper left arc on the back in the same script was “Sunshine” and the right said “Baby.” Henry turned it back over and those diamonds sparkled like her eyes. He picked up each of the bands that held the heart and the right one had my initials and the left ring had Anthony’s. Both rings were seamlessly attached to the platinum necklace. It was beyond words.

  “I know we talked about the platinum bands for the two rings, but I recalled our conversation about who you guys were making this for and how special she is to you. I know I said I thought the rings should be platinum to go with the platinum chain and heart. But then, it just looked like a manufactured piece out of a cabinet. The tungsten gave it character without pulling any attraction away from the heart. And I went out on a limb, hoping it would be okay to change to the tungsten.”

  “Henry, it’s absolutely perfect. I don’t even know what to say,” I said to him as I pried my eyes off the necklace to make eye contact with him. He worked hard on this to make it so personal and special.

  “Yeah, Henry. I have to admit that I’m blown away. It was hard to imagine all the different pieces and imagining how they’d all look when it was done. This is amazing. She’s going to flip.” Anthony loved it as much as I did. This was so perfect and I couldn’t wait for Anthony and I to put this around her neck.

  “I’m so happy you gentlemen are pleased with it. I will polish and box it for you. Here is the silver circle charm you wanted as well.”

  Anthony picked up the silver charm from the box and held it in his hand between the two of us. I knew Anthony was really excited over this because he really liked the play collar as well. Now, the play collar would be more personal. As Henry left to go polish the necklace and box it, Anthony pulled the play collar out and quickly attached it to the silver ring on the collar. He stared at it for a moment before looking up at me with a face splitting smile. I knew what he was feeling. He rolled the collar up and pushed it back in his pocket.

  I pulled my wallet out and got my credit card ready so Henry could take care of that aspect when he came back.

  “She’s going to love it, huh Anth?”

  “Fuck yeah. There will be tears. Happy tears.”

  Henry came back and opened the case to show us. Beautiful. He also set another small box down next to it. I looked up at him to ask what that was, but he beat me to it.

  “I had two small blue diamonds left after making the necklace. I went ahead and set them in matching platinum stud earrings.”

  He opened the box and two perfect blue diamond earrings sparkled up at us.

  “Henry, these are great. She will love these.” I felt the urge to share with him some more about Sydney. “Sydney didn’t have much. She had little more than the clothes on her back. I know she doesn’t have any earrings. Certainly nothing like these. These will make her smile. Thank you.”

  Henry laughed and nodded.

  “Good, I’m glad. I wasn’t sure if you gentlemen had your ears pierced. I didn’t want you two fighting over her earrings for your ears.”

  The three of us laughed pretty hard at the image of Anthony and I each wearing one of the earrings to match her necklace. Not happening. Thankfully our ears weren’t pierced.

  “For her ears only. We promise,” Anthony told Henry.

  Henry put the two boxes in a gift bag with his store’s logo on it and handed the bag to me.

  “Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure. Please let me know if I can do anything else for you.” Henry shook our hands and I slid my credit card across the table. He slid it right back.

  No, no, no. We weren’t doing this.

  “Henry, run the card.”

  He put his hands in the pockets and shook his head.

  “I have been a jewelry maker for my whole life. I grew up in Zurich in a family of jewelry makers. I watched my great grandfather, my grandfather, and my father make jewelry. We moved to America in the sixties. My parents opened a jewelry store and side by side, I made pieces with them and now I have my own store. I have never, ever made something like this. I never made anything that I knew as I crafted it, the pure importance and delicate meaning behind it. Just this piece. You saved my business a number of years ago, Mr. Everett. I could have very easily been put out of business back then. It was an absolute pleasure to craft this piece for your special SMB.”

  “Henry, please allow me to pay for it. I wouldn’t feel right.”

  “Nor would I, Mr. Everett. With this project, you reminded me why I make jewelry. It was truly an honor and a gift to make this.”

  I shook his hand again and we walked to the front of the store with him.

  “Ah, one more thing, Mr. Everett and Mr. Graves. A photo please. With your SMB wearing it.”

  “Consider it done. We’re giving it to her tonight. You will get your photo.”

  I held onto the bag while Anthony drove. I couldn’t believe he gave this to us. It was going to cost close to $15,000. I was ready and very wiling to pay for it.

  “That was incredibly nice of him.”

  “Yeah, thank God you and Matt smashed some guy’s head in a display case.”

  When we got home we put the play collar in the bag and I carried the bag under my suit jacket so she wouldn’t see it. We walked into the entryway and there was our girl, kneeling and greeting us with a smile. She was in for an incredible night. I knew she had a rough morning though, and she could really use some extra cuddling right now. I would make sure either Anthony or I would hold her for a bit.

  Matt and Gina were due over any minute for golf. While we golf, the girls were going to work on a grocery list of things to take to the cabin next weekend. Sydney looked like she was feeling better. Her stomach was bothering her this morning, and I nearly didn’t go in to work because I wanted to be home with her.

  “Baby, go upstairs with Anthony and get dressed. Gina and Matt will be here soon.”

  I gave Anthony a look making sure he knew to spend some time holding her when they got upstairs. I went down the hall and put the necklace, play collar and earrings in the safe and made it back to the great room just in time to let Matt and Gina in. I took Matt to the den to show him the necklace.

  “Fuck, Col. That’s really, really nice. You do realize that there’s a good chance she will pass out?”

  “I’m not worried. You’ll be there.” I slapped him on the back. “Anthony and I can’t wait, Matt.”

  “She’s got both of you. Lucky girl. Everything is all set at Irons. I’ve been talking with Blake all week.”

  My smile forced it’s way out. Anthony appeared in the doorway with his golf getup. I frowned when I saw him and shook my head. He had on his neon yellow shirt and gray golf shorts. The neon shirt had dark diamonds going across the chest.

  “The Charlie Brown look, Anth? Lets go outside and I’ll hold the football for you to kick,” Matt said, causing the three of us to laugh.

  “Alright, I guess that makes you Lucy.”

  We left the girls at the house and then took the golf cart over to the back nine. Anthony teed off first. The solid ping sound filled our immediate space, followed by Anthony swearing.

  “Get down goddamn you, ball!” Anthony swore as the golf ball sailed.

  Matt and I stood back, smiling. I felt so good today. Seeing that necklace and knowing that it will be around her neck this evening filled me with pride. Soon she would be bound to Anthony and I. The three of us would s
hare something tonight similar to what a couple shares with a traditional wedding ceremony.

  “Gina wants to come over tomorrow and help Sydney get ready for your Christmas party.”

  “Yeah, absolutely. Party starts at six. It should be a nice evening.”

  “So, which one of you will be holding her hand tomorrow?” Matt asked.

  Anthony and I had discussed this a little. Everyone at work knew I was somewhat involved with her. But I felt bad because Anthony was just as much a part of our V as I was. She was ours. She wasn’t just mine or just Anthony’s when it was convenient.

  “Colin will.” Anthony had come over to where Matt and I stood and dropped his club into the bag.

  “Anth, she’s ours. Not just mine.”

  He held his hand up. “Fuck, I know that. Most people at work know that you’re with her. You’re the one who talked to Dwayne and held her in the atrium when Howard came in. You held her in your office. Leslie knows. James and Mitch know. I’m sure the word has spread like wildfire and if it hasn’t, it will after tomorrow night. You’re holding her hand tomorrow night. It will be fine. We talked about this.”

  I left it at that and then Matt switched gears on us and started talking about Christmas for the girls.

  “Are you guys just about all set with your Christmas for her?”

  “Almost. Hey, do either of you remember if we had lights for the tree at the cabin? If not, we need to pack some. The tree is very important this year,” I quickly said as I tried to begin compiling a mental list of Christmas items.

  I started to find humor in what my mind was focusing on. My best friend and I were going to collar the one woman who brought our hearts to life, and I was keeping my mind busy with Christmas lights.


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