Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series Page 17

by Drew Sera

  “Col, relax. Gina and I will make sure we handle the Christmas decorations and the gift wrap.”

  The three of us went to the clubhouse after Matt beat us. Again. Matt was calm, whereas Anthony and I were brimming with excitement and nerves. Anthony was making me more nervous though because he kept rubbing his chest. Matt has assured me on numerous occasions that Anthony is healthy. We sat down and had some drinks to unwind a bit.

  “How are you two feeling? You’re about ready to collar Sydney in a few hours. It’s like you guys are getting married. Shit, I should have taken you guys out for one last night of crazy shit on the Strip.”

  The three of us laughed because we all knew that Anthony and I were way past that. I was forty-six and Anthony was forty, and neither of us cared about the last night as a bachelor. He and I lived the empty life for most of our young adult lives, and I was ready to give the one woman that I’ve ever loved everything under the sun. Matt knew this too.

  Anthony and I had never collared a sub. Until Sydney, none of the subs we played with were right for me. Or Anthony. They were perfectly nice women, but they weren’t the missing piece. Sydney is. Matt had collared Gina years ago, and she hasn’t lost her independence and he hasn’t lost his dominance over her either. They were deeply in love and would do anything for one another. Anthony and I felt that way about Sydney.

  “Honestly, I feel like a high school kid getting ready to take a girl to a dance. I’m eager and nervous. While I’ve seen many collaring ceremonies and parties, I’ve never thought that Anthony or I would be the center of one.”

  Matt nodded while he tilted his beer back. “I can’t express to you the feeling you two will have when you stand in front of her and place that necklace around her neck. Everything it symbolizes will hit you. I found myself very emotional when I collared Gina. You guys know she came from a shitty background like Sydney. Certainly not as rough as Sydney’s past, but it was still bad. The collar helped her so much. As I put it on her neck, I was overwhelmed with the emotion regarding how much trust she was putting in me. I wasn’t just watching over her as a sub for a scene or an evening. I was taking on the responsibility of her well-being and happiness for the rest of her life. And she put her faith in me. The three of you will have a great journey together. You’ll take care of her and she will take care of you two.”

  “We’re just getting started with Sydney. We have barely tapped into her kinky streak. There are still a lot of unknowns with her and what she can handle. That won’t change how I feel for her though,” I explained whole heartedly.

  Matt smiled and sipped his beer. “What came of her needs and wants? Are you guys good with them?”

  “She wrote down that she needed love, trust, honesty, security, physical contact, and for Col and I to feel confident and comfortable with exerting control over her. That was it.”

  Anthony and I talked to Matt a little bit on what we were going to say to her tonight. I knew that this would make a difference for Sydney. She needed this. As we headed back to the house, I was going over it in my head.

  We were meeting Matt and Gina at Vito’s but got held up by our fragile kitten’s sexy little mouth. As we sat waiting for our food, the three of us guys marveled at how easily Gina and Sydney conversed with one another. Sydney brought Gina out of her shell some, and Gina has been instrumental in helping Sydney. Sydney had been good for all of us.

  My mind was elsewhere during dinner. I think it was floating somewhere in Irons where Sydney would kneel before us to accept our collar. I have been to many formal and informal collaring ceremonies, and Anthony and I wanted ours to be simple and not formal or traditional. Anthony and I aren’t traditional Doms who force high protocol. Besides, what the three of us had certainly wasn’t traditional either.

  Matt couldn’t seem to keep the smile off his face during dinner, and Anthony kept his hand across Sydney’s shoulder and would skim her neck every now and then with his fingertips. She looked sexy. She was ours. Tonight, Anthony and I were making it official and known among our friends in the kink community.

  Sydney wore a sexy mid thigh black skirt with a black textured sleeveless top. Anthony and I both wore jeans and he had on a dark gray tee shirt while I wore a blazer and a long sleeved black button down shirt.

  I noticed as we walked towards the doors how crowded the parking lot was. When we entered the club lobby it was packed. We checked our jackets and were greeted by a handful of club members waiting to check their jackets or were waiting for their play partner.

  I started to head to the doors that separated the club from the lobby when Sydney stopped walking and stood firm in her spot.


  She looked up at me and then over to the corner of the lobby where Anthony and I would put the play collar on her. She really liked that play collar. It was so obvious to Anthony and I. I smiled at her and Anthony took hold of her chin.

  “Not tonight, sunshine.”

  Before too much disappointment could be seen on her face, Blake walked over with his two subs, Noah and Kelsie. Blake had a huge grin on his face, and his two subs welcomed us before they handed me a small black invitation that had silver leaf lettering. This was for us and read:

  Your attendance is requested in The Dungeon of Club Irons at 9pm December 13 to witness

  Colin Gage Everett and Anthony Davis Graves collar sydney morgan burke

  I stared at the invitation card, stunned. Mostly because I was seeing this in print. We were getting ready to collar Sydney. I had no idea Blake was going to this much trouble. I handed Anthony the notecard and loved watching the smile appear on his face. We couldn’t keep Sydney in the dark anymore, and I honestly thought she was going to cry when she found out that Anthony and I wouldn’t be putting the play collar on her tonight. Anthony handed Sydney the notecard and watched her face fill with love and pure happiness. In return, seeing her face warmed my heart beyond words.

  “Oh my God!” She covered her mouth with her hand and leaned against me. I engulfed her small frame in my arms, and Anthony placed his hand on her lower back.

  “Sydney, eyes baby.” She gave me her attention and again nearly melted my heart. “Baby, are you sure you want to go through with this and is this something you want?”

  “Yes! Without a doubt in my heart, yes! I will make you both proud.”

  “You’ve already done that, sunshine.” Anthony’s tone was quiet and soft. I wondered if emotions were starting to grab him.

  Gina and Kelsie took Sydney through the club doors to go get ready. My body was humming with anticipation and excitement as I made my way through the club. Matt slapped me on the back again.

  “Col, congrats again. She’s going to make you happy.”

  Anthony and I made it to the bar at a snails pace as we received many words of congratulations and best wishes from our peers. It was all sinking in for me now. Anthony looked happy, and I knew it was hitting him too. We both knew it was the right decision. I felt the box with her necklace resting in it firmly in my blazer over my heart. Which is right where Sydney belonged.

  Blake appeared again alongside his wife and both hugged Anthony and I. Blake’s hug lingered a bit longer with Anthony. For as long as Blake has known Anthony, he’s been very fatherly towards him. Anthony needed that and I think that if Blake hadn’t taken Anthony in and mentored him, who knows where Anthony would be? Blake, Matt, Anthony, and I stood around the bar and talked until it neared 9:00.

  “Well, are you gentlemen ready to claim your girl?” Blake asked with a hand on each of our shoulders.

  “Absolutely.” I handed Matt the box with the necklace before he headed down to the dungeon with Blake.

  Anthony and I stood in the bar alone. I was surprised how many people were going down to the dungeon to witness the collaring. No one was left on the floor with us.

  “Three months ago would you ever have thought we’d be doing this?”

  Anthony burst out laughing and shook his

  “No. Never would have crossed my mind. Back then, fragile kitten was a fantasy for you and I.”

  “Anth, thank you for being there from day one with her. We wouldn’t be where we are today with out you.”

  Anthony clammed up. He sometimes struggles with personal and emotional things except where Sydney was concerned. He was still struggling with telling Sydney he loved her, but he did an excellent job of showing her.

  “Thank you for trusting me to help her…and for giving me a chance to love her and be loved.”

  He playfully pounded his fist on my shoulder, and when he began to turn towards the dungeon, I grabbed him and pulled him into a quick hug. He and I were closer than brothers and ready to embark on something very special.

  “Let’s go get our fragile kitten, Anth.”

  I left my blazer upstairs in the bar and pulled off my shirt. I knew that collaring ceremonies are all very unique and they all vary as far as what is worn or isn’t worn. Anthony and I decided during the week that we’d do this shirtless. I was free of scars and marks, but Anthony had two recent healing wounds from Paul’s whip and the scar on his side with a sprinkling of cigarette burns around his belly button. Our hope was that Sydney would see that no matter what scars we had, it didn’t get in the way of love.

  Anthony and I made our way into the larger stall that had been set up for us. There was a heavy wooden table set up with three roses: two red and one white. No surprise that Blake had thought of everything. Off to the side, facing the table was Sydney. She was naked and kneeling in the “present” position. Suddenly I was very turned on. She was pushing fear and worry about her body to the side for Anthony and I. Here she was, kneeling naked in front of a room full of kinksters, waiting to be collared. She was ours and I was beginning to feel a rush of adrenaline pumping through my body.

  Blake and Matt were standing next to the table and Anthony and I took our places near them. I kept my eyes glued to Sydney as Blake spoke and welcomed our friends. I wanted to make sure that I could see her reaction to everything. Blake looked out towards the crowd and the voices died down.

  “Colin and Anthony, each of you take a red rose. Friends, the red roses represent their dominance. You will notice they are fully open to symbolize that they have both opened their hearts and are mature enough to accept responsibility for their submissive, Sydney.” Blake began.

  Matt walked over to Sydney with the white rose and crouched down in front of her. He placed the rose in one of her hands, pulled her other hand to hold the stem graciously and then resumed his spot beside Blake.

  “The white rose has not fully bloomed. While this white rose symbolizes the purity in her submission, it also shows that she is not yet to her full potential. Gentlemen…”

  I knew that was my queue to begin. Anthony and I each had come up with a few things we felt were crucial for Sydney to hear and understand.

  “Eyes, baby.” I smiled when those pretty blues sparkled at me. “Our collar signifies many things in our special relationship. It signifies submission, promises, and above all, love.”

  As Anthony began, her eyes shifted to his. “By accepting our collar, you are accepting and trusting that Colin and I will take care of your needs. We promise to push you and your limits without pushing you too far and will encourage your growth.”

  “We promise to hold you and make sure that you feel loved, cherished, and that you hear positive, encouraging words of each day,” I said to her.

  “We will never do anything to harm you or tarnish the trust you have placed in us. Colin and I will help you heal and reverse the damage caused by those before us.”

  “Anthony and I will make sure that you always have strong shoulders to lean on and protective arms to cuddle up to at night.”

  “We will calm your body when it shakes and comfort your heart when you wake up from nightmares. We will give you pleasure, but will also take it.” This generated some quiet laughs and chuckles from our guests.

  “We will build your confidence and nurture your kinky streak. Anthony and I will take care of your mind, body, and heart.”

  “By accepting our collar, you are also accepting that as your Doms, Colin and I are the source of pleasure and pain. You will never be punished or played with in anger.”

  “We will not forget or take lightly the responsibility that we have taken on. We will use the upmost care and caution with decisions that affect you. We realize that you are placing your life in our hands.”

  Sydney was smiling at Anthony and I, and her eyes expressed how happy she was. I had tuned everyone else out but the three of us. She looked beautiful and took my breath away. She was also making my dick hard without even touching me. Blake spoke up again.

  “Love, is giving a Dom the power to destroy you but trusting him not to.”

  Blake must have made a gesture to Sydney because she looked over at him and then gave us a smile.

  “Sirs, I know that I have a ways to go, but I’ll work hard under your experienced and loving hands. I wish to give you everything that I am and submit to your guidance. I willingly submit my mind, body, heart, and soul to both of you, and I trust you with every breath of air.”

  Hearing her commitment in front of our friends was heart warming and made me so damn proud of her.

  “Gentlemen, if you would gather your girl,” Blake instructed.

  While holding each of our roses, we each took hold of Sydney’s upper arm and helped her stand. I hoped she’d be okay standing there so exposed. She had a lot of marks on her body and I know how self conscious she is.

  “Colin, set your rose down on the wire. Sydney, put yours on Colin’s. Anthony, set yours on top of Sydney’s. Sydney, resume your kneeling position. Matthew, the collar.”

  Blake was binding the roses together with the wire while Matt brought the box over and put it in Anthony’s hand.

  “Words can’t describe what Colin and I feel for you.” Anthony opened up the box. “So we had this made for you.” Sydney’s eyes widened when she saw the collar.

  “Baby, this is a very special necklace. To some it appears to be just a necklace. To the three of us and our friends, it represents something special. A collar. The heart is made of platinum. The diamonds are rare natural blue diamonds. This collar represents us and you’re the heart, baby. A rare find. Delicate, but strong at the core.”

  I paused because I wanted Anthony to tell part of the story behind this collar. He cleared his throat before speaking and I glanced at him. Was tough guy Anthony getting knocked down by emotion?

  “Your delicate and rare heart needs to be cared for - loved, cherished and protected. These two rings represent Colin and I. The rings a made of strong tungsten and they each have a streak of soft platinum in them as well. Strong enough to protect you and soft enough to care for you.”

  Tears were running down Sydney’s face, but I could tell the joy was there. I reached for the heart of the necklace and held it in my palm. I heard Anthony quietly whisper “sunshine.” He wanted to touch her. Whenever Sydney cries or a tear falls, Anthony is there for her.

  “Baby, remember when Anthony and I explained how a relationship like ours would work? About you being the hinge of our V?” She replied with a ‘yes, Sir’, nodded, and then Anthony turned the heart over in my palm. “Your initials are on the hinge of the heart.”

  “On the side that says ‘baby’ my ring is attached. See…my initials are in here.” I held up my ring so she could see the engraving.

  “And ‘sunshine’ is attached to my ring with my initials.” Anthony held up his ring.

  I set the necklace back in the box and smoothed it out. I wanted her to see it flat as I explained the next part to her.

  “Sydney, Anthony and I attach to the chain because we didn’t want your heart to ever be bound by another chain.”

  She looked at the necklace, and her eyes held the two rings that attached to the chain to keep her heart free from it. She completely broke
down and Anthony and I both crouched down in front of her. I smoothed her hair and smiled at her while Anthony took the necklace from the box.

  “Sydney, this collar symbolizes our promise to protect, love, and care for you. Will you accept our collar and promises?” I asked her.

  “Yes!” She let out that sweet sounding soft laugh mixed with her quivering, but happy voice. “Yes, Sirs!”

  She was shaking now. It was emotional as Matt promised it would be. I noticed when Anthony undid the clasp that his hands were somewhat shaky as well. He handed me one end of the necklace while he kept the other. We draped it around her neck and clasped the two ends together in the back. She was ours.

  Anthony and I helped her stand, and then we both wrapped her up in our arms between us. We shared a private moment and I was completely lost to anything else going on around us. I had one hand on Sydney’s back and the other stretched across her and wrapped around Anthony’s neck. While we were together in our private embrace, I whispered that I loved them both. It was a declaration unlike anything I’ve ever made before. We had a very special, unconventional relationship, and I would pour everything I had into the two of them.

  While in our embrace, Anthony pulled the play collar out of his pocket and held it out for Sydney to see. Her eyes lit up and a huge smiled spread across her face.

  “The play collar! Is it…is it mine?”

  Anthony and I exchanged looks. Sydney loved the play collar as much as Anthony did. I knew Anthony liked it because it was sturdy enough that he could pull and tug on it without it breaking. Sydney apparently loved being in the collar while Anthony got a little rough by grabbing it. I know she feels safe with Anthony and I, otherwise she’d be terrified of him grabbing the collar. Anthony put the collar in her hands and held the silver charm in his hand so she could see it.

  “This says it’s yours, sunshine.”

  Sydney’s eyes widened with her smile when she saw that my initials and Anthony’s initials were on one side of the charm and on the reverse side it said “Ours.” Sydney held it tightly in her hands as if she’d never let go of it.


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